Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 May 1928, p. 47

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May 11, 1928 gregatfon wlll be present to hear Dr Smith's message on Sunday morning. · Dr. Stecker Is In charge of 'the midweek service during the absence of the pastor. This service is held each Wednesday night from eight to nine o'clock ' Dr. Stecker Is being assisted by some of the laymen In conducting these meetings Mr. S. E. Leeman led the mid-week ser~ vice last Wednesday night. Dr. Stecker will render any pas tora l service that may be necessary during the absence of the pastor. Any calls may be registered at the church office whi ch is open as usual ; phone, Wilm ette 23 48. The annual meeting and elec ti on of officers of the Woman's Home Mi ssionary Society will be held on Thursday at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. lie Hanawalt, 1344 Ashland avenu e. All of the women who have not turned in their mite-boxes are ask ed to bring them to this meeting. WILMETTE LIFE 47 Les- The Young Woman's Miss ion a r y Rociety will m eet Tuesday eve ning a t th e home of Lillie Mae Humphri es, 2fi5 Wood court. This is to be the Mit~ -B o x Opening meeting. The Qu een Esther-St a ndard Bearers are to be the gu ests o f th e young women at this meeting. The High School league is entt· rta in ing their Mothers Sunday evening· a t 5 :30 in the High School departme nt r oo m. One of the features of the prog r \m will be a series of stere optiC'on pic tun>s or Lake Geneva Summer Ins titutf' , s hown by Miss Helen Nelson, No rth ~ rn Dis trict Institute chairman. The following schedule of Pa.rt nts' Yi siting days will be obseryed in the Church School: May 13-Primary d epartm ent May 20-Beginners' department May 27-Junior d epartment June 3-High S chool d epartme nt The Girl Scouts of Troops 2. 3 and 4, wfll attend the North Shore Girl Scout Rally and Circus to be h eld a t Deerfield High school in Highl a nd P a rk thi!'l Saturday afternoon. The girl s will m ee t at the Wilmette Avenue Station a t 12 :50 and will go to Highland Park in a s peci a l car on one of the North Shore Tra in s. They will return to Wilmett e by 5 ::10. P a rents are cordially invited to a ttend . Please send r ecipes for the ex ch a nge cook book to Mrs. R einhold or Mrs. Burpee as soon as possible. The Woman's Exchange is open d a ily from ten to five, except Saturday when it closes at one o'clock. The re is a Bakery Sale in the Exchange each Saturday morning. The First Divi sion will conduct the sale this Saturday m orning. CHRISTIAN CHARACTER and the CHRISTIAN CHURCHES Christia haracter is the indispensable basis of Christian Civilization. Vital Religious Experience is essential to Creative Christian Character. The -Churches preserve, foster, and stimulate Vital Religious Experience as the heart of Character Education. 't Kenilworth Union K e nilworth avenue and W a rwi ck r oad Kenilworth Dr. Herbert .L. Wille tt, minis ter The subject of the sermon n ext Sunday at 11 a. m. will be, "The Spirit of Motherhood," a sermon a ppropriate t o Mother's Day. The Sunday school mee ts in the Assembly Hall at 9 :45 a . m. Classes for all, and all welcome. The exercises will feature Mother's Day. On Wednesday evening at 7 :15 the Sunday School council will m ee t for the discussion of current problems in religious education, under the leadership of Mr. Carter, and th e survey of the Sunday School lesson for the n ext Sunday. Dr. Willett will give the final lecture of the course on "Ancie nt Proph ets and Modern Problems" on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The subject will be, "Isaiah: Problems of the City. " Mrs. Cline will give an organ number, and there wfll be a brief service of singing and prayer. Sunday morning:-May 20th, Dr. Will o tt'~ ~ubiPCt will t:>e "The Gospel of Good Will," a sermon appropriate to International Good Will Sunday. The Young People's club mee ts every Sunday evening at 6 o'clock. Next Sunday evening light refreshments will be served, and the usual discussion hour will follow. On Sunday evening, May 20, the club will visit the Young People's society Of the First Congregational church, Oak Park. On the 27th, the Club wfll be host to the young people of Kenilworth and Wilmette. The Churches of Wilmette welcotne your personal participation in ·these indispensable processes of character education. Bring your children and join with them in questing for the Noblest Christian Character IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIII IIII II IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII Directory ·--of Churches: SL John's Lutheran ·Church Wilmette and Park A venues The Fint Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette AvenutS Rtu. Httmlln W. ·Mtf/tr Rev. H or~ct G. Smith Fint Congregational Chlirch Lake and Wilmette Avtnaes The Wilmette Baptid (lurch Forest and Wilmette Avenues The FJnt Presbyterian Church Ninth Street and Greenleaf Avenue Reu. George P. M «gill Wilmette Eqlish Lutheru (lurch Gttenletd Avmru 11ntl Seuenth SttHt Rev. Carl I. Emp·on Wilmette Avenue Ct~rleton St. Augustine's Episcopal Church 1 1 -4 o Mr. and Mrs. John E. Benz, 620 Gregory avenue, spent the last weekend on a fishing trip near Oshkosh, Reu. Hubert Wis. -oEdward A. Zimmerman of 219 Sixth street left recently to spend several weeks at Daytona Beach, Fla. Publi1htd by tht Interchurch Atluerti1ing Committte, Wilmette Church Fl!ietlltion

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