Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1928, p. 67

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May 18, 1928 of way; thence along the Westerly line of said right of way, North 32'-h degrees West, ten (10) chains and thirteen (13) links; th~nce West parallel to the North line of said Quarter Section four (4) chains and ninety-eight (98) links, to the place of beginning, conta ining Eight (8) acres of land, more or less, according to the Plat thereof r ecorded in the office of the Recorder of Cook County, Illinois, on the twenty-fourth day of October, A. D. 1891, in Book 53 of Plats at page 21 as Document Number 1,557,27~. and extending from the Southwesterly line of ·w est Railroad Avenue Westerly to a line drawn at right angles to the Southerly line of said ten (H') foot strip a nd passing through the Southeast corner of Lot Twenty-five (25) of said James Rice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth, all within the Village of Kenilworth, County of Cook, and State of Illinois. That said Linden A venue, as so opened and extended, from and connecting with the existing concrete pavement in Brier Street, over the entire length thereof, to the present Westerly line ex!ended of West Railroad Avenue, including alley r eturns to the alley W esterly o f and pa rallel to West Railroad Avenue as far to the ~orth as the North line of Linden Avenue , e xtended from the \Vest and as far t o the So uth as the Southea sterly line of Linden AvE:nue extended from the ~ orthea s t; Pleasant A venue from a line s ix inch es East of and parallel with the West end the reof East and Northeasterly to the Westerly line extended of West H.ailroad Avenue , including an alley return to the alley East of and parallel to T emple Court, as far to the North as the North line extended of said Pleasant A venue. and alley returns to the alley Wes terly of and parallel to W est Railroad Avenue as far to the North as the North line of Pleasant Avenue, extended from the West, and as far to the South as the Southea s terly line of Pleasant A venue extended from the Northeast, and also including a. turnaround twelve feet in width from East to West and extending from the South edge of the North sidewalk to the North edge of the South s idewalk at the West e nd of the proposed pavement in Pleasant Avenue; Roger Ave nue from and connecting with said proposed pa \·ement in T emple Court to the Wes terly line ext ended of West Railroad Avenue, including the alley returns of the alley Westerly of and parallel to West Railroad Avenue as far to the North a s a s traight line drawn from the Southwest corner of Lot Eighteen (18) to the Southeast corner of Lot Forty-two (42), and as far to the South as a straight lin e drawn from the Northeas t corner of Lot Twentyf\ve (25 ) to the Northwest corner of Lot .Sineteen (19), said lots being in said James Rice Brown's Addition; Temple Court from and connecting with said proposed pavement in Pleasant A venue to a line parallel with the North Village limits and six inches South thereof, connecting with the existing pavement to the West in Roger Avenue and the proposed pavement to the East in Roger Avenue, and including an alley return to the alley to the East Northerly from and parallel to Roger Avenue as far to the East as the East line of Temple Court extended, and Including an alley return to the alley Westerly of and parallel to West Railroad Avenue as far to the East as the East line of Temple Court extended, and including a turnaround at the North end of the proposed pavement in said Temple Court twelve feet in width from North to South and extending from the West edge of the East sidewalk to the East edge of the WeRt· sidewalk; Sterling Road as so opened and extended from and connecting with the existing pavement in Kenilworth Avenue (except the parts thereof to be occupied by the proposed improvement in Linden Avenue and Pleasant Avenue), North to and connecting with the proposed pavement in Roger Avenue and to the West line extended of West R nUroad A venue, including alley returns to the alleys extending between Linden Avenue and Kenilworth Avenue and between Linden Avenue and Pleasant Avenue, as far East in each case as the East line extended of Sterling Road and as far to the West in each case as the West line extended of SterJing Road, also including alley returns to the alley Westerly of and parallel to West Railroad A venue on the East side of said Sterling Road as far East as the East line extended of Sterling Road, and on the West side of said Sterling Road as far West as a straight line drawn from the Southwest corner of Lot Twentyfour (24) of said James Rice Brown's Addition to the Northeast corner of Lot One (1) in the Re-subdivlsion of Blocks One (1) .and Two (2) of West Kenilworth Subdivision, be Improved by the constructlQn of a one course reinforced concrete pavement with combined concrete curb and gutter, grading, excavating and preparing sub-grade, grading and hand raking parkways, removing of existing sidewalk ~nd materials in the way of the proposed Improvement, grubbing and removing trees, cutting off one ftre hydrant, moving and resetting same at new location, constructing concrete catchbasins and concrete manhole catch-basins connected to -existing manholes with tile pipe drains, constructing tile pipe drains, reinforced concrete culverts wlth rein- WILMETTE LIFE , 61 forced concrete end walls, constructing eral Number · 59531, the final hearing except electric signs, and· fixconcrete sidewalk approaches, adjusting thereon will be held on the fourth day tures . . .. ...................... . fO.iO manholes, electric light conduit and of June,· A. D. 1928, or as soon there(b) Wiring for incandescent light~ cables, adjusting existing ornamental after as the business of said Court will ing, and motors of less than la mp posts, making connections to exist- pertnit. All persons desiring may file 1h H. P . . ... .. .... ." . . .... ....... $1.00 ing manholes, curing, cleaning and pro- objections in said Court before said day, (.Plus .05 per outlet, switch and tecting :said proposed pavement and com- and may appear on the hearing and make l>ase plug to be counted as outbined curb and gutter from fr.ost, rain, their defense. Said ordinance provides lets.) traffic and hot sun and winds, protecting for the collection of said assessment in (c) \Viring for arc lighting, and trees to be left in place 'and existing ten (10) annual installments, with in::;tereopticon and motion picture improvements from injury, repairing terest thereon at the rate of five per , machines . · ... . .. ... . . ... . .. .. . .. $1.00 existing improvements where damaged, centum (5%) per annum. · (Plus .25 per outlet, switch to removing existing concrete curb and all Dated at the City of Chicago, and at be included as outlet.) ::mrplus excavated material and rubbish the Village of Kenilworth, County ' of (d) Motors of 1h H. P. or over or created by construction of said proposed Cook, and State of Ulinoi~::>, this fourth heating devices of more than improvement. da y of !\lay, A. D. 1928. 600 watts capacity . ........ . . ,2.00 The concrete pavement for said pro(Plus .05 per H. P . (746 watts) HOBERT M. SWEITZER, posed improvement shall be eight (8) or fraction thereof.) Clerk of the County Court inches thick throughout its entire width, ( e ) Fixture hanging . .. . . ..... ... $1.00 of Cook County, Illinois. and twenty-two (22) feet in width, ex(Plus .05 per fixture.) . HALPH H. HAWXHURST, cept that the pavem~ nt in Sterling Road (f) Electric Signs ........ . .. . ... . $3.00 FRANK R. YOUNG, s hall be twenty-eight (28) feet in width, (g ) Each re-lnspection of any overJAMES C. MURRAY, and except that at street and alley inhead, underground or interior Commissioners heretofore tersections and at the proposed turnappointed by the County wi r e l::, or equipment shall be arounds, said proposed pavement shall be Court of Cook County, Illicharged for according to the widened along curved lines to form nois, to make said report time reouirc·d for such re-inpavel'nen"t connections. Along each side and assessment roll. spection · by the Electrical In~ of and adjoining ~::>aid prop9sed pavement, EL.:\IER E. JACKSON. ~pection Department, at the there shall be constructed a combined Village Attorney. L32-4tc rate of $2.00 per hour. concrete curb arid gutter, one foot six (h) WheneYer extra inspections are inches (1'-6") in width, in such a manner made on account of inaccurate that the back of the curb will be one ORDJ - AN<.'E NO. 1541 or i n <: o r r e c t information~ foot six inches (1'-6") distant from and failure to make necesl';ary re-. parallel with the edge of the pavement ..\X OJU.H:XA:XC£ ports of faulty construction a. which the combined curb and gutte r ad- adt·pting th e r tco mnH:ndation s of the c har~ of $2.00 per hour shall joins. The gutter part of the combined .E!t:ctrkal Conuni ~~ ion of the Yillage of be made by the Electrical In-. curb and gutter shall be eight (8~ inches Wilmeth' , and e::;tabli ~hing safe and prac:;pection Department for time thick. The curb part shall extend five tic:al ::;tandanh; and ~pecifications for the con s umed in making extra in-. (5) inches above · the top surfa~e of the installation, alteration, and use of elecspecti!)n. gutter, and shall be five and seven-six- tri<:al i:·quipment de~igned to meet the (i) No im;pection shall be made for· teenths (5-7 /16) inches wide, two and n e c..:~ ~:siti e:s a nd <:onditions that prevail in less than ................. .. ... $2.6() one-quarter (2~) inches below the top, th e Yilla g t" of \\' ilmette, and establishSECTION 4: All fees herein provided with the exposed portion rounded at the ing r ea ::;onaLle rule:s and regulations for ~hall be paid to the Village Collector. top by a three (3) inch radius. and at gvu rning the ifi::;uance of permits by the SECTION i): Any person, firm, or the bottom by a five (5) inch radius , and .t:l ~ <:trit:al ln ~pet:t ion D epartment, and co rporation that shall wilfully fail or rethe combined h eight of said curb and es ta iJlb;hing r ea :,;onable fees to be paid fuse to comply with the provisions of gutter shall be thirteen (13) inches. for th e inspectwn l>y such Electrical In~ this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of The radii of the back of the proposed spectiou Depa rtment, of all electrical an offense punishable upon conviction by curb 8hall be twenty-five (25) feet at the e<tuipm~nt installed or altered within the a fine of not less than Five ($5.00) DolNorthe a s t and Southeast corners of Yill~e of \Vilmette, and proYiding a lars nor more than Fifty ($50.00) Dollars Brier Street and Linden Avenue, at the · pe natty for Yiolation thereof. for each such offense. and in case of a Northeast, Southeast, Southwest and WHEHE.AS, the Electrical Commission continuing failure or refusal each day's Northwest corners of Sterling Road and of the \ "illage of \\' ilmette has recom- continuance thereof shall be a separate Linden A venue, at the Southwest corner m e nded (1) a s tht ~ afe and practical and distinct offense. of Linden Avenue and the said alley l'tandard::; and specification s for the inSECTION 8: The term "electrical W est of West Railroad Aven1,1e, at the :-;tallation, a lteration and use of electrical equipment" as used in this ordinance Northeast and Southeas t corners of the quipment d e~ ign e d t o m eet the neces- mean s conductors and equipment lnturn-around in Pleasant Avenue, at the ~iti e s and <.: on.dition s tha:t preYail in this ~ talled for the utilization of electricity Northeast and Northwest corners of \'illage (2) a s the r~ asonabl e rules and l'UJJplied for light, heat, or power, but Temple Court and Pleasant Ave nue, at regulation s goYerning the i ~s uance of does not include radio apparatus or the Northea st, Southea st, Southwest and p e rmits by the Electrical Inspection De- equipment for wireless reception or Northwes t corne rs of Sterling Road and partment, and (3) a s the reasonable fees Rounds and signalR, and does not include Plea sant Avenue, at the Southwest corner to be paid for the in spection by such a pparatus, conductors, and other equip-. of Pleasant A ve nue and the said alley Inspection Departnwnt of all electrical ment in stalled for or by public utilities, 'West of West Railroad Avenue, at the equipment ins talled or atter ed within thi s including common carriers , which are Northeast and Southeast corners of Village, the ~tandard :-; and sp ecifications, under the jurisdiction of the Illinois T emple Court and Roger Avenue, at the the rules and r egula tions and the fees, Commerce Commission. for u se in their Southeast and the Southwest corners of r espectiYely, her ei.Daft er p_ro\'ided: There- operation as Pllblic utiliti e ~. the turn-around in Temple Court, at the fore, SECTION 7: All ordinances, or parts So uthwest corner of Roger Avenue and BE IT OrtDAI~ED BY THE PRESI- thereof, in conflict with any of the prothe said alley West of West Ratlroad DENT AND BOARD OF THUSTEES OF Yisions of this ordinance. are hereby reAvenue, and at the Southwest corner of THE VILLAGE OF \\'lLl\iETTE: pealed. Ste rling R9ad and Roger Avenue; the SEC'fiON 1: I'ur~uant t o the r ecomSECTION 8: This ordinance shall be radii of the back of said curb shall be m e ndation of the Electrical Commission in force and efff>ct from and after its twenty (20) feet at the Northeast and of the Village of " ' ilmette , there are passa~e . approval, and publication acSoutheast corners of Linden Avenue and hereby adopted a s the :-.afe and practical cording to law. the said alley West of West Railroad standards f or the ins tallation, alteration, P A R~ED by the Board of Trustees of Avenue, at the Northeast and Northwest and use of electrical equipme nt in the the Villae-e of Wilmette, on this 15th day. corners of Pleasant Avenue and the said Village of "\Yilm(:'tte: of May. ·-A . D . 192fL alley East of Temple Court, at the NorthFIRST: The rul E."!" and r egulations of APPROVED by the President of the east and Southeast corners of Pleasant the National Board of Fire Urtderwriters Villagf> of........-'Wilmette, thi s 15th day of. Avenue and the said alley West of West as containE."d in th e code known as the May, A . D . l!l2K Railroad Avenue, at the Northeast and National Electd cnl Code, and as apEARL E. ORNER. Southeast corners of Roger Avenue and proved by th e American Engineering President Vfllage of. the said alley West of West Railroad Standards C(lmmittE>(:' , and a s la~t pub'Wilmette. Avenue~ at the Northeast, Southeast. lished. and , Southwest and Northwest corners of SECOND : The rule!-' and regulations ATTEST: LEA J . ORR. Sterling Road and the said alley South regarding the in~tallation, alteration, Village Clerk. of Linden Avenue, at the Northeast. and use of electrical equipment as last L34-ltc Southeast, Southwest and Northwest b h t · 't 1 1 corners of Sterling Road and the said adopted Y t e e ec net Y supp Y comalley North of Linden Avenue, at the pany now supplying the Village of WilXflt r f' 1-'110I1sible for debts contracted by Nor.theast and Southwest corners of mette, and aR l:lRt publiRhed and filed Rterlin.,. Road and the said alley West with the Illinois Commerce Commission, an .\' nnP hut myself. Fred J . Dettman, ,.., a copy of said code and said last menof West Railroad Avenue, at the South- tioned rules and r egulations being now 171 i Highland A w .. Wilmette, IJl. L34-3tc eaRt corner of Temple Court and thf> m f · said alley North of Roger Avenue, and on file in the o_...ce o the Chief E l e c t n c a l l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - at the Northeast corner of Temple Court Inspector, and the provlsionR of said code and the alley West of West Railroal'l and of said rules and regulations being TO ENTERTAIN FOR SCHOOLS Avenue ; the radii of the back of said hereby made a part of this ordinance. Arrangements have been made at rurb shall be fifteen (15) feet at the SECTION 2: PurRuant to the recomNorthwest corner of Linden Avenue and mendation of the Electrical Commission Mallinckrodt High school to entertain the alley West of West Railroad Ave- th , re are hereby a1opted as the reason- the eighth g-rade pupils of St. Marv's nne, at the Northwest corner of Pleasant a b . ~ rules and regulations of the Village <\venue and the said alley West of West of Wilmette. governing the issuance of school and St. Nicholas school of Ev~ Those enter~ Railroad Avenue, at the Northwest corner !.JermitR by the Electrical Inspection De- anstou next Tuesday. w est partment, the following, to-wit : id 11 taining are to he former pupils of the nf Roger Avenue an d t h e sa a ey (a) Permits for the installation, alternf West Rallroad Avenue, at the North· ation, and use of electrical equipEvan·., ton schools· who now are stu~ aast corner of Temple Court and the dents · at Mallinckrodt. One of the said alley North of Roger Avenue; and ment 8hall first be issued only on t.he radii of the back of said curb shall receipt of an appllGatfon therefeatttres will be a picnic on the school be ten (10) feet at the southeast corner fore made out on a printed form. grounds. 11 w est to be furnished by the Chief ·)f Sterling Roa d an d t h e sa id a ey Electrical Inspector, or his dulv. nf West Railroad Avenue, and at the Southeast corner of Temple Court and the authorized deputy, and submitted Mrs. Randall · Hathway .. of Staten ~.;aid alley West of West Rallroad Avenue to the Electrical Inspection Deand the Northwest corner Qf Sterling partment, and upon the payment ~ Islancl. N. Y., daughter of Mr. and Road and the said alley West of West of the fee in advance, as hereinMn. How~Id Durham of Kenilworth, Railroad A venue, all within the Vllla~e after provided. . is arriving with her family June 1, to nt Kenilworth, County of Cook, and State (b) The appllcation for each such take up residence in Chicago where of Illinois. · permit shall contain the name of NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN the owner, or user of the elecMr. Hathway's business is bringing TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED, that trical equipment to be . installed, him. They witt stay with the Durhams the President and Board of Trustees of altered, or used, and the location t bv street and number, and a dewhite they are selecting a dwellin~ II rth C 0f 0f K ~he Vlllage en wo ' oun Y tailed description of the same. ~ook, and State of Illlnois, having SECTION S·. Pursuant to the recom- place. f)rdered that the Improvement above ~ -o-iescribed be made, the ordinance for the mendation of the Electrical Cowmlssion the Vlllage of Wilmette there are 01 ame being on ftle in the oftlce of the of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harrison of Vlllage Clerk of said Village, and the hereby adopted as the reasonable fees to .;;aid vlllage having applied to the County be paid for the Inspection by such Elec- Kenilworth spent last week at Leland. ~ourt of Cook County, Illinois, for an trlcal Inspection Department of all elec- Mich. Their summer home at Leland tssessment of the cost of said Improve- trlcal equipment installed or altered with- overlooks Lake Lelanau from a high ·nent according to the benefits, and a In the VIllage of Wilm~tte, the following, cliff and is one of the beat~tiful place~ ~peclal assessment therefor having been to-wit: ;n Northern Michigan. · nade and returned to said Court, Oen(a) Permits for all electrical work,

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