Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Apr 1928, p. 59

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The Melody Way Piano students of Wilmette schools contributed their part in the Music Supervisors' conference held in Chicago last week. A recital by th~ Melody Way students of Chicago and suburbs was given at Lyon & Healy Recital hall, Wednesday afternoon, April 18, under the auspices of the Meissner Institute of Music. Each .of the eight teachers presentil)g students was allowed only eight minutes·; so it was difficult to choose who shQuld play. . Mrs. Edith M. Vivian and Wilmette can well be proud of the children, who did credit to themselves as well as ·their teacher. Their stage presence and performances at the piano showed careful training. Mrs. Maher, supervisor of music in Wilmette schools, complimented the pupils and their teacher. was as follows : Sicilian Mariners (Old Melody) by Betty Todd, Mary L. Allen, Jane Waist rum, Patsy Lake, Grace Smith, and Nancy Durgin ; Hurdy Gurdy (Italian Melody) by Cecilia Hills, Betty F. Morgan, and Virginia Marsh; Waltz (Schubert) by Geraldine Bunch, Bernard and Arthur Flood; Lullaby (Miessner) by Virginia M.arsh, _ Louise Schrieber, Billie Lehr; Soldiers' March . (Schumann) by Bernard Flood. SPECIAL .\SSESSMENT NOTlC.E VILLAGE OF WILIETTE SPECIAL ASSESSME:NT NO. 1!7 .. iD " ·J" Recital Wilmette, In the County of Cook ab4 State of IIUnola, haviDa ordered that the main water aupply pipe now lal4 In Sixteenth Street . from GreenwOCMI Avenue to AahlaDcl Avenue aJMI In GreenwooCI Avenue from llaln Street to Glen4enlna Roa4l and In Glen4enlnc Road from Greenwoocl Avenue to Allblan4 Avenue shall be. tapped with a threequarter Inch braa corporation lltop cock at the several points 4eslpa.tect In 11&14 Ordinance an4 exten41nc eal4 main w~ter supply pipe u In eald ordinance provl4e4, In the Vlllace of Wilmette, Cook County, Dllnolll, the Ordinance for the same being on ftle In the omce of the Vlllaae Clerk and eald VIllage having applle4 to the County Court of Cook County for an uael8ment of the coats of said Improvements, aCcording to beneftts, an4 an aaeument therefor having been made an4 returned to said Court, Docket No. !16, the ftnal hearing thereon will be had on the 'lth day of M'ay, A. D. 1918, or u soon thereafter u the buslne111 of the court wlll permit. AU persons desiring may ftle objections In IIB.Id court before said and may appear on the hearing and their 4efeDBe. Said ordinance provides for the payment of said 8.88el8ment In ten (10) Installments, with annual Interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum. Dated, Wilmette, Illinois, this 19th day of April, .A. D. 1928. CHARLES N. EVANS, Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the VIllage of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, to make said assessment. 1..30-!tc SPECIAL ASSESS11ENT NOTICE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE SPECIAL ASSESSJIENT NO. 1!1 with retldorce4 COJMnte aa1 Jea11o11111. hl · it.ld Gliiiit before alii otheiwble lmprovm. .tn.t., Ia tile &114' ._. ·. ae.. ..._..., VIJJace of Wilmette, Cook CoqatJ. make tbelr tlef--. noll, tbe OrdiD&DCe for · ame Ww SaM ~-- ~ for tbe ....,..,. on me Ia tbe omce of uae Vlltace Clerk, meat ot ·lal4 al!le ·~ In tea (tO) 1n-l &D4 Dl4 Vlltace ·~~avtaa applied to tbe .talbMD .._ _ _. ....,.. t1MINoD Couat7 Court of Cook Couat7 for an at tbe rate of k " " ceat per &DD1hD. ·· zmeat of the COIItll of Did 1m· Dated, wumetteb 01111011, tbla tttla provements. accordl~~~r to beae8ts. aDd 4ay or ADrU. A. · D ·. tta. an ·····ment tbenfor h&vlaa baeD - CJIABLB8 M. IIV~ .......... made and retumecl to u.l4 Court, Penon appolatell bJ' ......_.. Docket No. Z!G, the 8Dal hearlq deat of tbe Board Qf Local 1mthereon will be had on tbe 7th 4aJ' of provemeatll of tbe Vlllale of Max. A. D. 1818, or aoon thereafter Wilmette, Coolt County, lftlaola, u the buslne111 of court will per· to make eald -..uiiiMat... ___ _ ...a -...-..t · ma- mit. All penons JDaY ate ob- ..._..."" I ... I NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons Interested that the President and Board of · Trustees of the VIllage of Wilmette, In the County of Cook and State of Illinois, having ordered that the roadway between the gutter flags of Fifteenth Street and of Intersecting streets to the outer line of Fifteenth Street, excepting the Intersection of Lake Avenue, from the south line of Spencer Avenue to seven feet north of the south line of tbe flrst alley north of Elmwood Avenue, to the west of Fifteenth Street, In the VIllage of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, shall be paved with sheet asphalt and otherwise Improved, the Ordinance for the same being· on file In the office of the VIllage Clerk and said Village having applied to the County Court of Cook County for an assessment of the costs of said Improvements, according to benefits, and an assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, Docket No. 227, the final bearing thereon will be had on the 7th day of May, A. D. 1928, or as soon thereafter as the buslneBS of the court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections In said court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the payment of said assessment In ten (10) Installments, with annual Interest thereon at the rate of "'lx per cent per annum. Dated, Wilmette, Illinois, this 19th day of · April, A. D. 1928. CHARLES N. EVANS, Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, to make said asseBSment. L30-!tc SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE VILLAGE OF WIL'METTE SPECIAL .ASSESSMENT NO· .11; NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons interested that the President and Board of Trustees of the VIllage of Wilmette, in the County of Cook and State of Illlnois having ordered that Sixteenth Street from the north line of Lake Avenue to the south line of Ashland A venue, except acroBS Forest Avenue, Walnut A venue and Elmwood Avenue, which are already paved ; also Greenwood Avenue from the southwest line of Main Street to the west limits of the Village of Wilmette ; also Glendening Road from the pavement to be laid in Greenwood A venue to the north limits of the Vlllage of Wilmette, and Ashland Avenue from the pavement to be laid in Glendening Road to the southwest line of Main Street, and the Intersections of abutting streets and alleys back to the outer line or Jines of Bald streets be improved by grading, adjustIng manholes and catch basin covers, constructing catch basin inlets and constructing one new catch basin, paving Tod~y's Home Special $31,000 This almost new modern home, well located on high wood~ grounds in the north east section of Winnetka, having 4 bedrooms and 3 baths (3 bedrooms witb sleeping porch and 2 baths on 2nd ftoor, and · maid's room and bath on 3(d, witb large storage space in addition) · Hot water heat with oil burner, attached garage: wonderful rear yard completely fe~ced, with fine lawn and shrubs, just the ideal playground for the kiddies ·-------------------------· -WORTH YOUR INVESTIGATION- M. Portenbauser Painter and Decoraior Estimaces Without Obligation 1030 Greealeaf Plloae 2764 ~------------------------· 543 Lincoln Avenue Phones 1544-45 ·WINNETKA - ' Econotny SILENT AUTOMATIC NOTICE Ia hereby given to all perIIODII Interested that the Preaddent and Board of Trustees of the of BLACK DIRT 'l'eaala.r ut heat will cut your heating expense over coal or oil, as used in other Burners. Ask for list of users. They will tell you the story. NOISELESS OIL 8UI\NI~. AT the Philadelphia Seiquicentmnial Exposition Silent Automatic was awarcJed a Gold Medal by the Intemational Jury of Awards. 1620 SHERMAN AVE. GREENLEAF ·u.t Bawllq, WeD Gntla. . . . ····n, Lake -·· l'llll··· 700.

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