Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 May 1928, p. 68

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WIL .J.IET.TE !0 ~ L -IFE May .11, 192R GARDENING LOST AND FO"VND LOST-DARK RIMMED GLASSES AND case between 9th and Linden or 4th and Linden. Ph. Wilmette 1395. 55L33-ltc I · CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS I Winnetka-Perennial Garden I Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear In the telephone directory, or who are recular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. 15 cents a line in one paper. 25 cents a line In any two papers. R at eS-30 cents a line In all three papers. MINUIUM CHARGE 80 eents. General Notice - f~as;~:.~~nt~dv:fu:~~e~f!trt~ 11 fr~ c~~~e:on°0~~ Average of five words .to the line. No black !ace type used. 10% cUseount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 664 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. advertisements will be ac' cepted up to Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers: Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 6 o'clock !or the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones : Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 200()-2001 . Deadl ;ne for Jnsertr'ons-Classitled Landscaping ·g ardening Cut fJowers and gladiolus bulbs for sale. Jerry Kucera Winnetka 329 1050 Oak Street a6 J1 ELP WANTED-FEJIALE 20LTN26-tfc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~~~~~~~~~~ TYPIST EXPERT WANTED TO DO mimeo and clerical work and learn dicINTERIOR DECORATING 27 taphone. Must do n eat and accurate \\'O rk. Office close to N. W. terminal, ~ Chieago. State experience and education. Apply by letter to J. D. Pierce, 221~ Ma)'>le Ave., Evanston. . TO HARl\IOXIZE \VI T H YOUR 56LTN33-ltc draperies or decorative sch em e. Our creative artists al·hieve perfect results; LA UXVRESS, \VHITE OVER 30 YRS., vase~ wired. thoroughly exp. Washing machin t-, ALAN-GOODRICH STUDIO mangle and drye r. Must have A-1 r efs. 632 Church St. Carlson Bldg. :\fondays o n!~· . permanent. 379 Ridg-p 27LT~33- ltc A ,·e. Ph . .Winn etka 1379 . 56LT33-ltc PARCHl\fENT SHi\D Es p .(\INTED TO ORDER 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3~0~~~~~~L~O~A~N~S~~~~~~~ \VAXTED-WHITE FOR SALE-AUTOS I· YOR SALE-AUTOS Charles I-I. Brethold 1st and 2nd Mortgages 545 Main St., Wilmette INSURANCE 30L17-tfc Tel. 65 GIRL FOR UPstairs work and car e of baby-willing to go to \Visco nsin with fam. for the ~umm v r. RPf. r eq. Tel. Winn. 1112. 1\frs. K H. Blatchford. 56LT~33-ltc ~ ' . ____ A_U_S_E_D_ _ _ , TD)nnno ~TI~ l.Q) lY.1 ~.lliS. USED CA.RS BOUGHT FROM US ARE A SAFE INve::;t men t. \\ . .-\XTED YOU~G \VHITE NURSE girl for childre n 5 and 6. Experience not n ec~c· ssary. Perman ·nt position. Ph. Glencoe 1049. 56LTX :{:3-ltc CO:\TP. ~L\ID FOR GE~ERAL HSEwk. Must be good cook and und er sta11d serving. Ph. ·w ilm ette !l31-.J. 5GL33-lt c:.\IO'l'HER'S HELPER OR X URSE :.\T.AI II for :l ~m. child. Must haYe good r f. :-;tay or go home nights. 1147 Spru ce 56 LT~3 3-ltc St. Tc·l. \Vinn. 1142. IS THE NEXT 56~ Lincoln Ave. Phone Winnetka 165 GREATEST VALUE 4LTN32-tfc TO A NEW BUICK 1927 Master Six Buick Sedan, Gold Seal FOR SALE-STCDF.BAKER SEDAN, Guarantee ...................... $1,175 great ba~ain, $'i5. )[ust sell this 1927 Standard Country Club Coupe, week. 60~ Central Ave. PI;}. \Vilm tt e rumble seat, Gold Seal Guarantee 4LTN33-ltc 2682. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... . . ...... . $1,025 1927 Sport Ron.<i~ter, Gold SPn.l .·... $ 50 BUILDING & CONTRACTING 1926 Two-door master Sedan . .. $875 11 1925 Buick 7 -Jlassenger Sedan, big bar- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - gain, has 4 new General cord tires ·....··............................ $925 NORTH SIDE & EVANSTON BRANCH 1927 Master Six Country ., lub Co upe, Gold S al .. .... . . . . $1,250 LID 8RAL TERMS YVERSTED ~IO'fOR .CO. 110NEY TO LOAN ON FIRST OR SECURED MORTGAGES at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, confidential service. !\1cKENDRY REALTY CO. N ©Irttlhl §Ihl©Ir® Iffi mdi~Jk CC© mm }P) &IID y 1030 DAVIS ST. UNIV. 5961 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 4LTX33-ltc 1614 Orrington Ave .. Evanston Univ. 8383 WAXTED )fOTHER'S HELPEn . 30LTN32-4tp white, young, willing to w o rk and ---------------Jea rn . Othtr h e lp in hse. T 1. Win n. PRIVATE PARTY HAS MONEY TO 1G7. 56LTX3:~-111' loan. First an_d second mortgages. Reasonable rate. Quick service. 801 WAXTED-::\IAID TO DO 2~D. \\.ORK Ri<i~e Terr., Evanston. Ph. Greenleaf from June 1-July 10. 1\lrs. C. D. DalH\92 . ~OL'l'N24-tfc las, 1124 Pine St. T el. Winn. 615. 56LT~33-l t c !IS PAINTING & DECORATING RALPH WATTS, Mgr. vYAXTED-WHITE GIRL FOR TE:\12047 HOWARD AVE., CHICAGO porary position until June 15-cooking Between Clark a.nd Ridge a nd downstairs work. Tel. 111 2. )Irs. EVANSTON CHICAGO PAPER HANGING, WOOD FINI:::iHING, X. H. Blatchford. 56 LT. '3 3-lte UNIVERSITY 8950 ERIARGATE 5126 flo or scrap ing and general remodeling. 11 LTN23-tfc C. FRANKEL \YAXTED- XEAT WHITE GIHL FOH Phone Wilm tte 3104 general h ousework, ~mall hom e, 4 in CARPE!\TER AND GENERAL 38LTN24-tfc family .and nurse. Good pay. <l ll CONTRACTOR Glencoe 1282. 56LT~33-lte !19 PETS HARRIS BROTHERS "Cellu-Seal" Lined Garages COT'f AGES-HOMES Painting-Decoratinv 1'HIS \VEElZ'S SPECI!\LS Oldsmobile · Coupe ....... $275 Screens-S t orm Sash Pontiac Lanctau ... .. .. . . ..... . . 550 Garages-Porch s-Add iti on s Hudson Coach . . . .. . . . . . . . .. 375 Expert Cabinet Work. StudehakC'r Touring . . . . . . . . . . . 150 l'i52 Hig-hland AYe ., "\Vii. Ph. Wil. 1176 Dodge Coupe .... ..... .. . ... . . .. 300 11LT~24-tfc '25 Oakland Coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385 ~~~~~~~~~~~ GARDE"XIXG '24 Jewett Coach .... .. . . . . . .. · . . · · · 250 :W '26 Oakland Four-Door . .... ... ..... 550 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '26 Dodge Four-Door Sedan . . . . . . . . 375 '25 1\ash 4-Door Redan . . . . . . . . . . . . 425 '25 Bukk 'oupe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475 .-\LL CARS RECOXDITJO~D .ABOUT L.\ TE SEEDIXG A~D PL.-\XTIXG IF \YE DO ALL THE \\rORK! 1010-16 Chic:1go A venue 4LTX3 3-ltc Dy following o ur m ethods of seeding (and use of f'pecial coYH crop seed), together with best S~\ Rfli! obtainable-your lawn will 1,.. a r eal success. 2 Ford roupes ......... ........ .. $ 125 \\~· will plant and g uarant Pe 1921 Hupmobilt? 8 cyl. Redan, usf'd Xurse ry Stock (at a slight adfor d monstrati on. Y e ry car<'ditional cost), eYen when the fully driYen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,850 h·n. Yes art' on. Ca ll u s today! 75 · Hupmobile Touring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hupmobile Touring- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Studebakf'r Touring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Ford Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Hupmobile Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 :~0 1 6 Ct' ntral St. Ph. Gr<>Pnleaf 29~0 Dodge St>da.n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525 20LTN33-ltc '25 '27 '26 '25 '25 F0R SALE-BLOODED l\IALE POLICE dl)g'. 7 mos. old. ~.tO incl. hn.rness. 11 i:1 Scott ..-h e. Tel. Winn. 1080. 3!H... TX:{3-1 tc \\·Tn.-GIRL OR \YO:\L\~ (\YfTTTB) for g-en. h swk. 4 to 5 hrs. a day. ltd. 816 Ln.!{e Ave. Ph. \Vilmette 1!l2i. 56 LTX33-ltp WAXTED - PROTESTAXT (;IRL FOH general housework n.nct ca r P r.f c·hildren. Ph. \Vinnetka 2733. 56LTX33-1 tc· \\.AXTBD- \VHJTE GIRL FOR C:EXt.ral hou se work. Ph. \nlm ett ' 3:r;:-;. 5G L 3:~-1 ~:? lUDIOS ---------------- Responsible Ra(lio PHOXE ~cn · ice WlL~IETTE 4TITI~ Radio Ser\·ice & l:t tc Lake Shore -.:\.uto Sales RE:\L fn~taltation ~rAID \TIXGS ~=~~~~=~~~~~~4~2~L~3~3~-l~t~c REPAIRING & ll.EFINISHING PEOPLE WHO KNOW AND APPRECIATE EXPERT CRAF1'SMANSHTP, SEND THEIR FURNITURE TO US TO BE REPAIRED AND REFINISHED BY OUR EXPERTS. CALL US AT UNIVER!':T'l"Y r,~on . 4~T,TN ?~- tf1' 426 Lindt·n A \·e. Authoriz;Hl deal'"'r f11r Spartnn FOR AFTERNOONS AXD DIXners-no Sundays. Te]. Winn . 1172. . 56IIrN33-ltc \YAKTED-MAID TO DO HOl. RE\Vl-::. mornings only. Ph. Wilmette 4140. 56LT3:3-lt c "\\rAN TED - WHITE W0:\1:AX FOR general cleaning on Friday. Ph. Wilmette 4269. 56L~3-ltc \V ANTED EXPERIENCED ::\T AID FOR g-<>neral 4111. housework. Ph. 56LTN~3-l tc' Kenilworth H.\XS()X .\IC)'l'OR . CO. l')H·~tnut i);,;j ~t. . "\Vinnetka GRr\H.\:\f-PAIGE DEALER 4LTN33-ltc SPECIA.LS I' r,; HF.L P W ANTED-JI ALE :>I WINDOW SHADES --------------...____.. \L\XTED-ACTIVE REAL ESTATE GardPn & Be::t<'h Umbrellas salesman with car. If You want Drapery Hardware to <'Onnect with an" office where comCanopiPs Rf'nt Pd missions are paid promptly and cheerDELIVERED TO YOUR HOME. T. fully Ree m e. F. Coleman Burroughs Awnin g-!'< & Window Sha.des Jacque. Ph. Glenview JOl-l\1. and Co., Realtors. 1157 Wilmette Ave. 20TNLTN9-1 tp Phone 'Wilmette 640. 57LTN33-ltc BLACE: DIRT Bukk Buick Dodge B l ick Dodge Dodge NO GREENHOUSE OR SKOKIE DIRT, manure, sand and filling, also reseeding lawns, lawns by the month. P. N. BALMES 60 SITUATION WTD.-FEJIALE 1115 Greenleaf Ave. Ph. Wilmette 2770 !'i1LTN?.!"'-tfr20LTN31-tfc ~ ~.~~==~~~~==~~~~ TUTORING - BY COLLEGE · GRAD-' WIXDOW WASHING DODGE MOTOR CARS uate, in family who will travel for ------------------------------------- ;)2 1019 DaYis St. Evanston ADAM SCOTT summer. Write Wilmette Life A-5. Wilmette or University 224 Landscape Gardener and Contractor 60LTN33-ltp 4LTN33-ltc Avoid worry. Have your }!I lace fixed up AND and taken care of by the ·month. Get EXP. INFANTS' NURSE. DRS. A~D AUBURN" COACH, GOOD CONDITION · my estimate on new places, also driveNorth Shore refs. Ph. Lake View Clr;:-~n1np· new paint, nry carefully driven. $250: ways and cement work. 3134. 60LTN33-ltp HO~EST WORIOTA.NSHIP, REAS. See ~f. D. Anderson at 555 Chestnut Phone Winnetka 24R2 rates. 2 Prouty Annex. vVinn. 1994. St., Winnetka. 4LTN33-ltc 20LTN33-ltc WANTED-SPARE TIME WORK IN Est. 1919. 52LTN33-2tp office or store. Or for summer months . ~ ~ Tel. Winn. !>05. 60LT33-ltp LOST AND FOUND ~ou WHITE WOMAN DESIRES DAY WK. LOST-DO~TO~ BULL DOG. PET. RELaundry and cleaning. Call evening . . ward. Ph. Winnetka 3129. Ph. Wilmette 2398. 60L33-ltP This Office will accept classified advertising to be run 55LTN33-ltc in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,ooo famiEXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS TUE., LOST-FRIDAY, MAY 4, PR. EYE Wed., and Sat. Understands all washlies in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. glasses in West Winn. or N. S. train. Ing machs., and mangles. Ev. ref. Ph. Winn. 1641. Rew. 55LT33-ltc on Tuesdays. Douglas 9588. 60LTN9-ltp Roadster .... . .. ..... ...... . . $350 Touring .... . ................. 325 Coupe .... . ....... .... . ....... 450 Sedan .... . ..... . ... .. .. ...... 650 Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 Sedan .....................·. 350 A-1 BLACK DIRT 26 Prouty Annex Winnetka 1125 W::tukegan Office 302 S. Genesse St. Waultegan 2087 w· ANTED- GROCERY CLERK, EXpericn c<>d. Steady position. Apply at once. A. S. Van Deusen. 1154 Central Ave., Wilmette. 57LTN33-ltc C. 1\1. :\I cDOX.L\LD North Shore \ Yinclow House Co. . Baa Waat Ad Ia Evaaston, too Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 LOST-ORIENTAL RUG 4 ft. 5 in. ·by PH. KENWOOD 0756 FOR REL. AND 6 ft. 10 ln. Reward. Ph. Winnetka exp. col. help in all lines o! work. Mrs. 3360. 55LT33-ltp C. Howard. 60LTN32-2tp

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