Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 May 1928, p. 40

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WILMETTE LIFE May 11. 1928 Ravinia Club Opens Spring Season on the North Shore Village Chairmen . Name Committees .for Spring Drive BY JEAN TEN BROECK ~-T-· _o_B_e_M_a_y_B_r_i_de_-.~11~--At_H_o_m_e_in_C_it_Y_ Atd~n · Shpte Grads _.I Return to Camp fot Annual Homecoming . A . luncheon at the Moraine hott:;l Tuesday was the spark that set off another annually recurring activity on the north shore, the Ravinia club. So firmly cstabli hed is this out-of-door opera and concert organization that ;t would be necessarv for some unthought of catastrophe to occur to disrupt it, and so regularly functioning is. it that we feel, after several years of chronicling it:; actidty, that we no longer need that tabular register of the division s of the year named a calendar, to know that May brings Ravinja club activity, or, conversely, that a notice of Ravinia club activity means May on the north shore. Louis Eckstein, who, as long as we can remember has been identified with all that Ravinia reprc~ents, was host again at this annual affair for members of the Ravinia club. The town chairmen of the club have had their committees arranged but have awaited its advent before opening their subscription solicitation in each village. Now that the luncheon is over, and plans complete, ea'ch village will have its own meeting time before · launching its campaign. The names of those who will call to further engage interest in Ravinia, we list for you now: Wilmette-Mrs. Lester Mee, chairman; Mesdames E. M. Antrim; H. E. Cutler, P. L. Cutler, N. P. Colwell, William Harridge, Robert E. Kenyon, R. E. Pattison Kline, Joseph J. Kutten, Edward Lilienfield. Earle D. Lyon, Herbert Mulford, Harold R. She-rman, Joseph Spiegel, L. vV. Strong, T. E. T h om p s o n, Gordon Wilson, and Charles F. McCoy. Kenilworth-Miss isabel Cline, chairman; Mesdames Arthur Adair, Fred Bulley, Frank Cherry, Percy B. Eckhart, Ernest Fleischmann, Craig Ketcham, James Prentiss, Grant Ridgway, William L. Page, John Roberts, W. W. Wheelock and E. F. Snydacker. Winnetka-Mrs. John Venne m a, chairman ; Mrs. Sidney Bartlett, secretary; and Mesdames Emory Andrews, Burton Atwood, Harry Barnum, G. Stuart Bailey, Edwin Bauman, Percy W. Bradstreet, Thomas Brooks, Theodore J. Coyne, Hamilton Daughaday, Arthur De~!), George Frazer, E. V. L. Brown, Dudley. K. French, N. Landon. Hoyt, I. K. Fnedman,. Everett L. lfarns, Ralph J aeg~r ·. Francis Lackne~..Isadore Lang, Wilham McAdams, Wtl!tam C. . Moffat, Geor~e Parker, Louts Sc~n:td, Dudley Smtth, Elmer Stults, Wtll!am Truesdale, Ernst von Ammon, Fntz vyagner, Walter ~atlac~, Rol~nd Whttman,, .Ropert Rtpley, Juh;m Rtsk, Robert Kmgery, George Suker, Chester Sargent, Harry Stree~, Archibald Shaw and Frank Green. ' . . Hubbard. Woods-Mrs. ]. Wtlhams Macy, chatrman; Mesdame~ Alexander Anderson, L. Sherman Aldnch, Charles Burkhardt, Robert B. Brown, I. B. Connor, John J · Desmond, Devroe Getman, Robert S. Hammond, J?hn W. Hansel, Jr., Carroll C. Kendnck, Edward R. Lewis, Charles Pearce. Warner Robinson, and Miss Marion Montgomery. Glencoe-Mrs. George E. Orr, chairman; Mrs. Harold E. Foreman, vicechairman; Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt, secretary; Mesdames Auguste C. Babize, A. J, Balaban, Henry C. Burnett, Frederick M. Byerly, Harry C. Champlin, Frederick E. Clarke, Ralph D. Cushman, liorace H. Delano, Edward Friedlander, A. C. Goodnow, John A. Grant, Louis G. Hoffman, Homer F. Horton. Walter C. Hughes, Stewart . W. Purdy, Ray V . .Sawhill, Henry L. Photo by Ray Betty Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. , William C. Miller of 795 Grove street, Glencoe, is to become the bride of Cedric C. Gifford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edgar Gifford of the Moraine hotel, Highland Park, Saturday, May 12, at 4:30 o'clock. in the afternoon, at the Glencoe Umon church. Mis~ Magician to Entertain Cb "ld Sh l ren at awnee Shawnee Country club children up to the sixth grade and their young guests are to have their favorite comedy magician and entertainer at their very own party Saturday afternoon, May 19, at-. 2:30 o'clock. The co"lmittee of grown-ups in charge of their parties also has a nounced that dances. songs, and entertainment by the children themselves will be additional features of the afternoon, and that prizes will be given for the best home talent specialty. Mrs. J. R. Ludwig, and her committee consisting of Mrs. Rollo .Gullickson, Mrs. C. C. Kidd, Mrs. L. Albert Stewart, and Mrs. Walter C. Farrar, will act as hostesses. Announces Betrothal Mrs. A. C. Sheets of Middletown, Ohio announces the engagement · of her daughter, Elizabeth Mary Sebald, to Elias Riggs Monfort, II, son of Mrs. Jay R. Brown of 127 Seventeenth street. The betrothal was formally made known at a luncheon given by Mrs. Sheets last Saturday. The wedding will take place a year from this June. . . . . Mtss Sebald 1~ a student at Ohto Wesleyan and ts a member of the Pi Beta Phi sorority. She is a niece of Mrs. James G. Alder of Wilmette. Mr. Monfort graduated from the Kingsley school at Essexfalls, N. ]. and is attending Brown university, where he is a Delta Tau Delta. Give Committee Luncheon Mrs. Lester E. Mee will entertain the members of her Ravinia club committee at a luncheon at her home, 1227 Chestnut avenue, Wednesday, May 16. Stout and Miss Helen Beckwith. Mrs. Ralph Poole, president of the Ravinia club, will entertain the town chairmen at an 11 o'clock meeting and luncheon at her home in Lake Forest, Tuesday, May 15. A clear, brisk day brought quite an attendance of graduate boys and their interested friend s to Arden Shore Sunday to share in the annual homec'o ming festivity at the camp, a secluded spot in a wooded seetion along the bluff just north of Lake Bluff. There little brown cottages are scattered about a larger camp center. Many of them still are awaiting the touch that will reopen the summer camp. Others have been the abodes of the winter camp boys who haYe been there to build up their · health. The boys returning for their day of reunion left Chicago in buses about 8 o'clock in the morning. At 9 :30 in the library of the camp, the weights of the graduates were taken for camp At 10 :15 the records and charts. north and south side graduates hecame rivals in a baseball game which was followed by dinner. At 1, alumni · Photo by Gibson Casebeer reunion was held in the Elinor - HamMrs. Gordon Aiken· Ramsay, Jr., is mill cottage. Th_e assembly hall, with the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles its blazing fire, was where the 3 F. Shriver of Evanston. Her mar- o'clock program took place. It was riage to Mr. Ramsay, who is the son short and interesting. Charlie Run of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Ramsay dall's orchestra, made up of Evanston of Glencoe, took place April 14, at boys, played several selections before St. Luke's church. Mr. Ramsay and the entire assemblage joined in singing his bride are at home at 7455 Green- "America the Beautiful" and the Rev. view avenue, Chicago. James Austin Richards of Winnetka gave ~he invocation. Wilmette Arden Shore Mrs. Henry Cleveland, in a vivaci~us manner sang four songs, among whtch · Board E l ects Off rcers . were the always popular aria from the The 'Wilmette Arden Shore has first act of "Carmen," "Come to the brought its series of eight winter sea- Fair," and "Take Joy Home." son meetings to a close and announces Mrs Frederick G. Wacker of Lake its officers for the ensuing year: Mrs. Forest. president of the Arden Shore association, gradously welcomed the Leslie F. Gates, chairman; Mrs. D. boys and told them of recent changes L. Taylor, secretary; Mrs. F. L. Tot- in the camp regime, mentioning, man, treasurer; Mrs. Frederick Tilt, among others, the monthly trip of the publicity chairman; Mrs. S. D. Me- Glencoe Garden club with its talk on Pherron, sewing; Mrs. Lester Mee, in- gardens and flowers, the visit of M;rs. dustrial chairman. A resume of the Theron Colton each Monday evenmg report of the year's work discloses to give her talk on birds which ~he just what the board has done. At follows with a bird walk the followmg seven meetings of the year, (work at morning, and the invitation that came the eighth was at Arden Shore) these from the officers at Great Lakes this articles were completed: 275 squares winter for the boys to enjoy swimming 'hemmed; 37 dresses made for girls in the pool at the Naval Training stafrom 6 to 12 yea.rs of age; 30 pairs tion. Camp boys and graduates then of black sateen bloomers; 19 flannel- sang some of thejr popular camp songs ette gowns; 16 baby jackets; 18 baby and the address by the Rev. James wrappers. · These were all made be- Austin Richards followed. tween the hours of 10 . and 12 each meeting day. In addition to the sewH~s talk was brief, but said much. It ing, members of the Arden Shore was couched so as to appeal to boys, board are in charge of the Economy but the speaker's recounted experiShop every Monday during the year, ence with a mule in the Grand canyon and the chairman supplies two speak- carried its message to older ears as ers for the boys at the winter camp well. and one during the summer outing. \Vith an orchestra selection and the With the soap wrappers Wilmette singing of "America," the program friends contributed, thirty forks, closed and the guests gathered tothirty tablespoons, and six and one gether to be served with the refreshhalf dozen teaspoons were purchased ments prepared by a committee of for the camp. The soap wrapper cam- north shore women and contributed paign is conducted the year round. hy the different Arden Shore boards. Arden Shore camp has needed a player piano for the hours of musi cal accompaniment necessary for the Club Opens: Social Season Last Saturday evening the North gymnasium work for girls and through the efforts of Mrs. Robert Gregory. Shore Golf club opened the new seahonorary president of the association. son with a festive dinner dance. More rhe \Vilmette board, as a result of than two hundred members and guests gifts from friends, has been able to were present at the season's first social secure such a piano at a very reason- gathering, and were entertained by a splendid dance orchestra. Four clever able price. Hawaiian musici..ans provided more entertainment for the guests. The North Wed June 9 Shore course itself is now open, and Miss Hazel Strand, daughter of Mr. both greens and fairways are in the The Western Open and Mrs. Nels A. Strand of Evanston, best condition. has chosen Saturday, June 9, as the tournament is scheduled to be held at day of her marriage to Edward Weber the North Shore Golf club this year Tubbs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and promises to be a big event. Jefferson Tubbs of 1350 Greenwood avenue. The service, which will be The regular meeting of the Reading read at 4 o'clock, at the Georgian circle was held on Wednesday of this hotel, will be followed by a reception week at the home of Mrs. Robert and dinner. Stoddard at 524 Lake avenue 'i ... To

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