Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 May 1928, p. 42

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WILMETTE · LIFE May 11, 1928 Musical Program Given Club Convention Lorna Doone J axon Committee Chairmen · Work With Vets by North Shore Society Charms Club Again ·for Opens on May 14 The North Shore Musical soci~h· ·,. Meet in Kenilworth BY P. H. at the Evanston Woman's club, on Strong Program Arranged for Magnetism of Pe. r sonality and _ On Wednesday of this week the Monday afternoon of last week. Mrs. Four Day Session; Four _ OffiBeauty of Voice Delight Guests chairmen of the _committees for coAlvene Resseguie, Mrs. EJecta Austin at Woman·s Club Luncheon cers to Be Elected and Mrs. Elizabeth English were the BY E. S.D. "As 1 look out OHr this lovely garden. g-lowing with th~ most beautiful color s .made up of the various spring tone of your gowns-" so spoke Mrs. Charle · Clark of Chicago during the short talk she ga,·e after the annual luncheon of the \\·oman'_ club of Wilmette which was held at the Edgewater Beach hotel on \Vednesday, May 2. The ~f arine dining room. where the luncheon wa~ held. did indeed give this delightful appearance of a spring garden as one stOt)d at the top of the stairs upon entering. Each of the manv tables was decorated with sprir1g flowers and th e entire scene was one of soft color. Immediately follo\\·ing- th e luncheon Mrs. Hayes McKinttt·y \\·ho has so ably filled the president\ chair during this past year and who \\'ill continue to do so during the next one gave out definite information -which ha:-; been eagerly awaited concerning· the· prospects for the ne\\· cluh home. Mrs. McKinney gave data about the financial standing of the club. which is excellent and concluded with t h L' announcement that building opcratit111:' would . tart next May. .Mrs. McKinne\· tl.ll:tl told of the interesting tour \~·hich the ways and mean s committee has planned for club members on Mav 29. Thi:-; will he an all-clay trip by · moh1r t hrough the wonderful gardens all al ong the north shore. Reservation ~ should be mad~ with ~f r s. E. Anders on. \\.ilmette 212. so that the requisite number of cars can he provided and als0 the correct number of place . n:- ser\'ed at the Moraine hotel. where lunciH·t)ll \\'ill he sen-ed. The ne\,. member:- 11i t Itt htlard. \\·hn were then graciously introduced h~· Mrs. McKinneY. n Sl' in turn and were greeted with ·applause. They were Mrs. Charles R . Rixhv. \Yhn will he second vice-president: . ~Irs .. Jesse B. Denman, third vice-president: ~r rs. Raymond A. \Vheell1ck. c0rresponding secretary; Mrs. Arthur J. Dixon. treasurer. The following are to be the chairmen of the various departments : literature, Mrs. ]. Meh·ille Brown; art, Mrs. Gordon \\"ilson; civic, ~frs. Elliot V. Youngberg: program, Mrs. Edmond "M. Simonds: social, Mrs. Alvin E. Beirnes, and house committee, Mrs. C. P. Berg. Mrs. Willis Strong, the retiring membership chairman, at the request of Mrs. McKinnev. read for the second time the list- of applicants for membership. The short talk by :Mrs. Ct.~ :les Clark,. which included the words given above, · was unusually interesting. Though she was ,·ery complimentary, her words were sincere and not flattery, and though her entire talk was light and humorott!-1, there was a serious current beneath that was worthwhile. Mrs. Ralph S. Potter. who has been chairman of the program committee, could have done nothing to make her remembered longer or more kindly in that office than she did by procuring Miss Lorna Doone ]axon as the artist for the afternoon. ~~is J axon's lovely contralto would. in itself. be a divine thin~ but combined \vith her rare ability to make the listener visualize operation with war veterans of all the clubs in the Tenth district, Illinois Federation of Women's clubs, met with Mrs. Joseph Joyce at her home ·in Kenilworth. Luncheon was · served at 12 :30 and at 2, L. R. Bendson of the American Legion was heatd in an intere~ting talk. The Tenth district women have co-operated with the United States Veterans' bureau of the American Legion in. helping disabled veterans in every way. During the past year these women have distributed tons of magazines to the hospitals, have begged for and given to the veterans, shoes, clothing of all kinds, cigarets and candy. They also have furnished rides and entertainment to them and in many ways have helped to lighten their burdens. This has meant an endless task and they are now making their plans for further work next year. All one needs to do is to visit Great Lakes and see personally the needs of these men to become enthusiastic workers in tht· cause. Mrs. Joyce has been head of the work in this section and has done a wonderful task, wonderfully well. The card party at the Kenilworth club next \VednesdaY afternoon is an effort to replenish · the treasury of this department. Announcement of this "benefit 'bridge" is giyen on another page of thC' \\- II.:\IETTE f.tFI·:. hostesses. The program follows: 1. Siciliano . . . . . . . . . . . lgnoto-Respighi Toccata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paradis! Prelude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arthur Foote (From Suite in D minor) Danse d'Olaf . . . . . Pick-Manglagalli Jean Mac Shane 2. L'He ure Delicieuse ... Victor Staub Song-s . ::\Jy Moth e l Taught Me .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dvorak Th<' Littl~ FiHh's Song . . .. A . Arensky The Robin's Song . . . . . . . . . . . White Frances Entns a. Serenade Espa~nol ..· . . . t; Iazounow Abendlied . . . . . . Xacht>:~.-\Vallenstein Tarantella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Poppe r Estt' lle Swig-a J't 4. The Maiden's \\"i~h . . . . ( 'hopin-Li8zt PolanaisP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liszt Ernnu .-\.kf'IY 5. Star of :\fe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hogers By the Fountain . . . ... Harriet \Varl:' May Day ('arol .... . . Det· ms Taylor Dorothy Rae G. Hungarian Pance, Xo. 1 . ... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . ·... . . . . . . . Brahms-Joaehin1 Rura lia. Hungarka ( ~.:\nflallt l' gave an interesting musical program Huhito :tlla Zing·ari:-.:- ca) .. ................. Dohnanyi Hejre Kati (Scene from ·zarda) . . . . . . Huby \Yinifred Town8E>nd Crt'~' 7. Me ine Leibe 1st Grun ... . .. Brahms Tra urn nurch die Dammering . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Straus Lithuanian Song . . . . . . . . . . . Chopin Oh Lnn·Iy Xight . ........... Ronald (Violin Obligato by Elizabeth \Veixel) Dorothy Cordts .-\1·· ·onq);t nbts: E1·nau Aklf' y and EJecta Austin Two More Performances · of Junior League Shows Saturday, May 12, and Saturday, :\fay 19, will bring two more performances of the entertaining puppet shows the Evanston Junior league is producing for north shore children at the Evanston CountrY club at 10 :30 o'clock. · The plays. which ~Irs. \\·. H;:uuilton Walter of Glencoe has \vritten. are adapted from the old fairy tales, "Jack and the Beanstalk," "Hansel and Gretel," and "The Goose Girl." Members of the Junior league haYe tickets on sale, as have the Cr~dle ~faison C'tte and the Blue Parrot shop. each picture in her songs through her histrionic suggestions · of them, and all this added to her delightful personality, make :\fiss ]axon the perfect artist for this type of concert. There were difficult parts in her program ~uch as Tchaikowsk\·'::- "Farewell Ye Hill ~ ... recitative and aria, "Joan of Arc," and Watts' "Transiormation"; there were joyous. rollicking thing-s such as "Carnival," Foudrain. Barnett's "Singing Girl of Shan" and an Italian folk song, which Miss J axon sang as an encore after her second group: there was the strong pictorial "Non Credo" of \Vidor's and just bet '1re that and in contrast to it we had L~en delighted by the lovely lyric quality of Miss ]axon's voice as she sang the lilting "Connais Tu le Pay .. from Mignon. One of the final encores after the last group by U iss .Taxon was a short dittv which she called "The Housewives' Lament in the Springtime." This, of course, brought much laughter. Miss ]axon was a sisted by Miss Delphie Lindstrom at the piano. Miss Lindstrom also played the "Etude m E Flat" by Lizst, verv ably. Catholic Club Juniors Planning for May Dance The St. Francis Xavier auditorium will be the scene of the May dance given b.r the junior members of the Woman's Catholic club of \Vilmettc, May 19, at 8:30 o'clock. The young women plan to make the dance a gala event to mark the last of the three parties of the club year. Shaded lights and spring flowers will adorn the auditorium where the dance will be held. Miss Estelle Pahlman. chairman. will be assisted in receiving by Miss Vivianna Tarnow and Miss Marjorie Koenig. Presiding at the punch bowl will he Miss Olive Oelerich. Miss Gertrude Hammes, and Miss Rosalee Adams. Mr. and Mrs. John Pahlman and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Engelhardt will he the chaperons for the evening. Delegates ,· from over-·"·se've·;;·"hundred federated clubs throughout the state will gather at the Stevens hotel, Chicago, May 14 to 18, for the thirtythird annual convention of the Illinois Federation of \-Vomen's clubs, and also to enjoy the Well- Equipped Homes expositioi' which the I. F. \V. C. is holding in connection with the convention, at the same place. A strong program has been arranged, including exceptionally g·o od music by prominent soloists, trios and choruses, and addresses will be given by such well-known men as Dr. Max E. Mason, president of Chicago university, Dr. William Sadler, Senator Harold E. Kissinger, Hon. Henry Riggs Rathbone, William A . Durgin, Lt. Col. Bullis, and also by the president of the General Federation of Wome·n·s clubs, Mrs. John T. Sherman, formerly of Chicago, the latter being the speaker at the gala event of the convention, the banquet nn Thursday evening. A dinner for the board of directors and the local board on Monday. the Junior dinner, followed by a play written and presented by the ] uniors o1i Tuesday, department luncheons and a motor trip on \-Vednesday. and a reception following the banquet on Thursday, are some of the social features of the sessions. :\f uch interest is being shown in the outcome of the elections, as the offices of president, second and third vice-president. and General Federation director arc tn be filled during t h t: COil \ ' CII ti011. Committee. Asks for Suits for Men at Great Lakes The Wilmette Woman's club committee on friendly co-operation with ex-service men will hold its monthly meeting with Mrs. A. N. Clagett, 425 Lake avenue, Monday, May 14. Men's suits, sizes 28, 40, and 42, are greatly needed in the unit. Anyone having a suit to give is a sked to send it to Mr . Willis Hutson. 1112 E lm wood avenue, telephone 1447. STATE GARDEN CLUB MEETING The Garden Club of Illinois will hold its next meeting Monday, May 14, at 10 o'clock, at the Hotel Sherman. North Shore members of the board are Mrs. Frederick Fisher of Lake Bluff, president; Mrs. Charles D. Ewer of Wilmette, recording secretary; Mrs. Frank W. Kingsley of E:vanston, corresponding secretary. LEAGUE LUNCHEON MAY 23 The Wilmette League of Women Voters has decided upon the North Shore hotel as the place for · its luncheon and annual meeting on May 23. An interesting program has been arranged to follow the regular meeting. The luncheon hour is 12:30. WELFARE MEETING IN CITY The regular monthly meeting of the Infant Welfare board of Wilmette will be held Monday, May 14, at the home of Mrs. William Froeschle, 2440 Lakeview avenue, Chicago. Sings at Club At the regular meeting. of the \Voman's Libran· club of Glencoe on April 26. ~[iss Adelaide Jones of Wilmette sang two groups of original songs by Miss Susannah Armstrong. Miss Jones interpreted in the most pleasing manner the song, "Noise of the \Vaters" conveying to the audience the significance of the words and tnthic. In the group from Mother Goose. ~1iss Jones delighted all with the whimsical charm of her voice and man11er. , .. To Form New Garden Club More than fifty persons already have sent in their names for membership in a new venture in the village, an eYening garden club, which is to be organized at a meeting next Tuesdav evening at the home of Mrs. C. D. Ewer, 1111 Ashland avenue. Anyone interested in gardening and wishing to attend the meeting and hear the program that has been arranged is cordially invited to attend. '

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