Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1928, p. 27

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. May lSi 1928 WILMEl TE SHOWER FOR BRIDE-ELECT I LIFE Q 'Zl ·······.,··········.,· ..,······,,,.,··. Associate Alumnae of N. U Hold · Ant.Jual Election I ~,,,..,,,..,,,,,,,..,...........,,,,,,,,,., -· A surpri'.5c shower wa.s girven Thurs- · day afternoon, May 3, at the home of . Mrs. R. D. Burtner, 810 Oakwood avenue; in honor of .Miss Olga Stopka, a teacher in the Wilmette schools, OAicers for the coming year of the whose marriage is to take place J unc \ssociatc alunu1ac of ~orthwestern 16. Twenty-five melllhcrs of the facuniversity were elected at the annual ulty ' were present. · business meeting, which was held Friday, ~ ay 11, at the Woman's club . of ~I iss ViYianna Tamow o[ 126 Fourth Evanston. They arc: ~lrs . \V. T. Hall. stre<.·t is spending the \\·cc k-end as the president; ~f rs. R. G. Breedon, firs· t guest of ~1 r. and ~Lrs. \V . .J<. uhn at vice-pre sident: ~J r s \Villard J. Dixon. Twin Lakes, \\'i s. The Kuhtr.5 \\·ill also second vice-president; Mrs. ~'[elvin M . have as guest :; a group of young Hawley, third vice-president: Mrs. A. who arc iriends of their daughC. Fry, treasurer; ~~ rs. 1~.. E. Swick. folks ter. Elizabeth. corresponding secretary: ~~ rs. James S. Lewis, recording secretarY; ~Irs. Y. E. Holmes, auditor. · The nominating committee con i::.tcd uf l\1 rs. G. A. Paddock, Mrs. A. \\" . .\'loscley, ~Irs. Robert Blessing, ~{i ss ~tinnie Terry. and :Miss Florence Butz. Chairmen of tanding committees for the year will be: ~Irs. E. R. Ladd, program; ~·Irs. E. Parker ~Iiller, social: Helen ~ixon. editor of Associate Alumnae page of the Xorthwestern :\lumni X ews; Louise Paullin , pre. s. CHICAGO-State and Jackson Those who will represent, on th e hoard of managers. the four schools will he: ~r rs. G. A. Pa<Jdock. ~li . s J anl' Hutchins \Vhite, ~[i ss \\"ren StaleY. Liberal arts; ::\f rs . Ira \Vest brook. ::\{ r.s George R. Denton. speech; ~[rs. \\'illiam Knapp, ~[rs. H. H. Cooper. ~[ rs . ]. ~1 Shumway. music: ~lr E. H. Schultze and ~rrs Grace Hanbun·. commerce. including journalism. · Following the busines meeting the alumnae met at the home of ~Irs. \Vatter Dill Scott of E\·anston. to recei\·e the se nior girls of the uni\·ersit) at tea. The next meeting oi the .-\ss oc iatl' alumnae will he on the afternoon oi Junc lf1, Alumni daY, when the\· will gin" a g-arcl<."n party i.n ·the ~hake s pl· aJT garden. on thr unin-r,ity campus. The assnciatr alumna<· haH· arranged with Jkan \\"iniired Hid1ardsnn. ,,j \\"illanl hall. 1·:\·an:-.t·lll, tn acrntntlltl datc rctuming alttmnae 11n' r till' week l' IHI. June lo-lR. which inrlttck:-. .-\lumni and Commenn·ment cl'aY; . Onl' cnr ri<l<lr " ·ill be as:-.ignecl to -alunmae ancl their husbands. and annther t·1 \\·nml·n exc lttsinl)·. Hest·nation-; should h<" made not later than I nne 10. with ~~is-; Alice Crahill. head. director nf \\"itlard hall. Jo:yanston, it is announced. ew . 806·810 Grove St. ~ Our ... Add ress University 5'712. Largest· Exeluslve Carpet, Rug and Linoleum· Store Mortb ol Cbieago DAVm G. BARRY Cleaning and Repairing Evanston Shop Open I'uesday, Ihursday and Saturday Evenings mBJtt(.)IBlliDm EVANSTON-Orrington and Church Henry C.Lgtton I Sons Outstanding in S1111lrlnlss, · Quality ~:~nd Value· · ":lor &lkge Men,Young 73usiness 'Men ana Older Men r" HICAGOANS, are the talk of Chicago. They will do you as much credit in wearing them as they do us in selling them. We invite you to compare them anywhere-for in Tailoring, in Style, in Fabric and in Pattern they simply defy competition. See these new Spring uChicagoans"-they're certainly in a class by themselves. u Announce Next Week's Museum Lecture Tours Cuide-lcrturc tours at Fidd ~f us<.·ttm ~atural Hi:-.tor\' for the \\·cck heginning- ~~on day, ~I ay 21. are announc ed a:' fullO\\"S: ~Ionday, "Foreign Birds" atHl "Asia"; Tue·..;da~·. "Indian Houses" and "Rocks": \\'cdne sday, "FeatiH·r Oniamcnts" and "Plants and Animal" of the Sand Dunes": Thursday. _two general tour . cuHring anthropology, hotany. geology and zo{llo gy; and Frida y, "Game Fi·..;h" and "Plant Peculiarities."' These tours of museum cxhihits under the guidanrL" of staff lecturers arc g·i\·en at 11 a.m., and J p. 111., and arc fr<.·c. Partie~ . as ·cmhlc in~ide thl' north entrance. ()i C. \\"hitsctt and ~frs. Fred \Vinzenherg will entertain Spoke TweJyc of thc Preslwterian church at the home of ).frs. \\' hitsett, 830 Oakwood a\·cnttc. TuesdaY. ~fav 22. A business meeting under the leadership of ]\frs.'C. \Veils will follow the serv- · ing of luncheon. The group has been studying some of the outstanding women of the Riblc. Mhs Dorcas Branson, daughter of Mr. ·and Mrs. Foster Branson of 817 Central avenue, accompanied hy Mr. and Mrs. William F. Weed of Glencoe, attended the spring formal ~t Shattuck Militarv academy at Fan hault. Minn. The)· were guests of 11 r. and Mrs. \Vced's son, Morgan. ~Irs. R. TO ENTERTAIN SPOKE ln Our Evanston Shop -The North Shore's Smartest Shop for Men, Young Men and Boys Society Brand and Other Fine Clothes Up to S 100

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