.... .. .... UnUmited fonda for inveltllaeaJ: ;~ in CODiel'ftd . ·Real Estate , Loans .at 5~o/o VVe represent· the Prudential Insurance Company of America REAL ESTATE LOAN DEPI'. LOA II Photos b7 Rq. Here are some views of the interior of the spacious new offices of John F. Hahn, Inc., in the new $400,000 Hahn building. The picture at the top, left, shows the sales department. At the tOP,, right, is Garfield Anderson, -.icepresident, at his desk in his private office. John F. Hahn, president of the firm, is seen at his desk in the picture at the bottom, right, and a snap of the loans and insurance department and the cashier's cage is shown at the left. A. New Hahn Quarters Inspire Big Boost in Firm's Business After moving into one of the finest real estate offices of its size anywhere in the metropolitan district, John F. Hahn, Inc., experienced a decided stimulus in its business and boosted its last month's sales total to ·within striking distance of the half million mark. The Hahn organization moved into its new quarters a little over two weeks ago after occupying temporary quarters in the Chur.ch street building for nearly a year while the Hahn building was under construction. The new offices have fully 50% more floor space than the old and all departments ·have been much more efficiently arranged. The renting and sales departments occupy the south half of the office, while the north half is given over to the insurance and loan departments and the cashier. The Hahn office occupies half of the Sherman avenue frontage of the new $400,000 building and uses nearly 3,000 feet of space. It is finished through- out with walnut woodwork and antique ivory walls. The ceiling and column capitals are decorated in modified baroque. There are six private offices in the new establishment. Four · of them are occupied by the officials of .the firm, John F. Hahn, president; Garfield Anderson, vice president ; William S. COchran, secretary, at;~d Emil R. Zillman, treasurer. One is used as a conference room and .one as the auditor's room. All the private offices are furnished with walnut desks and attractive leather upholstered chairs. The reception lobby is provided with similar chairs. The office is equipped throughout with the latest devices for the rapid and efficient handling of business. AU of the equipment is new and fully adapted for rendering the be'st service to the -customers of the firm. One of the spedal equipment features is the Dictograph system of inter-communication. One of the dictograph units is within the reach of every person in the office. Three master stations in the offices of the president, vice president and secretary, are equipped with loud speaking devices so that the use of a receiver or transmitter is not necess~ry. NEW BRICK c ·oLONI.AL. East Location - Near Lake on Large Beautifully LandscaPed Lot This beautiful home has large living and dining rooms, breakfast room and solarium. · Fear large bedrooms. sleeping porch, two baths and attic space for maid's suite. · All the latest features ar' .incorporated in this home, including beautiful decorations throughout. Electric refrigeration. · Hot Water Heat, Oil Fuel. Kitchen is equipped with llg Ventilation. Two car garage. $35,000- Terms can be arranged t LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US Twelve Nonb Shore properties were sold by as in MaKb. We have other clients wanting to bayGillf ua fJOIU. lUling t Best Bargain in Winnetka Best Bargain on the North Shore Crosby & McKendry 566 ALLES' SUNSET ACRES Sunut. Glendale. Willow and Locust Roads Never apia will yoa bt able to secare large. m!ricttd lots. so close to cmter of Winnetka. and at sacb reasonable pncn. Telephone Winnetka 2032 Center St. Winnetka p . . . Wilaetta 7G-J Olioe oa P·opel't)' 1 - Willow Road or coasalt yopr broker