Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1928, p. 61

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May 18, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE 61 Elect Helen Boylan Hold Funeral Rites for . I Miss Sarah Page returned last week 1st Vice-President Mrs. Fannie R. Wheelock! from Miss .Harris' .school in Miami, I B B D A L B ~~ F · R Wh l k .f . f Fla. and Mtss Manan Page returned FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES at M· "· an me . ee oc , e o .· . · EVANSTON WINNETV' a. 0 I S tate B · & P · W · Seymour A. Wheelock, president of from Elnura college at Elmtra, N. Y. HIGHLAND PARK.--. WI ..... MiS'3 Helen Boylan of Evanston was the Wilmette State bank, passed away to attend the silver wedding annh erUaiYenil,- 1311 ·. · elected to the first vice presidency of ~:m Friday, May 11, following a short sary of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. the Illino~s Federation of Business and lllness. Funeral services were con- Albert N. Page of 901 Ashland aveProfes~on~ Women at the ' annu~ ducted &om the ho~e at 822 Centrat,~nu~e~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ convention here last weekend which avenue last Monday afternoon. 1 215 delegate~ from all over the state Mrs. Wheelock was born, in Barr~. attended. This is the second office in Mass.. on October 22, 1852. She bethe state federation which Mis·s Boy- came the wife of Mr. Wheelock on Ian has held in as many years. March 26, 1872. The following year Miss Erma Templeman of Spring- she and her husband came to Chicago field, who presided at this year's con- where they resided until they moved u A Correct Grade for Each Burnern vention, was reelected to the presi ~ to Wilmette in 1883. dency, and the other officers name_ d Mrs. Wheelock wa'3 a charter memTwo Bulk Plants-Eight Ttucks were: second vice president, Mrs. ·her of the Woman's club of Wilmette George McMahon of Robinson; corre- and had been active in civic affairs in operated ON the north shore to assure spqnding secretary, Mrs. Rena Tom - the V_itlage, having served for stx PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE tins of Springfield; recording secretary, years as a member of the W·ilmette ' Miss 1ennie Rabjohns of J acksonvilte ;- School board and having been active treasurer, Miss Emma M. Guenther. in the work of the church and the In a banquet attended by nearly 400 Garden club. women the convention reached its -------close Saturday evening when one of TO DANCE AT SHAWNEE the principal addresses was made by Zeta Tau Alpha fraternity will give 1 Miss Emily ·Kneubuhl, executive secre- a sub'3cription dance at the Shawnee tary of the National Federation of Country club Saturday evening. 723 Oak Street, ·Winnetka Business and Professional Women. V\T omen as the determining factor in Chicago Surface Lines recently honWinnetka 3020 - Telephones - Highland Park 3296 the November election ... . Wom ~ n ored 5.441 trainmen for operating cars as the leaders of the future who wilt 30.000,000 miles without an accident. complement the efforts their brothers have made in the past .... Women of economic independence . . . dreamers of ideas which will reach fruition in contrast to men who usuatly think in term$ of the past of present. These are the women Miss Kneubuhl con\:eived. "We have arrived at a new . order in civilization," she said. "The industrial r-evolution has made us use that part of our an :1tomy above our necks." Fundamental to woman 's new position is economic independence and, with that established, development of leadership witt follow, Mi ss Kneubuhl stated. "A s individuals we should make ready to accept that lead er ship by making sure of our training, bein g . particular of performance, and wise in our finance s." V\Tomen have one of their greatest responsibilities at the present, an intellig-ent batlot in November, ·stated the speaker and pointed out that the 49 000 women of the national federation co'ulcl control 2,000,000 votes in this country, a number more .than large enoQgh to control the electiOn. S T 0 R A G £ FUEL OIL BRAuN Baos. OIL Co. 'For Fuel- Use Oil" Home N'ursing Diplomas to be Given 16 Children Sixteen children in District 37 school ,..,.ill be awarded diplomac; for completing the course in Red Cross home nursing, conducted during the past few months by Miss Katherine Griffin, visiting nurse in charge of the Grosse Point Health center. The following pupils will receive the award: Roseanna Balmes, E sther Grundstrom, Erma Humilhaus, Anna Herr, Anita Johnson, Elsie Herr, Dorothy Dean, Lualice Jefferson, Dorothy Levernier, Margaret Miller, Lillian Hoar, Marian Balak, Rosy Bal~k, Dorothy Graw, Eilene Weakly and \Vynana Gersdorf. In the pressroom f RODEO JULY 28-AUGUST 5 Chicago's fourth annual world's championship rodeo will be held at Soldier Field from 1uly 28 to August 5 with $33,000 in cash prizes to be won by the cowpoy and cowgirl ropers, riders and steer wrestlers. Every afternoon and evenii1g for the nine days the athletes from- the cattle country will contest for the prize money and the coveted world's championship titles under the direction of Tex Austin. Miss Ruth King. daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. W. ]. King of 611 Forest avenue, is recovering from a recent operation for appendicitis. For many years we have been solving the printing problems of our cus. . tamers-not a few of which are identical with yours. May we send a representative who will explain the work of our printing service depart. . ment in arriving at a profitable solution? LLOYD HOLLISTER 1232-36 Central .Avenue Wilmette 4300 Winnetka 2000 INC. , Wilmette Greenleaf 4300 Sheldrake 5 68 7

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