Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1928, p. 24

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24 BENEFIT A SUCCESS On WedQesd~y of this week at the Kenilworth c~b occurred the bridge tea sponsored by the committee of the Neighbors for the work done at the Great Lakes. and ·it proved a great success. Reports are not quite complet~ but give promise of presenting a very satisfactory sum raised for this cause. Mr.>. Joseph Joyce is .chairman of the group which also includes Mrs. ]. C. Carpenter, Mrs. Merritt DeMent, and Mrs. JAmes Prentiss. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Durham. who have spent six weeks in an apartment in the city, have returned to their home in Kenilworth. Mrs. Durham !s leaving Tuesday for Bristol, Va., to attend Mr$s Emelie's graduation from Sullins · college on May 28. -o- WILMETTE GARDEN CLUB MEETS LIFE May 18. 1928 Rov Jarrett of Kenilworth has gone to New York for the week on business. IRED ALE PACKING aDd SHIPPING of HOUSEHOLD GOODS STORAGE UaiYenity 9311 . GIFTS the Coming F Graduationt Wedding and Anniversary OR Season. The last meeting of the Kenilworth Garden club was held at the home of Mrs. Noble Gillett on Roslyn road, Friday, May 11. After the usual business of the day, the activities of the Flower and Fruit guild for the coming summer months were reported and requests from Mrs. Sidney Ball and Mrs. E. D. Flood, who have charge of the Mondays for which this Garden club is responsible, were made for flowers, espe(i~lly cut garden flowers and not flowering shruh5-the petals of the flowering shrubs fall and are not · satisfactory to transport. . . The club then expressed its pleasure and gratitude over the election of its president. Mrs. S. D. Flood. to membership to the board of the Garden Club · of America. This is a great honor and the members feel delighted over ·it. Mrs. Ball then g-ave a very complete and entertaining report of the essiotr of the annual meeting of the Garden Club of America at Cincinnati. Dayton, Ohio, and Charleston. Va .. which occurred last week. Mrs. Ball r~pre sented the club in the president's !?lace. -oThe delegates were treated m a Mrs. Vibe Spicer of Essex road, ~Irs. John \Vhite of Oxford road, royal manner dm:-ing the Yariot}S meetKenilworth. has rented her interest- Kenilworth is to give a luncheon and ings from mornmg garden vte\\'s, to ing hQme for six months and gone to hridge party Tuesday afternoon, ~lay luncheons at the country cluh.' . or her summer place in Massachmetts. 22. dinners in the pri,·ate home:\ of the memhers. It was a ,,·eek of musical festi,·ities. garden vie"·s. and teas ann fine contacts and those \Yllo were ahle to attend. came back with \\'Orrts al -: most inadequate to exnrrss the pleasure and enthu~iasm they felt. ~f rs. Ball's report g-ave a clear, ,·ivid pic.ture of the events and was a very sattsh·ing account for the members who could not be present. 'The next meeting " ·ill occur on Mav 25. at the . home of ~1 rs. Leon Allen. Melrose avenue. The · Home and Garden club of Kenilworth met on Monday of this week at the home of Mrs. Roy Osgood on Essex · road. Mrs. ~ichard John·ston has chfirge of the programs for the Will Attend United Thank coming year and she is planning many Offering Service Thursday interesting trips. At this meeting, papers on early seed planting and on Thursday of next week a la·r ge group placing of annuals were read by Mrs. ]. C. Cline, Mrs. A. \V. Wakely and. of Kenilworth representatives from the Church of the Holy Comforter will Mrs. W. W. Wh~elock. go to O~k Park to the annual meeting IN MOTOR ACCIDENT of the Woman's auxiliary of the EpisMr. and Mrs. Frank Cherry of Ken- copal Diocese of Chicago to be held ilworth had an automobile accident at Christ church, Oak Park. last Tuesday morning. They left KenAt that time the United Thank offerilworth early in the morning to motor ing of the women will be presented. to Des Moines, Iowa, and as they were The Kenilworth committee is taking going through Wilmette their car was $300 from the church members here. struck by a truck at habella street and The committee which · has numbered almost demolished. The driver of the nine includes Mrs. George Richards, truck failed to see their car until his Mrs: Burt Crowe, Mrs. Irving Babcar struck theirs. cock Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs. W. H. Smythe, Mrs. R. 0. Dur:hill, M:s. Miss Jeannette Post of Abbottsford James Donovan, Mrs. Louts RaggiO, road, Kenilworth, entertained twelve :Mrs. Louise Jones, and Mrs. Harold of the seve.n th grade girls at luncheon Tideman. These women have worked The party was in hard over this ta·sk and every member last Saturday. honor of her birthday. Those who at- of the parish ha~ been visite.d an.d tended were Miss Sue Carpenter, Mi.ss given an opportumty to ~!.are m . th1s Josie Dahm, Miss Marion Hedrick, Thank offering, somethmg entlr~ly Miss Priscilla Wheelock, Miss Jane apart from any church work or mChilcott. l\liss Betty Byrne, Miss Bev- terest. It has meant simply an exerly Bouchard, and :Miss Lucille Bren- oression of appreciation for blessings ner. ieceived. · News of Interest to Our Kenilw()rth Readers Kenilworth Garden Club Has Reports of Meetings Our New ·Address DAVm G. BARRY Cleaning and Repairing 806·810 Grove St. Uaiversity 5?12 Largest Exclusive Carpet, Rug aad Llaoleum Store Nortb ol Cbioago Gifts for the man, the woman-for the boy or girl. For Graduation, the Wedding, for t h. e Bride, the Groom, the best man, the Ushers, the Bridesmaids, in fact - GIFTS FOR ENTERTAINS AT TEA Mrs. W. A. Pratt has been a ,·isitor in Kenilworth for the past ten davs as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Eckhart. Cumberland roarl. ~Irs. Eckhart entertained at tea in her· honor Tuesdav afternoon of last week. Mrs. Pratt ·"·as one of the very early · resident5 of Kenilworth and has matw close friendships and associations among this group. Her home is now in the East. VISITS IN KENILWORTH 1f rs. Fred Woodard of o,,·osso, Mich .. is in Kenilworth for this weekend as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Burt Crowe. Mrs. Crowe is planning to go to New York in .Tune to visit some of her sorority sisters and to snend commencement week at Mrs. Dow's school. Briarcliffe Manor. where Bethanv Crowe is a student. After the exercises ~1 rs. Cro\YP and Bethany wilt go into the Berkshires to attend a hou~e party. LUNCHEONS FOR VISITOR A number of luncheon·.; are nlanne<i in Kenilworth for 11rs. J. C. Carpenter's guests for next week. Among: these are a luncheon on Monday at Mrs. Harrv · Vi sering's, Kenilworth avenue, and also one at ~1rs. Thoma,s \Vhite's on Tuesdav. Mrs. Thomas Coyne is giving a ·~econd luncheon anrl brifJge on Friday, 1f ay 25. - ANY S P E C I F I C OCCASION! We offer you a service, a personal attention service, that you will appreciate. Consult us early. : A Small Deposit makes your ice-box a FRIGIDAIRE · Have the Frigidaire cooling unit installed in your ice-box. Once this is done, there's no more ice to buy. Foods are kept fresh and wholesome. The health of your family is protected. Learn how a small depo~t and easy terms put this equipment in your hom~. Chlcago-StoTer Co., 313 N. lUichfgan Ave. Whitehall -i9o5 Hubbard Woods-.Sto1·er Co., 9iil Linden An:, Winnetka Ul! Hlghlal~d Park-St~1 er Co., 382 Central Ave., Highland Park UO EHtnston-StoHr Co., 1631 Sherman ATe., Greenleaf U80 Pnbllc Service Co. of Northern Illinois-At all their om.ces. GIFTS THAT LAST LEE NELSON Jeweler New Location 1626 ORRINGTON AVE. (N~w Hahn Building) -o1\frs. Tohn Rathbone of Ahbottsford road. Kenilworth is entertaining her bridge club this Friday afternoon. Mrs: Rathbone and daughter, Helen, are leoving ear}y in June for the East where they will be joined hy Jar k Rathbone, and then embark for a '3 ummer in Europe. (Continued on Page 4. 9) U nivttsity 4 61 PRODUCT· OP·GENERAL· MOTORS 2190

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