Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1928, p. 3

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May 18, 1928 PONDER ACQUISITION I I POST CARD "BAUOT'~ ' ~m~ooocm~~----A_G_l_ow_i_~_r_r_~_ut_e_ , _ _~_ Q~Mm~~ SPNGBIRDS. Village Board Receives Citizens' Committee ·Report on Public Expression Here Sentiment in Wilmette was considered to be overwhelmingly in favor of the re-e·s tablishment of a motion picture theate·r in the vi,llage and the operation of such theater on Sundays, after 1 :30 P. M., according to the public expression recorded in a post card "vote~' submitted to the Village board· this week by a committee appointed at a citizens' meeting held February 7. 1928, and authorized to determine the sentiment of the public regarding the movie question which arose im:. mediately following the closing of the Village theater. Post cards sent out to 3,600 households brought a return of 2.779 perons in favor of movies and Sunday operation. and 465 as opposed to the proposition. A communication addressed to the hoard h,· the committee compric;ing Dan G. Stiles, J. M. Budinger, J. M. Carrico, and Ernest C. Cazel, announcing the result of the post car<t poll. was referred to the Public Service committee of the board, Hans von- · Reinsperg, chairman. for consideration and future report. WlLMETTE Ll.FE · 3 ,Official Organizations Meet to Ponder Advisability of Purchasing ,Western Territory Ac,quisition of logical ~chool and playground sites in the territory we st of Ridge avenue, annexed to Wilmette \\·ithin the past few years, was the dominant subject of discu·.;sion at a meeting of local official organizations held Wednesday evening of this week at the · call of Village President Earl E. Orner. The immediate result of the session was the appointment of a general committee by President Orner to work out preliminary plans for the ac, quisition of such sites deemed advisable in anticipation oi the growth of the population to the west. Attending Wednesday's meetin~-, were the follov.·ing: the Village boar<;!, \ "illage Plan commission, Wilmette School board, chool boards of di stricts 37 and 40. the Playground and Recreation hoat<l: ,.New Trier High . chool boa rd, and the \Vilmette Park hoard. W o~ld Acquire Sites The purpose of the me<:ting, a outlin ed by Pr~·si cl en t Orner, was to con.:;iclc r the advi~ability of taking steps toward acquiring . chool and playgro und sites in the territon- \\·est of Ridge . avenue. · The territory in question is of sufficient area to necessitate the location oi at lea st fiy e school site s, those at \Yed ncsday's meeting were told by F. A. Cushing-Smith, landscape architect reta ined by the Village to lay out the general zoning plan of the western· area. Each school site should be of not less than f. ve acres, if adequate playground facilities are to be taken into account. School Superintendent J. R. Harper suggested. ~iscu ss i o n te~1inated in the appointm ent of the following general committee h\· President Orner, with instructions t0 work out . f easible :means U1 acquire school and playground sites. Newey Named .Chairman F. ]. Newey, chairman, Robert Stoddard. F. C. Huffman, ~r. L. C. Ayres~ Ralph \\' cssel, Enoch Steen, J. R. Harper. H. A. La Roy, ~aniel M. ~avis, L. F. Gates.]. R. Gathercoal, Henry Fowler, Harry Vv. Hopp, Bernard F. Schildgen. Mrs. Hope Kerwin, Charles H. Scherer, Glenn Iason, A. E. \Volff, H. B. 11 ulford. ] ohn Clark Baker, 'Yheaton Augur and A. L. Grinnell. This committee is to meet at the calt oi Chairman Newey. Rev. V. V. Loper Receives Call to Cong'l Pastorate The abm·e cartoon was drawn· by Carey Orr, political cartoonist of the . Chicago Daily Tribune. It is in honor of the concert of the Public school orchestra and the Stolp and Howard Glee clubs. ).tr. Orr drew this cartoon as a fayor at the refJne~t of Laurence Buckmaster and Chester Hanson, two ] unior Life rep orter s. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Directors Named for Playgrounds; New Head at Green The directors and staff for the summer playgrounds were announced this week by Daniel M. ~avis, ~irector of Recreation. Practically all of last year's staff will be back and occupy their same playgrounds, Mr. Davis said, with the exception of the Village Green Playground which will be in charge of 'N[rs. Gertrude Fanckhoner. The other assignments are: Beach: ~Irs. Alta Caldwell, ~udley C. Stone. Vattman : ).! iss ).fae \Vitcher. Village Green: ~'[ rs. · Gertrude Fanckboncr. Glen \V. Gathercoal. Laurel: ~!iss Dorothea M ulholand. In addition to the regular playground activities free instruction · in swimming will be given at the Beach playground with ?\{r::,. Caldwell in charge of the girls' classes and :Mr. Stone in charge of the boys' classes. The playgrounds \\·ill open June 18 and enrollment in them should be made as soon a s possible. Kenilworth Again Annexes Walton League Vote Flag Kenilworth has won for the second time the flag awarded by \Vinnetka chapter of the Izaak \\"alton league at each general electi,on to the New Trier community polling~ the largest vote in proportion to population. Kenilworth was high with an 83 percent vote at the recent Primary ~lection. All the villages in · the township showed phenomenal increase~ in percentage 111 the Primary election. PUSH SIDEWALK WORK The Village board Tuesday evening authorized Superintendent of Public Works Schultz to advertise for bids for the construction of all sidewalks in the \Tilla~e "'nO\\" provided for by ordinance. Motor Sweeper is Latest in Municipal Equipment :\ new motor driven machine has be en added to the village's 'street cleaning equipment by the installation oi an Elgin Motor · ~riven Pickup ~weeper. Members of the local department, under the guidance of Supt. C. C. Schultz, arc being instructed in its usc by experts of its manu facturers. , This machine is practically an entire street cleaning department in itself. It snrays the street to settle the ciu:;t, cieans out th~ gutter with a revolving brush on the right side of the machine, has another long rotary broom that sweeps the ~:>avement. and, lastly. a pickup arrangement for collecting the street refme found in the path of the machine. It requires only one man to operate it. The caJ?ac_ity of the machine is such that it will greatly reduce the cost of ·3 treet cleaning and make it possible t.o e ..;:tend the service rendered by the administration in street sanitation work. it is ~xplained. Seek Annual Donations for Patriotic Events " 7 At a meeting of the members of the First Congregational church last Suridav morning after the worship sen·ice; it was Yoted unanimously to extend a call to the Re\·. Vere V. Loper to become the minister of the church. This · action was taken on the· recommendation of the Pastoral committee. which has been investigating q.ndidates for the pastorate of the Congregational church since Dr. Stephen A. Lloyd' resigned his pulpit here in T anuarv to become minister of the First Congregational church of Pontiac. Mich. F.. H. Burge was moderator of the meeting. and the report was read bv A. J. Coburn. chairman of the Pastoral committee. \Vhile it is not known definiteh· that ~r r. Loper will accept the call. it is g-enerally expected that he will. ~f r. Loper is at present the minister at the First Congregational Church of ~[inneapolis. ~[inn .. where he has made an enviable reputation for himS~"tf. hoth ac; nastor and as preacher. He receivf'd his A. R degree from ~rinnell college and his Bachelor of Divinitv degree from Yale university. It is- expected bv the Congregational church that definite action on the call wilt be taken bv Mr. Loper this · week. - HOLD CLASS PARTY Name Veteran Officials to Continue in Office Village officials who h~ve served continuously through several administ;:ations were reappointed for the ensuing fiscal year at last Tuesday's Village board session. The appointments, made by Village President Orner. were duly confirmed by the Village hoard. The appointees include: Superintendent of Public Works, C. C. Schultz; Village Collector, Edmond H. Kerr; Health Commissioner, ~r. E. E. Moore; Chief of Police, Charles V\'. Leggett, and Fire Chief Walter H. Zibble. The eighth grade of the Toseph ilmette Post No. 46 of the Sears school of Kenilworth held a American Legion is requesting financial contributions toward the ' dass ' partv last Fridav night at the fund \\·.hich defrays the expen 'e of school. The auditorittm 11ad been a fitting ~I emorial day observance decorated in rose and green streamers and also for a Fourth of ] uly cele- and aople blossoms by the decorations committef' of the class and presented bration in the ,·illage. 1t is onlY in this man.ter that a colorful setting for the games and contests that were staged. Refreshthe Post is enabled to raise the mPnt. arrang-ed for hv a special comnt·ce. san· funds for these two immitter ant;l consisting of ounch. ice portant ·annual e\·ents in the village and it is hoped the citizens of crcan, in fancy shapes and cake. were served. \Vilmette will come forward with their usual liberal contrihuhons. MARCH ON MEMORIAL DAY ~onations may be made to H. Memhers of the Villag-e hoard TuesL. Flentrc. Jr.. -trrasurer of the dav accepted the invitation of WilPatriotic Celebrations fund;: Vilmette Post, No. 46, American Legion. lage President Earl E. Orner, or to participate in the annual Memorial ~an G. Stiles, at the First National : Day procession and ceremonies, WedbanJ< ne.s day. May 30.

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