May 4, 1928 Dnis Surrt--Downto&L'ft Evanston · ...__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. ( by . WUmette GCJrcln club) Talkmg of the tree comm1ss1on, i~ G.., "' 11 .,.JBIJ "'n/k· ~ w ., I Famous for Toiletries Toiletries by tbe world'· leacliaa coalitticiau an a part of tbe 1tock alwaJ· available at R.Oitllbtra'a-- "Famou For Toilttria." A Smart Coiffure - u never a pi'O~ to resular uaera of seems that the other north s}Jore commU!Jities have been watching with great mterest to see what our tree ~ol}lmission intends to do. What does lt mtend to do? Is the Wilmette tree commission to have a constructive- policy, be progressive, ~nd full of initiative, or is it to sit still and do nothing? C. C. Schultz has the power, as chairman, not his two associates, and if you want this tree commission to be a live and active one, whose record can be read by future generations in the trees that have been planted, tell Mr. Schultz that you are interested. Ask him what h · 1 · d Sh h e as p annang to o. ow t at you care. He wants to do for you what you want. If you desire some . good and permanent planting done, tell him so. If you want the village to own a spraying machine that can be rented out, tell him so. -oOur village president, too, and our Mrs. C. N. Hurlbut has returned to trustees will favor a constructive policy her home at 715 Greenleaf avenue . Rush Medical college will entertain on the part of the chairman of the after an absence of six months in at a dance at Shawnee Country club Friday evening, May 18. Tree commission if they know that you . California. pria!ed for plan!ing new !rees and for for 0JJ111pic Gamea Tryou.. a vJllage spraytng machme, tell Mr. Ornet and the trustees so. They are Western conference track teams got not apt to·. favor the idea of spending down to serious preparation this week your money in this way if they think for the Big Ten Outdoor track and that you a,re in4iflerent in the matter. field championships to be held at If you 'let it be known that when you · Northwestern ·u niversity May 25 and _ favored tree ordinance you had in 26. Nearly all of the teams have mind a constructive piece of work scheduled dual meets for the next and that you would like to see it begun few weeks to give coaches an opporthis year, you wiD find them g!ad to tunity to judge the material available co-op~rate with you, and you wdl get for the big meet. The championships results. this year are in the nature ·of an The members of Mr. Schultz' com- Olympic tryout for. the Conference mittee are enthusiastic and anxious to stars~ since winners of first and secbegin work. ond places will be eligible to compete at Harvard in the final tryouts. NearBACK FROM SOUTH AMERICA. ly a score of Big Ten athletes have · a good chance of making the trip to Mr. and Mrs. E. Wrightson and Amsterdam and they can be counted their daughter, Esther, of 1035 Linden upon to give their best in the coming avenue, recently returned to their home meet to assure an opportunity of try-: from a trip to the Amazon country d and Brazil, where they spent several ing out at Harvar . weeks. Miss Esther spoke before Miss Helen Schaefer entertained several senior adviser room groups at New -Trier, telling of some of their thirteen girls at her home Monday evening. Her guests are all students thrilling adventures. at the Mallinckrodt High school. want· it. U you · want money appro- Bi1 Ten Athletes Compete a I I. Jane Curran Tonics TLere are apecific treatmeata for dry lu;ir-oily Lair- · -dandruff- fallins Lair.· · A.l.,. a&outd... -AL·L CHILDREN SMILE . FOR BERNIE $1.25 _ t o $2.5'() Toiletries by Leigh CIHn·ing Col4 CtHm, · soc, 7 sc . Ungamt M....,,c,Nm, S1, S2.50 BlttJcb CrHm, ····..·..·.· S1 · Allringtnt CrNm, ····· ···. s 1. 2 5 Am~(i. P.a.l CrHm, ··, .. S 1.50 Attribg,nt Lotion · · . . · ······ S 1 Feu Powtltr, ····.·..·. 75c, S2 TrijJle Compt~tt, ·.....·· $2.50 NOW In Our NEW STUDIO 1623 Sherman Ave. (Opposite the Postoflice) Beautiful, arttsttc furnishings combine with the most modem ligh~ing devices and all that's latest in the photographic art in the Bernie studio. Portraits in the new manner, emphasizing naturalness, are the goal toward which this entire studio was desig~ed. Children especially will find themselves at home amid these surroundingsthey are always sure of a welcome at Bernie's- so that their portraits show them in their h~ppiest mood. Tbe smartest styles in photographic finishes, in folders and in frames are available here. You ·tue invited to visit our studio at any time. We believe you,ll . enjoy having your photograph made here. Lip Rouge, · · · · · · · · . . · · · · S 1 Toiletries by Rigaud UN AIR EMBAUME ........... S 1 to S 1 o Toikt W.attt, ·. S3.75 to $6.75 Fue Powdtt, ·. : . ...·..···· S 1_ Comp~~tt, ..·....... 75c, $1.50 Ptrfum~, Rqt, .................. 75C CoW CtHm, .........·..· 6oc V .m.hing Crnm, .··.····· 6oc Dwting Powdtt, · . . . . . . · · S 1. 5o IJGtb S.Itl, ............... sI Pedum~, bulle, oz., .....· S3.50 SPECIALS! l.aYoria, 5tc A. P. W. Toilet Tiuue, 4for $1.79 Stpaibh'a Tootla Paste, 3lc Co~'· L'Oripa P..,._e, ...... oao, $1.81 Rabhiaa Alcolaol, pt., 37c BERNIE STUDIO 1623 Shermu Avenue (Opposite Postoflice) Phoae UaivenilJ 8998 P-...r.c............ Orplaea Tootla Pute, Z7c F-taiae C..tile, 4 lh. har, $t.z5~ CaW· Peacock BIMcla -:c...., nc