Ancient Apotheeariei! r A W ·derful Aaeptic e f e In the old days when James the Once ruled England along in the years around 1600, or thereabouts, us Apothecaries and Grocers were undistinguishable ! It was not until 1617 that those two groups of tradesmen decided to. separate and form TWO bodies and travel along individual paths! During this same period-just to show you ho\v times have changed-Surgeons and Barbers were undistinguishable! ! Think of THAT once! In those old days an Apothecary was entitled to attend the sick and ad.n1inister treatment and medicine too. After a spell of this the Physicians gotta feeling that they were getting the tarry end of the stick so they got their beans together and hired a press agent, a good Ia wyer and a couple of Congresstnen-or whatever they HAD in those days-and bydern they just STOPPED this habit of having- an ordinary Apothecary do doctoring! And NOW look where we are ! ! We sure have pro-! was GOING to say "progressed" but it sorta sounded like boasting so I'm going to leave it to YOU folks out in front about where we stand TODAY! Gene Those mean little headaches disappear at once and you are free to take· up the day's tasks with vigor if you take two teaspoonfuls of Epsom Salt dissolved in a glass of cold water each morning. KleiUIO Liquid. Aatiseptic is a scientific preparation for combating germs in the mouth, teeth, gums, throat, nose and mucous surface. It is a valuable aid in the treatment of pyorrhea. SOc l..aqe Si.e Bottle lleazo Tootllpute SOc size week 25c ODe Poaad Coataiaer 39c Milk of Lpesia, hD pQat .. Reaaeclrar'1 ~ Wilmette, IWaoia .... 39c Renneekar'a · Phona 28-29 Oaly One Store Central and Wilmette Avea. Wilmette, llliaoia Just See What You Get in the MBw EAsY· I. No more~ no chance to catch fingers. 2. No hroken buttons I~ 7. Now you can wash and dry pmowa without removing feathera. 8. Does two things at once - wuhea and damp-dries. sewing. 3. No pails of water lift. ed « carried to empty the Easy- saves your hack. 4. Washing capacity adjutahle for am all loada. 5. Water whisked out of a whole hatch of dothea ·at once. I. New dry - tub leaves clothes evealy damp; hema will not ..... 9. Cab time in half. 10. Sist:eea doahle sheets at .ce-eight in wash tub and ei1ht in the dry tuh. Wear modish jewels to match your Easter Frock! Never have jewels been so popular as today. Easter is sure to reveal them in profusionlending a much-needed touch of elegance to modem frocks ofsimple line and tone. Why not complete the charm of ""'" Easter costume, by selecting from our wide showing of precious and semi-precious stones mounted in platinum and white gold? Prices ._.eel II. Heats ita own water. 12. No worr'l about oiling automatically clone. are most reaKlnable. quality considered. AnAMs ELECTRIC SHoP 525 FOURTH ST. PHONE WIL. I DOMINIC I'AGLIAR.ULO. 1040 ··"w...a.Aw. IJ . . . . . , , ....._..._.··'· _ ........ I_,_ II O,.,W.