Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Apr 1928, p. 27

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1921 nu. Group Won 1"~ llll'l"'J'JI for Junior Life Storiea The foUowlng people received tickets to the Norshore theater for having the best JUNIOR LIJ'II stories In the April 11 WILe LIPJL ... I ·I 1 Bob HeJJS, best news story, council meet· lng: Chester Hanson, Community Cheat stOI"Y : Bob Hull, Hansel and Gretal story ; Emma Bickham, feature story; Alfred Struebing, poem: Jerrlne Fromm, poem: ..Kelly" Welter, personal; Grete von Relnsperg, girls' baseball story ; Lauretta Anderson. sport story : Don PavliceK, sport story: June Anderson, banding In the most material ; Janet McConnaughey, Easter Egg story ; Eleanor Culver, Art Institute story; Lawrence Haughness, fourth grade ~port story. There are twenty tickets given, the reDISTWBUTE ABT PJUZBI maining six were given out at the staff .All the rooms got a prize from the meeting Thursday afternoon. · Art league If everybody In their room -Allee Ackerman, Howard 7A joined the Art league. Miss Chase's room got two charts In colors of the ' Interior START BASEBALL SEASON a Grecian house and the other Is the The season of girls' baseball has of "Charlot Race of Ben Bur." MI'B. started for 8C Stolp. ..Ginny" Buck Julian's room got a statue of the was elected captain of our team. The "Wrestlers." Mtu Scott's room got a 8C's want to be fair to everyone and so statue of ··ntana of the Hunt." I think they try and let each girl be captain of all the rooms like their prizes very much. one sport, no more. Margaret Harris -Helen Born, 5A Central was captain of our volley ball team, Thalia Little of our basketba,ll team and ELSE WANTS COMPETITION now we have "Ginny." We all know she The Playground and Uecreatlon board will make good as she Is one of our good baseball players anyway. We all of Wilmette is giving some roller skathope she will like her job and we will ing races, Saturday morning, April 28. at 9 o'clock. They are on Third and have a successful season. I..aurel avenue. Let's try and have a lot -Thalia Little, Stolp 8C of children come and show that we ap·preclate what the Recreation board does PLAN SPRIYG COXCERT for Wilmette. The annual spring concert of the Wil-Else von Reinsperg, 6A Central mette Grammar school orchestra will be given on Friday, May 11, at the lA DEF EATI'i IC Howard school gymnasium. The boys' GA and 6C played a baseball game last and girls' Glee clubs of both the Stolp and Howard schools are Invited to sing Thursday. 6A won by a score of 17 between numbers. We are hoping the to 13. It was the first game for the concert will be as great a success as two teams. 6A toolk the lead In the first inning 6 to 1, and kept the lead last year. right through the game. In the first -Ruth Jean Bersch, 7A Howard inning Charles Williams was relieved by Dick Hall. ELEANOR LOVES '.fHE BIBBS -Jack Slayton, Central 6C The robins are here. I heard a very queer noise like the sound of a Bob-o-link WIN CAGE TROPHY , but I did not see him. I am trying Howard 7A, having won the boys to get a list of spring birds and summer basketball . championship, received a birds. There is a cardinal around our house, and when I wake up it is sing- statuette. It Is on a two-Inch base with Ing a pretty song. I like to hear him the Inscription, "H. Otto Von Der Ho~ Trophy. Won by Howard 7A, 19%7-28. sing to me, for it sounds very sweet. It shows a basketball player poised -Eleanor Olson, 5A Central ready to shoot the ball. The figure is silver and Is six and one-half inches LOGAN NINE WINS Five-A Central played Logan 5 tall. Dick Steen April 19. The players on Five-A's team are Donald Toeppen, Edward Mee, captain, Donald Ford, Jim Burrill, Steven ENJOYS COO·COO CLUB Woodhead, Graham Burke, Robert Reed, Last Saturday, I went to see AI Howard Culver, John Lamkey. The score Kvale's Coo-Coo club. They had some was at to 17 in J...ogan's favor. dancing and singing. But the main -Florence Read, 5C Central thing on the program was Uncle Bob. He sang about safety. The last thing on IH PER CEYT MEMBERSHIP the program was a contest. Everybod\· in l\fiRs Brown's room joined -Alfred Struebing, 6B Howard the Art league and we got a prize for lt. We got a big picture about two feet THALIA IS 'VELL AGAIN long and a foot and a half high. The Thalia Little of 8C Stolp, was absent picture i~ of· a Prairie Schooner going last week. She was kept in bed by a acro~s the- Rocky Mountains and that cold which she caught on the way home iR what we- are studying about in History. from Pittsburgh where she spent her rt Is in color~. Easter vacation. Thalia Is back In -Helen Born, 5A Central school now and her classmates hope that she will remain until the close of school. HOW,\RD DEFEATS CENTRAL · -June Anderson, 8C Stolp Toflav. A·lrll 12, 5A Central played :)(" Hr.n\·at·d.- Jt was a clo~ game. The WIN FINE PAINTING ~ure wa~ 2!1 to 24 In Howard's favor. On April 17, there was a P. T. A. 5A Central In the last Inning had two meeting In the Stolp gymnasium, and all outs and John Lankey was up to bat. the rooms got their prizes for the Art John struck out and so that made three league. Miss Brown's room got a ..Covouts. ered Wagon" of the Pioneers and It Is -Donald Ford, 5A Central a very pretty picture. We all like It very much because we are studying SEE CHARLIE AND HAROLD about the pioneers. We went to see Charlie Chaplin In -Betty Marks, 5A Central .. The Circus" a week or two ago. We saw the place where thev took part of the picture. Another time we saw Harold Lloyd's picture being taken at Venice, Cal. It was at Coney Island. The picA B0¥'8' ture was ..Speedy." WO"LD -Martha A. Hurt, 5A Central BIG PARTY TONIGHT 8C of the Byron Stolp school are planning to have a party at the gymnasium Friday night, April 27. All of the eighth grades of Stolp are invited. We hope you wl11 all come because we are sure you will have a good time. We bfab., nw ....., ·will play games and have refreshments. Balltllla aa4 ..0 ..... Ia llle _., lll.,l ...._ -RMe Marie Gash, ~C Stolp ENJOY BIBB B11lfT Frank W. Hooper, Donald aDd Junior Andenon went to the Forest Preaene on a blnl bunt. When we cot there we had our lunch and started to bunt for blnlL We saw the following blrda: wbltebreastecl nuthatch, red-headed woodpecker, red·wlnged blackbird&, American crows, meadow larks, brown creeper, blue jays, fty-catchera, cedar wartrl._, llfOlden-crowned klnclet, Juncos, bobolinks, hairy and down woodpeckers, klngftahera, hermit thi'U8b, housewren, brown thrasher, kildeer, black and white warbler. chickadee, fteld sparrows, ftlcker, wood pewee. We then went home and Boy! were we tired. -Frank Hooper, Central 5B Evelra Eajora Pq for Member~ of Junior Choir The Junior choir of the Wilmette Conareaattonal church had a party laet WedneedQ'. We practiced the hymns first and then Ellen Couens read a story. It wa8 from the book called '"The Adventures of Jimmy Brown." Beth KaeElrath sang '"The Four Leaf Clover" with Jean Munro at the plano. Another story waa read and then Jean Munro, wbo Ia the president, played a Rachmaninoff Prelude. We had Ice cream and cake and then we told riddles and played a few games. It was lots of fun. -Evelyn White, SA Central WIN AT LEAGUE PRIZE Our room got a prize for all the children in the room joined the Art league. The picture shows Pioneers croJJStng the country In a covered wagon with a long team ()f oxen pulling it. There are some dogs, too. There are two men followIng on ·horses. -Bobby Cutler, 5A Central ·' 'A 8U1J8ft ··~,. ·· ~" ~,. aftenaooa . belWeea ' · ·I o'clock a baeeball . lllalli!laCte 'Wu . _ Stolp. Batteries were aa follows : ,, ... BB: Quinlan and Jtea, P. ; Soble.: ·C. 8A: ChUI'Cil anct Bruce, P. ; Ostrom, 0. .. The runs and battinc order are u (t)llowa: · BB : McLean, 3 : ·V3re, I : Qulnlul. I; Zlpprlcb, a; Soble, 3: Crawford, a; B-. 1 : Young, 1 : Williams. 0; Howard, L · BA : Bruce, 0 : Church, 0 : Ostrom, 1 ; Kuns, 1 ; Duncan, 0: Davidson, 0; Roblason, 0; Osborne, 0 : Von Relnsperg, 0. . SB won !4-!. -Bob Heu, 8B StoiJJ ,_t DESCBIBE8 OII'T P A.llfTIIG The children In Jllu Brown'· room got a picture tor having all the cldt4ren bring ten cents for the Art league. 'l'be picture is a covered wagon going doWD Into a valley. There are bunchea of grass and mountains In the distance. '.l'be picture was painted by B.o.bert w~ Amick. We all enjoy the picture ~ much. -Evelyn White, 5A Central NO KOBE BASKETBALL VISIT FBOJI BOSEKABT The eighth grade girls at Stolp ha\'e Rosemary Turner, a very good friend decided give up their plans for a of mine, came from Detroit to visit us. second to basketball tournament. 8IDDe She wi11 stay about ope month. we've been having such warm· weaUaer -Eleanor Wllllams, 5A Central they have decided to play baseball IDstead. There will te a team ol"R1UII8ed In each room and Stolp will play Ho1fal'd. lA WINS BALL OA.E The first game of the SEason 6C played The teams from Stolp will play ag&l8t 6A. 6A beat 6C by a score of 13 to 17. each other also. A large number of 6A had a hard time doing it because the girls will play becauae we all are woi'IEsides were pretty even. Ing hard for our letters. · -Eiimbeth Balhatchet, SA StQJp· -Richard Preston , ' DESIGNED FOR A PURPOSE Those who study to become Interior Decorators are learning to create lovely designs such as are being used i~ tbe most selective circles to beautify the home. In t~tS department design. as taught by Mr. Eddy. Mn. Dantel· son and Mr. Harringer. is a complete and perfect foundation for a life of artistic activity. But in the EVANSTON ACADEMY OF FINE 'ARTS design is not confined to t~. departm~nts. for we. regard it as tbe true basis of all art1st1c expressaon. Even tn such classes as are drawing the nude figure. the greates~ emphasis is laid upon design, so that the stud~nts may not tn the end simply .have learned to copy what tS before them but they may find themselves equipped to bring to this world beauti· fully conceived ideas well designed and executed. School Exhibit May 17 to I 9 Inclusive. Summer School Begins July gtb· · ·,... ... ~....... tdJI - . . TEACHER 18 ILL Mrs. Julian, teacher of 6A Central, Is ·absent and we bave a new teacher In tree lleaiH· .. Ole weelll ...._ ..... her place. Her name is Miss Drynan. We all like her very mueh, but I know ........ ... lhlaa . . . . . . ... we are all sorry Mrs. Julian Is out. -Betty Pal~nflke. 6A Central ·re · · · ef De aeSIYIIIel ef all ...._ BOYS aat CAMP 0 narga Por Yona · · 11 ................................. ....... ..... ·. ..... ., .......... ··· aaoq Ge 111aat1 Ia ·.ua· anea 11&7. ......... .. , ............ ....,. lft'ealla - . Tnla.. te IUl ,._ rtop. tnae lleul' 111ft Ina Cld1..., &t··nn 1a1aa1 II lbdtet te ..Yea te feutHa. lfeal' IJOeael', Wbeealla Tutoring for Individual Boys ···ellen, ·· r.v..,.. THE EVANSTON ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. CARL SCH8PPula, Dimtor Carboa Bldg. Tower, Cb·ada 8 Orriaatoa .... ·ta~ot·· wrtte to 0 ...... ......., .....i, Ou.... IDI·elt CAPT C. H. LUDWICK CHARLES A. KINNEY, ~ w-wtb. J1. T... W' · a"e 114

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