Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Apr 1928, p. 61

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WILMETTE LIFE 81TUATI01f W..uft'BD-JUJ.B PO& &BB'T-AP.I'I. · · FOR RBNT-NJMR BtiBBAJU) WOODI WANTBD-IDXP. WBITIU ..JIAJD .FOR 1 ~B~O~Y~t~I-YRS--.-O-LD--Wi-O-ULD-. LIKB---ANY- - - - - - - - - - - - - depot. 'I th Jaree pn. hawk., amall famll:r, no laundry. kind of general work, rakluc or eat: ~-.cr~ 11 Tel. WlDn. 1111. IILTND-ttc tlq graaa. Ph. . Wilmette 2823. Lln4en AYe., Bubblml Wood& . 11LT28-Jtc .. . · aLTNII-1~ WTD. WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK., · small family. Wilmette 341'1. FOR RJDNT--8 lUI. STUCCO . HOUmil. &ILTNU-ltc LICENSED COL. CHAUFPEOR, WITH N. S. ref., desires poa. In private tamA VENUE aleeplq and dllllnc pordla. Att. pr. .Hot water heat--oD burner. MAID FOR GEN. HSWK. 23f MAPLE lly. Will aalat with :rard work. Ken· to (Juat lfOUth of Davis) tran and Ph. WDmette UIL HUl Rd. Ph. Glencoe 291. wood 9555. 61LT!9-ltp BeauUful 6, 6 A 'I room apt& I be4 ap. -..aiVV al.ll'Jrlt-lto 66LTNJ9-ltc chambers, 3 ~ths. In 7 stoey ilreproof EXP. CHAUFFEUR, SOBER A SAFE. building, nearl:r completed. 6 RK. HOUSE. GARAGE. SUN A!P> GOOD WHITE COOK AND AN EXGoo4 N. S. refs. Willing. Ph. UDI· appointed with marble sleep.. pon:hea, ~ batba. nr. 8Cbool8 and perlence4 white scond maid, for IID8ll verslty 6711. 61LTN29-J.tp Beautifully wood-burning fireplaces, Incinerator, tranap. Reduced re~tal to dea. appllc. family. Call Winn. 13'1'1. 56LTZ9-ltc electric refrlgeraUon, etc. OUs elefli Birch St., . Winnetka. aLTN21-1tp J4AID FOR GEN. HSWK. 307 WOOD- CHAUFFEUR. AMERICAN, MARRIED, vators with unlfonned operators on stock. Ph. Kenilworth flll. exp., Wlnn. refs. Call Wll. fOBI. · duty. Doonnan In attendance. Garage FOR RENT-7 ROOII HOUSE, 711-llTH In connection. 56LTNZ9-ltc 61LTNZ9-ltp St. Larp )'&l'd, gar. 1110. Flent:re. Ready for Occupancy Karch 16th, leases 'IZ9 Lake Ave. Ph. Wllmette 1182. )(ay ~at. WANTED WHITE AIAID FOR GEN. II SIT. WTD-KALB .t FBKALB 89LI8-Uc INSPECTION INVITED hswk. Ph. Glencoe · 1231. 56LTN29-ltc WHITE COUPLE AS COOK. FIRST Rental omce on premises. Gr. f!60 FOR RENT--871 PINE ST., 6 Rll. IIOD., class ; cha~treur and gardener. Kust 87LTN29-1tc gar., near school and transp. Rent rea& WANTED- YOUNG WHITE GIRL C., be steady pos. Refs. Talk B-665. 89LTN29-ltp Phone Wilmette 1139. 56LTN29-ltc 62LTN29-lt» 7 lUI. COTTAGE. H. W. HEAT, GAR. HELP WANTED-KALE i7 RELIABLE COLORED COUPLE WITH Conv. to achool, trans.. and Skokie Golf ref. desires position In private family club. $16. Glepcoe 135. 69LTN!9-tfc as yardman, houseman and good cook. CORNER FIFTH &: LINDEN Ph. Hyde Park 2051. 6JLT!'l-ttp BeauUful 3, 4 & 5 room apartments, out- 71 FOB BBKT-GAI&AGE8 side rooms. Ready for Immediate occupancy. Agent on premises. li WANTED-BOARD & BOOJI GARAGE FOR RENT, 216 WOODcourt, Wll. Ph. Wilmette 233Z. WTD.-INTELLIGENT CARE IN RE72L29-ltc f2f Linden Ave. Wilmette f60 fined home for flne well trained baby 6'1LZ9-ltc 1 yr. old. Room for mother tor 1 mo. 'ZI POB DKT-8TOBE8 .t OFPICB8 Graceland 2855 evenings. 66LT29-ltp FOR RENT-3 AND 5 RM. :MODERN FOR RENT-8HOPS AND OFFICES. apts. Genuine Frigidaire, best locaUon, G ·. F. Gonsalves. Winnetka 6!. 57LTN29-ltc ct reas. rent. Inquire at 73LTN8-tfq FOI& BENT-BOOK's ·· I) d ll t- e II' a The . Finest Apartptent Building in Evanston 1519 HINMAN =:e. ...... ..-m .._ . It ----1. eon.. 'I c ,_ I ~ . - \VANTED SIX YOUNG men between ages of 16 and 19 to serve as ushers and parking directors. Apply to l\1anager· of 'reatro del Lago, No Man's Land. Linden Crest Apts. \\TILMETTE QUINI-41\N & TYSON, INC. SALESl\IEN FOR THE SELLING OF CENTRAL HO'rEL-LIGHT, OUTSIDE Ph. Winnetka 382 _ozoz ___P_o_a_s_u_B--_R_o_u_s·_s___ finest homes and vacant. No experience rooms for transients and residents. 629 526 Center St. 67LTNZ8-tfc necessary. Full or part time. With or 1\lain street. Phone Wilmette 1080. without car. Ev~ry ~.o-operatlon sup66LT8-tfc plied. H. F. Ritter & Co., Wagn~r Road, FOR RENT-2 RM. APT. HEATED, north of Lake A venue, directly west FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 ADULTS gar. space, also shop and 5 rm. flat, of Wilmette. Phone Glenview 224. central location Wilmette sta. Sale SUBSTANTIAL 7 ROOM BUNGALOW employed ; light and pleasant ; hot and type residence located near center of 57LTN29-ltc or rent, call Wil. 3774 or 1937 Wilmette cold running water ; garage space If Vlllage. 5 room~ · and tile bath on tat Ave. 67LTN29-ltp desired. Phone Wil. 776-M. 66L10-tfp i8 HELP WTD.-JIALE & FEMALE floor. Z rooms ana bath on 2nd floor. Hot water heat. Lot 50x185. Easy FOR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTE COUPLE- WIFE GOOD COOK; MAN FURN. RM. WlTH KITCHEN PRIV. apartment, steam heat, janitor service, terms, $12,600. no other roomers, ideal home tor near tran~:~portation. Call Wilmette Attractive 'l room home midway bebutler, houseman, yard wk. 4 1in famyoung couple. Write Wilmette Life 1800. 67LTN2-tfc ily. Small house. No laundry. Best tween "L" and steam: H. W. heat. 4 B-670. 66L29-ltc city refN. Winn. 1004. ·· 58LTN29-ltc bedrooms, fine lot 50x200. Near BChools. church, etc. Many shrubs and perenFOR RENT-HEATED APARTMENT. II SITUAT~ON WANTED-FEliALE nials, gara~e and drive. A real buy ATTRACTIVE FRONT ROOM, BLOCK 3 large rooms, bath, sun porch. $65 from ."L" term. and North Shore. East per month. Phone Wilmette 1582. at $20.000. SPECIAL HOME HAND LAUNDRY. 67L29-ltc side. No other roomers. Ph. Wilmette Specialist on curtains, ~ilks, laces, lin2953. 66LZ9-ltc ens, etc. Prices reas. Work called for REm~'. 6 ROOMS, 2 BATHS. ALL OUTSIDE and delivered. Univ. 5270-R. Mrs. COMFORTABLE ROOM FOR .. Provllight. 1160 a month. Mrs. F. D. Smith, 340 Linden .:\v~·· Phone Wilmette 68 Mary Ballenger, 2029 Darrow, EvansSuitable for One Or two. 5..9 321 KedSle St., Evanston. Tel. Green771..29-ttc ton. 60L6-ltp dent. Ph. Winnetka 689. 66LTZ9-ltp leaf 4f1'· 67LTN28-tfc FRANKLIN BLDG. Wiillliilileittte S~iiall -- - - Ro MoJJ <O)]humlit«»liil & <C<O>o EXCEPTIONAL VALUE EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS TUE., COMlt"'ORTABI..E ROOM FOR RENT. FOR RENT-4 ROOM APT., HEATED, Wed. and Sat. Understands all washing Suitable for one or two. 549 Provident, janitor senice. Ph. Wilmette 2399. machines and mangles. Evanston refs. Ph. Winnetka 689. 66L29-ltp · 67LTN27-tfc IS OFFERED IN A BEAUTIFUL ENGlish brick Colonial, 1 block to lake. 6 Ph. Douglas 5988~ 60LTN29-ltp bedrooms, 3 baths, f sleeping porches. FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS BY 4 RM. APT. FOR UENT, $50, 2 FURN. sun parlor and breakfast room. Tile WANTED-2 WHITE GIRLS: 1 FOR week or month. Phone Wtlmette 2399 light housekeeping rms. Ph. Wilmette kitchen walls, H. W. heat, oll burner, gen. hawk., 1 nurse girl for 2 walking or 3345. 66LTN20-tfc 1183 or 4230. 67L29 bllllard room, laundry and drying room children. Ref. req. Glencoe 1235. ln basement. Many exterior features 60LTN29-ltc FOR RENT-WELL FURNISED RM. ·3 ROOM FLAT FOR RENT. $30 PER Gentleman only. Near transp. Phone in extra goOd coiidiUon. 3-car garage. month Incl. heat. 388 Provident Ave. Wilmette 427 4. 66L29-tfc Lot having 80 foot fi'Qntage. A real WHITE WOMAN DESIRES DAY Tel. Wlnn. 504-R. 67LTN!9-ltc buy. OWner will consider apt. building work. Mon. and Thurs. Wlnn. 1613. In Evanston In trade. Price exceptionFOR RENT-2 WELL FURN. FRONT OU8E8 60LTN29-ltp rms., east side, near transp. Ph. Wll- .. __ _ _ _ F_O_B_B_E_N_T __ u_______ ally low. Act quick. mette 1940. 66LT29-ltc WTD.-WASHING, IRONING AND cleaning by the day by Scandinavian. University 8080 Ph. Wilmette 481. 60LT29-ltp FOR RENT--4 RM. FLAT. EAST SIDE IF YOU WISH TO RENT YOUR HOME 1108 Davis St. location. 1 blk. from transp. Phone 77LZ9-1tc furnished tor the summer list It with Wilmette 1200. 66L29-ltc COOK, COLORED, CAN TAKE FULL us now, as we have Inquiries on file charge. 2 yr~. la~t place. Umversity WHY PAY RENT? from responsible people. Houses and 7060. 60LT29-ltc LARGE, LIGHT, WELL FURNISHED, 5 & 6 room pressed brick residences-Hot · bungalows for rent furnished or undouble rm., near transp. Ph. Wlnwater heat (2 natural fireplaces-living furnished from $75 to $300 per month COMP. LA UNDRESS DESIRES DAY netka 1543. 66LTN29-ltc room and club room In basement). In Wilmette and · ot)ler North Shore work cleanin~ and ironing. Good refs. Frigidaire refrigeration. Iron construcsuburbs. Call Univ. 9548. 60LT29-ltp C~ FOR BENT-APTS. tion. Tile roof-screened porch. l-ear, pressed brick garage. The grounds are EXPERIENCED BABY NURSE. PREPhone Wilmette 93 beautiful ancl are worth $3,000-the lo334 Linden Ave. fers child under 2 yrs. Refs. Ph. Win69LTN29-ltc cation Is superb. $12,500 will buy tt netka 1022. 60LTN29-Jtc with a reasonable down payment, balance ltke rent. Phone owner for apF 0 R RENT-MODERN 7 ROOM, WORK BY THE DAY. PH. WILpointment, Glenview 224 between 9 pressed brick residence, new. Beautimette 481. 60LT29-1tp A. M. and 5 P. M. or write H. F. fully wooded. Estate of 560 foot front. Ritter, Box A, Glenvh!w, Ill. Concrete foundation. Hot Water heatHOUSECLEANING AND ODD JOBS. 914 Sherman Ave., 1 rm......... $ 52.60 77LTN29-ltc gas heater, 3 bedrooms, one Master Ph. WilmPtt~> 911-.J. 60LT29-ltD 1320 Chicago Ave., 2 nns. · . ·· · . ·· 85.00 bedroom, 1 bathroom-1 extra lavatory. 945 Cblcago Ave., 2 nns. . . . . · · . · 80.00 2-car, pressed brick garage-side drive. II SIT. W ANTED-liALE !110 Sherman Ave., 3 rnuJ. ·· · · · ··· '10.00 Rent reason!l.ble. Most wonderful 803 Simpson St., 3 rms. · · · · . · . · · · '10.00 healthy location for chtldren. Call NEW BUFF BRICK FRENCH CHALET. EXP. CHAUFF. WISHING PER. POS. 906 Elmwood Ave., 3 l'l'IUJ. · · · · · · · · 70.00 1 block from lake. G rooms. lav. and owner-Glenview 224 between 9 A. II. Refs. furn. 15 yrs. on N. S. 5 vrs. %251 Ridge Ave.. 3 rms. · . . . . . . · . . 7!.60 and 5 P. M. or write H. F. Ritter, Box maid's room on tat floor. Tile baths last place, also good ref. at Packard 1125 Davis St., 3 rms. · · · ·· · · · · · · · 76.00 ~ Glenview, Ill 69LTN29-ltc and showers, 2-car garage attached and Motor Car Co., Ev. Ph. Wil. 3423. 2208 Sherman Ave., 3 nns. · · . · . · · · '1&.00 heated. Many lnt~rlor features. · H. W. 61LTN29-1tp 1116 Maple St., 3 rms. · . · .. . . · . · · · 8&.00 heat. on burner, electric refrigeration, FOR RENT-IN HIGHLAND PARK, 802 Seward St., f rms. · . · . . . · · · · 70.00 Kohler dish washer, tile roof, copper choice East side location. Furn~ or SIT. WTD.-CARETAKER, HOUSE & 1315 Oak Ave., f rms. · · · · · · · · · · · · 7&.00 metal work. Stone piazza. Owner muRt: unfurn. 4 roo'm house on large wooded lawn. Elderly, yrs. exp., steady, re- 1031 Dempster St., f rms. . . . . . . . . . 80.00 sell at cost. Terms can be arranged. lot. Large ltvlng room In rough stucliable and trustworthy, A-1 r Pf . Write Will cont:~lder vacant as part pa.yment. co with fireplace and 5 French windows. Wilmette Life B-671. 61LT29-ltp i6Zl Ridge Ave., f rms. . .· . ·· · · . · 96,00 2020 Sherman Ave., 5 rms. . . . . . . 80.00 Fairly modern throughout. Coal, hot water, janitor service and draperies EXP. MAN WANTS 1 DAY OR 2 8U Mulford St., 5 nns. · · · · · . · · · · 8&.00 Univendtv 8080 727 Seward St., 6 rms. · · · . · . · · · · 90.00 furn. Available to responsible party 1108 Davis St. half days each week, house or lawn 77L29-ltc May 1st for 1 yr. Call Highland Pk. work. Permanent. N. S. ref. Phone 1016 :Main St., 5 nns. . . . . . . . · . · · · 106.00 2246 or Mr. Nay, State 3900 for apWilmette 3421. 61LT29-2tc 1125 Davis St., 5 rms., . . . . . . . . 110.00 1311 Oak Ave., 5 rms············· 115.00 pointment. 69LTN29-1tc BEST EAST SECTION, WELL BUILT EXPER. GERMAN GARDENER WTS. 1201 Maple Ave.· 5 nns.·.......·. 160.00 8 room hou~. .f huge sleeoln~ rooms, 1811 Sherman Ave., 6 rms. · · . · . · 126.00 2 or 3 days work a week, thru season. "leenlng l)Orch, solarium. living room GLENCOE, 690 GREENWOOD AVE., 8 1009 Grove St. 6 rms. . . · . . . · · · · 110.00 14x30. Walls all canvased, onen porch, Good local refs. Winn. 2836. rms., 2 baths, H. W. heat, oil burner, 61LT29-1tp 846 Ridge Ave., 6 nns. . . · . . . · . . . 12&.00 e:verythlnR" In perfect conclltton. Aekgar., large lot, ftne hedge and trees, 2 1606 Ridge Ave., 6 nns...·.····.· 160.00 tng $23,500. Reasonable tenne. blocks to sta. and school. 2 yr. lease, HAVE YOUR PIPES AND BOILERS 1603 lUdge Ave., 7 rma. · ~ ·.······ 19&.00 $135 per mo. Call Glencoe 561 for apcovered. Call Wlnn. 177f. pointment. 69LTN29-ltc 61LTN!9-ftc Phone ,Wilmette 698 f18 Linden Ave. 77LTN!9-ltc !<"OR RENT--4 ROOM HOUSE, MODCHA~ HOUSEMAN, GARDEN em conveniences. U52 Wilmette Ave., University Z85 work, .and flne cooking. Wlnn. Sf&. 156f Sherman Avenue Ph. Wilmette 953. 69L29-1tp 6'1LTN29-1tc MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE · 61LTN29-ltp Renting Headquarters E. E. Stults Realty Co. SMITH & BRO\VN, INC. 1&wleiim$tt@lii1 .A]p)anitmm<eimb WELI4 CONSTRUCTED · E. E. Stults Realty Co. Smartt 8t GclleeP HJm<eo PAUL SCHROEDER & CO.

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