Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 May 1928, p. 66

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66 NOTICE Village ot Kenilworth IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COOK WILMETTE entered in accordance with the said report and assessment rolll and the prayer of said petition. The following is a description of said inwro\'ement, and includes a description of the lots, blocks, tracts and parcds of land sought to be taken or damag·ed for the said improvement: That the thoroughfare now known as Linden Avenue be opened and extended West to and connected with Brier Street, and that for the purpose thereof the following described tracts, pieces and parcels of land be acquired by condemnation thereof: The South twenty-nine and twentyone hundredths (29.21) feet of Lot Six (6) in Maclean's Subdivision of that part of the South four and eightythree and one third hundredths ( 4.83 1/3) chains of the North fifteen (15) chains of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section Twentyeight (28), Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian lying East of Church Road, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Recorder of Cook County, Illinois, in Book 181 of Plats at page 9 as Document Number 8028839, all within the Village of Kenilworth, County of Cook and State of Illinois. Also that part of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty-eight (28), in Township Fortytwo ( 42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, lying South of the South line of the North fifteen (15) chains thereof, and North of the North line of the South twenty and twenty hundredths (20.20) acres thereof, and extending from the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter West for a disMt.nce of one hundred seventy-five (175) feet, being a strip of land three and twenty-five hundredths (3 .25) feet in width at the East end, and three and seven hundredths (3.07) feet in width at the West end, and one hundred seventy-five (175) feet in length, all within the Village of Kenilworth, County ot Cook and State of Illinois. Also that part of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty-eight (28), in Township Fortytwo (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian lying South of the North llne of the South twenty and twenty hundredths (20.20) acres thereof; and North of the North line of the South twenty (20) acres thereof, and extending from the East line of said South Half of Northwest Quarter West for a distance of one hundred seventy-five (175) feet: being a strip of land three and three tenths (3.3) feet in width and one hundred seventy-five (175) f eet In length, the East one hundred twenty-five (125) feet thereof being also known as the North three and three t ~ nths (3.3) feet of Lot One (1) in Kenilworth Gardens Addition 1'\umhE> r Two (2), being a subdivision of that part of the North seYenty-three (7:1) feet of the· North ten (10) acrP~ of tlw Southwe::;t Quarter of Section Tw e nt~· E>ight (28), in Township Forty-h,·o (42) North. Range Thirteen o:n E~~t of the Third Principal 1\Jeridian lying East of Ridge Road: nlso that pArt of the South twenty and ·twenty hunddrE>dths (20.20) acres of the NorthwP~l Quarter of said Section Twenty-f>lght (28), which lies East of said Ridg-e Road, according to the plat of said subdivision' recorded in the office of the Record er of Cook County, Illinois. In Book 18!'1 of Plats. at page 48, as Document Number 8459442. and r e gi~ tered in the office of the Registrar of Titles of said Cook County, Illinois. as Document Number 226544, all within the Vlllage of Kenilworth, County of Cook and State of IUlnois. Also that part of Lot One (1) in Kenilworth Gardens Addition Number Two (2), being a subdivision of thnt part of the North seventy-three (73) feet of the North ten (10) acres of the . Southwest Quarter of f;ection Twenty-eight (28), Township Fortytwo (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian lying East of Ridge Road ; also that part of the South twenty . and twenty hundredths (20.20) acres of the Northwest Quarter of said Section Twentyeight (28), which lies East of said Ridge Road. according to ti.e plat of said subdivision recorded in the office of the Recorder of Cook County, ' Illinois, In Book 189 of plats at page 48, as Document Number 8459442, and registered In the office of the Reg-istrar of Titles of said Cook County, Illinois, as Document Number 226544, that Is described as follows : Beginning at a point In tne East line of said Lot One (1) three and three tenths (3.3) feet South of the Northeast corner thereof ; thence South along the East line of said Lot One ( 1) thirty and twenty-four hundredth~ (30.24) feet; thence West in a straight line to J. point in the West line of said Lot chirty-three and sixtyseven hundredths (33.67) feet South of the Northwest corner of said Lot; thence North along the West line of said Lot thirty and _ thirty-seven hundredths (30.37) feet; thence East in a straight ltne to the point of beginning, LIFE May 11, 1928 COUNTY, ILLINOIS. GENERAL NUMBER 69i31 NOTICE 'OF PROCEEDINGS FOR A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT consisting of opening and extending Linden A venue west to and connecting with Brier Street, and opening and extending Sterling Road north ' to and connecting with Roger Avenue and West Railroad Avenue,, by ·c ondemning the refor the necessary land, and when so opened and exten.ded, by improving the same, together with Pleasant Avenue, Temple Court and part of Roger Avenue, by constructing ther ei n a reinforced concrde pavement, with combined curb and gutter, and by otherwi:se improving the \ same, all within the Village of Kenilworth, County of Cook and S,tate of Illinois. STATE OF ILLINOIS, 1 ss COUNTY OP COOK, 5 . VILLAGE OF KENILWORTH, A municipal corporation, \'S . IM THE COUNTY COURT OF COOK COti.N'l'Y, ILLI.NOIS. GENERAL NUMBER 69~1 THE PEOPLES' THUST A~D SAVINGS BANK, '!'RUST NUMBER 390, EVA RUTH BATSITEGOS, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND UNKNOWN DEVISEES OF JOHN BORRE (ALSO KNOWN AS JOHN BORE OR JOHN BORA), DECEASED, THE PEOPLES' TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, TRUS ~l' NUMBER 420, MARY E. JOY 'E, R. E. LITTLE, CHICAGO TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY, TRUS'l' NUMBER 16813, JACOB GLOS, EMMA J. GLOS, ALBERT H. GLOS, MABELLE L . GLOS, CLARA G. BATES, ABNER C. JONES, ELIZABETH A. JONES, WILLIAM PRICE JONES, JAMES RICE BROWN, AND ALL WHOl\1 IT MAY CONCERN. THE COUNTY COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLIN_ O IS, by order duly entered in the above entitled proceedings, having directed that as to such defendants as are shown by the affidavit filed In said proceedings to be non-residents of the State of .lllinois, or whose residences are shown thereby to be unknown, and the defendants designated as "All whom it may concern," the Clerk of said Court cause publication to be made In the Wilmette Life, a secular newspaper published weekly in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, containing notice of the following matters: Notice is hereby given of the pendency of the above entitled proceedings Instituted by the petition of the Village of Kenilworth, heretofore filed in the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, deslgn'lted General Number 59531 in said Court, praying for the ascertainment of the jUst compensation to be made for the private property to be taken or damaged for the making of the improvement hereinafter described, and for the ascertainment of what property will be benefited by the making of said improvement, P nd the amount of such benefit. The Commissioners duly appointed by the said County Court of Cook County, Illinois, to investigate and report the just compensation to be made for the private property to be taken or damagPd for said improvement, and also what real estate will be bene fited by said improvement, and the amount of such benefit to each parcel of land assessed, duly made a special assessment to raise the cost of said improvement, and filed their said report and assessment roll in the office of the Clerk of the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, on the fourth day of May, A. D. 1928. Thereupon a summons issued out of said Court against the defendants above named, and the defendants described as "All whom it may concern," returnahle in said Court at the County Court House in the City of Chicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois, on the fourth day of Junet. A. D. 1928, as is by law required, wnlch proceeding is now pending. The total cost of said Improvement, as shown by the estimate of the President of the Board of Local Impro vements of the Vlllag~ of Kenilworth, and the report. and assessment roll of said Commissioners, Is the . sum of One Hundred Foqrteen Thousand, Six Hundred Ninety-three Dollars and no cents (Sll4,693.00), and the total amount assessed to the public as benefits therein is no dollars and no cents ($0.00). Now, unless you, such defendants as are shown by the affidavit filed In said proceedings to be non-residents of the State of Illinois, or whose residences are shown thereby to be unknown, and the defendants designated as "All whom tt may concern," shall be and appear before the said County Court of Cook County, Illinois, at the County Court House In the City of Chicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois, on the fourth day of June, A. · D. 1928, and plead, answer or demur to the petitioner's petition, or object to the report and assessment roll of the Commissioners aforeaa14, the same and the matters and thlnp therein charged and stated wlll be taken as confessed, and a judgment eight (2S) in Township Forty-two ( 42) . all within the Village · of · Kenilwo~th, North R:;tnge Thirteen (13) East of Couuty of Cook and State of Illinois. the 'l,.hird .Principal Meridian ; runthoroughfare now Also that the ning thence South along the West line known as Sterling Road be opened and of said Quarter .Section ten (10) chains. extended North to and connected with and ninety (90) links (more or less) West Railroad Avenue and Roger Aveto the center of Skokie Ditch ;· thence nue and that for the purposes thereof along the cent~ r of said ditch, N<:>rth the' following described tracts, pieces 84% degrees ...!1ast, two (2) chams; and parcels of land be acquired by conthence along the center of said ditch, demnation thereof : North 7H2 degrees East, two {2) Lot Nineteen (19) in James Rice chains; thence along the center of said Brown's Addition to Kenilworth, b.editch North 741,.2 degrees East, six ing a subdivision of Eight (8) acres (6) 'chains and seventy (70) links of land known and described as fol(more or less) to the Westerly line of lows: Commencing at a point thirteen railroad right of way : thence along (13) chains ancJ forty-six (46) links the Westerly line of said right of way. South of the Northwest corner of the North 321h degrees West, ten (10) Northeast Quarter of Section Twentychains and thirteen (13) links; thence eight (28) in Township Forty-two · ( 42) West parallel to the North line of said North, Range Thirteen (13) East of Quarte r Section four ( 4) chains and the Third Principal 1\Ieridian; run·ninety-eight (98) links, to the place of ning thence South along the W est line beginning containing Eight (8) acres of said Quarter Section ten (10) chains of land ~ore or l es~ . a ccording to the and ninety (90) links (more or less) plat thereof recorded in the office c,f to the center of Skokie Ditch; thence the Recorder of Cook ~ounty, Illinois. along the center of said ditch, N<:>rth on the twenty-fourth day of October, .84% degrees East, two (2) chams; A. D. 1891, in Book 53 of Plat! at page thence along the center of said ditch, 21 as Document Number 1,557 ,279, all North 77% degrees East, two (2) within the Village of K enilworth, chains; thence along the center of said County of Cook and State of Illinois. ditch, North 74% degrees East, six (6) Also Lot Twenty-three (23) in James chains and seventy (70) links, (more or less) to the Westerly line of railH.ice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth, road rigH of way ; thence along the being a subdivision of Eight (8) acres Westerly line of said right of wa.v, of land known and described as folnorth 32% degrees West, t en (10) lows: Commencing at a point thirteen chains and thirteen (13) links; thence (13) chains and forty-six ( 46) linl~s West parallel to the North line of said south of the North west corner of the Quarter Section four (4) chains and Northeast Quarter. of Section Twentyninety-eight (98) links, to the place of eight (28) in Township Forty:-two (42) beginning, containing Eight (8) acres North, Range Thirteen (13) East of of land, more or less, according to the the Third Principal Meridian; runnin g Plat thereof recorded in the office of thence South . along the West lin e of the Recorder of Ct>ok County, Illinoio.;, said Quarter Section ten (10) chains on the twenty-fourth day of October, and ninety (90) lfnks (more or less ) ~- D. 1891, in Book 53 of Plats at to the center of Skokie Ditch; thence -rpage 21 as Document Number 155727!1, along the center of said ditch, North all within the Village of K enilworth , 84lh degrees East, two (2) chains; County of Cook and State of Illinois. thence along the center of · said ditch, Also Lot Twenty (20) in James Rice North 77lh degrees East, two (2) Brown's Addition to Kenilworth, bechains; thence along the center of ing a subdivision of Eight (8) acres of said ditch North 74 1fz degrees East, land known and described as follows : six (6) chains and seventy (70) links Commencing at a point thirteen (1~ ' (more or less) to the Westerly line of chains and forty-six ( 46) links South railroad right of way ; thel}ce along of the Northwest corner of the Norththe Westerly line ot said right of way, east Quarter ot Section twenty-eight North 32% degrees ·W est ten (1l') chains (28) in Township Forty-two (42) and thirteen (13) links; thenc~;; West North, Range Thirteen (13) East of parallel to the North line Of said the Third Principal Meridian; runningQuarter Section four · ( 4) chains and thence South along the West line of ninety-eight (98) links, to the place of said Quarter Section ten (10) chain!-> ·beginning, containing Eight (8) acres and ninety (90) links, (more or less) of land, more or less, according to th e to the center of Skokie Ditch ; thence Plat thereof recorded in · the office of along the center of said ditch, North the Recorder of Cook County, Illinoi s, 84% degrees East, two (2) chains; on the twenty-fourth day of October, thence along the center of said ditch . A. D. 1891, in Book 53 of Plats at page North 77% degrees East, two (2) 21 as Document Number 1,557,279, all ehains; thence along the center of said within the Village of Kenilworth, ditch, North 741h degrees East., six County of Cook, and State of ·Illinoi s. (6) chains and seventy (70) links,! Also Lot T~~nty-four (24) in James (more or less) to the Westerly lin e Rice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth, of railroad right of way ; thence along being a subdivision of Eight (8) acres the Westerly line of said right of way, of land known and described as folNorth 32% degrees W est, t en (10) lows: Commencing at a point thirteen chains and thirteen (13) links; ·uwnC' P (13) chains and forty-six (46) links ·west parallel to the North line of South of the Northwest corner· of the said Quarter Section four ( 4) chains Northeast Quarter of Section Twentyand nin ety-eight (98) links. t o th e eight (28) , in Township Forty-two ( 42) . place of beg-inning, containing Eight North, Range Thirteen (13) East of (8) acres of land, more or less, accordthe Third Principal Meridian; running ing to th e Plat thereof r eco rd ed in th t> th ence South along th e West line of office of the Recorder of Cook ("ounty, said Quarter Section t en (10) chains Jllinoi !->, on the twenty-fourth da~· of and ninety (90) links (more or less) October, A. D. 1891, in Book 5~ of to the center of Skokie Ditch; thence Plat::; at page 21 as Document Numalong the center of said ditch, North be r 1557279, all within thC' Villag-e of 84% degrees East, two (2) chains; K enilworth, County of Cook and State th ence along the center of said ditch, of Illinois. North 77% degrees East, two (2) Also Lot Twe nty-on e (21) in James chains; thence along- the center of said Rice Brown's Addition to K <'nilworth. ditch, North 74% deg-rees East, six (6) heing a subdivision of Eight (8) acres chains and seventy (70) links (more or of land known and described as folless) to the Westerly line of railro a d lows: Commencing at a point thirrig-ht of way; thence along the WesttPen (13) chains and forty-six ( 4f. · erly line ..Jf said right of way, North links South of the Northw C'st corner 321h deg-re es West, ten (10) chains and of the Northeast Qunrter of Section thirteen (13) links: th ence West paralTwenty-eight (28), in Township Fortylel to the North line of said Quarter two, ( 42) North, Range Thirteen (13) Section four ( 4) chains and ninety-eight East of the Third Principal Meridian: (98) links, to the place of beginning, running thence South along the West containing Eight (8) acres of .land, line ol said Quarter Section t en (10 ' more or less. according to the Plat chains and ninety (90) links (more or thereof recorded in the office of the less) to the center of Skokie Ditch: Recorder of Cook County, Illinois; on thence along the center of said ditch. the twenty-fourth day of October, A. D. North 84% degrees East, two (2) 1891. in Book 53 of Plats at page 21 chains ; thence along the center of said as Document Number 1,557,279, all withditch, North 77% degrees East, two in the Villag-e of Kenilworth, County (2) chains; thence along the center of of Cook, and State of Illinois. said ditch, North 74% degrees East, Also that part of a strip ot land six (6) chains and seventy (70) links, ten (10) feet in width lying Southerly (more or less) to the Westerly line of itnd adjoining the Southerly line of railroad right of way; thence along and f;aid Southerly line extended of the Westerly line of said right of way, Lot Twenty-four (24) in James Rice North 32% degrees West, ten (10) Brown'n Addltl~m to Kenilworth, being chains and thirteen (13) links; thence a subdivision of Eight (8) acres of West parallel to the North line of said land known and described as follows : Quarter Section four (4) chains and ninety-eight (98) links, to the place of Commencing at a point thirteen (13) beginning, containing Eight (8) acres chains and forty-six ( 46) links South of la.nd, more or less, according to of the Northwest corner of the Norththe plat thereof recorded In the office east Quarter of Section Twenty-eight of the Recorder of Cook County, Illi(28), In Township Forty-two <·2) North, nois, on the twenty-fourth day of OcRange Thirteen (1~) East of the Third tober, A. D. 1891, in Book 53 of Plats Principal Meridian : running thence at page 21, as Document Number South. along the West Une of said 1,557,279, all within the Village of Quarter Section ten (10) chains and Kenilworth, County of Cook, and ninety (90) links (more or less) to the State of Illinois. center of Skokie Ditch ; thence along Also Lot Twenty-two (22) In James the center of said ditch, North 841h Rice Brown's Additlon to Kenilwor'th, degrees East, two (2) chains; thence being a subdivision of Eight (S) acres along the center of said ditch, North of land known and described as fol771h degrees East, two (2) chains ; lows : Commencing at a point thirteen thence along the center of said dltch, (13) chains and forty-six (46) links North 74% degrees East, six (6) chains South of the Northwest corner of the ar d Mventy (70) links (more or less) Northeast Quarter of Section Twentyto t.l" Westerly line of railroad ri~ht I

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