Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 May 1928, p. 1

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WILMETTE VOL . . XVII, NO. 33 Published weekly by Lloyd Hollister Inc., 1!3!-1236 Central Ave., Wilmette, Illinois. Entered as second class matter · March 13, 19U, at the post office at Wihnette, IUino(s, un de?· the Act ·of Ma?·ch 3, 1819. Subscription price U.OO a year. L I FE I ., WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, MAY 11, 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS / Co.£mittee Appointed at Citizens What a Mother Has a Right to Mas, Meeting Probes Sentiment of Expect of her Son Citizens on Theater Question You've never thought very much --about it, son, perhaps, but your Discuss Feasibility of Experts' Accepts Unanimous Call of WilPost cards, accompanied by a letter, mother has a right to expect that mette Church; Leaves PromiPlan; . Would Involve No were addres sed to all citizens of the you'll be a r·e al man some day, a nent Delaware ·Pastorate ·Tax Increases, Report village this week, calling for a genman of character and of ideals. -eral expression. on the question: Your home, your training, your opAn independent water supply plant "Shall Wilmette have a village theatre, portunity, all these will aid you to ' .or. George D. Allison, pastor oi the Second Baptist church of Wilmingfor \\' ilmette, located somewhere on and if so, shall it be permitted to open find fullness and purpose in life. ton, Dela., has accepted the call of the lake. front and comprising an m- )n Sundays after 1 :30 p M.?" And deep down in your heart, bethe Wilmette Baptist church, to be its take line. filtration plant and pumping neath the v;orries and triumphs of · · h' This request for an expression of pastor. He \vill take · charge ·of the statton may become a reality wtt ·m every boy's heart, v. ou know that opinion from the citizens .of the viichurch early in June. . . the next two years if suggestions preif you do your level best, that your sented hy engineers meet with the !age grew out of a mass meeting held manhood and service to the world Dr. Allison was born 111 Brooklyn approval of the Village boarcl. That February 7· 1928--shortly following the will be real and above the ordinary. iN. Y., and has always lived in the this project can be carried through closing of the Village theatre- and Your mother has a right to exEast. He graduated with honors from , Brown university in 1905, was given by a plan of financing that will in no which wa s called at the instance of pect some things for her sake, alone, hundreds of residents who indicated a a Bachelor of Divinity degree by the manner entail an increa se in taxes is son, that you will always hold desire to have . t h e assurance gn·en by experts. f tl steps . taken to provide woman- k'111 d as sacre d , t 1 1at yOtl 1 Union Theological seminary, New. " I · · , p 1 '\ a t 1 leatre or le VI 11 age . will help to keep it pure and true 1 York City, in 1908. He also holds a t 1s mv opm10n. says au . . '"! tt · tl t h fi d · Master of Arts degree in Columbia 1 Hoffman chairman of the Sewer a net L ·le e cr accompanymg .. le pos anc1 c1 ean w erever you n tt. university, having majored in Soci \Vat er c~mmittce of the Village hoard , : card ~yas addressed . to the c1t~zens by , Your mother h.as a right to ex ology. \-vho ha s made a careful st udy of the the 1 heatre comn11ttce appomtcd at . pect that you wtll some day pass Fine Civic Leader · local water SllJfPlv situation. "that \Vil - I the F~bruary mass meeti_ng, which i!l' . 'don to another wh~t she !~as giv~n After his seminary days Dr. Allison . tt 1 11 · · !' t 1 t k I compnsed of the followmg: Dan G~ ~ou; that vou wtll sacnficc and 1 had a wonderful pastorate in · Ruther ~ll c e s 1 ~~ 1 < 111111 ~~< ta r { a ·r s ~ps Stiles. j. ~L Budinger, ]. ~L Carrico, !\suffer. aud · worrv and dream and 1 1 1011 0 0 ford, N. ]., a suburb of New York t "t·~n s e crt:c t plumptng la nd Ernest C. Cazcl. plan for a not he~ as she has done / s a 1011 atH1 equqHnen . ."'\ pan can ._ f City. During a . pastorate of eleven 0 he t?tttlincd so that. taxation " ·ill. ~l't'l't The letter reads: \· ~,~~t. mother expects manhood years he built up a strong congrega lH.: m creasc d nor, 1.11 all probahtltt~·· ··on the 7th day of Fdlt·uary, 1!>28, a from YOU . It is her right . . . for tion and rebuilt the church building. \nll . "".~er rat es !>e .t~lcreas.ed. Iu tht s meeting of the citizf'n:-; of Wilmette wal:i she has given of womanhood for Leaving Rutherford m 1920, he ac \\·ay tile burden ts htted <!trecth· from ';alled for· the purpo~e of dedcling as to , cepted the pastorate of the Second · · wh eth r m not the Yillng-e of '\Vilmette YOU. the sho uld ers of the taxpayers and should ha\·e a village th eatre. :_\Vatter ~IcPeek, in Boy Scout ' Baptist church of Wilmington, Dela. This is the leading Baptist church in is placed indirectlv on the water user. "At ~aiel meeting hdd at the Stolp Bulletin. although it is assu.med that no increase :-;chool, it appeared that th · opinion of the· state. His success in Wilmington · 1 · · ·11 1 th e citizens pre::;ent was unnnimoul:i in has been noteworthy and he has en m t ll' cxtst111g rates \\"t lC necessary. fann· of a village thentre. 1 B d C ·d Explains Financing Plan "The Committee appointed investigated Appea s oar to onsi er cleared himself to the entire city. One th,e features of his pastorate was "The Village of Clencoe," continues th e mattt:> t' very thoroughly, and as a Cleaning Plant Application of radio broadcasting of the Sunday ~fr . Hnffman. "is at the Jlrescnt time result of such im·estigation, it is of the finn belief that thf' theatre eannot exi~t Henry C. Schultz, of the firm of night service. Dr. Allison was prestconstructing a pumping and filtration in th e Village of Wilmett e, and that Schultz and Nord, has made formal dent of the Baptist State Convention plant based on a similar plan. A suffi- nohocly i~ willing to ··i~k any money on application to th~ Wilmette Board of of Delaware for four years. was elect· f f ·c. su('h an enterprisE', unles:-; sueh thea tre ctent amount o " ·ater und certtncates co uld be run seYen days a week. Appea,ls on Zoning that he be allowed ed grand chaplain of the Masons, also of indebtedness can he issued for the "For th e purpose of ascertaining the to usc . his building at the foot . of chaplain of the Kiwanis club, and also purpose of erec-t-ing and establishing sentiment of all. tlw re~idents ?f ~Vil- Washington avenue, at the North has held many other community and the pumping station and equipment. mette, th e Cnmnnttee dt·ctded to mstttute Shore line tracks for a dyeing and state honors. '1'1 ·fi · a refer ndum by post eard, and ask you . ' . , 1ese ccrtt cates are gtven to the con- to be good enoug-h to answer the en-~ cleamng plant, employmg not more Mrs. Allison, who has always been. tractor at par in :)aym.ent for the <'losed post ca rd "YES" or ":-.:0" and than five persons. The area is now prominent m girls' and women's work and are issued under the Jl- mail same to the uncl.!!_rsigned not later known as "Gasoline Alley." work in the church, is a graduate of linoi ~ Statr Statutes of 1897 ancl 1927, than 1\Ionday, 1\Iay l4th. . Following its usuaC custom, the the New York State College for which give full legal power for such "The question in\·oln.'rl is: I board has decided to hold a public Teachers. The family consists of two tssuanc~. These water fun<f certifi"S~all Wilnl'tt~ h:we a vi)lng-f' theatrf', , hearing on the request. The hearing boys, ages 11 and 4. cates arc J)a_ v ahle primarily a11d solely on and Sundays tf so. shall ·t 1 be P<>nmtted to open will be held in the Villao-r hall Tuesday 'The members of the Wilmette Bapafter :30 P. l\1.? ~ , tist church are very much delighted from earnings derived from operation "Thanking you for th e co urtesy of an evemng, May 15, at 8 o c.ork. over the prospect of Dr. Allison's of the water plant and do not 111 ea rly reply, ek" pastorship. The call extended to him the. least mcrease taxation within the The committee is very anxious to was unanimous and he will come to Village. Their security rests upon the the Wilmette Baptist church under mortgage against the station and have a large response from the citi- 1 the best of conditions as far as unity equipment with total earnings derived zel'.s on this question. If you have not · of spirit and purpose can be secured. frqm the property. These water fund mailed your card, do it now. If you The Wilmette Baptist church has certificates can he issued serially tn have misplaced your card or did not been without the services of a reguincreasing amounts from 19.30 to 1955. receive one call any member of the lar pastor since February 1 of this A number of our larger banks are committee who will furnish you with vear when the resignation of the additional cards. I specializing 111 the financing of water Rev. Francis Carr Stifler, pastor for plants under this plan." 11 years, became effective. Why Plant Is Favored Important factors . in the plan for Department of Swift the proposed water plant have been 1 · Annual Dinn~r May Pupils enumerat<'d briefly as follows: The annual meeting and dinner Arthur H. Carver, director of the 1. Construction costs were decreased of "Ye Olde Town Folks" of Wil1 ind. u strial relations department of considerably in the past year. mette will be held this year .on Swift and company, will address the 2. Interest rates for long term fiThursday evening, May 17, at 6:30 students of Ne\v Trier High school, in nancing arc very favorable at the o'clock, in the auditorium of the connection with the vocational guidpresent time. Wilmette Masonic temple. ance series of lecture s that are being 3. Wilmette owns land suitable for You and your family are welcome arranged by the faculty advisers of a filtration plant and a pumping stathe pupils, on WednesJav of next to enroll as members. if you have tion on the lake front. week. Mr. Carver has achieved conresided in Wilmette prior to the 4. This land, because of its situasiderable distinction in his field and year 1903. ation; makes a shorter intake line PHOl~E as a speaker on the subject and it is Invitations have been mailed and necessary than is the case in the anticipated will prove one of the mo.st if you do not receive one, and deinstance of other north shore cominteresting speakers of the year. He sire to enroll, please pnone the mumtles. This condition tends to re- · treasurer, · W. N. Waidner, Wilwill talk on commercial work. duce the cost. Dr. Hubert Carleton of St. Aue-usmette 3497, promptly& tine's Episcopal church of Wil5. The Sanitary digtrict pumping The annual dues are one dollar mette spoke before the studeuts on water into the North Shore channel with an additional . dollar for supWednesday of this wt-ek. dealing with creates in-shore currents at this point, per reservation. the ministry as a profession. (Continued on Page 5) $340,000 WATER WORKS MAY BE ERECTED SOON HOW ABOUT A MOVIE? MOTHERS' DAY DR. G. D. AWSON IS ·NEW BAPTIST MINISTER - I "Ye Olde Town Fblks" 17 Would you like your next job of to be Heed and Co. Talks to PRINTING a real job? I WILMETTE 4300 . ..

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