Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1928, p. 53

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May 18, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE 53 Horsefeathers Win Final "BAB, ASUB-DEB"'IS Volley Ball Game, 55 to 33 TITLE OF SENIOR PLAY The Horsefeathers swamped the New Trier Dramatic Group to G~ve Edward Childs Carpenter Production June 1 & 2 By M. B. O'Kay team by a score of 55 to 33 in the fipal game of the \i\Toman's Volley Ball league sponsored by the Playground and Recreation Board. The ~ame was played Monday , evening at Sto~p gymnasium. Immediately followmg the game the various teams met to organize the fir st Playground hall leagu~ for women. · Five teams haye entered the PlaYground ball league. the Horsefeathe;s, the O'Kays. the Cliquots, 8 Diamonds. and the Skinners. The Skinners ar~ a nc"· team composed of members of the Rinky Dink team and the Hoodlum team. Th e Playground Ball league begins next ~f onday c,·cning. The games will be pla~·ed weekly on the Stolp school grounds according to Dani el ~I. Davis. Director 0f R ccreati0n. :\bout 30 \\·omen haYe entered the league. ... The eYer-popular theme of the seYenteen-year-old is familiar to e\·eryone. It was Booth Tarkington's sympathy and appreciation for this often misunderstood individual that produced the novel, "Sevent~en." Mary Roberts Rinehart has handled a number of· incidents in the natural life of a certain Miss Barbara Archibald in much the sam<: tone as Tarkington treated ~Ir. \Villiam Baxter. The New Trier Senior play this year is a dramatization by Edward Childs Carpenter of the book, "Bab: A Suh-Deb." The story swings around this young person, who so violently . objects to Mrs. B. 1·. Bilsland returned recently having people refuse to recognize her to her home at 1228 Elmwood avenue advanced years-although she i sevenafter a ten weeks' sojourn in Caliteen years and eleven days old at the fornia. time of the first act, she is willing at atty time to imply unblushingly PHONE that she ha s seen the mature age of Elite Employment Service eighteen some time ago. An epidemic for Your Domestic Help of measles is the reason that Bab's Male 8 Female Dept. school '"as closed two weeks earlier WOMAN'S ATHLETIC CLUB than usual. She bounds into the mid1 1 1 E. Pearson St. dle of a quiet. orderly family, with Phone Superior 7481-2 enthusiasms and ideas that are the cause of scYeral predicaments in the comparatiYely short course of three week s. Bab'a Troubles Bah, as the sub-debutante sister of the rather sophisticated Leila, has alwaYs been "denied the society of the otl{er sex." Bab is regarded ·by Leila and her parent as a mere child until the momentous dav she arri\·es home and startles the fa;11ih· \Yith the ne,~·s that the "cliYine passion bas not entirely passed her by." This is something of an implication in itself, and, taunted by Leila, \Yho suspects that she only wants to impress her family, she decide to get herself a romance. The autograph and picture of a handsome, if strange (to Bah) IoYer, help matters along. Love letters addressed to a ~fr. Harold \"alentine-Bab thought the name very cle,·er to have been invented entirely hy herselfare at least making a dent in her parents' curiosity. But . .. ! Suddenly one day the supposedly fictitious Mr. Harold Yalentine enters in actual flesh and blood! And then complications set in for the bewildered Bab. Select Two Casts There are two cast:, for this play, both of " ·hi<;h are composed entirely of Seniors. "Bab" will be given the evenings of ] une 1 and 2. WHAT a cllmax to anyone's education! ··· to see a civilization belnJ hom ··· history as It happena ··· boob coming to life! Give your loved onea this supreme privUege. Tab them ··· or aend them ··· to the fast waking Orient, this sum.. mer. Bv the fastest, largest shlpe on the Pacific ··· under the famoue hospih.lity and seamanship of White Empresees. 10 days of pure joy ···· swimming, deck sports, movies, danclnJ under a Pacific moon ··· from Vancouver and Victoria to Yokohama. Let us tell you about ratea, stop-overs, places to see ··· now. Phoae or visit R. S. ELWORTHY, Steamship Gen. Agent, Wabash 190.J, or any local Steamship Agent. For frelgllt apply to w. A. Klttermaster, G. W. l'. A., The Rookery, Chicago. 'il E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill., Telephone Canadictn Padfic: Carry Canadlaft Paci~ Ext:weu Trawllen Che4ue·-Good eM WorLI Owr World'· Gnat.-t Travel 8"Fet.m . nythose ~tltion 'Necessities tn UPTOWN CHICAGO Don't start your vacation all fagged out with preparations. Do your shop.. ping in Uptown Chicago, in com.. fortable leisure. You can park your ·car nearby. . You'll find there, offered at amazingly reasonable prices, every ~ingle thing you could possibly want ···· pretty clothes, smart bathing suits, sports outfits, luggage. If business keeps you from shopping during the day, you'll find Uptown stores open many evenings. Also plan to lunch, dine and enjoy refreshments in one of the many Uptown Chicago places famous . for unusual and delicious food. Paul Whiteman Becomes Columbia Record Artist · H. C. Cox, president of the Columbia Phonograph company, announces that Paul \:Vhiteman, the world's most famous orchestra leader. exponent of the impressionistic in m'usic, kno·wn to millions of record buyers and radio listeners. has just signed an exclusive contract with the Columbia Phonograph company, for a long term of years. at a figure that sets a new high in a fieid already accustomed to staggering figures. \Vhiteman thus joins the distinguished company of such exclusive Columbia Record orchestras as those of Guy' Lombardo, Paul Ash, Leo Reisman, Ben Selvin. ] a:l Garber, and many other exclusive Columbia artists, among them Moran and Mack. "The Two Black Crows," and Ted Lewis. Columbia records are sold exclusively in Wilmette at the Wilmette Music shop. UPTOWN CHICAGO When you plan to travel, use the RailToad Union Ticket Office- buy you,. ticktt, reserve your Pullman and check ,.our baggage at the Uptown Station. Plwne: Longbeach 1454. One of a series of advertisements fo,. Uptown Chicago, sponsored b,. the Cent'l"al Uptown Chicago Association and paid /Of' co .. operatwely by Uptown Chicago's business men. Business Men- Uptown Chicago welcomes new businesses, and is doing more than any other Chicago community to assure the success of every enterprise within the Uptown Chicago area. We urge to investigate the possibilities here forsubstantialsuccus. ,.ou SHOPPING CENTER OF A MILLIPN PEOPLE ,

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