Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 May 1928, p. 67

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May 11, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE 67 .~ of way; thence along the Westerly line forued ~cm~crete end walls, constructing Number 59531, the final hearing of said right of way, North 32% de- conc t·ete sidewalk approaches, adjusting eral thereon will be held on the fourth day gr.ees .West, t en {10) chains and thirteen manholes, .electric light conduit and of June, A. D. 1928, or as soon there(13) hn~s; t~en<?e West parallel to the cables, adJU t! ting existing ornamental after a~; the business of said Court will North hue ot said Quarter Section four ~amp posts, making connections to exist- permit. All persons desiring may file ( 4) chains and ninety-eight (9~) links mg. manh?les, curing, cleaning and pro- objections in said Court before said day, t~. the place of beginning, containing t~ctmg said proposed pavement and com-' an~ may appear on the hearing and make E1ght .(l:l) acre~S of land, more or less, bme~ curb and gutter from frost, rain, thelr defense. Said ordinance provides Steve Harwood of Wilmette was the ~ccordmg to the Plat ther eof r ecorded traffic an~ hot ~un and winds, protecting for the collection of "aid assessment in MacLean Oratorical m the oflic.e ~f the Recorder of Cook ~rees to be left in place and existing ten (10) annual installments, with in- winner of the Count~, lllmms, on the twenty-fourth Impr?vem~nts from injury, repairing terest thereon at the rate of five per contest cup at New Trier High school day ot Octobe r, A. D. ll)!.H, in Book 53 extstmg Improvements where damaged centum (5%) per annum. in compe~ition held Wednesday afterof Plats at page 21 as Document Num- removing existing concrete curb · and ali Dated at the City or Chicago, and at ~er l,557,:n!l, at~d extending from the surplus excavated material and rubbish .the Village of Kenilworth, County of noon of this week at the high school. Southwesterly hne of W est Railroad ~ reated by construction of said proposed Cook, and State of lllinois, this fourth Winner of second award was Elmer ~venue Westerly to a line drawn at Improvemen t. day of May, A. D. 1928. Rich of Wilmette, while Emma Rummn~ht angle::; to the Southerly line · of The ~on crete pavement for said proROBERT M. S'W EITZER, said t en (HI) foot strip and passing posed Im.provement shall be eight ( 8) · Clerk of the County Court Ier of Winnetka took third honors. through the So.utheast corner of Lot mches thtck throughout its entire width For the past four years, Chester E. of Cook County, Illinois. T~ent~-five (~~) of said James Rice and twenty-two (22) feet in width, ex~ RALPH R. HA WXHURST, MacLean, of the English department B~o'Yn s Additi?n t " Kenilworth, all cept that the pavem~nt in Sterling Road FRANK R. YOUNG, at New Trier High school, has ofWithm the VIllage . of Kenilworth shall be twe ~ ·y- ight (28) feet in width JAMES C. MURRAY, ~ounty .of <;ook, and State of Illinois: and e~cept ' ..l.t at street and alley in~ Commissioners heretofore fered a cup in memory of his brother, 'Ihat sa1d Lm.d en Avenue, as so opened t ersec twns . and at the proposed turnappointed by the County who was a high school teacher at and ex.tet;tded, trom and connecting with atyunds, said proposed pavement shall be Court of Cook County, Illithe existmg concrete pavement in Brier Widen ed along curved lines to form nois, to make said report Beloit, .,.Vis. The cup is award12d to Street, over the entire length thereof pavem ent conuections. Along each side and assessment roll. the winner of the annual New Trier to the pr~sent \Vesterly line ex~ended of of and adjoiuing said proposed pavement, ELMER E. JACKSON, Oratorical contest, is engraved with West Railroad Avenue, including alley the re shall be con:structed a combined Village Attorney. L32-4tc returns to the alley Vvesttrly of and ~onerete curb and gutter, one foot six his name, and is kept in his possession parallel to West Railroad Avenue as far mch s (1'-6") in width, in :such a manner for one year, when it is returned to to the North as the North line of Linden that the back of the curb will be one SI).ECL\.L ASSESS)IEXT NOTICE the school and awarded to the next Avenue, extended from the W est and as foot s ix inch es (1'-6") distant from and f:;tr to t~e South as the Southeasterly parallel with the edg;c of the pavement winning contestant. YILI~AGE 01<' WILJIE'l' TE hne of Lmden Avenue extended from the whi<.:h the cumb ined curb and gutter adElizabeth Nelson of · \Vilmette was ~or~heast; Pleasant Avenue from a line join s. 'l'he gutter part of the combined SPECIAL ASSJ-~SSJIE:ST ~0. 228 the winner of the . contest the first SIX mches East of and parallel with . the curb and gutter shall be eight (8) inches West end thereof East and Northea sterly thick. The curb )Jart shall extend five year, and the second year Henry to .the Wes terly line extended of West (5) inche:s above the top surfa:::e of the l\'OTICE i:s h er t>by gin::n to all persons Railroad Avenue, including an alley re- gutter, and shall be five and seven-six- intt>rested that th' Pre~ident and Board Heineman of Glencoe won the cup. turn to the alley East of and parallel to teenths (5-7 /16) inches wide, two and of Tru::;tees of the Village of Wilmette, The winner of the third year was T emple Co~rt, as far to the . North as o ~e-quarte r (21,4) inches below ' the top, in the County of Cook and State of Illi- , Symon Bows of vVilmette. This year's the North hne extended of said Pleasant With the exposed portion rounded at the nois, haYing ordered that l\lain Street Ave11ue. and alley returns to the alley top by a three (3) inch radiu s, and at from the south limits of the Village of contest was held Wednesday afternoon Westerly . of and parallel to W est Rail- the bottom by a five (5) in ch radius and Wilme tte to the south line of Elmwood to decide the winner of the cup. The road Avenu~ as far to the North as the combined height of said curb' and Avenue and the roadways of intersecting contest consisted of the delivery of the North hne of Pleasant .\venue, ex- gur.ter shall be thirteen (13) inches. :-;treets and alleys to the outer line or to tended from the West, and as far to the The radii of the back of the proposed lin es of Main Street be impro' ed by ex- memorized orations, from ·ten South as the Southeasterly line of cut' b };hall be twenty-five ( 25 ) feet at the cantting· and removing the old curbs and twelve minutes in length. The eliminaPleasant Avenue extended from the Xortheast and Southeast corners of <.:urb and gutter, .old pavement, ea.rth and tion contests were held in the Public .Northeast, and also including a turn- Brier Street a nd Linden Avenue at the . sidewalk, remo,:mg_ trees, resettmg fire around twelve feet in width from Eal'it Northeast, Southeast, Southwe'st and !'lY(h:ants, Jectric l1ght pole~ and cables Speaking classes, several we~ks before to West and extending from the South ~orthwest cornet·s of Sterling Road and . m t.he sou.thwe ·t part. of sa.td street and the final contest. edge of the North sidewalk to the North Lindt:'n. A venue, at the Southwest corner pa nng sa tel street with rem~orced conThe following students were choseit edge of the South sidewalk at the West of Lindt·n Avenue and the said alley <: l:t> te ~a~·cnwnt and co.t~str~ctmg a conend of the proposed pavement in Pleasant \Vest of \Vest Railroad Avenue, at the ~Ide cUI.b, except across. stt.eet and alley to . enter the contest: Henry Brooks, Aver:ue; ~oger Avenue from and eon- .:'. \ortheast and southeal.it corners of the mtersect wn~. ;:tnrl by adJustmg ~an hole ~mnetka; Steve Harwood, Wilmette; nectmg With said proposed pa Yement in turn-around in Pleasant A venue at the an.d catch ba~m. coYe r~. com;tructmg new B1Il Hug.hes, Winnetka; Herma Temple Court to the Westerly line ex- Xortheast and . Northwest cor~ers of bnck cat<:h ~a~m~. \'al~·e chambers and tended of West Railroad Avenue, includ- Templ e Court and Pleasant Avenue at ~atch basm mlet:-;, monng. hyd~·ants ~nd Logan, W1hnette; Elmer Rich, Wiling the alley returns of the allev W est- the Northeast, Southeast, Southwest 'and ~l1:eet lamps. and ot.henn~e Improvmg mette; Emma Rummier Winnetka erly of and parallel to West hailroad Northwest corners of Sterling Road and sa1d street, 111 t~ e _Y·llage of. \V1lmette, and Rollin Symons, Wil~ette. · ' ~venue as far to the North as a straight Pleasant Avenue, at the Southwest corner Cook County: Ilhn oJ!':. th~ ordmance for hne draw!l from the Southwest corner of Pleasant Avenu e and the said alley the s~me bemg on file I!l th.e office of of Lot E1ghteen (18) to the Southeast Wes t of \Vest Railroad Avenue, at the ~he VIll~ge Clerk, and said VIllage havcorner of Lot Forty-two (42), and as far Xortheast and Southeast corners of mg applied to the County Court of Cook to the South as a straight line drawn Temple Court and Roger Avenue, at the Coun~y ~or an asfJessment ?f the costs from the Northeast torner of Lot Twenty- Southeast and the Southwest corners of of said Improve me nt, accordmg to benefive · (25) to the Northwest corner of Lot the turn-around in Temple Court, at the fits, and an assessment therefo_r having ~lneteen (19), said lots being in said ·outhwest corner of Roger Avenue and been made and returned to said Court, James Rice Brown's Addition; Temple the said alley West of West Railroad Docket No. 228, the final hearing thereon Court from and connecting with said A \'enue, and at the Southwest corner of will be had on the 28th d-ay of May, A. D. With the close of the winter term proposed pavement in Pleasant Avenue . Stf'rling Road and Roger Avenue: the 1928, at 10 o'clock a. m., or as soon th ereto a line parallel with the North Village radii of the back of said curb shall be after as the business of the Court will at New Trier High school now scarcelimits .and six inches South thereof twenty (20) feet at the Northeast and permit. All persons desiring may filt> 1¥ more than ~ month distan.t, preparaconnectmg with th e existing pavement Southeast corners of Linden Avenue and c-.bjections in said court before said day tions are rap1dly being completed for to the West in Roger Avenue and the the said alley WeRt of West Railroad :111rl may n]lpent· on th e hearing and the opening of the summer session proposed pavement to the East in Roger A,·enue, at the Northeast and Northwest mak(l their <h·ft>nse. Avenue, and including an alley return co rn er R of Pleasant Avenue and the said Said ordinnnr·f· pt·oyid el'i for the pny- which will start on June 18 and wid to the alley to th e East Northe.rly from alley East of T emple Court at the North- nw nt of said ru:;seRsment in ten (10) in- close on August 10 extendino- for · t · '. t> and parallel to Roge r Avenue as far to eaRt and Southeast corne~s of Pleasant ~tallments, with nnnual interest ther on e1g,1t weeks as 111 prev1ous years. the East as the East line of Temple Avenue and the said alley W t'st of West nt tlw rate of six per cPnt pe r annum. Regist ration .,:fo r the · summer work Court extended, and including an alley Railroad Avenue, at the Northeast and natec1 , \Vilm (lttt·, fllin ob, thi s 11th da .> return to the alley Westerly of and Southeast corners of Roger A\·enue and of 1\Tay, A. D. 1!'l2R. will probably be started this week. it parallel to West Railroad Avenue as far th e said alley West of West Railroad f'HART.J:;;s X. EYANR to the East as the East lin e of Temple AveJU.! e, at the Northeast, Southeast. P(lr·:-:nn appoint 12d by th e Prt>si- ~as announced by vVesley L. Brown, Court extended, and including a turn- Routhwe1't and Northwest corners of clt>nt f1f th e Boat·d of Loca l 1m- d1rector of the summer school. around at the North end of the proposed Sterling Road and the said aiJ(ly South prow nlt'nts of th e Yillage of The popularity of summer work at pavement in !':aid T empl e Court twelve of Lindf'n Avenue, at the Northenst. \YilnwttP, f'nok County, Illinois, Ne,~· Tri~r has bee.n steadily increasing, f et in width from North to South and Southeaf't, SouthweRt and Northw(lst to mnke said n~sef-'sm nt. t>xtending ft·om thP West edge of the <'orners of Stt>rling Roan nnd tht> said L33-2tc regt stratton grmnng at the rate of East sidewalk to the East edge of the allev North of Lindt'n A ,·enue, at th (' about a hundred pupils each vear. As Wf'st sidewalk: Sterling Road as so Xorthf'ast and Southwel'it corners of more than 700 students took class opened and extended from and connecting- Rterling- Rond and the snid alley "\Vf'Rt work last summer, it is anticipated that with the existing oavement in Kenilworth of Wf'st Railroad AvPnne. at the SouthAvenue (Pxcept the parts thereof to be <'ast <'orner of TPmple Court and th o fully 800 students will be enrolled for occupied by the proposed improvement snid allf'y North of Roger Avenue, and this summer's courses , representing in Linden Avenue and Pleasant Avenue), at tlw NorthPast corner of Temple Court n.early ' one-ha~f the regular registraXorth to and connecting with the pro- and the alley West of Wf'st RailrorHi posed pavement in Roger Avenue and An·nuP; th P ranii of tlw back of said Unit "B" of Club Vista del Lago is tlon,_for the wmkr term. to the West line extended of West Rail- .urh !':hall be fiftE'E'n (1:l) fP(lt nt the well on the way to completion by , \;· Jth classes arranfi.ed to meet from road Avenue, including alley returns to Xorthwest corner of Lindt' n Avenue and the alleys extending between Linden the alley West of We ~t Railroad Ave- June 1, after five weeks of construe- 8 clock to 12:30 dunng the cool part Avenue and Kenilworth Avenue and be- nue, at the Northwest corner of Pl easant tion work-the contractors being seven of the d~y and so that the entire tween Linden Avenue and Pleasant Ave- A\'Pnue and the snid all~:>y 'Vest of West season, Will be over to. allow a four nue, as far East in each case as the Railroad Avenue, at tht> Northwel"t cornet· clays ahead of schedule. The beautiful Spanish ballro~·n and weeks comple~e yacatwn from any East line extended of Sterling Road and of Roger Avenue and thf' said alley WPst as far to the West in each case as the of West Railroad A venue, at the North- galeria, innovations for the north school work, Jt 1 .s regarded as. an West line extended of Sterling Road, also (last corner of Temple Court and thP shore are taking form as realities. excellent opportumty for educatiOnal including alley returns to the alley l'iaid alley North of Roger Avenue: and Westerly of and parallel to West Rail- the radii of the back of said curb shall Under the direction of Mrs. Howard adMvancement t.d 'd f A p d' I llC., 1UXUfiOUS · any s u ents cons1 er it as a road Avenue on the East side of said be ten (10) feet at the Southeast corner L. 11111 0 U ara IS, plea bJ t f · . vacation · Sterling Road as far East as the East of Sterling Road and the said alley West sura e par o t ]1e1r . . line extended of Sterlin~ Road, and on of West Railroad Avenue, and at the anc1 unusua 1 appomtments are bemg actt'vt'ty th se h d d h Jt . , o w o o nee t e crect' ·the West side of said Sterling Road as Southeast corner of Temple Court and the Ie~tec1 f or t 1 d eco~atJOn s~ le and furenjoying it as a mental activity for the far West as a straight line drawn from ::;aid alley West of West Railroad Avenue · · ·011 month s or u t'l' the Southwest corner of Lot Twenty- and the Northwest corner of Sterling mshmg of the new . umt. . . vacat 1 1 tzmg 1t as an TJ1e true Spantsh four (24) of said James Rice Brown's Road and the said alley West of West tyle wtll prevatl opportunity to provide insurance Addition to the Northeast corner of Lot Railroad Avenue, all within the VIllage One (1) in the Re-subdivision of Blocks of Kf'nilworth, County of Cook, and State th~oughou~, even to the glassware. and against possible sickness, failure o:chma, whtch are ready for delivery extended absence during a winter One (1) and Two (2) of West Kenilworth of Illinois. term Subdivision, be improved by the construeNOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN June first. tlon of a one course reinforced concrete TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED, that With the a~vent of warm weather, · M~ny others find that because of pavement with combined concrete curb the President and Board of Trustees of and gutter, grading, excavating and pre- the Village of Kenilworth, County of mer:n?ers. of V1sta del Lago .are eage~ly closely prescribed courses they are paring sub-grade, grading and hand Cook, and State of Illinois, having ant1c1patmg the June. openm~~ .for tts unable to take other special subjects raking parkways, removing of existing ordered that the Improvement above sidewalk ~nd materials in the way of described be made, the ordinance for the presents most attractive factltt1es for which they would like to take and attend summer classes to obtain in~ the proposed Improvement, grubbing and Fmme being on file In the office of the summer pleasures and lake sports. removing trees, cutting off one fire Village Clerk of said Village, and the struction in these departments. hydrant, moving and resetting same at said village having applied to the County new location, constructing concrete catch- Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an ' . The Ace of Clubs spent last weekbasins and concrete manhole catch-basins assessment of the cost of said improve- end as guests of Mrs. Neil Gates of The Wilmette Congregational church connected to existing manholes with tile ment according to the benefits, and a pipe drains, constructing tile pipe drains, special assessment therefor ha. ving been 434 Willow road, Winnetka, at the held a mother's and daughter's ban~ reinforced concrete culverts with rein- made and returned to said Court, Gen- Gates' summer home at Terr~ Cotta. ' quet last Tuesday evening. Steve Harwood Wins Oratorical . Contest Award at New Trier Start Registration /or Summer Session at N. T. High School ·J .M a k e G Irea t Sf,rt eS in construction on C lttb Vista de/ Lago °

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