Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Apr 1928, p. 62

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I'OR SALB-DBBRI'IBLD ~ lldll. lfuu.u·.tU'UL . 11UL118BY IIQ'OR'l'IID mohair daftaport ...t cllalr, 10061 GOD· 1 - . . to trail& or wiD trade for diUOD. Real ........... 10tt Pille 8t. used car or home. .Acldi'MB Wllmette Ph. W1DDetb 'Ill. IOOL'l'NII-ltc Life B-l&t. 'IILTMJII-tfc (Continued fr.om Page 61) PO& 8AL~B0118B8 M su···· D80~T8 SUIOIER RBSORT PROPBRTY· . LOTS ~ Sal p r1 La... w __.__ Co &Or e- ea. ae, a..-ra un- lUmnutmall (Q)fier 'l Rll. I'RAIIE HOUSB, t LARGB BEDnna., new bathrm., H. W. beat, new ftzturea deeoraUona, 2 tlreplaeea, ~arp· '15 and ft. lot, I blocks from Kenilworth railroad ataUon. Owner asks ·13,500, wants c.·er-'"'""me vour terms. · a&· - . " Mcuna1t & lFllaillnerty Redcraalte. leO miles from Cldcap. Al8o tract of ZOO acrea. tlmbere4. with J lakes, aul~ble for club purpGIIell. For particulars write, 8. D. Durfey or Earl Chipman. owners, RedKrudte, Wla. IIL'l'Jt-ltp 8t BBAL B8TA.TB ---------------Real Estate--Loans Renting Insurance-Building ~ell~~!fa:l'o~r:nll:!.ea:C,;::t~i 11'l1 Wilmette Ave. Wll. 2'13 'l'lL29-1tc 1Z13 Wilmette Ave. --------------- F. H. GATHERCOAL Phone Wilmette 225 84L29-ltc WTD. TO BENT-HOU8BS Ht MUST SELL IDS 8 RJl. STUCCO IN N. E. Section, H. W. heat, oil burner, lge. lot, garage, $!8,500. Make offer. SMALL UNFURNISHED HOUSE OR bungalow. One or two year lease. Small family. Ph. Wilmette 929. 89LZ9-1tc WTD. TO RENT BY RESPONSIBLE party-bouse with 4 bedrms. and gar. Ph. Wilmette ~356. 89LTZ9-ltc Ph. Wll. 40'l-t08 t1 WANTED TO BUY-HOUSES 'l'lL29-1tc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WANTED TO BUY-MODERN HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, Wilmette or Winnetka, preferably near Ridge AN ATrRACTIVE 3 STORY BRICK A,.e. Give lowest price and terms. Colonial houae of hollow tile construcWrite Wilmette Life B-668. · tion, consisting of 8 rina., 5 bedrooms, 96LTN29-1tc sleeping porch, 2 bath~ie hot water heat, Hardlnge 011 Bumer, garage attached 17 WANTED TO BUY-VACANT and heated. Lot 8!%x170. Priced for - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - quick actio~. $%6,500. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR WILMETTE vacant and homeM. Want 5 or 6 rm. CO~ house or bungalow for about $15,000. 332 Park Ave. Glencoe '102 Phone or write 'l7LTN!9-ltc ---------------NORTH EAST GLENCOE INC. End ..L," 410 Linden WALTER P. SMITH & FIRST RE,ALTY CO. . ANTIQUES GLENCOE BARGAIN Hubbard Woods section. Close to transportatlon and school& 6 apaclous rooms, 1 bath. H. W. heat. Garage. Wooded lot. Priced to sell only $1,500 cash, balance like rent. Available 1 May CROSBY &: McKENDRY 566 Center St. . Winnetka !032 77LTNZ9-ltc LEAVING THE VILLAGE, MUST SELL my new home, 'i rms. and sunroom, real fireplace ;H. W. heat, 2-car gar. 100 ft. frontage, newly landscaped, N. S. and N. W. Sta. and car line. Phone Wilmette 1326 evenings. 77LTN!9-1tp FOR SALE-VERY ATTRACTIVE COLonial home, 'l rm&, 2 baths large ground, beautiful trees, close · to station and school. $29,000, terms. 1206 Asbury Ave., Hubbard Wood11. Ph. Winnetka 1725. 77LTNZ9-ltc FOR SALE-A'I'TRACTIVE HOUSE IN Geneva. Lot 1!6x150, fruit trees, etc., fenced. 11 rooms, 3 baths, 3-car garage, near station, schools and stores. Cal1 Geneva 'lO'l. 7'lLTNZ9-3tp 6 ROOK FRAME HOUSE AT NORTHbrook: H. W. heat. 1 bath, l-ear garage, lot 50x140. 19,300, terms. Call at 1937 Wilmette Ave. or phone Wll. 3'17t. 77LTNI9-ltp Ph. Rogers Park 8!81 97L!9-ttc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ H ANTIQUE8 CHERRY HIGHBOY... BABY BEDS, tilt top, drop leaf and sewing tables, clocks, mlrror8 , brasses, lamps, candelabra. painting and old prlnta, carved walnut ·arm, aide and fiddleback chairs. l.arge library of color plate books. Early Chicago and Illinois plctur.es and pamphlets. 808 Washington St. Evanston 1 block eouth of Main St. 99LTN29 _1tc AM SELLING :MY PRIVATE COLLECtlon of rosewood and mahogany piece& Redrnom f'Pt of Dutch marquetry. Rosewood bed and dreeaer. Duncan Phyfe table. Other pieces. Aleo drapes. Oriental st., rugs. Mrs. F. Tel. D. Smith, 3!1 Ked:de Evanston. Greenleaf 4475. 19LTN!B-ttc COTTAGE CHAIRS, WALNUT TIPtable. glaBB lamps In amber, blue, green and clP.ar, pair milk gl&88 vases. tear drop, thumb print snake&kln glaM -needle point. The Ellen West Antlques, 849 :Micblgan Ave.. Wilmette. Ph. Wll. 525. 99LTN!9-ltp 2135 Howard St. IW tile Boa1'4 of Loaal lla~ of aid Vllllrp ol Wllaaette uiltll 'I :II o'c1ock P. II. on TM~idq, tJae ltth da7 CJf April, A. D. ttll, at wllloh time ·14 COIIPLBTB l'tJRIIUBIIINOS OP I R11. wUI be publlcb' ODeDeC1. namlaed and house: draperla, 1rallblq maehlne, cJecland aatd Board of Local lmmange, pla.~er. plano. Ph. Wilmette provementa In the CouDCII Cbamber In ~-~ 1 - · - ltc the Vlllap BaiL _._..,._. Tbe epeclftcatlona for aald lmproveFOR &ALB-DOUBLE BBD, SPRING menta and blank propoaala will be furand mattreaa. Ph. Wilmette 3tJ9 or nlllhed at the oftlce of aid Board of call at 1118 Oakwood Ave.· IOOLU-Uc Local Improvements In uld VIllage Hall. · SINGLE IVORY BED, MATTRESS AND Proposals must be made out on blanks ·spring. Alao chlftorobe. Wlnn. 1651. ~':c,~~=~~ _:tdm::U:. o!dl:c.I~~ ------------·-oo_~.~_~!t_-1~~ the Board of· Local Improvements of 100 LB. REFRIGERAT()R, GOOD COND. the VIllage of Wilmette, 'Wilmette, 1111Ba-ln '10 Tel Wlnn 1630 nola and endoned "Proposals for Con·e.. ' · · · · atruetlng pavement, aldewalkll, and 100LTNI9-ltp storm water aewer In Locuat Road and FOR SALE-DAVENPORT. PH. WIL- other streets," and all p~poula must mette 11'15. 100LTN!9-ltc be accompanied by caah, or a certified check payable to the order of the PrealIll WTD. TO .BUT-BSBBLD. ODS. dent of tbe Boaril of Local Improvementa of the VIllage of Wilmette, for a WANTED TO BUY-SECOND-HAND sum of not lesa than ten (10) per centum furniture and other household good& of the aggregat4) of the propoul and no proposal wiD be conaldered unleaa Highest prices for same. Croat Fuml-~ accompanied. by auch check or cash. ture store, IOOt-6 Emerson St., EvThe contractor wlll be paid In bonds anston, 111. Ph. Untv. 189. 101LTN5-tfc and vouchers payable solely out of the aue~JBD~ent for said Improvement, when II! Fd & 8..\LE-~ISC. .1 collected In accordance with the provisions of the ordinance therefor, and In the manner prescribed ·by law, which bonds wlll bear Interest at the rate of six ( 6) per centum per annum. The contractor to whom the contract TO BUY A . NEW AUTOMOBILE AT A may be awarded will be required to 1·eal saving. Will sacrifice my credit furnish bond to the satisfaction and on the purchase of a new Nash. If approvala of said Board of Local Imyou are Interested call Wtnnetka UZ. provements, In . sum equal to fifty (50) 10!LTNJ9-1tc per centum of a the contract price, conditioned for the faithful performance of BABY GRAND PIANO. BEDROOM the contract. and din. rm. seta. Radio. ·t.a.mp. Proposals will be received for the conRugs. China. Curtain& Mangle. struction of satd Improvement aa a Stove. Prlntl~ preaa. Electric train whole : and satd Board of Local Imset. Very cheap. Wlnn. H9. provements reserves the right to reject 102LTNI9-ltc any and all bid& Board of Local Improvements FOR SALE-CALVINATOR ELEC. ICE of the Village of Wilmette. box, large slse, porcelain lined, used EARL E. ORNER t mo. 'l'l5. Ph. Kenilworth 4111. JOHN CLARK BAKER 102LTNJ9-ltc ~RNEST C. CAZEL CLARENCE E. DRAYER FOR SALE-DINING ROOK SET, PAUL A. HOFFMAN table, 8 chairs, buffet and library table, HANS VON REINSPERG b bed d r1 y. . . reaa Ph raBB an sp ng. e., · · JOHN F. WIEDLIN Wilmette 1835. 102LZ9-ttc L%9-ltc FOR SALE-NEW HOKE SEWING machine, $15 : bicycle, "l : Ice box, $3; North Shore Students all In good condition. Ph. Wilmette 2345. 102LTNZ9-ltc TAN REED BABY BUGGY, ALSO Miss Catherine Bickham, 429 Ninth Baslnette walker. Cheap. Ph. Glencoe street, and Miss Francis M. Hughes, 379. . lO!LTN"·ltc 941 Sheridan road, Wilmette, have been FOR SALE-MAH. DINING ROOM SET, invited to a scholarship dinner which chairs with blue leather seats, $67. Ph. the deans of Ohio Wesleyan university Wilmette 3826. 10!L29-ltc will give :Monday evening, April 16. ;,~~~~~~~~~·~-~= ~ blqJIO'fiM . . "'='. .. .. ~.:.ew:=. · .::: PfOPOI&Ia . . __ at Scholanbip Dinner f, . FOR SALE-Z THIVA RUGS, 8x10 AND 9xl0, good as new, price $150 each. Cal! University '1316. 102LTN29-ltc FOR SALE-28 RADIOLA, COMPLETE A. c. operation; '393 value, will sell for ' 195. Ph. Winnetka -o· 102L,.._ 1 4i4i 4i. , ... &..,- tc BICYCLE, VERY GOOD COND. CALL for janitor. '194 Elm St. 10!LTNZ9-ltp til ._.a -T·D TO B - J118C "a.n .a:. ., · · WANTED-CLEAN WHITE RAGS, tOe per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. 103LTN14-tfp VILLAGE OF WILVETTE PROPOSAL FOR SALE-6 ROOM FRAME BUNGA~ IH POK SALF-H8EHLD. GD8. · low, . H. W. heat, 2.:C.r garage, near transp. l12,500. No brokers. Wil- KRAKAUER MAHOGANY UPRIGHT nlano, $50 : victrola, $15 : Ice box 100 lb., mette 158!: 'l'1L29-1tc Bohn Siphon porcelain lined. S15 : mah. library table. $10: flbre porch set, 3 FOR SALE-VERY DESIRABLE 6 rockers spring cushion seats-tableroom brick, sutaparlor, H. W. beat, !lamp, $15 : 8% yd. red stair carpet, $8 : car garage, fine neighborhood. $18,500. large rutnJ, $5. S8, $10 each: living rm. No brokers. Wilmette 1582. 'l'lLZ9-ltc rug 1t ft. 3 ln. by 15 ft., $60 : dlnln~ nn. rug, 10 ft. '1 ln. by 12 ft., $45. Ph. I'OJl 8ALE-VACAlfT Wilmette 1360. 100L29-ltp SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 9 PC. MAH. DTNING SET, 4 PC. IVORY FOR NORTH SHORE bedroom set, Thor washer and mangle. CLEAR RESIDENTIAL VACANTSlngt>r sewln~ machine, rugs, portieres, Every building Bite \\'lth panoramic art chairs. · dishes. toys. t>tc. Private view of ocean. mountains, MIMlon Valflale. can be :Jt>f:n at W=trbles Storage ley and historic old Spanish missionCo., 521 Main St., Wllmettt>. Only property of Its class left Intact In 100LTN29-ltp San Diego-Value $35,000-WIIl divide. Fine opportunity for contractor-Best COMPLETE FURNISHING SACRIFICE. New refectory table, half price, chain, climate In U. S. Population doubled tdnce 19!0. Would consider ·trade ' for wardrobf" chiffoniers. day beds. Royal North Shore House or vacant-Dodda, Sarouk rug. 9x12 ft. 6 1'1 .· domestic rugi 9!9 Hinman Ave., E\·anston. 6x9, !'!mall rug. Ph. Glencoe 1169. 78LT!9-ttc 100LTN29-1tc FOR SALE-BEST CASH OFFER BUYS VICTOR VICTROLA AND RECORDS, 75 ft. lot, tmltable for two houses, street $50: Walnut library table, $20; Brown paved. mahogany tea cart, $20; 1 braM bed, % slse, mattreM and RprlnR' $!5 com4 · plete. Ph. Glencoe 1182. 100LTN!9-1tc t18 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 198 'l8L19-1tc OAK DINING ROOM SET TABLE. 6 chairs, buffet, perfect condition, $35. POR DBSJRA.BLE VACANT LOTS IN Small mah. table, $5 : 2 good oil paint~ Winnetka eee pace 55 of thla laue. lngs. 1050 Linden Ave.· Ph. Wilmette 78L!9-ltc 21!6. 100L29-1tp PAUL SCHROEDER & Co FOR constructing pavement, sidewalks and storm water sewer In Locust Road and other streets. (Wilmette Special AsseMment No. 2!0) Wilmette, Illinois. April 13, 19!8. Sealed proposals for the Improvement of Locust Road from tbe pavement now In place In Lake Avenue to "the pavement now In place In Ashland Avenue, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Antrim of 11.36 aleo known as Avoca Road: Miami Road from the pavement now In place In Lake Ashland avenue l~ft Thursday to at~ Avenue to the northwest line of nomona Road : Romona Road from Miami te~d a house party near Bangor, Mich. Road to the pavement In Avoca Road ; Mrs.. Antrim's father and mother, Seminole Road from the pavement now Mr. and Mrs. J. Gillespie of Chicago, In place In l.ake Avenue to Blackbawk are staying in their home during their Road, and from Iroquois Road to the north end of Seminole Road ; :Mohawk absence. Road from Iroquois Road to Locust -oRoad, Seneca Road from the pavement Mr. and Mrs. Otis Ruddick of the now In place In Lake Avenue to Locust Road, Iroquois Road from Miami Road Linden Crest apartments spent Easter to Seneca Road, and Iroquois Road from we~k-end with Mrs. Ruddick's sister Seneca Road to Illinois Road : Blackhawk Road from Miami Road to Seneca on her farm, "Cedar Bro\v." which i.s They motored Road: and also Shabona Lane, Osage south of St. Louis. Lane, Ottawa Lane and Chippewa Lane down and back. all from Blackhawk Lane to the south -oends of aald Slulbona Lane, Osage M iss Phyllis Fox, daughter of Mr. Lane, Ottawa Lane and Chippewa Lane respectively by grading, adJusting man- and Mrs. Peter Fox of Warwick road, holes, pavlq curbing. constructing storm water aewen and concrete alde- Kenilworth, left Kenilworth last week walka and otherwise Improving the for Smith college where she is a freshsame, ID the VIllage of Wilmette, Cook man. The dinner is to be given in honor of members of the freshmen class who made an average grade of "B" or better in coures taken during the first semester this year. Only freshmen who made such an average during the first semester have been invited to attend this event. . The scholarship dinner is being given for the first time this year as a part of the general effort which Ohio W esleyan university is making to promote greater interest in scholarship throughout the student body. Dr. William E. Smyser, dean of the college of liberal arts, Mrs. Eugenie R. Overturf, dean of women, and William I. Sanders, dean of men, are sponsoring the dinner and will act as hosts. Only 104 freshmen out of a class of approximately 600 attained a grade average of "B" or higher during the first semester.

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