Ventilate Your Kitchen with an ILGAIR Electric Ventilator Nothing you have ever dreamed of will add so much to your pleasures of housekeeping as an ILGAIR Electric Ventilator installed in your kitcbtn for rtmoving those objectionable cooking odors and greasy fumes that trail through your home and soil your woodwork, furniture and drcorations. With an ILGAIR Electric Ventilator in your kitchen you can cook corned beef and cabbage, fish. fried cakes, onions-anything you likewithout the slightest suggestion of cookery passing the kitchen door. Your guests won't even suspect thtre's a dinntr on the stove. Every room in your apartment or home will . bt d.eantr and more inviting. Tbt atmosphere is pure, fresh and invigorating in any kind of weatherWinter or Summer. · This compact, quiet-running exhaust fan made by ILG is now designed for quick and easy installation in any sliding sash window. It connects . with your electric light socket, costs but a few cents a day to operate, and is completely portable so you can take it away with you when you move. Come in and Let Us Give You a Demonstration. W.M.BEYRER See how simple it is to insull the New and lmprond ILGAIR Elt>ctric Ventilator. It fits any sliding sash window. Merely atuch two mt>tal brackt'ts to window frame and a pair of push rods to ush . No il) tafcrenu with opt>ning or closing of window. I I 29 Central Ave., Wilmette. Phone Wilmette 81 Use CONSUMERS PURE ICE! made from filtered water Ice purifies as it refrigerates. It is the one refrigerant which attracts the germs, odors and impurjties of the iceMbox, absorbs and carries them off with the meltage which passes through the drain-pipe and into the sewer. Ice provides the clean, moist temperature which not only preserves the food, but retains the juices and flavor of meats a.nd vegetables. A Consumers Ice s·ook and Signal Card will insure you the utmost in ice quality and service throughout the year. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR ICE @nsumers @mJND!Y Ice Sale· Ot&ce IZIZ Chicago Ave. EVANSTON Phone Uaivenity 4511 The wile who used to -~, ··Let's take dinner out to· niPt-thls is -~ wuhda~.·· aow -~·· ..Let·· take dlaaer out oa the ~aoae~ J·ve saved . ·~ usiag the Brina·aad·Call Diseouat" at BLSOK LAUNDRY 1210 Central AveD.ue Wilmette