Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 May 1928, p. 70

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iO FOR SALE-HOUSES WILMETTE 1i FOR SALE-HOUSES LIFE WINTER RESORTS May 11, 1928 tOO FOR SALE-HSEHOLD GOODS 83 r~o1"i7o~~nnll~(tl.! TQ) @<ZS\n~'W/ (F'JIQ\ 0 ~ ~ D;)}[!.~ l!.&d.1'~\s;1CQJ. [.;,. J' ~\W 1 FOR SALE-OAK BUFFET, 48 IN., COUNTRY HOUSE 5 ROOM HOUSE 50 FT. LOT. . NEAR FOR RENT splendid condition. Price $10. Ph. Oconomowac Lake. All conveniences, tram~portation and schools. H. W. ht. Wilmette 37l)8. 100LT33-ltp b eautifully situated regarding golf Price $10,500. Phone Winn. 265. course, train accommodations, etc. 5 FOR SALE-dAS STOVE IN GOOD 77LTN30-tfc bedrooms, 3 sleeping porches, 2 baths. NINETY-EIGHT FOOT FRONTAGE cond., also new piano bench. T~l. $1.200 for seaso n. F. G. Crosby,. 333 improved with two small homes. T})ls 4'8 FOR SALE-VACANT Winn. 1009. ' 100LTN33-ltc South Summit Ave., Milwaukee, WI~ . property is suitable for remodeling - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 83LTN3' -ltc FOR SALE - DOUBLE BED, SPRING and is ln the center of one of Glencoe's exclusive sections. Price $22,500. ~~~~~~~~~and mattress. Ph. Wilmette 3429. THE ONLY LOT IN THE MOST EX- S5 WANTED TO RENT-ROO:t\IS 1001..25-tfc elusive East section of Wllmette with - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Phone Glencoe 702 332 Park Ave. a 50 foot frontage. The price is right, 1{00M WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR 18 GOBLETS, 12 DESSERT, . I::'>J BLUE 77LTN33-ltc excellent investment opportunity. ~en·ices, gardening, clerical, etc. First glass. $12. Tel. Winn. 2170. class r ef s. Write Wilmette Life A-3. 100LTN33-ltp 85LTN33-ltp < tOt WTD. TO BUY-HSEHLD. GDS. Dandy wooded home site 67x29!l . B etween steam and Electric transporta- !Ill ~ ANTIQUES tifln. South front. Owne r must sell, - - . . , . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - _ _ . ; , - - - WANTED TO BUY-SECOND-HAND price reduced to $115 a foot for qui ck furniture and other household goods. sale. Highest prices for same. Crost Furniture store, 1004-6 Emerson · St., EvVERY ATTRACTIVE COLONIAL BRK., .rGST ARRIVED. NEW SELECTION anston, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN5-tfc Orrington Avenue. 9 rms., 2 tile baths, 1108 Davis St. of Early American AntiqueR. Chests, Phon e University 8080 4 bed rooms, slpg. pch., sun parlor, H. chairs. tables, in Walnut. Mahogany, 78I~33-1k W. heat-oil, Lovekin H. W. htr. land Maple. Co i·ner cupboard, side 102 FOR SALE-1\IISC. ear attached. 17 trees on lot 65x150. board, ~ets of chairs, giass bric-a-brac, R asonable terms, or will trade for etc. 2 SEATS FOR MAY FESTIVAL. PH. 6 t o i rm. house-brick or frame 808 WASHINGTON ST. Wilmette 4262. 102LT33-ltc around $:l0,000-'Wilmette, K t> nilworth, Evanston or ,\.l nnetka. J. S. Lewis. 1 block South of Main St. 103 LOT 50X155, BELO'-'r ~T A RKET FOR WANTED TO BUY-"!\IISC. immediate sale. All improve ments in. 9!)LTN33-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · ~~~~~~~~~~~ WANTED-CLEAN WHITE RAGS, 10c per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. 1110 l'OJt SALE-HSEHIJD. GOODS 103LTN14-tfp 522 Davis St. Univ. 8240 77LT33-ltc 1177 ,\. ilmette Ave. Phone \Vilm e tte 273 HOUSEHOLD FURN. IXCLUDING DIK. set, beds, dressers, laundry sto\·e, wash 104 EXCHANGE 78L33-ltc boile r, gas stoYe, gard C' n hose, lawn mowe r and rugR. ~rust be sold at once. WILL EXCHANGE $800 EQUITY IN Information ph. Jlighland Pal'l< 1686 Deerfield for lot 60xl36, 3 blocks to L~~KE after 12:30 P. M . 100LTN31-ltp transp. What have you? Write WilFOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL LAKE LOTS mette Life B-681. 104LTN31-tfc BEAUTIFUL NEW BRICK 7 ROOM on bluff overlooki.ng lak . Must. be FOR SALEDI:'{ING RM. TABLE 1 home nea r lake. 3 largt> bedrooms, 2 s~e~ to J;>e appn~c~ated. Reas. prices. with chairs, writing d esk, 1 hrass 1 baths and maids' quarters. H. W. oil 5 Write Wilmette Life A-4. 78LTN33-ltc bed and box spring, gas stove. Ve~y THREE ACT PLAY. he at, 2-car garagC'. Owner will cf'nsid(·r Yacant propert~· as part paymP .t. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - · - - · reas. At Warble Storage, 521 ~iatn "The Boughten Bridegroom," a play 100 L 33 -ltc in three acts writteh by Mrs. Charlotte A r ea l ehanee for some one. FOR SALE CHOICE RIPARIA~ St., Wilmette. GLENCOE Overlooking Skokie NE.AR LAKE \Valter P. S.n1ith & Co. Mirr~c IF unllll®Ir (Q)~~®rr~ IF (Q)lf §&ll® WELL LOCATED E. E. Stults Realt\· Co. ANTIQUES JMI(Q)unS1tt & IPll&Iffi®Jrtty DIAJVIOND I fJ~~~45lo(krr.ORrell;!.i~)h,i~i~st ~~~it ..· sg~~ _ " " 108 Dnxis St. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! FO~ RALE-6~Xl~~ 10 University 8080 77L33-ltc 21:::;:) Howard Ave. Rogers Pk. 8281 78L33-ltc · ~ I EXCEPTIONAL VALUE ~~~~~te i:1~~nA!f AC'A~T I~ P~- LARGE REFRIGERATOR, i J\:I1l'CHE~ appliances and range, Or enta rugs, dining- table chairs and china closet chiffonie~ a~d bedrm. sets. 1036 For~ est Ave. Ph. Wilme tte 2736. I Chorpenning of- the faculty of School of Speech Northwestern Golf, 7~ 1CTX~~;~~ 100LT~:1-ltp 1 ., NEW TAPESTRY ERICK, NOW r eady: very high class section on well- ~2 stnnn~R RESORTS wood e d lot: 2 ma~ter bedrooms, with tile bath en suite; 2 additional spacious \VAUNITA H OT SPHINGS bedrooms and additional bath; large G UN'~ISON" COU ~TY, COLO. Jh·ing- room , rtining ro()m, bi·eakfast li nt e l $:l pe r day, Ame rican cottngt>s for room, l:u·ge screened porch, well-arlight housek eeping $35 Pl'l' mo. Swimranged ki tchen with Frigidaire, extra ming, golf, pool, riding h o rses, t e nni s, lavatory, H. \V. heat (oil fuel if pre· dancing, picnics, fishing and hiking. fert'(.'d); !!-car brick g-at·age to match L. B. Stitz-=r. Mgr. 2LT~33-14tp hom:t>; libt·t·al tt>rm:-:. , OVERSTUFFED CHAIRS, ~IAH. ' libmry table, mah. dresse r for maid' s rm. Cheap. Ph. w·ilmette 3561. 100LT~33-ltc the uni . · h · ' d · h' k versity, IS avmg pro uctlO.n t IS wee at the theater there. It IS a Scotch nlay and was criven Wednesday eve ~ing for studen~s and will . be repeated T for them tomorrow evenmg. uesda~ and Wednesday evenings it was pre se nted for the Theater guild and plav J BARGA T.:-1-PLA YEH PL\XO, :\L\.HOC: . writing classe.s of the Drama club. case, 100 rolls music. No r eas. offer ref. Also child's d esk, doll bed ; etc. Tel. \Vinn. 1654. 100LTN33-ltc :\IAHOG. COLONIAL DlNING RM. furn. - round table, ;lntique, and 8 chairs. Good cond. Price $65 Cai~o~~~~2~::~ CROSBY & rvici<ENDRY DIAl\iOND LAKE Inc. End "L" 410 Liuden Ph . Wil. 407-408 i7L33-ltc FOR SALE-1537 \V ASHINGTON AVE., cor. 16th St., Wilmette. 9 rm. frame . house, ~team heat, all improvements .l-ear bri ·k garag"', lot 50x160. Place enclos d with cy.clone fence, fine lawn, shade trt>es, shrub~. fruit trees, garden, all asse-ssments in and paid for, recently r e financNl, terms to r espoll' 'ble p eopl e. Price $17,000. 50 ft. lot adjoinIng fnr sale Clt·ar price $5,000. Might exchange one OI' both for smaller hou~ . Ownl' r on premises. 77LTN31-3tp SPECIA.L NEW BRICK IIO:\IE, TILE ROOF, UNu~ually large li\·ing r oo m, breakfast t·oom; 4 large bedroms, !! colon~d tile baths, extra 1:1\'ntory, larg-e attached gara~e ; oil burn <> r, wood e d lot, choicP locatiOn n ear tran~portation. Libe ral te rms; immediate occupancy. 5~6 Center St. Phones Winnetka 2032-2033 CROSBY & nici<Et\DRY F'OR RALE-8 R!\T. STlT 0 HOUSE, 2 baths, gar., \\·ooded lot. oil heater. 26.0 ~airview A \'e. Inquire of Mrs. Tnmmns, 71 "·arwick Rrt ., Ph. Winll(·tka 2910. 77LTN33-ltc 5 Hl\IS. Al\:D SU~ROOM, HEAL FIREplace , H. W. h a .t . 2 car gar. 100 ft. frontage, newly landscrqwd. "X. S. and N. \V. Sta. and car line. Phone Wfl· mette 1326 eYenings. i7L!\:"32-ltp FOR SALE OR TRADE-ATTRACTIVE 6 rm. frame col.; sun rm.; H. W . ht. ; 50 ft. lot. Want 7 or 8 rm. home in good location, price not to exceed $35,000. Write Winnetka Talk A-6. 77LTN33-ltc 77LT~33-ltc Mem.bers of the Senior Vvi.lmette. board of the Infant W clfare society of Chicago were guests of honor at a dehghtful luncheon and bndge gtven reocently by the members of the ] unior auxiliary at the Orrington hotel. The affair was one of the colorful social ~ven1 s of the early sprmg season.

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