LIFE ' DIE'BONM AWARDS AT RECOGNmON ASSEDLY New Trier Stadenta Alao Form. .Jiy ReceiYe B·t of CoL CharleaA.I.iD6eqh PRIMARY ELEcTION, APRiL· 10, 1928 SPECIMEN REPUBUC.AN PRIMARY BALLOT 7th Senatorial District lOth Congreuional Diatrict Strong favorable public opinion to-. The entire student body of New ward the proposed combined special. Trier High school gathered in the au- FOB PBESIDENT OF THE JlO& BEPBE8Eli'TA.TlVB FOB 8TA.TE8 A.TTOBIBY assessment and ·condemnation pro-· UNITED STATES IN CONG&E88 FOB THE COUNTY OP ceedings for the opening of Country, ditorium of the school last Friday for lttla DISTBICT COOK the purpose of participating in the D Fraak 0. Lowdea road through the block south of West. (Vote for Oae) (Vote for Oae) (Vote for Oae) "recognition" assembly, at which more Kenilworth avenue and west of the ~ tracks, connecting with West Ra~lroa~ than one hundred students received FOB UNITED STATES D C.l R. Claiadblom 0 Rol.ert E. Crowe avenue on a ·direct · line with East' awards for scholarship, athletics and SENATOB . D Samael 8.71 ·WeclulerO Mazwell Luclia Kenilworth avenue and the widening; membership in T. N. 'T., New Trier (To Fill VaeaaeJ Ca·sed ltJ' · the Besl·na&loa of tlae D J. E. Vaaderlip · D Jolua A. Swaaaoa extending and paving of ~enilworth, society for those who have achieved Frank L. 8mltll 0 Lealie Scott Lowdea portions of Sixteenth street, Ashland distinction in several school activities, ·Boaorialtle (Vote for Oae) FOB SHEBIFF OF THE ayenue a!ld Gle'!n4enning .road,. coinand the winners of the Tencher prize D Otis F. Gleaa COUNTY OF COOK Cldent With a Similar proJect 10 the . were announced. The awards FO~oSJ.:.'f.lTE~~~BAL (To FlU vaeaae7 Ca·ad Wilmette portions of these streets, 0 Fraak L Smith ReceiYe "Liad7" Bast ltth DISTBICT by a.e Fall·re to Q..Uf7 was expa·essed at the public hearing The bust of Col. Lindbergh, toward FOB .GOVEBNOB (Vote for Oae) Thro·gh Deatll of tile Boa· held by the Kenilworth Board of Lo- · the acquisition of .which the entire (Vote for Oae) orahle P. l. Carr) cal Improvements last Monday night. school has been working and which 0 Louis L. Emmeraoa D Leonard A. Braadqe (Vole for Oae) The project includes the taking of will be mounted in the new gym0 Adelbert B. Meaaer D Charla E. Gra,.doa the necessary land by condemnation D Len Small nasium, was displayed. The bust is· William M. Brenna 0 George H W eideU... for the making of the improvement. one of the two busts of himself that FOR LIEUTENANT D · It does not include the taking of all of GOVE&NOB the Lone Eagle has approved. the land in the block involved but on(Vote for Oae) The William K. Tencher memorial FOB BEPBESENTATIVE FOB BECOBDEB OP ly that portion that is necessary for D Theo. D. Smith DEEDS FOB THE award, presented by Mr. and Mrs. R. IN GENEBAL ASSEMBLY street purposes. It will mean the conCOUNTY OF COOK 2tll D18TBICT Tencher of 828 Ashland avenue, Wil- D Fred E. Sterliaa deming of all of the Village garage. (Vole for Oae) (Vole for Oae, Two or mette, in memory of their son, a New owned by Axel Anderson ; all of the . Tllree) FOB SECBETABY OF Trier graduate in 1922, who was killed 0 Jolua W. Jaraaowaki C. A. Thorsen residence; a part of the STATE at Princeton in 1924, was awarded. 0 Lewia B. SpriD·er Kenilworth garage and a part of the (V~te for Oae) The award is made to the student who 0 William J. Stratton 0 William F. Propper PO& CLEBK OF THE Public Stables. It is estimated that excells in American history and this cost of laying the pavement-not D Charlea F. w. Fo..ber. CIBCUIT COURT FOB the year was presented to George Saxton, 0 Charla W. Vail William W Ward THE COUNTY OF COOK including the cost of· the land condemned-would be around $40,000. Richard Wilcox taking second place. 0 Rolaert E. Geabel D . (Vote for Oae) · Ma,. Alter Rail Croaaiq This is the second year· of the award-· 0 Carl F. MueUer 0 Lero,. A. Zaleaki 0 Thomu 0. Wallace If the project is carried out, it is ing of the prize. FOB AUDITOR OF PUBLicO Jolua T. Emei'J' 0 E Gelua thought probable that Coventry road Elected to T. N. T. ACCOUNTS D Jamea 0. Kooatz ~ · be extended across the Eight seniors and twelve juniors D Arthar L Brecl&eld O Frederic J. Luettach would (Vote for One) tracks so as to·· connect with East were made members of the T. N. T. 0 He~ L. Blim . Kenilworth avenue. In that event the society. The students were chosen by 0 Oacar Nels~n · FOB CLERK OF THE present crossing over the railroad faculty and students as the most out- D James H. Rachmoad O R OJ' C · L o b atem SUPEBIOR COUBT FOB standing in school activities. They are FOR STATE TREASUBEBO Joseph N. Mumiq THE COUNTY OF COOK would be abandoned and closed. The hearing on the project last as follows: (JVoteB for Oae) D Alma Wilmarth lckea (Vole for Oae) Monday night was the outgrowth of Juniors-Faith Burge, Martha Etzbach I · 0 Samuel E. Ericluoa a petition by a large precentage of Mary Forrest, Elizabeth Kelly Mary D · · rown Elizabeth Parker, Margaret 'Gordon D Omer N. Custer the residents involved requesting the FOB MEMBERS SENA· 0 Herbert V. Juul George Cogswell, William Gibson, Hunte; Village board to take the necessary FOB ATTOBNEY TOBIAL COMMITTEE 0 Samael Geuler Hicks, Morris Nelson, Way Thompson, action to bring about its completion. G·E NERAL 2th DISTBICT and Arthur Wienecke ; seniors-Dorcas At the meeting Monday, which was (Vote for Oae) (Vote for Three) 0 James R. Howe Branson, Margaret Hubsch, Frances McConnell, Inez Webster. John Iliff, Preston largely attended, practically no objec0 Oscar E. Carlstrom 0 Charles J. HaaleJ' Read, Elmer Rich, and Stoddard Small. tion was offered to the project and a . 0 C. C. Carnalaaa FOR COBONEB FOB THE large majority of the people present The following students, the upper 0 John Dailey COUNTY OF COOK ten percent of boys and girls of the FOR BEPRESENTATIVEO G. A. Bohlaader were in favor of the plans. It was (Vote for Oae) senior class in scholastic standing, brought out that the greater part of IN CONGRESS STATE AT LABGE 0 L J. Lafond 0 Oscar Wollf were made members of the Honor sothe burden of the assessment would ciety: (Vote for Two) 0 Hqo c. Faaher be borne by the remaining property in Adelia Barron, Adelaide Childs, Helen 0 Walter H. Wood Block 36 and the Golf club subdiviF()R TRUSTEES FOB THE Gates, Margaret Gillson, A vis Grant R" h d Y t SANITABY DISTBICT OF sion. Theo Hirsch, Margaret Huddle, France~ D Jonas, Hulda Kuhn, Mary Lannen, Anna TAmer, Barbara Lawson, Jane Philbrick, Florence Taylor, Inez Webster, Nellie Well, Howard Bleser, Conrad Daniels VIctor Deinlein, Frank Gilchrist, Robert Harper, Haydn Jones, Wallace Miller Clarke Munn, Edward Patek, George Pat: tlson, Stoddard Small, Dean Vall, Arthur Van Deursen, Peter Wagner, David Wagner, and Richard Younker. Take No De&aite Actioa 0 Charlea R. Harria FULL TEBJI BOABD OF ASSESSOBS No definite action was taken by the (Vote for Three) OF THE COUNTY OF board, however, due to the absence of D Rath Hanna McCormick COOK several members of the board and the O W. H. H. Mmer D Oscar F. Nelson (Vole for Oae) lack of a necessary quorum. 0 HeDI'J' R. Rathhone D Morris Eller 0 Euaene L Nauer D A. T. SpiYq D William S. Finacane 0 Arthur w. SaUiYan Re-nominate Kenilworth 0 Joha T. Wood D Claarlea W. Coil Board Members for Posta FOB DELEGATES TOO Claarlea A. Waraer FOB ME:MBEB OF THE Edwia Howard Weast BOARD OF BEVIEW OF · !rHE COUNTY OF COOK Enaeat Saebold (Vote for Oae) William F. Cle& Bernard P. Barua William J. Heal,. Edward R. Litaia·er Jolua H. Glenn H---..11 W. Elmore --~ FOB COUNTY SUBVEY· Edwia R. Wriaht OB FOB THE COUNTY J J S "tla OF COOK ames · ma (Vote for Oae) ac ar a es CHICAGO FOR MEllBEB OF THE Vivette Count and Beulah Duselle, not eligible for membership in the so- NATIONAL NOJIINATINGO CONVENTION ciety because of their residence in anlttla DISTBICT D other township, but whose grades (Vote for Two) 0 would otherwise have earned for them 0 the coveted award, received honorable 0 Ecl&ar J. Cook mention. 0 J. Lewis Coath D Award Athletic Emblem The following students received basketball emblems: heavyweights, Captain John Sheldon, Captain-elect Morris Nel80n, Wallace Miller, Charles Markley, Stephen Plowman, Way Thompson, G e o r g e Pattison, H e n r y Hoffman, Steve Harwood and Ben Richards· lightweights, Captahi Stanley Smith: Captain-elect George Saxton, Linus S'mith, Carlton Thorsen, Bob Nord. William Reed, Fred Damaski, Robert McLean : freshman-sophomore, Tom Hicks, Marshall Ling, Edward Cullen, Richard Schuettge, Carlton Schroeder. Members of the swimimng team who were awarded emblems were: Captain Laurin Bennett, Charles Rogers, Robert Joy, Preston Read,· Elmer Rich, Don Granstrom, Ernest Enchelmayer, Norman Boos, Charles Lamer, Norman Granstrom, William Sprenger, Dick Barnard, J'ack Dru881ng, and Robert King. Special letters were gi\'en to the managers of the two teams: Leonard Kraft In .basketball, and Alan .,:cNaughton In swimming. . The final award went to the cheerleaders - John lUff, head cheer-leader, Sam Koore, Geoi'Jfe Cogswell, Charles 8o~thwan1, and Robert Sanderson. 0 D 0 Geor·e B. D.-,.clen 0 Jolm M. Glenn D Howard P. SaYqe 0 Charles M. Moderwell D 0 O D D D FOB TBUSTEE FOB TBEO Fred Norlin FOB ALTERNATE DELE· SANITABY DISTBICT OF0 William Kramer GATES TO NATIONAL CHICAGO NOJONATING CONVENTION (To Fill Vaeaae7 Ca··· ·~ tile Dea" of tile Boaoraltle FOB PBECINCT -COM· lltll DISTBICT George H·ll Porter) JIITTEEKAN <Vote for Two) (Vote for Oae) (Vole for Oae) Aahhel Smith Arthur B. Adair, George R. Benson, and John L. Wilds, three Kenilworth village trU'.;tees, whose terms of office expire this 1ear, have been nominated for re-election to succeed themselves. In each instance the term of office is for two years. The election will be held April 17. Wendell H. Clark has been chosen as candidate for village clerk to fill the vacancy caused by expiration of the term of Clive J. Taylor, present clerk, who has declined to run for reelection. v. To Hold School Board Electioaa on Aprill4 The annual school board elections for the Kenilworth and Wilmette public schools and New Trier High school will be held on Saturday, April 14. The candidates are as follows : Kenil· worth school board-president, A. T. Mcintosh; members, Harry Weese and Miss Barbara Erwin; Wilmette school board-president, Enoch Steen : members, Henry C. Cutler and Ralph R. Furham; New Trier Hiah schOol board-board members, Jesse H...,. D. Capitaia Georp J. Pope . 0 D Edward F. Moore W · .S. Faller O'Caadidatea differ each District. iD I~ presenting this Specimen Ballot for the Republican Primary Election Tuesday, April 10, WILMETTE LIFE does not attempt to mark your ballot for you. It is your duty and privilege to chooae your candidates and to c:JOte. Study the ballot carefully. Pick IIJ.en and women who you feel are qualified for tbe oftice they seek. Mark the .ballot and. take it ·ith you .to the polls.. . ~ , ~ . . .. Gathercoal ~ - lira.. Gecqe~. . -'ii;AII~: