Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Apr 1928, p. 57

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.~pril ~ Z/,' 1928 . WILIIBTTE· LI.F ' BBLP WTD_.,..JU.LB a I'BJU.LB II POa BB:NT-UA&'IJDID'I FOR RENT-Du.____ STR"L"" TEIUUN~Ni'LBS CBNTER WAN'l'BD-RJL\L ESTATE SALESMAN or aaleewoman with car, who has to eam. a UYiq. ·Jf. ~u want to get Into · I'Oa . .li'T-B01JI:B8 ~VELY an offtce where commlalons are paid promptly and cheerfully, see me. F COLEMAN BURROUGHS, 1167 wn: FOR RENT-7 ROOM HOUSE, mette Avenue, Phone Wilmette 840. 4 large Ught rooms-roD-a-way beds St. Large yard, pr. ·no. 68LTN31-1tc 2 blocks from New School, near public 729 Lake Ave. Ph. Wilmette golf course and riding academy. 30 Minutes to Loop North Shore and "L" NEW HOME. I lUIS., I baths, !-car saraae. or will Bell on easy terms. TeL Wbm. 1911. 19LTN11-1tp 731-llTH Flentye. 1381. 69L!8-ttc FOR RENT-0 RX. BUNGALOW, ALCenter 93 most new. '90 per mo. Ph. Wilmette WANTED BY COMPETENT WOMAN · 1 blk. east of "L" ter. Ph. Niles 67LTN31-ltp 1665. 69LTN31-ltc care of children, cook and serve meal~ or cleaning. Ph. Wilmette 4288. 71 1'08 BBNT-PUBN. ROU8B8 60LT31-ttc FOR RENT-FROK JULY. 1-SEPT· . 1. WORK WANTED-WASHING, IRON:.r 'l rm. hse. near Jake : f bedrmL, lg. ing and cleaning by the day by SwedCORNER FIFTh &: LINDEN sleeping porch: garage: nice grounds. Ish woman. Ph. Wilmette 481. Beautiful 3, 4 &: 5 room apartments, out$300 per month. TeL Wlnn. lltt. 60LT31-ltp · side rooms. Ready for Immediate oc70LTN31-ltn cupancy. Agent on premises. !! WANTED-CARE 014" CHILDREN, DAY _7·_ _ Po_B_B_E_N_T-G_A_u_a_E_s_ _ or evening& also plain sewing or mendIng. Ph. Wilmette 1090. 60L31-ltp 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette t60 FOR RENT-8PACE IN DOUBLE brick garage. '5 per mo. 1534 Spencer WHITE WOMAN DESIRES DAY WORK, ----------..---:.6.:..7L:.3:.:1;.;·1=tc · Ave.· Ph. Wilmette 4056. 'l!L31-ltc cleaning and laundry. Call evenings. Ph. Wilmette 2398. . 60LT31-ltp 11 FOB BENT--&TOBE& oFPic:es WANTED-BY EXPERIENCED LAUNdress, laundry work to do at home will call for and deliver. Phone Wilmette 2623. 60LT31-3tc $60 M. J. FAHERTY Bronx Office ~R JlENT OR FOR SALE-6 ROOKS and bath. Garage, modem Improvements. Ph. Glencoe 1090. 69LTN31-ltc FOR SALE-WEST bungalow, ,7,500. 1!13 Wilmette Ave. SIDE 6 . ROOM Linden Crest Apts. F. H. GATHERCOAL WILMETTE Ph. Wilmette II& TIL31-1tc NOTHING LIKE . IT 'l Rll. HOJIE, BEAUTIFUL OROUNDS, near Jake. Want offer. Easy tenns. ,!6,000. Will coDBlder rentlnar. c. P. Rorick, Ph. Wilmette 381. 'l'lLTNit·1tc QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. Linden Crest Apts. WILMETTE a 8 ROOK FRAME HOUSE AT NORTH· brook: H. W. heat, 1 bath, l-ear P· rage, lot 60x140. ,1,300, tenna. Call at 1937 Wilmette Ave. or phone WIL 3'174. ~~11-ttp WOMAN WISHES GEN. HSWK. OR cooking and downstairs work. Exp. CORNER FIFTH & LINDEN cook. Tel. Greenleaf 4788. 60LTN31-ltp Beautiful 3, 4 & 5 room apartments outside rooms. . Ready for immediate ocEXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS WASHING cupancy. Agent on premises. to take home, will call for and deliver. Ph. Wilmette 3509. 60LTN31-ltp Wilmette 460 FINNISH GIRL W .ANTS GEN. HSWK. 424 Linden Ave. 67L31-1tc Tel. Buckingham 5445. 60LTN31-ltp FOR RENT--3 AND . 5 RM. MODERN 11 31TUATION WTD-XALE apts. Genuine Frigidaire, best location reas. rent. Inquire at ' REI.IABI.E MIDDLE-AGED MAN, available for gardening or general work around the house. Ref. ; reasonable 526 Center St. Ph. Winnetka 382 charge. Phone Univ. 1752. 61L31-1tc ·67L'l'N!8-tfc LICENSED GERl\lAN CHAUFFEUR FOR RENT-AT A SACRIFICE RATE ~Ingle, desires po~. in priv. fam. Perfect home-like kitchenette apartment in Or~ in hse. and garden work. Tel. Winrlngton Hotel. 3 large closets, com· netka 2468. 61LTN31-ltp plete hotel service. West exposure. Apply hotel, Univ~rslty 8700 or tenant 1\fAN FOR HOUSECLEANING AND evenings, Greenleaf 4660. . 67LTN30-tfc odd .jobs. Tel. Wilmette 911-J. 61LTN31-ltp DESIRABLE LARGE 4 ROOM. H. W. heat. 2nd floor Near transportation. HAVE YOUR PIPES AND BOILERS Ice box. ,.,0 per month 840 Center covered. Call Wlnn. 1'174. St. Phone Winn. 265. 67LTN30-tfc 61LTN29-4tc QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. WRY PAY RENT? FOR RENT-9HOP8 AND OFI'ICES. 4 room cottage. Best part of Winnetka. G. F. Gonsalves. Winnetka 81. ,.,,'150. Down payment. '750. Tel. Glen71LTN8-tfc coe 1168. ~TNil-ltc 7'i FOB 8ALE-HOU8B8 6 ROOK HOUSE. 60FT. LOT. NEAR tranaportatlon and IChools. H. W. ht. Price $10,600. Phone Wlnn. 186. 'l7LTNIG-Uc MODERN 7 ROOM FRAME AND stucco residence. Heated sun parlor, _7s ___:r_o_a_s_AL_:£-,..; __ :v_A_c_~ __ T_ _ __ 4 good bedrooms, hot water heat, deep SAI..E--1 ACRE W. WILIIETTE. 50 foot wooded lot, garage, east. An FOR Bargain, ,4,500. Ph. Wilmette 481. exceptional bargain at $18,500. '181.~1-ltc . NEARLY NEW 10 ROOM BRICK Colonial with tile roof, breakfast room, 88 WTD. TO BENT-PUBN. APT& sun parlor, 4 family bedrooms, Z servants' rooms, 3 baths, every convenience, W ANTED-SJIAI.L FURNISHED APT. June 1-0ct. L TeL "Winn. !144. 100 foot lot. Owner leaving town re88LTN31-ltc duces to $52,500. FRANKLIN BLDG. ~o Mo JJ (Q)lhlml~tl:©lril ~ CC©o 81 WANTED TO BENT-ROU8E8 WANTED TO RENT-SIMPI.E HOME, 340 Linden Ave. Phs. Wilmette 68 &: 444 4 bedrooms, reasonable, July and 77L31-ltc August, close to beach. (1 child) Phone ---------------Au.-tln 1326. 89LSt-ttp FOR RENT BY MAY 1ST., CHAUFFEUR-12 YRS.' EXP. ON HIGH FLAT water, gas, electricity. with garage. grade cars. A-1 ref. Univ. 40'14. Reasonable. Call Northbrook 109-J. A REALLY BEAUTIFUl. NEW BRICK Thomas. 61LTN31-ltp 7 room, 3 bath residence. Attached 67L31-ltc garage, slate roof, 80 ft. lot, steel caseBOY 18 YRS. WOULD I.IKE WORK AS mept windows, breakfast room ; in the helper in store or garage. Ph. Wilcenter of the new Kenilworth Commette 3600-Y-4. 61LT31-ltc munity Development, cloS(l to all transportatlon. Dollar for dollar value at BOARD AND BOOJI a $36,000. ' WANTED-BOARDER AND ROOMER. 3 RMS., SLEEPING PORCH . AND Pleasant room, good meals, near trans~. bath. Nf·:tr transp. Hot water and heat 1023 Main St., Wilmette. 63LT31-ltp furnl~hetl. 1400 Washington Ave.· Wilmette. · 67LTN31-1tc Greenleaf 1617 513 Davis St. PLEASANT ROOMS AND BOARD NR. 'l7LT31-ltc transp. 554 Center St. Tel. Winn. 2420. .FOR RENT-APT. OCT. 1ST OR LONG63LTN31-ltc er. 1410 Gregory AYe. Ph. Wilmette ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 866-ll. 67LTN31-ltc FOR SALE-1537 WASHINGTON AVE., cor. 16th St.. Wilmette. 9 nn. frame house, steam heat, all improvements, FOR RENT-4 ROOM APT·· HEATED, 3 car brick garage, lot 60x160. Place janitor service. Ph. Wilmette 2399. FOR RENT-2 LARGE BEDROOMS, enclosed with cyclone fence, fine lawn, R7T .TN'27-tf.every convenience for 2 couples, would shade trees, shrubs, fruit trees, garden, board for the summer. 1 single rm. all asseBBmentB In and paid for, reFOR BENT-FURN. APTS. for gentleman, 4 blocks from "L," 5 18 cently reftnanef'd, terms to responsible blocks from N. W. Ph. Wilmette 3587. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - people. PrlCll $1'1,000. 50 ft. Jot adjoin66L31-2tc FOR RENT - PARTLY FURNISHED Ing, for Bale clear price fS,OOO. Might kitchen, bedroom and large private exchange one or both for smaller FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 ADULTS bath, gas. light and heat, $35 per mo.· house. Owner on premises. employed; light and pleasant; hot and a 1M gar. space for rent, near 17th and 77LTN31-3tp cold running water; garage space If Walnut. Ph. Wilmette 824-W. desired. PhQne Wil. 176-M. 66L10-tfp 68LTN31-ltc ... FOR RENT - FURNISHED ROOM, FOR RENT-4 NICELY FURNISHED AN ATTRACTIVE 3 STORY BRICK rooms with bath and kitchenette. Near also kitchenette apt., near transp. 629 · Colonial house of hollow tile construcfltores and transp. Garage space If Park A ,.e., Ph. Wilmette 2345. tion. consisting of 8 rms., 5 bedrooms, 66L31-ltc · desired. Ph. Wilmette 300. sleeping porch, 2 baths, hot water heat, 68L'l'N31-ltp Hardinge Oil Burner. garage attached CENTRAL HOTEL - LIGHT OUTSIDE and heated. Lot 62%x170. Priced for rooms for transients and residents. 629 FOR RENT-FURNISHED FLAT FOR ouick :.ctlon. $26,500. the summer · Imitable for employed Main street. Phone Wllmette 1080. couple or 2 ladief.l. Ph. Wilmette 2535. 66LT8-tfc 68LTN31-1tc Glencoe 702 332 Park Ave. }..OR RENT-A PLEASANT FURN. 7'lLTN31-ltc room close to school, convenient to FURNISHED 3 RM. KITCH. APT.; transp .· no other roomers. east side. also 1 rm. kitch. Tel. WU.· 992-M or 7 RM. HOUSE-4 BEDRMS. : 1 BATH; Ph. Wilmette 2694. 66L31-ltp GrP.PnlPaf :1688. 6RLT31-ttc scrod. porch. In good cond. thruout. 3 blocks from golf course and station. FOR RENT-2 ROOMS FURNISHED It FOR BE:NT-HOUSE8 Can be purchased on easy terms. or unfurnished, with bath and private Price '14,000. Tel. Wlnn. 82f. . 215 BROADWAY AVE., WILMETTE; porch. Ph. Wilmette 3082. 'l7L,J-ttc mod. 8 rm. house in one of the best 66LTN31-ltc residential section~ of Wilmette. 4 bedrms., H. W.. f)n heat, beaut. yard FOR SALE OR RENT-ATT. SUJd.IER ROOMS NEWLY DECORATED, COME cottage, North Shore, Fox Lake. 150 75xUtO, with plenty of trees and an and see. 731 lOth St., Wilmette. ft. on lake shore. 'l rms. and bath, 66LT30-2tp abundance of shrubs. Gar. OwnE'!r will large porches, 2 fireplaces and electric rent this hom11e for 1 yr. ·at $175 per ltghts, Z-car garage. Ph. Wilmette 69. mo. and wm decorate. FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOKS BY 7'1LTN31-ttc week or month. Phone Wilmette 2399 ll{®m1nnw «»ntlhl It WTD. TO BENT-FUBN. R8E8. WANTED TO RENT-FURNISHED bungalow, May 1st to Oct. tst, Wilmette . to Highland Park. Ph. Wilmette 813 or 2566. 90I.T!iS1-ltp _·· __ w_T_n_._T_o __ a_E_N_'-' __ o_A_B_A_G_E_s_ __... WANTED TO RENT-GARAGE SPACE near 11th and Linden Ave. Ph. WllEnette 2807. 91~1-ltc tt 1HI@lk!11ID~«»rnl & JJcern1k~ AITIQ1JB8 ·· AK SELLING XY PRIVATE COLLBC· tlon of roBewood and mahOIPUIY plecea. Bedroom set of Dutch ID&l'QUetl7. Roeewoocl bed and clreBBer. DuDcaD Ph)'fe table. Other pieces. AIBO drapes. Oriental rup. Jln. F. D. Smith. Ill Kedsle St., Evanston. Tel. Greenleaf 4476. t9I.~II·ftc ANTIQUES EARLY AMERICAN ANTIQUES. Chests, tabJes, chairs, quilts. and prints. Large collection to choo8E! from. 8011 WASHINGTON ST. Evanston ~ block South of Kaln St· NORTH EAST GLENCOE 99I.~St-2tc -------------------- GENUINE ANTIQUE FUI.L · SIZED bed, dresser with youth's bed to match. 941 Tower Rd., Winnetka. 99LTSO-!tc BEAUTIFUl. ANTIQUE DINING ROOK tMt. Ph. Wilmette 60. 99L31-ttc lH FOB 8ALE-R8ERLD. GOODS APEX WASHER, SIMPLEX MANGLE, 8 sectional bookcases, Pier mirror 'l ft. by 32 ln., Kimball 'Player plano, Hoover vacuum-attachments, dishes. nags 9xll and 8'3x10'8. half Blse vloltn. Phone ~llmette 1234. 100L31-ttc MAHOG. LIVING RK. TABI.E; LIGHT· Ill!' fixtures, nearly new: large Bilk lampshade: 11 piece dlnln~ rm. set, will Bep. ; hall wardrobe with chellt :· Mn. cot: wick. day bed. Tel. Wlnn. 1158. tOOLTSl-ltc WALTER P. SMITH & CO. FOR SALE-BROWN KAH. DAVENoort, table, brown mah. dre888r, I steel or 334!i. 66I.TNZO-tfc ~e!ill1ty LEAVING THE VILLAGE, KUST.SEI.L bMR. ! 'Dr. blue damask drapes, nt". of my new home. 5 rms. and sunroom, real h· ht~ tnrchlers, kitchen cabinet. Phone LARGE, I.IGHT, WELI.-FURNISHED fireplace, H. W. heat, !-car pr. 100 Wilmette 80. t00L31-1tc Greenleaf 200 room, near transp. Gar. Ph. Winnetka 1569 Sherman Ave. ft. fronta~e. newly landscaped, N. S. 69LS1-1tc 1643. 66LTN31-ltc and N. W. Sta. and car line. Phone MAHOGANY BABY GRAND PIANO, Wilmette 1328 evenings. · 77L'l'N!9-1tp vet"J' cheap. Tel. Wlnn. 989. 4 ROOMS, BATH AND FOR RENT-I CHOICE FRONT ROOMS, KAY 1ST. tOOL~t-ltc porch, H. W. heat. Tel. Wlnn. 819. convenient location, east side. Ph. Wil19LTN31-ltc FOR SALE-ATTRACTIVIIJ HOUSJD IN mette 1940. 66LTS1-ltc Geneva. Lot tllxtGO, fruit treee. etc., NF.W 'RllAR'J PEDESTAL BIRD CA.Gil fenced. 11 rooms, I bath8, a-c.r pfG. Tel. Wlnn. 1410. tOOL'l'Nil·ltc FOR RENT-VERY NICE FRONT COKI'Y LOWBR 6 RJIS. AND GArap, near station, echoola anc1 lltni'PR. room, reas. Ph. Wllmette SZOI. rage. East 81de, beaut. corner. Reu. Call Geneva 'lO'l. T'lLTNII-It» IIORE WANT ADS ON PACE SII.TSl·ltP TeL Wlnn. 1110. 19L'l'N11-1tc JP>ayliilte <C(Q)o ----------------1

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