Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Apr 1928, p. 22

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.· (~ ....t drivers in the . fog or .rain u1d keep their dashlights dim, ad- ... UHUGHTS--· H J· · · the Accident Prevention departH. J. Dernehl has purchased the ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - E~IJjbiliOtJ · nt of; t e l;hicago Motor club. A eigh~ room home at 1010 Linden ·avePlans for the first public· appearance Members of the board of directors bright d.hlight will' impair vi,ion by nue from Miles H. ~cMiUen. _ The of the Wilmette Post Drwn and Bugle of Vassar House entertained Vassar causing a glare ··which affects the house is situated on a lot 50 by .200 Corps have been made. The date is alumnae and friends Thursday after~sion of .the road. It also produces feet. The consi.deration ~s undisclosed. May 6, when the opening· baseball noon, at a tea and exhibit of paintings .is played on the Village green. by Miss Olive Rush at the new AllerII and Smat h 0 f Four th st reet ' game eye-st.._in which i~ tiring on a long Kro_ Practice last Tuesd_ a y and Friday ton galleries at the Allerton House, 701 n_~_gh_t_u_~_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _w_il_m_e_u_~_w_u_e_t_h_e_b_r_~_e_r_~----n~b~A~~~~~b~K~~~~~ M~h~~ are enthusiastic over the success of the on view some thirty and more oils and Corps. water colors, and the exhibit will hang ------------------------------------------~ . in the Allerton galleries until May 5. TwQ cases of clothing were sent to The Vassar group was present between Elgin hospital for distribution to ex- 3 :30 and 5 :30 o'clock. service men last week. There was also Officers of Vassar House are Mrs. · other- clothing for the families of ex- Charles Fabens Kelley, president; Mrs. service men. Keep this part of the W. Gordon McKelden, vice-president; work going. Call Service Officer Orr, Mrs. Eugene Talbot, Jr., secretary; 1002. Greenleaf avenue, phone 557. Mrs. Ferdinand Bartelme, assistant secretary; Mrs. Hallet W. Thorne, ·Memorial Day should see a big turn- treasurer, and Miss Dorothy Clark, asout of Wilmette people, due to the sistant treasurer. fact that the music will be furnished The board of directors includes by those we all know, namely New among its members Frederick S. CotTrier High School Band, Howard burn of Evanston; Miss Jeanette HigSchool Band and our Post Drum and gins, north side; Mrs. Donald Jeffris. Bugle Corps. Winnetka; Mrs. Rufus Jeffris, south side; Mrs. Philip Merrill, Evanston: Poppy Day, about a month away, Mrs. Clayton Seaman, west side: Mrs. needs no introduction to North Shore Talbot, north side; Mrs. Harold · Leopeople. It is an institution which every- pold, north side; Mrs. Hallett Thorne, one recognizes, knowing all the pro- Indian Hill; Mrs. Heirce Ward, Winceeds go for service work. netka; Mrs. Harry Lord Wells, Hubbard Woods; Mrs. Daniels H. Burnb~sed Any persons in Wilmette eligible to ham, Jr., Hubbard \\toods; Mrs. F. E. the American Legion please get in Bartelme, Winnetka; Mrs. A. D. Weltouch with Dr. W. W. Hawkins, mem- ton, north side; Mrs. Percival Hart Health protection-beauty and utility-quiet, bership chairman. and Mrs. J. P. Gibson, Jr., Winnetka. economical, dependable performance-low Miss Rush's work has been exhibit100 percent for Waukegan Convenprice-all have played important parts in ed in numerous museums throughout tion I · winningFrigidai~e's unquestioned leadership. the country, including the Chicago Art Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Hardy of 104 institute, ·and her present group at Visit ·o ur display room for a demonstra· Woodbine avenue returned a week ago the Allerton is considered some of the don. Easy monthly terms can be arranged. Wednesday from California and Ari- finest work she has yet done. zona where they have spent the last Cllleqo-o-Stover Co., Ill N. Mlelllsaa ATe., Wlll&ellall ttii William Ashley arrived unexpectedly last six months. H·ltltart Woods-:-8tonr Co., 151 Lladea ATe., Wlaaetka till Monday at the home of his aunt, Mrs. -oBll'lllaa4 Puk-8toTer Co., 181 Ceatral .ATe., Blslllaad Park lit Mr. and Mrs. ]. D. Roth of 1124 C. E. Eveland, of Greenleaf avenue, B"t'Uttoa-StoYer Co., 1111 8Jaer·aa ATe., Greealeaf USI PaltUe Senlee «o. of Norl'era Jlllaols-At all tllelr oaees Forest avenue are leaving today for a for a stay of a week or ten days on short trip to the East where they will his way from Long Beach, Cal. to his P B 0 D U C T · 0 F · G E w· E B A L · M 0 T 0 B 8 home in Baltimore, Md. visit New York and Boston. Home 0.. iinclen Aft.~ I · · · ·· · ··- · Legion Notes IV astir ll011·· BO.rtl E·terltlifJS lit Tell tiM Art ----· · ,, 'the Overwhelming preference for FRIGIDAIRE is on proven performance T I ~ ' I Now! Have Finer Flowers Scienec ~ow shows the way to 8ecure what you hav~ always wanted-velvety lawns, crisp, succulent vegetables, ~autiful flowers, luxuriant shrubs and trees. For such results plants must be properly fed Vigoro, scientifically prepared, is a plete plant food. It is ~urprisingly inexpensive-only lOc to 20c for every 100 square feet. And so easy to apply I You simply sow by ~d, like grass seed. J com- a.an . · Odorlea -~ toAppo ..-~pn!pllleJPJ-.tlxt4 - GORO 41SJ6 Foartla St. - - ........ ... - ·-- ...... - Economical Practical EllectitM ... .. . A Swift &: Company Product . 1M T..a.J llarftare Store, P. N. Balmee, IllS G...w Aw. Hw...rt Ho&--. RWp A-. llada Ho...... Gle.niew RoM . Fraak KWa. 1411 Wu..ate A-. Jacoh ) ReiawaW, 1. . m.W.. Aft. . .. . - . .. .. .. .. -·

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