One of the bigeat dn~tl ~ . T.... fl F.--OM P-. No Kan's Land il now ander way. _.. ,Ia··· ,_ ILWork has been started on two more Faala1a New a.i:ktw:. interesting adclitioas to the IP'ODP of Spanish style structures. One Will be With a total of 41 permits for builda 233 foot long two stOry business iap of vario1t1 kinds, including foqr· teen for new residences ; a like number block on the north side of Spanish for private garages; seven for acJdi:. court. It is 310 feet west of Sheridan tions and alterations and six for road and extends west to loth street. business . and commercial builclinp. wlitiliw. ............... .c~~ It is across from the Teatro del tago, Wilaaette witnessed during the month the CastiDian cinema which Is draw- of Karch the beginning of not only the in... film faas' from ...-:-:ni.... suburbs, greatest variety of activity it has seen -e ...,v· ..... for 'SeVeral _years, but with a pand despite their an..--. antipathy to the total of $295,315, breaking all former tiny orphan community. Karch records. Edwin K £lark: has desipect a The cost of the fourteen residences structure, the main architectural fea- is pen as $1)6.350; the fourteen priture of which is a belfry. There'll vate garages, $5,915; the seven addibe a bell. which may be used as a cur- tions and alterations, $6,250; the sis few for IC~Iworth and Wilmette business and commercial buildinp. reaidebb~ who stay up after 9 p. m. $76.1110. The uild~l will have stores o~ t~e During the month of :March a year first 8oor · ancl. 011e, t~. th~ and .p, there were only twelve permit· four room . ,lritehen.te ~·aJ-:"ga~ts Issued. atl·of which were for residences, ~bove. There II be ~· fi~ car· ~*rARe anlt the tOtal cost of which was only an ~he rear. · ~he exteno~ wfll be of $1",500. far 'less than one-half that ol whate stucco wath ~ . red tale roof. this year. Around the comer, ·on lOth street, .· · rl ..aee P-..ib a .t·hree ltory apartment bUilding · is Those to whom permits were issued bemg erected, also along Spanish lines. for new residences and the cost of the . It'll have a dozen ·five room suites. same follow: Phone 1420 The tC?tal investment in the two strucR. J. Kroschell, 2 storv brick veneer. tures 1s placed at $.100,(0). The syndi- 224 Eict'hteenth street, $10,000. Wilmette Sheridan cate erecting these buildings is repreA S. Hecht. brick~ in Kenilworth sented by Ayres Boal and H. C. Ed- Gardens. $15.500. munds. . · Max Feiges, stucco on tile. IOZS 2671 Road ------'-Sh~ridan road, $24.~. N. Shore Jloud Offen Aid C. Hartman. brick, 111 Central Park ~ _,__._. avenue. S8)50. ror nuna a Fair Ia 1133 D. J. Hartnett. frame bungalow, 611 Reakors of the North Shore Real Harvard $treet, $5,.,. we know. Estate Board at their Karch meeting W. R. Knupfer, cinder block and ~=======~===============~~~;;:::===:=:::!lheld at the Glenpbles Tea Room in stucco. 127 Laurel, $21.000. ;;;; Glen~oe gave evidence of their ag.. Wm. R. Gaines. frame, 2812 Blackgressaveness when they discussed the hawk road, $15,000. plans for the World's fair to be held in B. R. SimP'SOn, frame, 2202 Elmwood ~icqo in 1933 and reached a deci- avenue, $2.500. saon that the Board will assist in any D. F. ·Wiley, brick and stucco, 1174 way possibl~ to ~ke t~e !air a big Michigan avenue, $38,000. success. Wath thas end m vaew PresiArthur Lee, bajck, 3529 Forest avedent Lewis T. Dodds wiD write a letter nue. $12,(0). to the committee in charge of the fair William 11. McKnight, brick veneer, offering the support and assistance of 1041 Seminole avenue, $18,000. the Board. Morley Halverson, brick veneer, 1040 dmce Dhr high and 1n11110ar Ia oae of the bat locations in The steady increase in membership Seminole avenue, $15,000. achooll. aad Davis Stnet tmllE··tCqD oa qaiet sicle-·t~tt of the Board continues and the anC. W. Johnson, brick veneer, Garriportatioa. Coraer lot ( 70Z· betweaa Sbaiclaa Rd. aad Or· nouncement is made by the secretary son avenue, $10,500. too) baa fatale value riaatoa AYe.. do. to Royce· that the fC?IIowi~g were voted upon for · C. W. Johnsop. brick veneer, 107 iD cue of re-zoaiaa. Hip· IliON ·d OrriaatoD ICbooJI, membershap subJect to the approval of Garrison avenue, $10,500. aacl witbia liaht of the Lake, . ande raic:lmtial eaYiroameat. the membership committee: Active- Those to whom permits were issued Price jut nclically mlucecl to aa attractive srna-100111 rai· Art.hur Lee (Arthur Lee); Active As- for commercial buildings and the cost S2I,OOO. cleau. Has 10atb front. .f socaate-Charles I. Pennoyer (Hill and of the same, follow: cbamben. 3 batbl.· 2-car aa· Stone) ; Robert G.. ~nspach (H. a.nd H. C. Schultz, brick, fur storage and On Liacoln St., foar blocks raae, ··· pordl. aacl oil barD· R. Anspach); J. Wall1s Jackson, (Balls press room, 1209 Wa'3hington avenue, from Central Stilet StatioRealty Inc.); ~aul Hardman (Paul $2.000. er. lut radically mlacecl to aD attnctive, 8-room, 1t11cco S3o,ooo. Hardman); Aftibatecl- Paul M. Deitz Harry A. Dornbas, one story brick raic:leacc with 2 baths. oil (Dtaerfield State Bank). store building, 409, 411, 413 Linden bamer. aad aan.e. Jast reFine 8-room. brick aaicleace T~e .recently formed Wilmette Chapavenue. ~,000. duced to S2o,ooo. with 3 batbl. bia yanl. ma1· ter 1t as reported has made a successPhillip State bank, trustee, brick aiicnt liYia1 IOOID, 2.f fat ful start and the following committees store building, 340, 342 -Linden avenue, Cbarmiaa Eaalish cottage· ...... : pap. North EYautoa, have been appointed: $6,000. · brick. thoroashiY modena. 6 aar railroacl ·· ..L." Jut Civic-H. H. Brown, chairman; Jack Kraus Oeaning Works, third ftoor, I'OOIIll, 3 bednu., tiled porch. a~ady rcdaccd for quick ale Schaefer, A. R. Eddington, G. H. John1215 Washington, $15,000. baraer, 1anae. Nice woocltd oil to S2.f,500. Uaac:tllcd value. ston, A. R. Tighe. Publicity-A. J. A. C. Wolff, 2nd and 3rd floor apartlot 50Z150, in well atablilhed, Aar fair unu. Mouat, chairman; Jane G. McDowell, ments, 1111-1121 Central avenue, $32,hiab 1nde, North Evanston loR. H. Flaherty. Program-A. J. Wood- 000. . ExaptionaiiJ well arnngrd. cality. Lea than replacement C9Ck, chairman; L. N. Place, M. L. F. 0. Nelsen, tile and stucco show ct.rfal. 8-room, 2-batb rai· value at S 18.soo. Olson. room and office, $18,000. T"- fu. ~xctptioi'HII values ·~ till olln-td tzdruiwly by thil o#it:e. _W ~ will bt gl11d to gitJe loc11tion tmd further informtllion upon rrqutat. J rat ttlll GrHtJINI 16 1 7. B .UtJ;,t· Goi· Utl i· *N M··~·la u.,.., .................. ... ···. I...... ........................ .... .. .. .... I TIGHE Co. Unusual Values in North Shore Homes ··ncl 2nd M0RTGAGE LOANS We JUke loaaa for npaia. impmYements. CODitniCtion, nlwancia1 or parcha. of impmYtd raiclmtial propeltJ. Thae IOUJ an be npaid ia CODYenient aoathly i..U..ena in ·· 2, or 3 yean. Onr npre· ltlltatiYe will be platecl to pye co·plete information. a.t opea adl I o'clock Satanlay ueaiwp. WILSIIORE BOND 1: MORTGAGE CO. 11 so Wilaette AYe·· Vilb~t Tbatre Biela- Phoae WiL 21,1 I : ·