Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Apr 1928, p. 12

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~illtlwrll~'if~lild.a · AI · ·.. '= At the last meeting of the Home. W Garden dub at the home of Mrs. . oseph White on Sheridan road, Kenof(h; · ~aefh " Bangs gave~ a ·veri _ ... _ 1.. · lk . h many practical . execumt ta wat and ·seful hints on "Lands-cape Gardenini!" ~he next meeting will be Monday at th h O ef ome of Mrs. W. W. Wheelock on x ~d road. . So many residents of Keniiworth .have been ill this month that · it is difficult to keep account of them. Georg~ Benson of Melrose avenue ~ho has bc:en ,-ery ill with pneumonia: 11 much Improved. Mrs. Theodore ..oritz was confined to her home with !he influenza and unable to participate 10 the Garde~ day at the Neighbors last week wh1ch she had taken great effort to plan. Claude Burnham is sqmewhat improved · ~ · · ~.....,. All the teachers of the Joseph Se. a rs school in Kenilworth have taken memb h.. . t.h N 't ' Ed t' ers . ap . 1ft e a tona1 uca aon . . assocu~~lon ~or the second cons~cuttve year, acc~rd~ng, to a report rece1ved ~t the a~soc1at1on s headquarter. s m Washmgton, D. C., and made pubbc by J. W. Crabtree, secretary of the assodation. . The one hundred percent enrollment application was received from the principal, E. L. Nygaard, repre;;enting eighteen teachers. In writing to Principal Nygaard Mr· Crabtree says: "We are proud of'you; conti~uous record of one hundred percent enrollment in the National Educatidn association. It is indicative of your splendid leadership and of the professional spirit of your corps of teachers. Congratulations to you and £.A. ·M::.......L.....L~ ' : ~~bert- Belt, son of ~r. and ·Mrs. WaUiam 0~ Belt, of Abangdon road, Kenilworth, is to be married Saturday, April 14, at Van Wert, Ohio·. to "a'ss Grace Purmort of that ctty m. · · · Miss Virgiuia Belt will act as ma1 d of· honor. Among those who are leaving "ith Mr. and Mrs. Belt to attend the the wedding are Mrs. N. A. Hanna and Mrs. Percy Skillen, both of Wilmette. a . uow · :K.eai~Wirth·. ·M Awa., Da.rial v;..._.. Jack Rathbone and John Robert Murray are spending the spring vacation at their homes in Kenilworth. Both boys attend Princeton university. Eugene Cheeseman is home from Brown· university, also, Bruce Hulbert from the University of Michigao. your teachers a_ nd success to you all in your work for the cause of education." · . Od ·; The!e was . quate an ex us .·among th~ hag~ .school .boys of Kemlworth·' thas sprang vacatton and the wander· t ... _ · Among those for1 ust was 1n ·n: a1r. t~nate enoqgh to have cars a~ their d1sposal an~ the .~onsent of the1r, pa~ ents ·to satasfy th1s hunger for adventu.re were Bent!ey McC~oud, George Kmgsley and Hmman Basbee. These boys headed south with the Mamouth Cave as t~eir '!~jective a~d. they ~mazed thear famabes by arrtvmg a.t Louisv~lle abo~t 4 o'clock of t~e d~y on which they s~a!ted. On their trip they pot only v·stted the great cave but saw races at Loui~ville, visited Lexin~t~n, Ky., and dad numerous other thmgs. · Others who took trips included Tom Hick.s, "Butch". Keith, an.d Bill Reed, who m?tored ·~ . the H1c~s' c:ar to Champa1gn to vastt the Umverstty of Illinoi~, to Lafayette to see Purdue university, and then drove on to Ohio. lfr. and Mrs. James Cherry recently have left Evanston, where they made their home after their marriage a year. ago, and have gone to Dockery, Tenn. Mrs. Chet:ry's father is a plantation owner there and Mr. Cherry will take up the management of this industry. -o- FREE SOIL TEST Monday, April 16th ·To help _. ClldGIDeh aoiYe aome ol their l'ardeninl' proWema we haYe arraDI'ecl to haYe a aoil apert ....-1 M_..y, April 11th ia oar atore to test soil for acidity. Pat a t.lde1pa· of ·oil ia a...,... ... aad briq it ia. If yoa ha·e leftftl places ia yMd' ,..nl tlaat ,... are ia .t..ht .._., --.. ia a a·mple of elda. · It ..17 tMea a few JDiaatea ' - the teat. 11ae lei'Yice ia free. Darl't foqet the date. PHONES 31· ·1 MILLEN HARDWARE .COMPANY Ult WILME'ITE AVE. WILMETI'E, ILL Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston of Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, are at Hot Springs, Va. Together · with their daughters, Ruth and Virginia, they left last Friday and spent Easter at Hopkinsville, Ky., with · Mrs. Johnston's mother. ' -o-Miss Barbara Oleson of Kenilworth entertained six girls on Saturday evening with aft "egg-dyeing" party. There were songs and refreshments and each one dyed enough eggs for her respective family's breakfast on ;:nster dav. LET US MAKE A FREE TEST OF YOUR SOIL TO SEE WHAT IT NEEDS Jolnlson's Eledrie Floor Polisher .................. , NOW ........ OV'I'WIIJI' . . ....... Upld ~llttllellll , .......,. . . . Daria~ .............. -·tbetlme. ....... r.tllt We Handle · VIGORO OLD GARDENER ARMOUR FERTILIZER LIME AMYIIIGf -*IJ---··ctalc ,._...._,Wallop ................w .._.~111 ·-to,.. ,..ol.. ·-~feet .SO. ······ Garden Tools of an Kinds ······ Lawn Roller For Rent PAINTS VARNISHES fne.ll_._ot..,c····· wla__. · vatlau .... Just Phone Us willwa aad palilb ... cl ,_, . . _ ......... _,_. . . . . . ······ DUCO TERMINAL HARDWARE Where You'll Like to Trade 415 POUR111 STREET ·Phone WiL 2843

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