Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 May 1928, p. 65

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May 11, 1928 ' WILMETTE LIFE purple candles will be lighted by alumni over the country and world. One of the· graquates of the first class at the university, Horace Goodrich of Chicago, '59, will take part in the dedithousands of alumni groups all over cation of the candle room and the the \\·orld participate will take place ceremony of lighting the 100-year Wednesday, May 16. A huge purple candle. candle, 4 feet ta ll and 6 inches in Old college cupola will henceforth be diameter, large enough to la st more used exclusively as the candle lightthan 100 years, \'\·ill be lighted for the ing room for the annual ceremony. A first time on this year's candle lighting plaque on the wall will give the date night. of the first lighting of the huge candle. At 8:01 standard time President Should Old college ever be torn dowti, Walter Dill Scott will light the candle the cupola with the candle \Yilt be prewhich will be placed in the cupola of · served. Old college, the first building on the I President Scott will address alumni campus. At the same hour smaller over \i'lMAQ at 10 that night. 65 Hundred Year Candle to Two Evanston Men · h dW d d 8. e L1g te e nes ay Seriously Injured Annual candle lighting ceremony of in Auto Accident Northwestern university in which Joseph Brewer, 2124 \Vesley avenue, Evanston, s~stained a fractured skull and the loss of an eye and William Lanning, Jr., Evanston, a fractured nose, the loss of all front teeth and a scalp wound, and four other people received minor injuries in an· automobile accident which occurecl on Ridge road just north of Elmwood a\·enue shortly after midnight last Saturday. All were rushed to tl' e Evanston hospital by a police detail, composed of Lieut . . \lhert Borre, and Officers Scluniclt and Gaughan, from the \Vilmcttc Polic e department. assisted hy \Yilliam Salml·n of Hubbard \\' oocls. They were attended In· Dr. Lawrence J. ( L\\·son of EYanston. Brt·wcr ,,·as rendered unconscious by the crash, failing to regain consctousncss until Tuesda\' It \\·as at first thought that he ~,·oult! not recover . . \t the time of the era . h, Brewer was driving his car north on Ridge · roarl. accompanied hy Lanning. and George Saito and _.\,·id Paulson of Covington, ~~ ich., colliding head-on w.i th another machit1e driven bY Lewis \Vcbcr, 20. 13~6 Darrow an~n~e, £,·_ anston. and o\\·ncd hY ClaYton ~f as ct. Evanston. which was-proc~eding in the oppositl: directivn. \ \' chcr and Masset were accompanied by ~~is s ).I. \\ oodhury and ~~iss F. :\hr ns, hoth of Evanston. \\reber wa held hy the police and later re1ea eel on bonds of $1.,000. :\ hearing before ~lagistrate Daniel ~L ).fickev has he~:n set for ~f<~.\· 1-t :\not her crash oc r urred sill ;· h- a iter 8 o'clock on \\'edtll..sda\' of t ! ti~ week . at Seventh street and -Sheridan road. when a car clriYen hy · Ceorgc Beaudin. 18, 726 Elmwood a\·enuc, \\.ilmctte, was struck by another machnte dnYCn I by Leonard Care,·. 681 Lincoln a\'Cnue. \\'inn ctka. ~s the Beaudin car ' was being dri,·en ircnn Sevl'nth street , into Sherirlan rnad. ~r in or injuries ' were sustained In· Tack Boot h. 5~1 I Sixth treet. \\.il;nette. a pas .-cngcr I in the Beaudin machine. and hy ).1 r . Carcv. Se-veral other accidents of minor· consequence \\ rre also reported to th e police. L0 Aft & U S WITHOUT COMMISSION On Dealrable Homea and A.panaeat . Ba.lldlnrs . Joba Hancock Mutual Ufe lu111'· uee Company A. D. LANGWORTHY, Loan A.reat lUI W. Adams St., Clalearo 5~'% MONEY I Have funds to loan on choice Improved North Shore Suburban resIdence property at 6'1 % Interest. See us on renewals. E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main OZSO - .., 10 "My Children Enjoy Living Deere Park · Because they are _ d eveloping strong bodies, tanned, and with a· glow of health. They are playing unrestrainedly, filling their lungs with pure air, swelling their chests, and learning to laugh at a fall. They are swimming in clean waters, ~nd basking in the warm sunlight. Wtth their dog, and with their chosen playmates they are learning courage, unselfishness and good fellowship. They enjoy Deere Park now. Some day they will' thank me for having made it possible for them to live there.tt A Deere Park Resident. Noted Woman Lawyer to Speak at Cong'l Church This Sundav ~[ rs. 1 7 Catherine \Vaugh ~f cCulloch of Evanston has been secured In· the First Congregational church as S!1~akcr at the Mothers' DaY ser\'ice at that I church next Sunday.- ~r rs. ~f cCulloch. being a mother and also a Ia \\'yer of v;ide reputatioit in this section of thr country and a speaker of great ability. was secured in order that the morning worship service at the First C::mgregational church niight he e pecially interesting and worthwhile. Mrs. McCulloch is a member of the law firm of McCulloch. ~fcCullnch and Dunbar, and has been identified with various public welfare anrl political movements for a number of year:-;. She was a pioneer \Voman's Suffrage leader and is now very much interested in the League of Women Voters. She is a member of the hoard of directors of Chicago Commons. . In addition to the large number of mothers and daughters who will attend this service together, members of the Roosevelt Troop No. 2 Boy Scou~s have invited their mothers as thetr guests. · A musical program is being prepared ·b y the. quartet and choir under the· direction of Amy Leslie Toskey. BAIRDli:WARNER DIVISION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 646 N. Michigan _ A venue PARK Superior 1855 Sheridan Road (Route 42) to North Boundary of Glencoe----at the Lake

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