Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 May 1928, p. 57

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May 11, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE 57 F~re Causes $20.,000 Damage to Edmunds' Home in Kenilworth A fire at the home of H. 0. Ed- .... munds, 27 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, on Thursday, May 3, caused damage estimated at more than $20,000 and occasioned the \Vilmette Fire department, augmented by a squad and engine from Winnetka, a battle of several hours before it was finally placed under control and extino-uished. The fire started. it is thought, from either a cigaret or torch used by "'orklllen engaged in remodeling the home and had been burning within the walls for more than an hour before it was discovered and the \Vilmette Fire department notified. At the time of the :-trrival of the firemen the · flames had begun to break through at the gables and roof. Both the \Vilmette and \\'innetka engine~ \\·ere forced to pump water on tht' blaze for several hours before it was _uhdued. A second alarm was turned in while the department \\·a::; engaged in fighting the Kenilworth blaze by residents in the vicinitv of Fourth street and Linden avenu~ where an automobile had caught fire. One of the engines "·as recalled from the Kenilworth fire and. making a rapid run, extinguished the ~econd blaze before material damage \YaS done . On the fo ll owing- day. Friday. ~fay -l. 1ht> department was called to 707 Linden avenue to extinguish a prairie fire. On Saturdav. ~'fay 5. an alarm "·as turned in frOill 513 .:\fai11 str.rct "· her~: crossed electric wire.; had ignited ,i, wood\\·ork surrou11ding th em. The :: damage was nt:gligibte .' ,I On Tuescla ,. of thi:; " t·~.:k. a faulty oil burner at 433 ~fa in :;treet occa:.inned the truck a run. .\ · fence at Thirteenth street and Forest a,·enue was partially destroyed by fire on \\'edncsday of this week The George Shipman:; haYe given their apartment in £,·an~ton and arc ti,·ing with l\f r. and ~f r ·. George E. Shipman of 432 \\'arwick road. Kenilworth. and ~r r. and ~[rs. Le:;ter Branch. who hare been in Kenilworth ior fi,-e weeks ,,·hilc :\f r5. Branch's mother was so ill, ha\·c returned to tIH"ir home in EYanston. llorsefeathers (58) 8 Diamonds (9) Thorsen Peters Nelson Koza Betts Ludlow Watt Scott Fehlen Meier The second week of play in the ' Wom- Mills Phillips en's Volley Ball league of the Wilmette MueJ1lberg Bleser Playground and Recreation Board left two undefeated teams, th~ Rinky Dinks Standings of thP teams: and Horsefeattle~s. These two teams are Per scheduled to play next Monday evening \Von Lol;t Cent at the regul'ar weekly meeting of the Horsefeathers 2 0 1000 league. Rinky Dinks 2 0 1000 Hesults of last l\fondaY evening's play O'Kay's 1 1 500 were: · · S Diamonrts 0 3 000 Rinky Dink::- (25) O'Kay's (21) C'liquots 0 3 000 Chas,~ Miller Scott Antonio Skidmore CLEAR OUT SKEETER NEST Kummer Steven~ Hicks The channel of the stream over Warden .Tannes Stopl\a which the bridge on Happ road was Fehlen Th11r~ e n :\filler built a few years ago, was never thoroughly opened. and the flow of C'liquots (:? S ) .Ta1mes, L. s DiamorHt;e~!~~ .water has been more or less retarded. Jannes, R. Koza This impronment was made this week Hicks Ludlow by Highway Commissioner ]. A. \ VilPhillip· Bleser ~{i\~~ ~iams: an_d ,,·ill pro,·c ?f great benefit :\I eyer Bleser tn aftordmg better dramagc of. a large ~Hiler Antonio I area. Women's Volleyball LEE NELSON New Location 1626 ORRINGTON AVE. (New Hahn Building) 1 · · - -- -- - - OPENING SPECIAL Six -=---==-, I I THE WEDDING RING -if chosen at Lee Nelson's (arries a cenain air of distinction. Awaiting your inspection are some lovely new platinum rings engraved with tiny orange blossoms. Miniature Photographs JUN:E Gifts for the BRIDE Here, amid delightful surroundings, you may choose a charming gift for the June· Bride, the Graduate or for that Anniversary. Assortments are new and most complete at this time. All Children Smile for Bernie ur> Better Pictures - Better Values LEE NELSON Jeweler New Location 1626 ORRINGTON AVE. (New Hahn Building) University 461 BERNIE STUDIO 'I I o1 -0- Mr . and 1\frs. Georgt· ~{oocly have taken the Carl Apelt home at 124 Robsart place. Kcnih\·orth tor thr :-.Uil1111Cr. ;:_ Now in Our New Home 1623 Sherman Avenue (Opposite Postofli'-·e) Phone University 8998 I - DON'T MEASURE PAINT BY THE GALLON! MEASURE IT BY THE JOB! 100% PURE READY MIXED PAINT- GOES FARTHER! ·LOOKS BETIER! WEARS LONGER! · -===:::;: Because it is scientifically fonnulated from pure leads and zincs, and skillfully machined to the correct fineness to insure maximum ;overing capacity and protectiveness. It ia made to wear for years; it costa no more; and G gallons of ordinary paint to paint this house f gallons of De Soto paint to paint thJs house IT IS GUARANTEED WILMETTE, ILL. MILLEN HARDWARE COMPANY 1219 WILMETIE AVE. PHONE WILMETTE 3060 - 3061

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