Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Apr 1928, p. 56

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WILIIET"r E LI-P I! . . ~ -----------------~- '1/,1928 dA. JU.DJA.TO& COVBB8 CLM&IFIBD ADVERTIBEJIENTB Gllaaoe wtaoee DaiiiM a~r lll_ tbe LJJ'II, telepho'; ........., IDalaiiYe ...._......... to eltber WILIIBTTB 1 GLliNCOB JQIW8. · <G&IrcdleJmfum. g SPRING IS HBRE AND THE TIME RADIATOR COVERS, CABINETS AND General Notia- ~·=-~v:r=-~tro~ 1:~=-~ =2'1. D.·.-_!1 oentll a Une In ODe paper. U oentll a One ID UlJ' AtH·· ·---.o oentll a Une In all thNe _ papen. JlllfDI1JJ( CIIAIUJB ·atl. A.,..... of 1ft worda to the Une. No blaclr~ce uecL 11-. NODI · all _.. with order a4Yerti1181118Dta wtaen bro t to our ·at Ull c.tral AYe., WIIIDette, or 1M UnaoiD A.... _twoe or wbo are 'l'ALK or oma. URifl, n __..,l. tbe WILIIll'ft'll Lin or all tbree papen; Tbunclay I o'clock tor the 'W"D1NB'1'KA TALK and 1Prl41ay I o'clock for the GLBNCOII NJIWS. Teleplaonea: Wilmette fiOO or WIDnetlra IOft0-1001 . IM ~'Ot f'J l IJIIt,·,...._claulfted lv.·.-cepte4 up actvertlaement. wtia be acto We4a~ 1 o'cloclr tor f FOB 8ALE-AVT08 FOB SALE-AVTOS baa come to make the cb&Dpa In your lawn and p.rden that you have been thinking about winter. Call .;..;.. ·· _ _ _ 8BaVICB B11BBA17 . _ __ ua and we willdurlq cladlytbe talk over with ____ ____ you your plana and advise you how to get the beat results. We are prepared to do any landacaplng work that you AND PERSONAL SERVICE CAN FUR· may wish done. nish help of all natlonaUtleL We furnish the best of help onlJ'. Couples. maida, butlers, chauffeurs, laundre8118s, goveme88es, and nurse& Reliable help Phone Greenleaf 2930 only. .Call Douglas 1500. 4CLTN29-4tp 2016 Central St. 20LTN31-1tc i1 WINDOW 8BA.DB8 ADAM SCOTT Landscape Gardener and Contractor Garden A Beach Umbrellas Avoid worry. Have your place fixed up Drapery Hardware and taken care of by the month. Get Canopies Rented my estimate on . new places, also driveways. Awnings A Window Shades · Phone Winnetka 2482 20LTN31-1tc llblelda. reasonably priced. High cracle workmanshiP a ftnlah: time pa)'lllent If desired. Mr. Wetsel, Pb. Wilmette !811. ' CJA.-LTNJG-tfc Briggs Employment. Agency <Gaa-e & J(O)rcdlaum A tJS~D UNEQUALED VALUES Dodge Dodge Dodge Buick Coupe .. . ......... . ........ . .. t450 Coupe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 Senior Sedan ................ 1,100 Touring, Winter encl. . . . . . . . . 325 Convenient Tenns Your present car acc.apted In partial payme nt. A-1 BLACK DIRT NO GREENHOUSE OR SKOKIE DIRT, manure, sand and ftlllng, also reseeding lawns, lawns by the month. P. N. BALMES 1115 Greenleaf Ave. Ph. Wilmette 2170 20LTN31-tfc INSTBVCTION Take Golf Lessons at the IHiar«»llcdlN olmlluiillll~C©o J6 Prouty Annex Winnetka ltJ& Waukepn O!BCP 30J S. Geneaae St. Waukegan !087 BtmiicllK 18 THE NEXT GREATEST VALUE TO A NEW BUICK li 111'1 Kuter Six Buick Sedan. Gold Seal GaaraDtee . . ...................... $1.17& DODGE MOTOR CARS 111'1 Standard Country Club Coupe. 1019 Davis St. - rumble aeat, Gold Seal GuarantAie Evanston ... . . .. .. ... . ... . ........ . ........ $1,025 . Phone Wilmette or University 224 ltH Two-door master Sedan ........ $875 ' 4LTN31-1tc liJI Buick 7-pauenger Sedan, big bar_.tn. baa f new General cord tlrea ···············...·.·..······..·.·· 19!6 HERE'S A REAL BARGAIN -MY 1925 Oakland Coach in flne running 192'1 Dodge . Sedan .. . .............. $250 condition for only $395. This car LIBERAL TERMS has had excellent care and is a big ·"buy." Call University 59. 4LTN31-1tc 51LTNJ9-tfc LOST AND POUND FOUND-POLICE DOG, YOUNG, FEmale, black and tan, with harness and collar. Phone Wilmette 319. 55LT31-1tp LOST-MALE GERMAN POLICE PUP, notch on 1 ear, .vide studded collar, Ph. Wilmette 108. 55LTN31-1tc il C. 1\1. McDONALD TERRY McGOVERN GOLF SCHOOL 914 Chicago Avenue EVANSTON Phone Greenleaf 4815 N<O>rttlhl §lm(O)Ir<e BlUliick t(Q)mm]p)uny ASTONISHING FOR SALE-REPUBLIC TRUCK, GOOD order. Make offer. Phone Winn. 2832. 4LTN31-ltc NOW Is the Time to Have - - - - - - - - - - your Golf Clubs Gone Over OPPORTUNITY WAITRESSES FOR YOUNG MAROpen Evenings 25L31-ttc INTERIOR DECORATING ried women with waitress experience to make good money working extra a few meals a week at exclusive golf club on north side. Pll. Wilmette 3170. 56LTN31-ttc HELP W A:NTED--FEKA.LE 1030 DAVIS ST. UNIV. 5Hl 11 BVILDilfG a CONTBACTINQ 17 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY& 4LTN31-ltc NORTH SIDE & EVANSTON BRANCH VALUES IN GOOD USED CARS Late Chrysler Sedan, 6 cyl. Very fine car for the family at only · ........ $560 lt28 Advanced Six Nash 2-door Sedan. Run only 1,500 rnltes. This car carries new-car guarantee and comes fully equipped. Cost new $1,560. Our price for a quick sale only .. . ......... $1.295 Late 1926 Advanced Six Nash Sedan $675 11J5 Nash Ad,·anced 6 Sedan . . ...... $625 19!4 Nub Advanced 6 Sedan .... . . $285 11!7 Oldsmobile 4-door Sedan . . . .... . $485 Kluel Sedan in very fine shape for only ...... ... . ..................... . $95 Oakland Coupe ........................ $75 COllE IN- DRIVE THEM- And be convinced that here are the outstanding used-car values of the North Shore. SUBURBAN NASH CO. 547 Lincoln Ave. Phone Winnetka 270'1 Exceptional Value IS OFFERED IN THIS 192'1 HUPMOblle 8 cylinder Sedan (Demonstrator). A real buy at only $1,800. HANSON MOTOR CO. GRAHAM-PAIGE DEALER WINNETKA 4LTN31-ltc ~~--------------------MUST SACRIFICE KY 1927 PONTIAC f door - at $575. Has been very carefully driven and shows no sign of wear. Four good tires. Snap this barcaJn up at once. Mr. Nonnan, 101Z Chicago Ave. 4LTN31-1tc PONTIAC COACH-1927 MODEL-HEduced to f475. Perfect mechanical condltlon. Finish and upholstery like new. May be seen at Lake Shore Auto Sales, 1012 Chlcaco Ave. 4LTN31-ltc EXPERIENCED, WHITE, GENERAL houEework girl for cooking and down stairs work, $20. No. laundry, family TO HARMONIZE WITH YOUR of f and nurse. Ref. req. Ph. Glendraperies or decorative scheme. Our coe 445. 66LTN31-1tc creative artists achieve perfect reRALPH WATTS, Mgr. sults; vases w· -·ed. WANTED-WHITE GIRL OR WOMAN 2047 HOWARD AVE., CHICAGO ALAN-GOODRICH STUDIO every day, horne nights, housework, no Between Clark and Ridge 632 Church St. Carlson Bldg. washing or cooking, $10 to $12. Exp. EVANSTON CinCAGO 27LTN31-ltc not necessary. Ph. Kenilworth 3048. UNIVERSITY 8950 BRIARGATE 5126 56LTN31-ltc 11LTN23-tfc SO LOANS CARPENTER AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR ON ~,IRST OR SECURED MORTGAGES EXPERIENCED SALES LADY FOR dress shop in Winnetka. Write Winat reasonable rates, quick, courteous, netka Talk B-679. 56LTN31-ltc confidential service. Screens-Storm Sash 'VANTED-WHITE GEN. HSWK. GIRL. Garages-Porches-Additions 4 adults in f;tmily, nr. transp. 301 Expert Cabinet Work. 1614 Orrington Ave .. Evanston Unlv. 8383· Laurel AvP.., Highland Park. Tel. 30LTN24-8tp 1152 Highland Ave., Wll. Ph. Wll. 1176 Highland Park 459. 56LTN31-ttp 1JLTN24-tfc WANTED- RELIABLE WHITE MAID 11 CLUB IIEJIBEBSHIP for general housework, no washing, $20. Must haYe ref. 827 Ashland Avenue, FOR SALE-LIFE MEMBERSinP Wilmette. 56LTN31-1tc "Breakers Beach Club. $200 cash. Ph. let and 2nd Mortgagee Wilmette 3245. 16LT31-1tp WANTED - YOUNG LADY EXPERI545 Jlaln St., Wilmette 'l'el. I& enced in telephone solicitation. Straight DBE8811AIIlfQ 17 commission ; good fleld. Address B-680 INSURANCE Wilmette Life. 56LTN31-1tp PLAIN SE\VlNG AND CHILDREN'S IOL17-tfc clotl\es. $4 a day. Miss Seaberg. 1088 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Oakwood Ave., Wilmette. Tel. 753-R. or mother's helper. Stay or home 17L29-1fc PRIVATE PARTY HAS MONEY TO nights. 1733 Washington Ave., Ph. Willoan. Firat an_ d second mortgages. mette 3645. 56L31-ttc DRESSMAKING-REMODELING, ~ Reasonable rate. Quick service. 801 teratlons, sports and children's clothes. Rlda-e Terr.. Evanston. Ph. Greenleaf GIRL OR WOMAN, CARE OF TWO Phone for appointments. Winn. 2740. children, other help kept, · stay nights, 159!. 30LTN24-tfc · 17LTN31-1tc good horne. 318 Oak Circle. Ph. Wilmette 4292. 56LTN31-1tc DRESSMAKER, DESIGNER, $5.50 AND 18 PAINTING a DECOBATINQ the meals. Gowns, remodeling. Unlv. WANTED-GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK.. 7929 17 · LTN3l-1tp no laundry. room and bath. 5'14 Drexel Ave. Ph. Glencoe 542. 56LTN31-1tc 11 QA.BDBlfiNG PAPER HANGING, WOOD FINISHING --------------floor scraping and general remodeling: WHITE GIRL, FIRST FLOOR AND C. FRANKEL <'ooking; sm. family ; good wages. Call· Phone Wllmette 3104 Wlnn. 1425. 56LTN31-ltc 38LTN24-tfc MOTHER'S HELPER, WHITE, LIGHT hswk. and aBBist care of f yr. old chttd. Tel. Wlnn. 458. 56LTN31-1tp HARRIS ·BROTHERS "Cellu-Seal" Lined Garages COTTAGES-HOMES PARCHMENT SHADES PAINTED TO ORDER MONEY TO LOi\N WANTED McKENDRY REALTY CO. Charles H. Brethold Painting-Decorating Winnetka-Perennial WANTED-WHITE GIRL FOR GEN· eral housework. Ph. Wilmette 33'15. 56L31-1tc WANTED-WHIT~ ··· ~·- Waat Ad Ia - .. . . ..., too This 08ice witl accept classified advertising to be run in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,ooo familia in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. on Tuadays. ~ 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~42~L3~1-~1~tc =·~~~H~E-~L_P __W __ A_N_T_E_~ ___ x_A_L~E~---- Radio Service & Installation 426 Linden Ave. Authorised dealer for Sparton GIRL FOR GEKeral housework, 4 in family. Ref. req. l~h. Wilmette 853. 56LTN31-1tc 11 DPAJ·-n WHO -.... ... a PEOPLE ~~ smflfr~ ~ D:Pil0811111G KNOW AND .AP- YOUNG MAN TO DRIVE DELIVERY truck. Inquire at 735 Elm St. 67LTN31-1tc Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 58 HELP WTD-MALB a :PEKALB TUIUD TO US '1'0 BE REPAIRBD EXP AND RI:PINISHED BY OUR EXERIENCED WHITE COUPLE, PIIR'l'S. CALL us AT UNIVERcook. houseman. and chauffeur. Ref. SITY 1100. 41LTNJ8-tfc required. Ph. Kenilworth !OJZ. &8LTN11-ttc

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