Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Apr 1928, p. 20

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WJL·IIETTE LIFE · St. Johil'l Lt~ther1111 Wilmette and Park av~nue, Wilmette Kennan W. )(eyer. 11. A., paator 401 Prairie avenue. Te-lephone 1396 . Church telephone 3111 &enleea Tblrd Sunday after Easter t :10 A. 11. Sunday school and Bible claaaea ·~ t :fG A. 11. First service and sermon 11 :80 A. II. Second service and sermon "'Deepenlnf. Our Christian Underetandlng · Monday and Friday at 4 : Classes for children Monday and Friday at 5: Classes at Winnetka Monday and Friday at 7 :30: Evening cluaea Monday at · 'l :46: Choir rehearsal Tueaday at 8 : Building committee and church council Thursday, May 3, at 7 :45: Senior Y. Thursday. May 3, at 2: Ladles' Ald and IIIBBion ·..,..·. P. 8. Tbe atteDtlon of all members of the Senior and Junior Walther leagues of St. John·a Ia called to a meeting of all thoae Interested In the educational teaturea of Younc People's W\Jrk. This meetInc will be held at .Mount Olive Lutheran church, B7ron and Tripp avenues, Chicago on Sunday afternoon and evening next, beclnnlng at 3 o'clock In the afternoon. The feature addresses will be deUverecl by Pastor Jean M. Bailey, Educational Secretary of the League, and by Proteaor ll. Kreum:.e.nn, Ph. D., of Concordia Tbeoloclcal Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. A IIcht supper will be served at the church after the seBBion. At 1:15 a Bible cla88 demonstration wlll be given, and at 8 an Inspirational service will be held. In order to reach the church take Irvbla' Bat~tisl Park car to Tripp avenue and walk one block aouth to church. We hope many of ReY. Ralph Morphett, who has been Wilmette's Leaguers will attend for their conducting our prayer meetings, occupies own IOOd and the good of their society. the pulpit thil~ morning. He was a former member of our church and is known to most Q.f our members. Seventeen catechumens are at present preparing for confirmation. The conThe High School B. Y. P. U. will meet ftrmatlon service will take place on Sun- at 5 :30 -In the Guild room. Carbon day morning, May 20, at 11 o'clock. Dubbs' group will have charge of the · On Tueac1ay evening next the Building meeting. committee, which functioned so well durThe Sunday school meets at 9 :30. l q the lut building program, and which, There are classes for all ages under at the pastor's -.quest. was appointed to graded instruction. The Men's and Womtake charge of the purchase of chancel en's classes meet in tht- auditorium at furniture, will meet at the church. G. 9:45. Reinhardt was elected In place of William Heuer. who has since made his home in The prayer meeting next Wednesday Florida. will be conducted by the Rev. Ralph Morphett who wlll contlnu' with his The proposed reunion of those confirmed at St. John·s In past years will probably series on the life of Elijah. have to be poatponed a few Sundays. The annual meeting of the Woman's lnlrtead of Kay 6th It will probably be will be . held Thua·sday, May 3. held on Samday evening, May 20. In society There wlll be White CroNs Work at the meantime we hope that our church 10 A. M. J.. uncheon will be ~erved at members will thoroughly advertise thl~ 1 P. M. with the Link lt-aderR as hostaervlce. esses. Special music ha~o~ bet-n arranged for by Mrs. C. P. Dubbs. today at the home of Mrs. C. J. New- Lutheran church, Monday and Tuesda~ of next week. The Monday Evening 1188-U burgh. 83! Greenwood avenue. slon of conference will be open to a The Christian Endeavor society wUl congregations and will be a serle· of use the following topic for Ita discus- mort addreBBeS . by the leader& in the sion next Bunda~ evening at 5 :30 P. 11.1 various ftelds of church activity. It Ia "R!ght Attitudes .T oward the Religion or hoped that many of our members and Others... friends will avatl themselves of the opportunity of attending this seMion of the The Rebecca Spoke will meet Tuesday. conference. May 1. at 6 :30 o'clock for Its regular The Luther League will meet at the dinner and business meeting. church Friday night of this week. The Dr. Magill will be back from his trip meetings are all being held in the church in time to take charge of the morning parlors because of the central location. service on Sunday. It is hoped that a Mr. Dale Gash is In charge of the derecord attendance at the morning service votional program. Miss Florence Melbye will welcome him back. and Miss Caroline Buchholz will serve the refreshments. These devotional and Scout meetings: Boy Scout troop No. 5 social gatherings are for our young peowill meet Monday evening at 7 :30 o'clock. Ple and their friends. If you have no The boys are asked to keep in mind the special Invitation you should not remain over-night hike for .May 4 and 5, with away. They are open to all who desire H. 0. von der Hotr. to mingle with the young people. Girl Scout troop No. 5 will meet Tuesday at 3:45 at the church. We will learn The Sacrament of Holy Baptbtm will 110rne new aongs to be used at the circus be administered Sunday morning at the in Highland Park on May 12. regular Morning Service. Those having Boy Rangers meet Saturday at 10 A. M. Infants or young children who have not been baptised may arra!lge to have It The Junior church will continue Its done at this service by pfloning the theme of ..:Making the World Christian." pastor as early as possible this week. with the use of the story of ..The Wall The oftlce phone Is 26'14. Paper That Talked,"' next Sunday mornIng. Our Quarterly Report which covered The adult Bible classes meet at 10 the period ending .March 31 called forth o'clock on Sunday morning, immediately a letter of commendation from the Dlvl· following thf' worship scnlce of the slonal Secretary of the Board of Arnerl· Senior depanment. A. I~. Miller Is In can Ml88ions. We are very happy to charge of the men's <'lass, which meets say that this would not have been posin the secretary's office upstairs. Mrs. sible but for the cooperation of all our E. L. Schulz: leads the woman's cla88 people. We are looking forward to the which meets In the rear of the church reaction w,tllch will greet our next re· auditorium. All the men and women of port for we think It will be far better the continued blessthe church and congregation are cordially than the ftrst. With Invited to become atftlliatt-d with theRe ing of our Lord, and the hearty coopera· tion of the member!! of the congregation, organisations. we shall have another Nplendld report for the quarter ending May 31. The annual Spring Party and ~dies' Night of the Ken's club of this church will be held Monday evening with a dinner at 6:45 o'clock. James C. C1'088ley, president of the Men's club, has arranged a fascinating program which Includes McDonald and Graft, profe88lonal entertainers, and oth_er novelties. The adults of the Easter cla88 in church membership will be the honor guests at the meeting. Ra7 Warren, chairman of the Board of Deacons. will give a short addreBB of welcome to the new members.. Members of the club will ftnd their membership cards good on this occasion. The Crescent Circle, Mrs. F. E. Parry, chairman, will meet on Tuesday for luncheon at 1 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Henry Marcus. 527 Maple avenue. Mrs. Harry Hammill, Mrs. Fred Hoerber. Mrs. S. M. Singleton, Mrs. R. J. Mulvey and Mrs. C. L. Mohr will be the assistIng hostesses. The Wekeacaftla Camp Fire Girls will meet at the church at 3 :45 under the direction of Mrs. H. A. LaRoy. The Board of Deacons will hold its regular monthly meeting in the church office at 7 :30 P. M. Roosevelt Troop No. 2 Boy Scouts will meef at the church at 'l :30. On Wednesday the Junior choir will meet for rehear~l at · 3 :45 P. M. under the direction of Amy Leslie Toskey. Wilmette Stranger~ and newcQmet·N to Wilmette The Church school faculty will meet will ftnd a hearty welcome awaiting them at the little "church amund the corner." for dinner at 6:30 and will have as Its If you have no. church home in Wll· guest Victor E. Marriott, director of rernette, we im·ite you to worship with us. ligious education for 1he Chicago Congregational association, who will speak on the subject, "'My Heart Leaps· Up." Mr. "WORSHIP IN WILMETTE." Marriott has had wide experience In educational enterprises and will talk on the general plans for future religious education programs. Members of the Sunday, April 29, will be the third Sun- Committee on Religious Education will day after Easter. There will be Holy att~nd the Faculty meeting also, and Communion at 8 A. M., Church school general discussion will be Invited at the and Bible classet4 at 9 :45 A. M. and conclusion of Mr. Marriott's addre88. Any Morning Prayer with address at 11 A. M. parents or friends of the church school. are indted to participate. Tuesday, ~ay 1, is the day set apart by the Universal Church to honor .the The Senior choir will meet at 7 :30 P. M. memory of st. Phlllp and St. James. for rehearsal under the direction of Amy Tht>re will be Holy Communion at 8 ~· M. Leslie Toskey. St. Augustine's Church Pre·b:vteri1111 Cburch The Presbyterian church is located at the northeast corner of Greenleaf avenue and Ninth street. The North Shore line local and expre88 stops at 8th and lOth street within one block of the church, thu nutklng It very convenient for those llvlnc at a distance. You will always ftnd a cordial welcome. This church Is known aa the ..friendly church." Sunda~ School at 9 :30 a. m. Morning church service at 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 6:10 p. m. P. T. A. Round Table will be held at 'I :30 Monday evening in the Guild room. All those who attended the flr~t meeting are urged to attend Monday ~vening. Choir reheoars.<tl will be held on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the church. The Boy Scouts will meet at the church at 7 :30 Thursday e\·ening, May 3. The chureh office is open dally from 9 to 12 and from 1 to 5. Satm·days from 9 to 12. The Quartet will give the following The Wilmette Baptil'lt chureh is located Protrram at the morning service next Sunda~ at 11 o'clock : at the cornerR of Wllrnettt- and Forest 0'1(UI Prelude, avenues. "Pra~e~· (Jocelyn) · .. . .... ... .. Godard Trio. Today (April 27) the Associated Guilds The Cozy Corner Circle, Mrs. G. B. will meet at 10 :30, with luncheon at noo11 Knepper, chairman, will meet at the In the Club House. Church on Thursday. Luncheon will be served at 12 :30. Mrs. Frank Randall Is Yesterday afternoon the funeral of the (~hairman of the luncheon committee. late I. K. Stover was held in St. Augustine's. The church waN filled to The Boys' club wm meet at the church the doors. Ma·. Stover was f~r years a at 3 :30 undet· the leade~hip of Mr. Mcvestryman of St. Augustine's. Burial will Cormack. be at Troy, Ohio. The Central avenue Circle, Mrs. J. M. This Sunday Daylight Saving time be- T. Boyd. chairman, will meet on Friday. gins. All ser\·ices at St. Augustine'!:! will Ma·s. C. W. Culbertson, 919 Elmwood ave· be ·held on Daylight Saving time. nue, will be the hostess and will be assisted by Mrs. L. E. Rudd and Mrs. A. J. Taylor. Luncheon wlll be served at 1 o'clock. Associate Minister-Wrn. E. McCormack The East End Circle, Mrs. Sumner This is one of the ftne churches in Mason, chairman, will alao meet Friday Wilmette. The announcernentH printed 1.t the horne of Mrs. Frank Watson, 1341 below inclu<le an Invitation to anyone Interested to attend and participate In Chestnut avenue, for luncheon at 1 o'clock. ~Irs. G. F. Johll.Ston and Mrs. L. V. Pierthe functions of this church. son will be the aMisting hostesses. Today the Northwest Circle, Mrs. J. H. Troop No. 1 Girl Scouts will meet at Stackhouse, chairman, will meet for luncheon at 12 :30 at the home of Mrs. the church Friday evening at '1 :15. Miss Elizabeth Brown Is captain of the troop. Lloyd Yost, 1016 Greenwood avenue. First Congregational ··PraJee Ye" (Attlla) ........ ... . Verdi 11188 Bushouse, Mr. Miller, Mr. C~rlaon Trio, ·"'J'be Lord Will ·comfort Zion" .. Brown OJwan Offertory, ·"Contemplation" (The Holy City), Gaul Solo. ..The Holy City" . . . ....... .... Adams Mr. Carlson OJwan Postlude. "JI'aafare" .................... Lemmens Quartet: Catherine Bushouse, Soprano Roee Lutl~er Gannon, Contralto John B. lllller, Tenor Bmmona C. Carlson, Bass Brma E. Rounds, organist and director April 29, u a part of the repJar momln« church service. This will be aa lmprealve and Interesting service. 8~. odlcen recenUy elected will take place The ordination and Installation of Sunday morning at 9 :30 o'clock, daylight saving time, the Church school wtll Tlae Tlllrd 8aadatJ .A Iter Eae'ter convene In its various departments. 9 :45 a. m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunday school Classes for boys and girls of every age Mr. Joseph JohnHOn, supulntendent are provided, and capable leaders direct 11 a. m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mornln~ worship the programs of the Church school. Sermon : ""The Salt of the Earth" At 10 :30 G. M. Brooks will speak In the Junior C~ngregation worship service The Choir surprised Mrs. A. D. Gash and the Junior choir will lead the music. at her borne last Friday evening. The IO'OUP presented her with a beautiful At the 11 o'clock worship ~rvlce, daybouquet of flowers and a ftne purse In light saving time, tht- church will have reoo~nltlon of her service as organist and as Its guest preachea· the Rev. Stephen chotr director. Those present were MISB A. Lloyd, who until recently was pastor Marion Melbye, Ml88 Florence Melbye, of this church but who resigned to acMl88 Lucille Dahlbenr, Miss Ruth Nord- cept a call to the pastorate of the First berg. Miss Caroline Buchols, Ml88 Hilda Congregational church of Ponti~,.. . Mlcb. Kloster, Ml88 Rose Karle Gash, Kr. and Kr. Lloyd wlll preach on "'Dynamic Mrs. A. D. Gash, Max Guier. Wallace Saints." Amy Leslie Toskey, director qtark. Chester Stark. William Melbye, Jr., of music, Is arranging an excellent pro-. l)ale Gash. William Gash, Robert Klemm, gram of music for the occasion. Ted Peterson, and Pastor Empaon. Games were played and dainty refreshments The last session of the Forum. under .-erved at the table. The evening was the direction of Frank 0. Beck. Ph. D., \"Oted a succeu by all present. will be held In Pll~rlm ball at 1! :15. Dr. Beck bas directed the Forum for eight successive Sundays and a .n-eat deal of Interest has been shown In the dlacuBBlona stimulated by the topics. "'The Cburch·a English Lutheran Methodist C burch The main Interest of the Methodist church now centers ~n the General Conference to be held at Kansas City during the month of May. This Is the quadrennial conference of the church and is made up of a1;1 equal number of laymen and ministers from all over the world. Every country In which Methodism works will be represented at this conference. There will be inen and women of many nationalities. More than eight hundred offtclal delegates will be In attendance with literally thousands of others present. Added Interest Is felt In this gathering due to the fact that the pastor of this church Is one of the eight minister dele.:. gates of the Rock River Conference. He leaves on Sunday night for Kansas City and will be pre~nt during the entire month of May. Dr. Schermerhorn will lead the ~lass of men and women, beginning next Sunday, In a dlacUBBlon of the various luuea to be considered by the General Conference. Next Sunday he will take up Ita meUaod

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