Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Apr 1928, p. 28

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.... --- ~ ---·-·<1 . -....---.- . . . .-- . ~ Publihd WHiclfl bv the tcbool cbd4rtn of Wilmetr. JUN·I OR LIFE fl!ld· ·WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, APRIL 13, 1928 Agnes R. -clark and Miss Orrel Davis accompanied us and when we arrived at the Art Institute, Ml88 Upton took charge of us. We went through several rooms of paintings and studied some of the pictures. We saw pictures by Carot, Millet, Breton, Rembrandt, Rubens, George Inness and others. We found as we toured the rooms that we were quite fortunate in having copies of many of the paintings in tbe school rooms. This Is the second time we have been there thas year. - Emma Bickham, SA Stolp enjoyed acting lt. We painted all the scenery by ourselves. W-e gave our play in the gymnasium room. Hansel was Robert Smith. Gretal was Betty May Dodge. The mother was Gwendolln Harvey. The father was Billy Knepper and tbe old witch was Dorothy Burgess. All the children were in the chorus. The other rooms were Invited in the morning and the fathers and mothers were invited in the afternoon. -Bob Hull, Logan, Third Grade Told by the Pupils auptn)iaion ol Wilmtttt Pltlflground tmd Rlcreation Bo«d. VOL I. NO. lJ It's Just Fun to Third Gncle Gives Play View Works of Greateat Council Announces Work, Says Emma, of Haaael and Gretal Muten at Art Institute Seventh and Eighth The third grade chtldren gave a play The SA class frorn Stolp had a very in Jovial Crowd trip to the Art Institute lJl named Hansel and Gretal. We had a Grade Honor Rolls enjoyable Chicago on Friday, March 30. Mrs. very good time planning it. We also Amidst April showers on the Tburs· 'nle Stolp council participates In the pvernment or our school. Stolp council meets In the Library each Thursday morning at S :45 o'clock. The oouncll is composed of four ofllcen:~ from each seventh and elghtn grade B7 Belt Bet· · WU.MB'I""E LIFB for the month ending llarcb 25. · The entire eighth grade met and decided on the Btandard. The seventh grades met and decided to adopt the aame standard. To have your name on the Stolp Honor Roll you must have a V G In Social Adaptation for a month, no grade below G on your card, no tardy marks and DO delinquency· mark. When our work a. not prepared or when we are a -blndrance to our clau we are staying after school as a delinquents. .Roaor Boll Eighth Grade Richard Oglesbee Lucia Hollister, Billy Bruse, Foste; Bennett, Virginia Hawley, Betty Wilson, Helen Bower, Mary Jane Thomas, Elizabeth Ba.lhatcbet, Eleanor Culver, Mary .Jane Miller, Harriet Leach, Frank Church, Helen Jones, Emma Bickham Wilbert Kunz, Reynolds Ostrom, Harold Osborn, Ellen Cozzens. Anna Boyd Linn, Margaret Wegner, Margaret Ebeling Harry Kinne, Helen Taft, Elsie Wade' Eleanor Zemek, Lois Boomer, Albert Barker, Bob Leonard, Colin Finlayson Doris Ingham, Hunter King, Franklin Sberleln, Luelle Dahlberg, Jean Brasbears, Palmya Lee Burpee, Malle Mouat J'ra.Dk Polsln, Fr~erlc Pickard, Georg~ Quinlan, Arnold Sobel, Jane Spinney Doris Tansill. · Harriet Leach, Helen Jones, Elizabeth Balhatooet, and Emma Bickham, bad an all E card for March. Seventh Grade Helen Winslow Selma Wa.x. Rosie Russo, Ella Jea,~ ~rter, Jane Moore, Robert Fletcher 111'.-aDk Eager, June Kebl, Dorothy Neal' llarjorle Seubold, Mary Elizabeth JPrencb, Eileen Burke, Alison Burg Bellm Tldeman, Richard Pickard, Ed~ ward Solomon, Janet McNulty. room. Last montb we decided at the council meetlnc to have an Honor Roll in the Girls Have Great Ft1n Dyeing Eggs for Easter Hunt Anyone who happened to look Into the cooking room of Stolp school last ·Thursday morning, would have witnessed a busy scene. The eighth grade girls were dyeing easter eggs for the egg hunt, which was to be held Saturday at the Village Green. Mrs. Storms and l\lrs. Freeman were the willing helpers and supervisors of the girls' work. The Playground and Recreation board furnished tbe eggs and dyes. When we arrived we saw many pans filled with eggs, which were cooking. After all. the girls taad arrived we set to work mixing our dyes m small pans. It took the eggs quite a while to get thoroughly cooked, but they finally did. Each girl took tbret- or four and started dyeing them. 1\lany prettily colored eggs were taken out of the pans. After a while we dyed eggs with more than one color, tbe result being quite etrectlve. Little by little the cases wer e refilled, this time with brightly colored eggs replacing the white ones. After all the eggs had been dyed, we were surprised to find it very near noon time. The morning had. passed so delightfully and so quickly we could hardly believe It was so late. After we had washed the pans and cleaned up the tables we had ooen working on we left for home. -.Janet l\lcConnaugbey, SA Howard Councillors Have Busy Meeting in Library at Stolp The Council meeting held every Tbursday during remedial period in the Stolp library and attended by all councillors for the purpose of discussing the affairs of the school. Is an interesting place to visit for one-half hour. The last meeting is reviewed in the following article : The presiding officer for this meeting (a new one Is chosen for each meeting) opened with the usual saying, .. The meet.ing will come to order and tbe secretary will read the minutes of the last meeting." Then the roll is read to make sure there is a representative from each room. Then the business begins. · Miss Stevens, tne school librarian, gave a small lecture and made a few suggestions on tbe use and care of the library and bulletin board. A number of important points were brought up by Miss Hayes, sucn as the new picture In the library which the art league is considering buying as is memorial to Miss Caswell. a former art teacher who died last year ; to look for items of interest to write up for the JUNIOR LIFE; pay for graduating pins immediately ; and an announcement that a record of each pupil will be sent to New Trier. The meeting was adjourned at 9 :15 o'clock. -Mazie E . Mouat, 8B day preOOdlng Easter, some 20 eighth grade girls wencJed tJteir way to the Domestic Science room in the Central school to help D. M. Davis, director of recreational activities in Wilmette schools, play Easter bunny. As representative of the P. T. A., Mrs. Herbert Leacn, Mrs. H. A. Storms and Mrs. E. H. Freeman, were also there to help. Even the janitor of the building and the genial director of boys gymnastics, :Mr. Stone, were there to lend their aid in doing the job in good shape. This dyeing of eggs was done in preparation for Wilmette's annual Easter Egg hunt for the little tots. As a result of the morning's work, about 1,000 <·ggs were dyed. They were every color of the r,inbow. royal purple, golden yellow, scarlet, green, pink1 lavendar, and delicate spring-like hues. In the mind of the passerby there might have arisen the question whether it was more fun to bunt the eggs or dye them. Even washing dishes and scouring pans seemed a pleasant job In such jovial company. It was altogether a success, very few eggs being broken. -Emma Kickham, 8A Stolp ... .... I Don't You Care, June, You've Got the Shoes June Anderson of Stolp 8C was awarded one of the Norshore Theater tickets for Saturday, :March 31. June told her father that you had to have a new pair of shoes to go to the Norshore, therefore he purchased Miss June a new pair of shoes. When June met her friends she most l!kely was very astonished to ftnd that she was being kidded. Also Mr. Stone teased her at the WILJIIETI'E LIFJ\ printing office Thursday afternoon. -Lauretta Anderson and Janet McConnaughey, SA Howard Harvey Basketball Team Again Defeats Our Squad Wilmette's Heavyweight team basketball team played Harvey on Saturday night, March 20. The game was played on Harvey's floor as the game the week before was at Howard. Harvey won 24-6. They also won the week before 32-8. According to the opinions of the onlookers, the heavyweights played better than any other time this year. The lineup was slightly changed, having McHale as center and Woltr as guard. Wolff usually played center. ..Lenny" (Wolff) played better than on any other occasion. -Lauretta Anderson, SA Howard lltq er on tbe ticket June won. · The vt.l e show was held under the superCooon of the honorable president ot the TbCoo Club, AI Kvale, and It was floe e main Picture was Debe Daniels. and Richard Arlen In ··Feel My Pulse , ~e girls laughed until they cried. The.n waeY w t t 0 w lit. erw algrees and got a Banana .., th sle and June hope they get aao er ticket soon, I assure you. --June Anderson, 8C Stolp Laugh 'Til They Cry at Community Cheat Shows Movies to Stolp Pupils AI Kvale's Coo Coo Club Stolo Ei«hth Gndera Lut Saturday June Anderson and Art I . Friday, March 30, Stolp enjoyed free = t Karle Gash attended the Norshore lilt 01t1tute movies. There were three pictures. The ·I v-. . ::g Tb CHOOSE CAGE C.l.PTA.Ilf8 talue t sixth ..~ade girls cho~~e new capor a uaeketball team. Each room ... two teams. 6A has Allee Ebelln Phillis Carleton for the two basket~ Ru captains. SB bas Allee Freeman and th Williams. 6C has Sophia Denholm aDd Katherine Idler. -Else von Relnspeflr, 6A BOB·C i.TS A TIGBIUI Tbe Sixth &Tade girls have organlled a baaketball team, each room having VERY INTERESTING two teams. 'lbe captains of the 6A Postmaster came and talked to ~le·-are Allee Ebeling and Phylll8 usTbe yesterday. The three sixth grades o.ua. Each team bas the name of Allee Freeman and · anlmaJ. Allee'· teain Is the Bob- were tQ«etber. ;:...~am and Phyllis' team Is the Tiger .Juliette Rusnak are on the program committee and asked him to come. He spoke to us a little over a half hour -Grete von Relnaperc, SA Howard a!'d It was very Interesting. ' -Juliette Rusnak, 6J! Central '.r.AIB "GYII" OVTDOOU :Now that IIPrlnc hu come the boys lOBlf GBT8 BOOK :::~ are able to take their A'YID The 6A Civics club sent John Beam oat of cloo· where It 111 much who has been out for more than a week, -..e fila ancl better for everybody. Now a book. The name of the book Is ::~o:,. ~..=,srruna to play baseball. .. Kason" by Jamea Oliver Curwood. .John'· mother said be would be back In -Pauline KehUng, 7A Stolp echool ln about a week. --Cbu1eB Wllllams, 6A OPBll' IP&Ill'& PUCftCB Tile IB Indoor team 1tartec1 their The pupll11 of Stolp all regret the lOBS ......_ llueball DI"&CtJce llareh i, uacler of our Literature teacher, lOu OnNJ88n"· liallllnblp of · new ~ptaln and . , b&cher. 8be left llonday attemoon. far AN do... very aloe work. Ilia Davia took her place aDd we are happy ....... . . -Philip Olllton. . -Dolt Pa9Ueelr. IB llo'Wart. We. the SA class of Stolp school visited the Art Institute last Friday' March 30. It was our second trip and owing to the fact that Miss Upton was ill th ft t tl e rs me we visited the Art Instlute, she ga\·e us twice as long a talk. First of all she talked on Rembrandt's Ruben's, and Van Dyke's paintings and showed us some orlKinal paintings done by these artists. Then Miss Upton talked on artists of dltrerent periods and showed us many original Paintings and In our school we have quite a few copies of these originals. Eleanor Culver 8A St I · o P . SCORELESS TIE Last Thursday, March 27, tbe Logan Fourth Grade team, played Howard team in basketball. The score was o to 0. Bllly Wade is the captain on Logan team and Bob Brumbaugh Is the captain on the Howard team. -I.awrence Haughneu, Grade 4, Logan first picture was entitled "Jerry's Adventure as a Boy Scout." This movie showed how the boys benefit by being Boy Scouts. The second picture told how children build homes and buildings by themselves in Armenia. This is a very good picture showing what the orphans of Armenia do. The third picture told us to contribute to the Red Cross. The~ movies were given by the W'llmette Community Chest association. --Chester Hanson, 7B Stolp lANE WINS THE PRIZE The day that Mrs. Stevens came to give us an assembly she offered a prize of one dollar for the best poem submitted to her before March 1. Today, March 8, we hear that after quite a bit of trouble, Mrs. Stevens d. e ctdes in favor of Jane Crawford of 8B. -Janet Benson, 8B Stolp. Girls Color 1,000 Eggs for Big· Treasure Hunt The eighth grade girls from Howard and Stolp school colored Easter eggs last Thursday for the annual Easter egg hunt at the Village Green. The bunt was to be held Saturday, April 7. Mr. Davis, dlr.ector of recreation, ordered 1,000 eggs for us to color and only about half a crate was cracked or broken. We used egg dyes and came out very successfully with them. Most of us mixed the colors and many beautiful shades resulted. We arrived about 9 o·clock and left about 1! o'clock after cleaning up the muss we bad made. -Lauretta Anderson, Howard SA TEACHER~ GONE-REGRETS Miss G~ssenbacber, one of the finest teachers Stolp has had, left us Tuesday for good. She Is going to teach English claR&es in a hJsll school In Chicago. She LID NEW BULES formerly wu a Literature teacher In the SA-l and SB-1 played a practice game Stolp building. I know we are all very Monday. They played two court rules 80rry she left us. and they all said they liked the new rules better than the old ones. SB-1 won --Geo!'Ke Fackt, 7A StoiD. with a score of 2Z-4. The lineup was as follows: 8A-1: Betty Wilson, Harriet CAIDY 8A.LE 8UCCE88 Mary June, Kargaret ~gner, We had a candy sale on Tue&day Leach, Eleanor C. and VIrginia Hawley, 8B-1 from 3:15 to 4 o ..clock. We sold ,7.%0 lineup: Lee, K. Lauer, Ollver worth of candy. All the candy was Brower, Palyma Margaret and Tballa Little. brought by the pupils of our room. -Helen Bower, 8A Stolp -Ruth Bristol, 6A Central. . _._ . HO.B 1!!.08 A. WHILE Lydia Rodgers, a student of SA Howard, baa returned from Hollywood Cal., for the remainder of the achooi term, abe will return to Callfomla In July. -- Bdaa--atilea,··........ -lA --Howard. -. ........ ,.t"' ~. ~ ·· ~ pJDe. BOB CA.T8 Wllf The 6A girls of the Central school played basketball In the I'J'mn&Slum Tueaday, Allee Ebeling's team, the Bob Cata, beat Phyllis Carleton's team, the Tlgen, 8 to 0. 'lble wae Juat a practice I -Eleaaor Rlcka. lA

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