Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1928, p. 66

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66 NOTICE Village ot Kenilworth IN THE WILMETTE LIFE May 18, 1928 eiglU (28) in Township Forty-two (42 ) North Range Thirteen (13) East of the ·r'hird Principal Meridian ; running thence South along the West line of said Quarter Section ten (10) chains and ninety · (90) links (more or less) to the center of Skokie Ditch ; thence along the center of said ditch, Nf?rth S.J% degrees East, two (2) . cha.ms; thence along the center of sa1d d1 tch, North 7';'1fl degrees East, two <?> chains; thence along the center of sa~d ditch North 741h degrees .East, s1x (6) 'chains and seventy (70) links (more or less) to the Westerly line of railroad right of way ; thence along the Westerly line of said right of way, North 32% degrees West, ten (10) chai ns and thirteen (13) links; thence \Vest parallel to the North line of said Quarter Section four ( 4) chains and ninety-eight (98). l~~ks, ~o the place of beginning, contammg E1ght (8) acres of land, more or less, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Recorder of Cook County, Illinois, on the twenl.y-fourth day of October, A. D. 1891, in Book 53 of Plats at page 21 as Document Number 1,557 ,279, all within the Village of Kenilworth, County of Cook and State of Illinois. Also Lot Twenty-three (23) in James Rice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth , IJeing a subdivision of Eight (8) acres of land known and described as follows: Commencing at a point thirteen (13) chains and forty-six (46) links south of ·the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section Twentyeight (28) in Township Forty-two (4 2) North, Range Thirteen (13·) East of the Third Principal Meridian; running thence South along the West line of sa id Quarter Section ten (10) chains and ninety (90) links (more or less) to the center of Skokie Ditch ; thence along the center of said ditch, North 841,-2 degrees East, two (2) chains: thence along the center of said ditch, Noi'th 77% degrees East, two (2) ehain s; thence along the center of said ditch North 74% degrees Eas~. six (6) chains and seventy (70) link s (more or less ) to the Westerly line of railroad right of way; theQce along the 'Vesterly line of said right of. way , ~orth 32% degrees West ten ('10 ch ain~ and thirteen (13) links; thenct Wes t parallel to the North line of said Quarter Section four ( 4) chains and ninety-eight (98) links, to the place of beginning; containing Eight ( 8) acres of land, more or less, according to tlw Plat thereof r ecorded in th e office of the Recorder of Cook County, lllin oi~. on the twenty-fourth day of October. A. D. 1891, in Book 53 of Plats at page 21 as Document Number 1,557,279, all within the Village of Kenilworth , County of Cook, and State of Illinoi!:'. Also Lot T..,~nty-four (24) in James Rice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth , being a subdivision of Eight (8) acres of land lmown and described as follows: Commencing at a point thirteen (13) chains and forty-six ( 46) link s South of the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section Twentyeight (28), in Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian ; running thence South along the West line. of' said Quarter Section ten (10) chams and ninety (90) links (more or less) to the center of Skokie Ditch ; thence along the center Qf said ditch, Nf?rth· 84% degrees East, two (2) chams: thence along the center of said ditch, North 77lh degrees East, two <?). chains· thence along the center of said ditch, North 741h degrees East, six (6) chains and seventy (70) links (more or less) to the Westerly line of railroad· right of way; thence along- the West- · erly line _,f said right of way, North 32% degrees West, ten (10') chains and· thirteen (13) links: thence West parallel to the North line of said Quarter· Section four (4) chains and' nl'nety-elght(98) links, to the place of beginning, containing Eight (8) acres of land, more or less. according to the Platthereof recorded in the otnce of the · Recorder of Cook County, Illinois, on the twenty-fourth day of' October, A. D. 1891. in Book 53 .of Plats at page 21· as Document Number t,S5T,279, all within the Village of Kenilworth, County · of Cook, and State of Illinois. Also that part of a strip of land ' ten (10) teet In width lying Southerly · of and adjoining the Southerly ltne and said Southerly Une extended of· Lot Twenty-four (24) In James Rice Brown'n Addition to Kenilworth, being. a subdivision of Etght (8) acres of land known and described as follows: Commencing at a point thirteen (13) chains and forty-six (46) Unks South · ot the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty-eight· (28), in Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13') East of the Third· Principal Meridian·: running thence. South along the West line of said Quarter Section ten (10) chains and· ninety (90) Unks (more or less) to the · center of Skokie Ditch ; thence alongthe center of satd· dttch, North 84% degrees East, two (2) chains; thence · along the center ot· said ditch, North· 77% degrees East, two (2) chains; thence along the· center of said ditch, North 74% degrees East; elx (6) chalns.c at .d a"venty (~ Unks (more or less)\ to t' . Westerl~ lin&- ot rallroad richr COUNTY COURT OF COOK COUN1'Y, ILLINOI~. GENERAL NUMBER oti:U NOTICE OF PROCEEDINGS FOR A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT consistfng of opening and exte nding Linden A venue west to and connectin'g with Brier Street, and opening and extending Sterling Road north to and connecting with IWger A.v enue and West Railroad Avenue, by condemning therefor the necessary land, and when so opened and extended, by improving the same, together with Pleasant Avt:nue, Temple Court and part of Roger A venue, by constructing therein a reinforced concrete pavement with combined curb and gutter, and by otherwise improving the same, aU within the Village of Kenilworth, County of Cook and State of 1Jllnois. COUN'fY, ILLINOIS. UE.SERAL NU.MB:t.:.U o963J STATE OF ILLINOIS, l COUNTY OF COOK, j ss. VILLAGE OF KENILWORTH, A municipal corporation, VS. IN TllE COUNTY COURT OF COOK THB PEOPLES' TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, TRUST NU.l\IBER 390, EVA RUTH BAT!::HTI·;GOS, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND UNKNOWN DEVISEES OF JOHN BO~RE (ALSO KNOWN AS JOHN BORE OR JOHN BOH.A), DECEASED, THE PJ!;OPLES' TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, TRUST NUMBER 420, MARY E. JOYCE, R. E. LITTLE, CHICAGO TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY, TRUST NUMBER 16813, JACOB GLOS, EMMA J. GLOS, ALHEH.T H . GLOS, MABELLE L. GLOS, CLARA G. BATES, ABNER C. JONES, ELIZABETH A. JONES, WIL· LIA.l\1 PRICE JONES, JAMES RICE BROWN, AND ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. THE COUNTY COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, by order duly entered in the above entitled proceedings, having directed that as to such defendants as are sho,vn by the affidavit filed In said proceedings to be non-residents of the State of lJlinois, or whose resIdences are shown thereby to be unknown, and the defendants designated as "All whom It may concern," the Clerk of said Court cause publication to be made In the Wilmette Life, a secular newspaper published weekly In the VIllage of Wilmette, Cook County, Illi nois, containing notice of the following matters: Notice is hereby given of the pendency of the above entitled proceedings Instituted by the petition of the Village of Kenilworth, heretofore tiled in the County Court ·of Cook County, Illinois, designated General Number 59631 in said Court, praying for the ascertainment of the just compensation to be made for the private property to be taken or damaged for the making of the improvement hereinafter described, and for the ascertainment of what property will be benefited by the making of said Improvement, and the Pmount of such benefit. The Commissioners duly appointed by the said County Court of Cook County, Illinois, to Investigate and report the just compensation to be made for the private property to be taken or damaged for said Improvement, and also what real estate will be benefited by said improvement, and the amount of such benefit to each parcel of land assessed, duly made a special assessment to raise the cost of said improvement, and tiled their said report and assessment roll In the office of the Clerk of the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, on the fourth day of May, A. D. 1928. Thereupon a summons Issued out of l!aid Court against the defendants above named, and the defendants described as "All whom It may concern," returnable In said Court at the County Court House In the City of Chicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois, on the fourth day ot June, A. D. 1928, as Is by law required, which proceeding Is now ·pending. The total cost of said Improvement, as shown by the estimate of the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Kenilworth, and the report and assessment roll of said Commissioners, Is the sum of One Hundred Fo11rteen Thousand, Six Hundred Ninety-three Dollars and · no cents ($114,693.00), and the total amount assessed to . the public as benefits thereIn Is no dollars and no cents ($0.00). Now, unless you, such defendants as are shown by the affidavit ftled In said proceedings to be non-residents of the State of Illinois, or whose residences are shown thereby to be unknown, and the defendants designated as "All whom It may concern," shall be and appear before the aald County Court of Cook County, IJIInols. at the County Court House In the City of Chicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois, on the fourth day of .Tune, A. D. 1928, and plead, answer or demur to the petltloner'a petition, or object to the report and aae·sment roll of the Commlaloners · aforeaa.ld, the same and the matters and ,thJnp therein charced and 1tated will be .taken u confMMd, and a ju~ent tntered in accordance with the said reall within the Village of Kenilworth, port and assessment roll, and the prayer Cour·ty of Cook and State of .Illinois. of said petition. Also that the thoroug· hfare now The following Is a description of said known as Sterling Road be opened a.nd improvement, and includes a descrip- extended North to and connected with tion of the lots, blocks, tracts and par- West Railroad Avenue and Roger ~ve cels of land sought to be taken or dam- nue and that for the purposes thereof aged for the said improvement : the' following described tracts, pieces That the thoroughfare now known as and parcels of land be acquired by conLinden Avenue be opened and extended demnation thereof : . West to and connected with Brier Street, Lot Nineteen (19) in James Rtce and that for the purpose thereof the Brown's Addition to Kenilworth, befollowing described tracts, pieces and ing a subdivision of Eight (8) acres parcels of land . be acquired by condemof land known and described as folnation thereof: lows : Commencing at a point thlr~een The South twenty-nine and twenty(13) chains and forty -s ix (46) hnks one hundredths (29.21) feet of Lot Six South of the Northwest corner of the (6) in Maclean's Subdivision of that Northeast Quarter of Section Twentypart o! the South four and eightyeight (28) in Township Forty-two ( 42). three and one third hundredths North, Range Thirteen (13) East ot (4.83 1/3) chains of the North fifteen the Third Principal Meridian ; run(15) chains of the South Half of tbe ning thence South along the West line Northwest Quarter of Section Twentyof said Quarter Section t en (10) chains eight (28), Township Forty-two ( 42) and ninety (90) links (more or less) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of to the center of Skokie Ditch; thence the Third Principal Meridian lying along the center .of said ditch, N?rth East of Church Road, according to 84% degrees East, two (2) chams; the plat thereof recorded in the office thence along the center of said ditch , of the Recorder of Cook County', IlliNorth 77% · degrees East, two <?J nois, in Book 181 of Plats at page 9 chains· thence along the center of sa1d as Document Number 802883!1, all withditch, North 741h degrees East, six (6) in the Village of Kenilworth, County chains and seventy (70) links, (more of Cook and State of Illinois. or less) to th-e Westerly line of railAlso that part of the South Half of road right of way; thence along the the Northwest Quarter of Section Westerly line of said right of way, Twenty-eight (28), in Township Fortynorth 32% degrees West, ten (10) two (42). North. Range Thirteen (13) chains and thirteen (13) links; thence East of the Third Principal Meridian, West parallel to the North line of said lying South of the South line of the Quarter Section four (4) chains and North fifteen (15) chains ther of, and ninety-eight (98) links, to the place of North of the North line of the South beginning, containing Eight (8) acres twenty and twenty hundredths (20.20) of land, more or less, according to the acres thereof, and extending from the Plat thereof recorded in the office of East lin e of said South Half of the the Recorder of Cook County, Illinoh, Northwest Quarter West for a dison the twenty-fourth day of October, te.nce of one hundred seYenty-five A. D. 18!ll, in Book 53 of Plats at (175) feet, being a strip of land three page 21 as Document Number 15572i:l. and twenty-five hundredths (3.25) feet all within the Village of Kenilworth. in width at the East end, and three County of Cook and State of Illinoi s. and seven hundredths (3.07) feet In Also Lot Twenty (20) in James Rice width at the West end. and one Brown's Addition to Kenilworth, behundred se\'enty-five 075) feet in ing a subdivision of Eight (8) acres of le ngth, all within the Village of Kenilland known and described as follows: worth, County ot Cook and State of Comme ncing at a point thirteen (1 :: Illinois. chains and forty-six (46) links South Al::;o that part of the South Half of of ·tlw ~orthwest corner of the Norththe Northwest Quarter of S4>ction east Quarter of Section twenty-eight Twenty-eight (28), in Township Forty(28) in Townshin Forty-two (42) two ( 42) North. Range Thirtflfln (H) North, Range Thirteen · (13) East of East of the Third Principal Meridian the Third Principal Meridian ; running lying South of the North line of the thence South along the W est line of South twe nty and twenty hundredths said Quarter Section ten (10) chainR (20.20) acreR thereof: and North of and ninety (90) links, · (more or less) the North line of the South twentv to the center of Skokie Ditch; thence (20) acres thereof, and extending from along the center Of said ditch, North the EaRt line of said South Half of 84% degrees East, two (2) chain :.;: Northwest Quarter W est for a disthence along the center of said ditch tance of one hundred seventv-tlve North 77lh degrees East, two (2) (175) fflct: being a strip of land " three chains; thence along the center of sai d antl threP tenths (!t3) feet in width ditch, North 74% degr ees East. six and one hundred seventy-five (6) chains and seventy (70) links, J ( 175) f<'et in le-ngth. the F.ast (more or less) to the Westerly line one hundred twenty-five (125) of railroad right of way: thence along th ereof being also known fee t the W esterly line of said right of way, as · the North three and three North 32% degrees West, t en (10) t<'nthR (~ . 3) feE-t of Lot One (l) in chains and thi:r:teen (13) links; thence K en ilworth Gardens Addition Number West parallel to the North line of Two (2), being- a suhdivision of that said Quarter Section four ( 4) chains nnrt of the North Sf'\'Pnty-three (73) and nin ety-eight (98) links, to the f~>Pt of the North ten (10) rH·rf>R of thfl place of beginning, containing Eight SouthwPRt Quartflr of Section TwentY(8) acres of land, more or less, accordE-ig-ht (28), in TownRhip Forty-two (42) ing to th(' Plat thereof recorded in the North. Ra111re Thirteen o:n East of office of the Recorder of Cook County. the Third Prin<'ipnl ·M eridian lyin~ Illinois, on the twenty-fourth day of Bast of Ridge Road: nlso that part of October, A. D. 1891, in Book 53 of the South twenty and twenty hund_. Plats at page 21 as Document Numdredths (20.20) acrPs of th P NorthweRI ber 1557279, all within the Village of Quarter of said Section TwE>nty-Pight K enilworth, County of Cook and State (28). which lies East of said Ridg-e of Illinois. Road, according to the plat of said Also Lot Twenty-one (21) in James subdivision recorded in the office of Rice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth, the RecordPr of Cook County. Illinois, being a subdivision of Eight (8) acres In Book 189 of Plats. at page 48, as of land known and described as folDocument Number 8459442. and regislows: Commencing at a. point thirtflred in the office of the Registrar of teen (13) chains and forty-six (.16 Titles of said Cook County, Illinois. as links South of the Northwest corner Document Number 226544, all within of the Northeast Quarter of Section . the VIllage of Kenilworth, County · of Twenty-eight (28), in Township FortyCook and State of Illinois. two, (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) Also that part of Lot One (1) in 1 East of the Third Principal Meridian : Kenilworth Gardens Addition Number running thence South along the West Two (2), being a subdivision of that line ol said . Quarter Section ten oo pa.rt of the North seventy-three (73) chains and ninety (90) links (more or teet of the North ten (10) acres of less) to the center of Skokie Ditch : the Southwest Quarter of Section thence along the center of said ditch. Twenty-eight (28), 1.'ownship FortyNorth 8.P.h degrees East, two (2) two ( 42) North, Range Thirteen (13 > chains ; thence along the center of said East of the Third Principal Meridian ditch, North 77% degrees East, two lying East of Ridge Road; also that (2) chains; thence along the center of part of the South twenty and twenty said ditch, North 74% degrees East, hundredths (20.20) acres of the Northsix {6) chains and seventy (70) links, west Quarter of said Section Twenty(more or less) to the· Westerly line eight (28), which lies Ea.st of said of railroad right of way ; thence along Ridge Road, according to the plat of the Westerly line of said right of way. said subdivision recorded in the ofNorth 32% degrees West, ten (10) flee of the Recorder of Cook County, chains and thirteen (13) links; thence Illinois, In Book 189 of plats at page West parallel to the North line of said 48, as Document Number 8459442, and Quarter Section four (4) chains ancl registered In the office of the Registrar ninety-eight (98) links, to the place of of Titles of said Cook County, Illinois, beginning, containing Eight (8) acres as Document Number 226544, that of land, more or less, according to Is described as follows : Beginthe plat thereof recorded in the office ning at a point in the East line of of the Recorder of Cook County, Jlllsaid Lot One (1) three and three nols, on the twenty-fourth day of Octenths (3.3) feet South of the Northtober, A. D. 1891, in Book 53 ·of Plats east corner thereof ; thence South at page 21, as Document Number along the East line of said Lot One 1,557,279, all within the Village of (1) thirty and twenty-four hundredths Kenilworth, County of Cook, and (30.24) feet; thence West in a State of llllnols. straight line to 1 point in the We~:~t Also Lot Twenty-two (22) In James line of eald Lot c.hirty-three and sixtyRice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth, seven hundredths (33.67) teet South of being a subdivision of Eight (~) acres the Northwest corner of said Lot ; of land known and described as folthence North along the West line of ·lows: Commencing at a point thirteen sald Lot thirty and thirty-seven hun(13) chains and forty-six (46) links dredths (30.37) feet; thence East in a South of the Northwest corner of the stratcht line · to the point of bel'lnning Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty- I

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