Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Apr 1928, p. 50

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, WILMETTE LIFB . April 13; 1928 News of . Interest to the Church-Goers . of Our Village day afternoon llnd seven received bap- business meeting. Until the ltUIDDler tism. This Ia only a slight proof of the adjournment the Gulld8 wiD meet on The larceat concreptlon ever as- tendency of this Church toward growth. the !nd and oltb Fridays of the month. ·mbled In the Wilmette church gathered The Woman's Guild will ·meet at the for the Easter service Sunday morning today. - Mn1. J. M. Brown will re· at 11 o'clock. This attendance was all church the more slgnUlcant Inasmuch as no effort view the last cbQter of "Old Paths for The service Sunday Morning at 11 had been m r de to , secure a larger at- New Purposes" at eleven o'clock. Fol- o'.clock wlll be in charge of Dr. George tendance tlu...u usual. The pastor preached lowing this there will be a Board meet- D. AlUson of Wilmington, Delaware. At 1 o'clock the Central Avenue a sermon on "Our Everlasting Fellow- Ing. ship," repeating the same sermon that Circle, Mrs. J. M. T. Boyd, chairman, The Sunday school meets at ·9 :30. will serve luncheon. In the afternoon Completely graded lessons for aU ace& attemoon at the Apollo Commandery Miss Bertha Wheelock wlll speak briefty In Chicago. ClaSBeB for men and women. on "The Church · Unselfish" and Mrs. C. L. Darling on "A Trip to the BethleThe High School B. Y~ P. U. wlll meet Forty-five members of the church at- hem Mission." · The Central Avenue tended the Chicago Methodist Social Circle Is sponsoring the annual Spring as usual at 6:30 in the Guild Room, Union banquet on Thur8Clay night at the Style Show which will be the feature of Sunday afternoon. Morrison hotel. The speaker was Bishop The regular mld~eek meeting of the GroBB of China who has charge of the the afternoon. church wlll be held Wednesday evening; fteld In which the missionary of· this ·On Sunday morning the Church school April 18, following another one of our church, C. B. Rape, Is located. wlll convene in departmental meetings at Pot-Luck dinners. Rev. Morphett will 9 :30. Classes are provided for boys and have charge of the meeting. The Girl Scouts, under the leadership girls of all age~! At the Junior congreof MlBB Humphries, will have charge of gation service at 10 :30 for the Junior The Boy Scouts meet at the church at the Fellowship supPer next Wednesdav and Intermediate Departments, the Junior 'l :30 Thursday evening, April 19. al&ht. This Is tlie next to the last of choir will sing, by request, "0 Bells in these gatherings for this year, and It the Steeple" by Norris. 'lbe choir meets for rehearsal under Is expected that a crowd will attend. the direction of Madame Gllderoy Scott The morning worship service at 11 on Thursday evening, April 19, at 8 Tbe Woman's Home MIBBlonary society o'clock will be conducted by Mr. McCor- · o'clock. wlll meet Thursday at the home of Mrs. There will be a meeting of F. A. s. T. H. West, 723 Ashland avenue. De- mack who will preach,on "'And Man Is Sunday, April 15, at the home of Mr. votions Miss Grace Quigg; 'tledlcal Left Alone with Man. Work Under Our Society," Mrs. L. H. and Mrs. A. C. Youngberg, 1503 Lake Due to the fact that there was so great avenue. Mr. Zeldon Parkhurst wUI be Hanawalt. an Interest in the Forum conducted by in charge of the meeting. New members will be received into the Dr. F. 0. Beck on "Can We Christianize fellowship of the church next Sunday Modem Culture" a special committee has Thursday, April 19, Link I, under the morning. The group joining this Sun- invited Dr. Beck to continue the discus- leadership of Mrs. Mlllard, will meet at day morning carries the number of those sion of that problem for three more Sun- the home of Mrs. A. Hee...rens, _136 Sixwho have Joined In the last eighteen day noon meetings. It seems that these teenth street. Mrs. Russell Johnson months beyond the one hundred and ftfty meetings have been so popular that to will be the assisting hostess at the 1 stop them now would be unwise. The mark. o'clock luncheon. Link E under the committee' which acts as a continuation leadership of Mrs. G. Reid wlll meet at committee Is composed of Mr. Herbert The Building committee met last Wedthe home of Mrs. Robbins' daughter, nesday night to receive a report of the Mulford, Chairman, Mrs. E. L. Schelden- 1539 Spen·c er avenue, Mrs. Robbins will helm, Mrs. J. W. Fisher, Mrs. 0. F. Field, finance committee concerning the financial be the hostess. campaign which was completed Sunday, Mr. L. L. Perry, M:rs. G. D. Upson, and Mrs. Stella B. Tucker. April 1. Steps are being taken to deFriday, April 20, Link F, under the velop the building plans and enter Into leadership of Mrs. Burnside, wlll meet The Neighborhood Circle, Mrs. E. H. the period of actual construction In the in the Guild room of the church for a near future. Many Inquiries are com- Burge, chairman, wilt meet on Tuesday 1 o'clock luncheon. Mrs. Kaufman and Ing from near and far asking for copies at the home of Mrs. W. A. Durgin, 627 Mrs; Taber will be the hostesses. Link Forest avenue. Mrs. M. H.- McMillen, N, under the leadership of Mrs. Brasof the prospectus of the new church. Mrs. A. H. Howard, anci Mrs. Ray War- hears~ will meet at the home of Mrs. H. During the month of May, while the ren will be the assisting hostesses. L. Beach, 628 Sheridan Square, Evanspastor Is absent at the General Con- Luncheon will be serve at 1 o'clock. ton. Link D, under the leadership of ference of the c-hurch at Kansas City, Mrs. W. C. Matthews, wlll meet at the The Wekeacaftla Camp . Fire Girls will home of Mrs. Leason, 1312 Gregory avethe vulplt will be supplied by Dr. Schermerhorn, Professor Holllngton, and other meet at the church at 3 :30 under the nue. Mrs. Wyld will be the assisting direction ·of Mrs. H. A. La.Roy. effective preachers. hostess. Evening Link I, under the leadership of Mrs. Haas, will meet at The High School league will meet SunRoosevelt Troop No. 2 Boy Scouts will the home of Mrs. Davisson in Glenview day afternoon at 5:30 In the Young Peo- meet at the church at 7:30. Fred Rye is next Friday evening for a 6 :30 o'clock pie's House. Leaders, Miss Attig, Mr. Scoutmaster. dinner. Frlsble, Mr. Archer. The topic will be _ "My Task." Specl~l music, Dorotl~ On Wednesday the Junior choir will The Mission meeting wlll be held Miller. rehearse at 3:45. Amy Leslie Toskey is Monday afternoon, April 16. Luncheon the director. will be served at 1 o'clock. The Woman's Exchange is open dally from ten to ftve except Saturdays when The Senior chc.ir will meet for reThe · Wilmette Baptist church Is loit closes at one o'clock. There will be hearsal at ; :00 under the direction of cated at the corner of Wilmette and a Bakery Sale i~ the Exchange · next Amy I..eslie Toskey. Forest a venpe. Saturday morning. Please send all recipes for th~ Exchange Cook Book to 1 Mrs. Wm. C. Reinhold or Mrs. F. W. ol·~~eN~!~~i:~afir~:etl'~ i hw:d~~:J:; Burpee as soon as possible. evening. Mrs. J. H. Stackhouse will The Presbyterian church ·is located preside and Mrs. E. M. Simonds wlll G The Ladies' Aid society wlll hold a speak on "From the Resurrection to at the northeast corner of reenleaf Rummage sale on the first Thur8Clay In Pentecost." 1avenue and Ninth street. The North May. In doing your spring bouse-cleanShore line local and express trains lng, please remember this ~le. The Cozy Col'ller Circle, Mrj:l. G. B. stops at Eighth and Tenth streets, 1 ,. ., Knepper chairman. will meet on Thurs- within one block of the church, thus lnternatlonal Revue, dramatic and day afternoon at the home of Mrs. War- making it very convenient for those musical event, sponsored by the Young living at a distance. You will always find a cordial welcome. This church Woman's Missionary society of this ren Darst, 1115 Lake avenue. church, will be given at the Byron Stolp The Boys' Club will meet at the church is known as the "friendly church." SunSchool auditorium this week, Friday, at 3 :30 unde;. the direction of Mr. Me- day school at 9:30 a. m. Mornh~g church .-\prll 13, at 8 :15 o'clock. The special Cormack. service at 11 a. m. _C. E. at 5 .30 p. m. soloists wlll be Agnes Biesemeier, Adelaide Jones, Florence Farrar, Margaret On Friday Troop No. 1 Girl Scouts will Following Is the musical program Stafford, C. Rollin Smith, Elbert Her- meet nt the church at 7 :15. Miss Eliza- which the quartet will offer at the mornlocker, William Balhatchet, and Albert beth N. Brown is captain. . ~;g::r~:l:de, Sunday : J:~gfr:r!!ll:OJ!t~th~~~~!~ ~o!~~·!":~d "Berceuse" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dickinson the Queen Esther-Standard Bearers SoAnthem, . cletles will be In the various scenes. · .§ "Tbe Lord Is My Light" ...... Parker Edna Davison takes the part of the Sunday, April 15, will be the First Sun- Anthem Watching Spirit and Margery Stewart day after Easter. _ T here will be Holy "Rock of Ages" ·........·.·.· Buck that of America. The cast numbers over . Communion at 8 A. M., Church schools Organ Offertory, sixty. Procure your tickets from mem- and Bible classes at 9:45 and ,Holy Com~ "Ave Marla" ................ Franz bers of either society or from Mrs. Lucille mu~ion with address at 11 o clock. Solo, Larson, business manager. "The Lord Is My Shepherd" .. Scott The Easter music wlll be. repeated next Mrs. Bushhouse Sunday, and the service at 11 o'clock will Organ Postlude, be Holy Communion. specially for those "Largo" (Xerxes) .......·.. Handel who were unable to be present on Easter Quartette, . Associate Mlnlster-Wm. E. McCormack Sunday. C~therine Bushhouse, soprano Rose Lutlger Gannon, contralto This Is one of the ftne churches of The attendances at all our Easter John B. Miller, tenor Wilmette which contributes Its part In Services were very large, the 11 o'clock Emmons C. Carlson, bass making this village a place of ftne homes service taxing the ~paclty of the church. Erma E. Rounds, organist and direcand of cultural activities. A large num- The Chancel was beautifully decorated tor. ber of Wilmette's good citizens have and the special Easter music delighted found this church a ftne place to work all who were present. The offerings durLast Tuesday there was an unusually and serve : a splendid place to make Ing the day were about $1,100. large attendance for the Woman's sofriends and enjoy them, and an excepciety luncheon and business meeting. tional place to obtain spiritual refreshThe Children's Easter Flower service The omcers for the coming year were at ment and happlneBB. Its omcers and in the afternoon had a considerable at- this time formally Installed and a nummembera will welcome you. The asso- tendance of adults In addition to the ber of very Important matters pertainciate minister. .who Is In charge, is at children. The r.hlldren decorated the Ing to the work for the ensuing year the church oftlce dally from 9 until U great Cross In the Chancel with flowers were considered. and at other times by appointment for and deposited their Lenten savings at consultation and Interview. He Is pleased the foot of .t he Cross. The Cbrlatlan Endeavor meeta &ftl7 to be of aervlce to all who are In need. Sunday evening at 6 :30 for Its discusThe Women's .A8soclated Guilds meet slon and prayer seaalon, followed by a ll'orb' aew membera were received Into today . (ll'rlcl&y) ·f or n.n aU-day meeting, abort social hour. The topic for next re· febtnnlallr. Of th1a Clmrclr last Son-· with 11meheon a~ nnon, · followect by a Sunday· 'Will be· ""The Dancer of Slang Methotlill Ch·reh and Cheap Talk." You are cordially ln· vltecl to ~:ttend. The Rebecca Spoke of the Woman's 8ociety wlll meet Tuesday, APril 11, at the ~urch at 6 :30 o'clock. The Junior church meets Sunday morning at 11 o'clock In the Junior Assembly room for Its worship service. Last Sunday several of our membeta united with the Senior church. All children from Primary to Intermediate age are invited to worship with us. The Girl Scouts will meet as usual on Tuesday at 3 :ol6 p. m. Miss ·Reba Mlc-.ener Is working w-Ith the girls for the passing or their second class tests and MIBB Jackson Is working with the new girls who are Just becoming scouts. Plans are being made for some hikes now that good weather bas come. Tonight the fourth and last meeting of the Chicago Presbyterian Union Is to be held at the LaSalle hotel. Dr. S. Parkes Cadman will speak especlally for the young people, as this Ia Younc People's night at the Union. Scout meetings: Boy Scouts, troop 5, Monday evening at 7 :30 o'clock. Girl Scouts: troop 6, Tuesday at 3:45 p. m. Boy Rangers : Saturday moming at 10 o'clock. Recreational nights: Thursday, 7 :30, young people. Friday, 8:15-9:30, High school students. Wilmette B11i'li11 - English Lutheran Greenleaf avenue at Seventh street Carl I. Empson, Pastor ·"irst Sunday After EasterSunday school ............ 9:45 A. M. Joseph Johnson, superintendent Morning worship .... . ....... 11 A. M. Sermon: "Convincing Honest Doubters" Luther league (Friday, Aprll13) 8 P.M. In the church parlors Women's Missionary society (Thursday), April 19) .......... . 2:30 P. M. At the home of Mrs. F. W. Strube, 216 Golf Terrace. The Easter season has been a blessed one for our congregation. The Passion services were well attended and the offering for Easter will amount to approximately $900. The Holy Week Communion was the largest in the history of the congregation. The Easter Breakfast, which was served by several of the men Immediately .after the Sunrise service on . Easter morning, was a complete success. . Many who seldoll) to-uch a bite for breakfast enjoyed · a real "feed." The bacon was crisp, the eggs were fried army style and the hot rolls and coffee found a ready acceptanca. There was just enough left to feed the kitchen force. The Sunday school made an offering of $48.01 when they met at 10 :30 Easter morning. Many friends of the congregation enjoyed the services. The choir of ftfteen voices put on a splendid musical program Easter night. Miss Hilda Kloster gave a readIng, "'An Hour Before Sunset." which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Mrs. Hortense Lechler's singing was appreciated by the large audience. The L·tler Jea~rae will meet Friday evening April 13 in the church parlors ' · Several ' newcom.-rs have signified their desire to meet with our young people. Their building rund plan will be thoroughly considered and definite. steps will be taken to put It into operation as soon as possible. _ Pa.stor Empson and family were beautifully remembered by membe~s of the congregation. Many cards. rabbits. candy, eggs, money, cake and gorgeou:' flowers were showered upon the inhabitants of the parsonage during Holy Week. They desire to thank those who were so thoughtful in remembering them. Tbe BwlldiDA' Plans, which have been sent to Phllad~lphia through the General Superintendent of The Board of American Missions, .were considered spler.did in every detail by the superintendent, Rev. John . F. Siebert, D. D., according to a letter received from him by the pastor 1\fonday morning, April 9. It is hoped that they wlll be approved and returned in time for our reception for new members, which wlll be given some time in April. Further announcement will be made later concerning the reception. A Larllfe Cla111 lor Wllltll·nday Is our next objective. Whitsunday comes on May 27 this year. If the organisation which made our Easter campaign so successful will continue to function, we may have a larger accesslop Whitsunday than '\\·e had Easter. The council Is to consider the continuance of this plan at Its regular April meeting. - I · I Presbyterian cburch I St A U"USiine,S C burch I Congregational Church If JOW llaTe ao Wllaet.te ellwrela Ito·· we Invite 70U to WOI'Iddp with us. OUr

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