Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 May 1928, p. 46

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WILMETTE LIFE May 11. 1928 News of Interest to the Church-Goers of Our Village cial service of the Holy Communion in guests of Link D at ' the home of Mrs. the church at 10 :30 . for all the women C. P. Dubbs at a Beach party. ' of the parish. At this Service the The Wilmette Baptist church is loSay It by going to church next SunAssociate minister"Thank Offering" of the women In the cated at the corner of Wilmette and day morning. William E. McCormack parish during the year will be present- Forest avenues. It is probably not necessary to reed at the Altar and a short address will mind anyone that next Sunday is This is one of the flne churches in be given by one of the officers of the Mother's Day,· a special occasion when Wilmette. Woman's United Thank Otrering. The we endeavor to pay appropriate tribute service will be over by 11 :30 and a to our mothers. Our presence and The Woman's Guild Is having Its light luncheon will be served in the Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette participation in the service of the Herman W. Meyer M. A. pastor :May Breakfast at the church today at Club House at 12 o'clock. church will be an evldenc'3 of our own 406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1396 12 :30. The East End ircle will presincere apJ)reciation impossible to exChurch telephone 3111. sent two short comedies, "Wanted: A press in words. The last meeting for the present seaCook" and "The Rummage Sale." The Presbyterian church, located at son of the Associated Guilds will be the corner of Greenleaf avenue and held in the Club House today, Friday, Services Ninth street will have a very beautiful Fifth Sunday after Easter. The Church school convenes in all May 11, beginning after the Service in 9 :30 a. m. Sunday school · and Bible service next Sunday morning, and exdepartments at 9 :30. 'l'here are the church, with luncheon at noon. tends to every one a most cordial inclasses. The rector gave an address to the classes under competent leadership for vitation to be present. This program boys of New Trier High school on 9 :45 a. m. First service and sermon. boys and girls of all ages. Wednesday morning, on "The Ministry 11 a. m. Second service and examination will be at the time of the morning service, 11 o'clock. Sunday school at of catechumens. At 10 :30 l\1r. McCormack will speak as a Vocation." Sermon;. Revelation and Knowledge. 9 :30 o'clock. in the Junior Congregation on "The Story of the Rose Bush." Next Sunday we will use a very beauAscension of Christ tiful responsive service, especially arThursday, May 17 at 7:45 p. m. .\t the worship service at 11, Mrs. Rev. Francis C. Stifter will preach ranged for Mother's Day, and just reDivine services. ath rine \\'augh 1\lcCulloch will give Sunday, May 13, at 11 o'clock. We are cently published. This service, with the Mothers' Day ·address. She will glad to have Rev. Stifter with us once readings and special musical response ::;peak on "A Little Child Shall Lead." more before he leaves for East Orange, Meetings by the choir, has been arranged by W. There will be special music selections N. J., where he will tak up his work Monday at 4 :00 Classes for children. under the direction of Amy Leslie in a new field. Monday at 7 :30 Classes at the pastor's ·R. Voris, and will be used for the first time. Toskey. study. The Sunday school meets at !) ::w. Monday 7 :45 Choir rehearsal. The Wilmette Business and Profes- Completely graded lessons for a 11 ages. Monday at 8 :30: Committee of the conFollowing is the musical program sional Women's Club will meet in this Class ~s for men and wonwn in the firmed. which the quartet will pr('sent next church for dinner on l\londay at 6 :30. auditorium at 9 :45. Tuesday at 8: Building committee. Sunday morning: Friday at 7 :45: Junior ·walthe r league. Organ Prelude, On Tuesday the Neighborhood Circle "May Night" ............... Palmgren The High school B. Y. P. 1 .· will will meet at the home of 1\lrs. C. N. have Next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock Anthem, their guests next Sunday the Roberts, 1014 Lake an·nue. l\lrs. G. F. A. as "Comes At Times a StillS. The meeting will be. held as- the examination of catechumens which W. Kibby and .Mrs. L . ~1. Drake will as- usual in ness" .................... Woodman the Guild Room at 5 :~0. The precedes their confirmation will lake sist. topic for discussion will hE>. "How can place at St. John's. The first class Anthem, "Mother-Angel and Queen" we cooperate with the older people." only will be examined at this time, The Wekeacaftla. Camp Fire Girls Every . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~insuti-Ryder effort is being mad e for a large since the class which meets in the evewill meet at the Church at 3 ::30. Mrs. EvE>rybody welcome. F. A. ning is not yet ready for confirmation. Organ Offertory, H. A. LaRoy is the Guardian of the attendance. "Cradle Song" ................ Brahms S. will serve refreshme nts after the There are seventeen altogether who are group. to make their confirmation vows. The Solo, meeting. "Open the Gates" .............. Knapp are Kermit Simons, Walter Harrman, Roosevelt Troop No. 2 Hoy Scouts · Mr. Miller The regular mid-week nwl't iug of the ~largaret Baker, Annette Schmeisser, will meet at the Chun:h at i :::10. Postlude, church will l;>e held on Wedn esday eve- Anna Herr, Helen Middendorf, Milbert Organ "Chorus of Shepherds" .... Lemmcns The Junior choir will nwet for re- ning in the Guild Room. Re\·. Mor- Prochnow, Ernest Bostrom, Henry Eghearsal on Wedne::;day at ::1 :45 . Amy phett will continue the study on the gert, Robert Carlen, Mrs. John Her- Quartet: Catherine Bushouse, soprano. bon, Elzabe Yocum, Dorothy Yocum, Leslie Toskey is the dirce tor. · life of Elijah. Rose Lutiger Gannon, contralto. Mabel Borre, Jack Heinem a n, Alice LieJohn B. Miller, tenor. The Senior choir meets at 7 :00 under The Boy Scouts m eet at the Church brenz, Henry Paulson. Emmons C. Carlson, bass. the direction of Amy Lt·::;lie Toskey. at 7 :30 Thursday eve ning, May 17 .. Erma E. Rounds, organist and direcOn Thursday evening next May 17, tor. On Wednesday at 8 :00 an informal The choir, undt-r th dirPd ion of services will be held at St. John's in group will meet again to continue the Madame Gilderoy S<·ott, m f't->ts for r e- commemoration of the asccn::;ion 0f The Optimist club of Wilmette has reading of "Christ of the Indian Road." hearsal Thursday eYening, May 17, at Christ. The servit:e will begin at 7:45 decided to again this year unite with 8 o'clock. o'clock. us next Sunday in the observance of The Boys' club will mee t at 3 :30 on Mother's Day. 'l'here was a large Thursday under the ll·adl·rshii> of Mr. A meeting of the Sunday school Next Sunday has been designated as representation of the club, together McCormack. cabinet will be held l\Tonda:r evening at Mother's Day. Instead we choose to with members of their families, last 'l'roop No. 1 Girl Sl'outs will m eet at 8 o'clock in the Guild room of th e make it a real Parents' Day, and in year and we are anticipating with genuthe Church on . Ft·iday at 7: !5. Miss church. All teachers and officers are view of the fact that it is one of the ine appreciation and pleasure their begreatest duties of Christian parents to ing with us again. Elizabeth N. Brown i::; Captain of the urged to attend. "bring up their children in the fE'ar and Troop. The North rn Baptist 'l'heol ng·ical nurture of the Lord," we sincerely inThe Rebecca Spoke will meet at the Seminary's comme ncement exPrd~:;N; will vite every .father and mother to our church next Tuesday, May 15, for its be from Sunday, May 20, to Thursday services in which the catechumens are regular dinner and business session, at May 24. The Baccalaureate sermon to be examined. We hope that not on- 6:30 p. m · .FJ.lo"l'H SUND .\ \" .\lo"J'.Eit }~AS'l'EU will be preached in the Second Baptist ly the parents of catechumens will be 9 :45 A . .M. . ~unda;y school church of Chicago, Sunday morning, by present but many others also. l\lr. Jo::;eph John::;on, :-;uperintendent Miss Ruth Youngberg will have Dean Jacob Heinrichs, D. D., professor 11 :00 A. :M. . .... . ..... :\loming won;hip of Systematic Theology, who is comcharge of the C. E. meeting on Sunday On Sunday afternoon and evening Sermon-"Motlw1·" pleting ten years of service. The An- next beginning at 3 :30 o'clock the regu- evening. The topic will be "Home and 8 :00 P. M. (Friday, May 11) .. . . . . . . . . nual Missionary sermon will be in the lar quarterly meeting of the North Mother." All the young people are in..... . .. . . .. ....... .. . . Luth e r league Temple Baptist church on Sunday f'Yt>- Shore Zone of the Walther League will vited to attend the meeting. 5 :30 p. m . William Melbye, Jr .. pre:-;ident ning, by Dr. William I.... Ferguson, pro- be held at Bethlehem Lutheran Parish fessor of Missions. The Theological House, corner Lake avenue and AshSaturday, May 12, the Girl Scout;; Special 1\Juslc conferf'nce, followed by president and land avenue, Evanston. Senior and from north shore are to have a Mothers' Dny 1\trs. Taft's annual r eception, will be Junior Leaguers should be there. The Scout the circus at Highland Park. Most Sunday morning will be fittingly ob- held in Byrne hall, Monday afternoon. main speaker of the day will be Pastor served by spe<:ial mu~ic and a ~ennon and will bt> addressed by Pres. G. Otto Erbe of Boone, Iowa, who will ad- of Troop 5 plans to be present. Miss entitled "Mother." You ar' invited to Argid Hagstrom, D. D., of the BPthel dress the assembly ..on his trip through Marjorie Temple will represent us in the side-show, and the rest of the girls Dttend the service in this chun.:h. Theological seminary, St. Paul, Minn. , the Holy Land. will be on some team for some surprise on the subject, "The Ministry for Toraces and games which have been The BullctiJUC Committee will meet at day." All friends are wPicom e but th(\ It is · planned to have a North Shore planned. The Scouts of · Troop 5 are to the home of Mr.. Scott Smith, Chairman, special guests will be the Chicago BanFriday evening, May 11. This is a very tist ministers. their wives, and · the Week at the Arcadia Michigan Lutheran meet at the Presbyterian church at Important meeting and should be at- members of the Senior class. The SE>n- Summer Camp either at the close of 1 :00 p. m. For further information in tended by every member of the committee lor Class Day exercises will be Tues- July or about the second or third wt>ek regard to the special train on the North Shore, call Miss Reba Michener, Wil. if possible. day evening. The Alumni meeting will of August. The matter will be brought 2429. Miss Michener will chaperon the be at the Garfield Arms hotel on to the attention of the Zone meeting girls on Saturday. All the girls are inThe Illinois Synod of the United Thursday noon. The graduating exer- and definitely decided on. vited to bring their friends and famLutheran church meets in Murphysboro, cise will be on Thursday eYening at tht> Ill., next Wf'ek. Pastor and lay-delegate Tabernacle Baptist church and tht> adPlans for the chancel furniture to be ilies to the circus. from this church will attend. Mr. Wil- dt>esses will be by five mE>mhers of thP installed at St. John's are very nearly The subject of the mid-week meeting liam lf:elbye, Sr., is our lay-delegate. The senior class and by the president of thP completed, and work will be begun withSynod meet~ yearly and usually takes seminary. Unless othE'rwise n0ted, ali" in the next few weeks. It will probably on 'Vednesday evening at 8 o'clock will four full days to tra.nsact the business exercises will be held in the chapel of be installed some time next September be the 12th chapter of Mark, "Jesus and His Teaching." It has been decided that of the church. This meeting is especially Byrne hall, 3040 W . Washington boule- or October. for a time we will follow the course of important as the delegates to the United vard, Chicago, ::~nd the public is most study presented in the International Lutheran Church Conventi0n, to be held cordially welcome. The total student Coming J.'esthals aaul S(·rvlees in Erte, Pa., in Octobt>r, will be elected enrollment the past school year not in - ~ext Sunday: Examination of catechu- · S~nday School Lessons. at this meP.ting of the Synod. cluding those in the correspondf'nce demens. partment or evening classes has bf'en Sunday, May 20: Confirmation of cat"Love for Our Mothers" will be the The Basf'ball Ttam is practicing hard 226. There are 46 candidates for gradu- . echumens. theme for the Junior church on Sunday . ation. tor their opening game. EYeryone conSunday, May 27 : Festival of Pentecost. We are to have special music from a nectE>d with an organization of the church May 10, Link R, under the leadership Sunday, May 27 at 7 :45 p. m. Reunion group of the Juniors, as well as reciis eligible for the team. We have pros- of Mrs. Arden, gave a shower for Vir- of the confirmed. tations and a surprise for Mother. The pects of a flne team. ginia Thompson. Many of the Jinks Sunday, June 3: Trinity Sunday. Holy service will at the usual hour, 11 o'clock, were represented. in the Junior Assembly room. Communion at 11. Thursday, May 17. Link F will meet at the home of Mrs. Church. 2035 The order of the service next Sunday Sunday, May 13, will he thf' fifth Sun- Thornwood avenue. Link I will meet at follows: day after Easter. There will be Holy the home of Mrs. Buckle, 1031 Willow Organ Prelude Communion at 8 a. m .. C'hurC'h schools road, Winnetka. Hymn No. 5: Open now thy gates. The pastor will preach at the MornFriday, May 18, Link N will meet at The Liturgical service. and Bible classes at 9 :45 and Morning ing Worship service this coming Sunday the home of Mrs. Mead, 1040 Forest ave- Choir: Seek ye the Lord. Prayer with address at 11 o'clock. morning at 11 o'clock. Dr. Smith has nue. Link S will meet at the home of The Apostles' Creed. been attending the General Conference Next Thursday, May 17, will be As- Mrs. D. Green, 329 Chestnut street, Win- Hymn 325: Rock of Ages. of the Methodist church at Kansas City, cension Day, one of the grE-at Holy netka. Examination and hrief address. as he is one of the eight delegates from Friday, May 18, Evening Link I will Prayer Days of the church. 'l'here will be two the Rock River Conference. He will reservices of the Holy Communion ; one meet at the home of Miss Hazel Green Offertory. turn to Kansas City next week to atand Mrs. Merriman, 643 Temple court, at 8 a. m. and one at 10 a. m . Hymn 373: Jesus, my Truth, my Way. tend the remaining sessions ot the conKf'nilworth. Benediction. ference which will be held until the end Friday, June 8, all links will be the Doxology 594. Friday, May 11, there will be a speof May. It is hoped that a large con- First Congregational Presbyterian Church St. John's Lutheran Wilmette Baptist English Lutheran St. Autustine's Church Methodist Church

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