Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1928, p. 68

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W 1-L M E T 1;' E LIFE . May 18, ·1928 ~~========~ ' ====~~~==~======~==========~~ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT& ClauUlecl &dvertlaementa wUJ be cbarpcl ollly to relldenta of the 4latrlct from JDvautoD to Glencoe IDcluldve wboee names appear In the telephone dlrectol7. or wtao are recuJar auHcrlben to either WILMETTE LII'B, WINN11rl'K.A TALK or OLBNCOB NEWS. centa a Une In one paper. ZS centa a line In any two papen. centa a Une In all three papera. KIB'I.UK CBABGB H ·all. Ave~e of ftve words to the Une. No black face t7J)e uaecJ. tlHOut on all cub with order advertlaementa when broucht to our o8lce at tJit Central Ave., Wilmette, or &h Lincoln Ave.. Winnetka. Gtnettd Notice - Rtltt--!~ · H 1"' SILVEB PLATING GARDENING - - - - - SILVER PLATING HAVE YOUR 1 good old pieces renewed at a reasonable price. Paul Davey, Jeweler. 1165 WU NO GREENHOUSE OR SKOKIE DIRT, mette . Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. manure, sand and fllllng, also reseed45A-L34-3tc ing lawns, lawns by the month. P. N. BALMES 1115 Greenleaf Ave. Ph. Wilmette 2770 ,_._ . ___ G_E_N_E_B_A_L_B_E_P_A_I_B_s _ _ __ 20LTN31-tfc JEwELRY REPAIRING AND REMOD ARGAIN-130 DEi!ellng by a craftsman of rare ability. B PERENNIALS' ... Paul Davey, Jeweler. 1165 Wilmette phinium, light blue. Tel. Highl&lid Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. Pk. 3371. 20LTN34-ltc 50L34-3tc .· ... It A-1 BLACK DIRT II ELECTRICAL REPAIRS BY EXPERT. delivered. Paul Wilmette Ave6. 23L34-3tc WINDOW SHADES Garden & Beach Umbrellas Drapery Hal'flware Canopies Rented Awnings & Window Shades for naertiona-Clasalfted advertlaementa -will be accepted up to Wedneeday & o'clock for the WILIIBTTE LIFE or all three papers; Thul'Bday 6 o'clock tor the WINNETKA TALK and Friday & . o'clock for tbe OLENCOB NEWS. Telepbonu: Wilmette fSOO or Winnetka !OC'0-2001. Deadline I CLOCK REPAIRING Clocks called for and Davey, Jeweler. 1165 nue, Phone Wilmette INSTRUCTION COMP. BANDMASTER WILL ACCEPT pupils band and orchestra instruments. Splendid att. to beginners. Wonderfu! opp. to rehearse with band and orchestra. Results posith·ely guaranteed. Ph. Rogers Pk. 9034. ' 25LTN34-ltp !7 INTEBIOB DECORATING ---------------26 Prouty Annex Winnetka 1125 Waukegan OfBce 302 S. Genease St. Waukegan !087 FOR SALE-AUTOS FOR SALE-AUTOS 2 Ford coupes .................... $ 125 WiiJys Knight sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 llupmoblle touring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Hupmobile touring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Studebaker touring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 IS THE NEXT Ford sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 GREATEST VALUE Hupmobile sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 TO A NEW BUICK Dodge sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . 525 1926 Master Six Buick Sedan, Gold Seal Guarantee . .. ............ . ... . ..... $975 ~~IOTOR 1927 Standard Country Club Coupe, 555 Chestnut St. Winnetka rumble seat, Gold Seal Guarantee GRAHAM-PAIGE DEALER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,026 4LTN34-ltc 1926 Two-door master Sedan .. ...... $875 1926 Buick 7-passenger Sedan, big bar- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CADILLAC-~lODEL 61. 7 P .ASS. TOUR. gain, has f new General cord Urea car, new tires, good cond. $300. Tel. ··································· $916 Winn. 433. . 4LTN34-ltc 1927 Mast~r Six Country Club Coupe, Gold · Seal . .. ... . .......... . .. .. . $1,250 BUILDING a CONTRACTING 11 LIBERAL TERMS ·A USED lBSlUliick 51LTN29-tfc WINDOW WASHING HANSOK CO. AND TO HARMONIZE WIT H YOUR draperies or decorative scheme. Our creative artists achieve perfect results; HONEST WORKMANSHIP, REAS. vases wired. rates. 2 Prouty Annex. Winn. 1994. ALAN-GOODRICH STUDIO Est. 1919. 52LTN33-2tp 632 Church St. Carlson Bldg. 27LTN34-ltc PERSONAL IO LOANS HIGH SCHOOL BOY WANTS COMpanion to tour Rockies, share expenses: Ref. Ph. Winnetka 2981. 54LTN34-ltc PARCHMENT SHADES PAINTED TO ORDER North Shore Windo\\r House Cleaning Co. N<IDrtlhl 1930 DAVIS ST. §lhlconr~ HARRIS BROTHERS NORTH SIDE & EVANSTON BRANCH Charles H. Brethold 1st and 2nd Mortgages 545 Main St., Wilmette INSURANCE Tel. S6 30L17-tfc LOST AN.:D FOUND LOST-COLLIE, TAN AND WHITE, white feet, tag missing, answers name Teddy, children's pet, reward. Otto C. Mosley~ 1182 Cherry St., Winnetka. Ph. Winn. 1825. 55LTN34-ltc FOUND-2 AUTOl\IOBILE TIRES ON Linden Ave. in Hubbard Woods. For information call Glencoe 1216. 55LTN34-ltc IBSuniicllK <C<O>mmJP)aml y UNIV. 69&1 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 4LTN34-ltc "Cellu-Seal" Lined Garages COTTAGES-HOMES RALPH WATTS, Mgr. 2047 HOWARD AVE., CHICAGO Between Clark and Ridge EVANSTON CHlCAGO UNIVERSITY 8950 BRIARGATE 5126 11LTN23-tfc CARPENTER AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR BETTER CARS FOR ~ONEY TO LOAN FE\rER DOLLA.RS .,. -t> ;s Buick coupe .. : ............... 475.00 -;;7 Pontiac coach ................. 500.00 -6 Ford coupe ................... 200.00 1 Ford credit to be sold at discount. All Cars Reconditioned 26 25 25 25 24 26 26 25 AT THESE BARGAINS! Olds coupe .. ..... ............. $275.00 Hudson coach .. ... ........... 37fi.fl() Stude baker touring ............ 150.00 Dodge coupe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300.00 Oakland coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385.00 Jewett coach 250 00 · ··· ··· ··· ·· ···· · · Oakland 4 door · · · · .. · · · · · · · · · 550.00 Dodge 4 door sedan .......... 375.00 Nash 4 door sedan ............ 425.00 ~OOK Lake Shore Auto Sales 1016 CHICAGO AVE. 4LTN34-1tc Screens-Storm Sash Garages-Porches-Additions Expert Cabinet Work. 1752 Highland Ave., Wll. Ph. Wil. 1176 11LTN2 .. t' ,_ .. c ~==============~ 17 DRESSMAKING ---------------SEAMSTRESS-GERMAN, ACCURATE diligent, wants day work. Plain sew~ ing, mending, altering. Tel. Bittersweet 1167. 17LT34-ltp DitESSMAKING. $5 PER DAY, 9 A. M. to 5 :30 P. M. Mr~. Brush, Rogers Park 7386. 17LTN34-ltn ON FIRST OR SECURED MORTGAGES at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, LOST-BLUE SILK UMBRELLA TUE. confidential service. noon at Kenilworth Sta. Ph. Kenilworth 2881. 55L34-ltc 1614 Orrington . Ave., Evanston Univ. 8383 HELP WASTED-FE~lALE ______________________________ 30LTN32-4tp iS _...._...._...._...._...,_..., McKENDRY REALTY CO. _ PRIVATE PARTY HA "ONEY TO WANTED-A HIGH CLASS SALESS .ID. woman to sell Wilmette, Kentlworth, loan. First an.d second mortgages. Winnetka and Glencoe property Must Reasonable rate. Quick service. 801 ha\'e car. · Plenty of leads and co-operRidge Terr., Evanston. Ph. Greenleaf ation given. Write Wilmette Life A-13. 1592. 30LTN24-tfc 56LTN34-1tc MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS li WANTED- EXPERIENCr.: WHITE ---------------girl 20 to 35, care of children, 2nd VEGATONE BANJO--GOOD CONDIwork. Ph. Kenilworth 1514. 56LTN34-l tc ~~~~- 7. Ph. Wilmette too2 3~~~e3e-l~lt~ 118 ... j PAINTING a DECORATING ~~:~~ ~~~1~~er ..::::::::::::::::::::':~~ 1926 SPECIALS !0 GARDENING Dodge Coupe ................. , . . . . . · Pontiac Sedan ......... . ..... . Dodge Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dodge Sedan . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . 450 300 600 350 IN© W©lflfY C. lVI. McDONALD DODGE MOTOR CARS 1019 Davis St. Evanston Wilmette or University 22f 4LTN34-ltc USED CARS B~~r:e~t.FRoM 562 Lincoln Ave. ABOUT LATE SEEDING AND PLANTING IF WE DO ALL THE WORK ! By following our methods of seeding (and use of special cover crop seed), together with best soil obtainable-your lawn wtJI be a real success. We will plant and guarantee Nursery Stock (at a slight additional cost), even when the leaves are on. Call us today! WALLPAPER & PAINT Imp. and Domestic Wallpapers. Let us do your decorating. Call Decorating Dept. WANTED-WHITE liAID FOR GEN· LORD'S-EVANSTON eral housework ; no washing. 522 EsPh. Gr. 3072 Res. Ph., Univ. 3321-J sex Rd. Ph. Kenilworth 565. 38LTN3~-4tp 56LTN34-ltp _...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._...._.... WANTED-REFINED WHITE GIRL for general housework. ·Must be excellent cook. Ph. Kenilworth 323. 56LTN34-lt<: ___ _....~~ t;s ARE A sAFE INPhon~ G&$'<e 2016 Central St. & JJ©lfcdl~rrn Ph. Greenleaf 2930 20LTN34-ltc WERSTED M01"'QR CO. WANTED-WHITE NURSE BETWEEN 20 and 30 yrs. 3 yr. old child and assist upstairs. Ref. . $25 per wk. Ph. PAPER HANGING, WOOD FINISHING, Winnetka 429. 56LTN34-1tc floor scrapln· and ~-eperal remodeling. C. FRANKEL WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. GOOD Phone Wllmette 3104 cook; laund. sent out; good wages. 299 38LTN24-tfc Marshman Ave. Tel. Highland Pk. 2304. 56LTN34-ltp RADIOS COOK, GENERAL EXP. WHITE RESPONSIBLE RADIO SERVICI·~ cleaning. Refs. $20.00. Ph. Glencoe PHONE WILMETTE 56LTN34-ltp 492. Painting-Decorating GIRL FOR GEX. HSWK. REF. RM. and bath. 574 Drexel Ave. Ph. Glencoe 542. 56LTN34-ltc RADIO SERVICE & INSTALLATION FOR SALE-PARTY LEAVING FOR . 426 Linden Ave. Europe will sacrifice a $2,400 4-pass. Landscaping gardening WHITE 'MAID, EXP. FOR GEN. HSWK. Authorized dealer for S_parton ('OUpe A-1 condition for $650. 2 new Cut flowers and gladiolus bulbs for sale. or cooking and down~tairs work. Ref42L3l-ltc spare tires, small mileage, liJ<, ~ new. Jerry Kucera Winnetka 329 erence. Tel. Glencoe 1450. 56LTN34-ltc Call Sunda:r 'Vlnnetka 2565. 1050 Oak Street 4LTN:lt-ltp 20LTN26-tfc II REPAIBJNG a l1EFINI8HIN G WANTED-WHITE GIRL FOR GE~--------------------~·-·--------PEOPLE WHO KNOW AND APeral housework. Ph. Wilmette 263-;'. """'"' PRECIATE EXPERT CRAF1.'S56L'l'N3l-1 te MANSHIP, SEND THEIR FURNl· TURE . TO US TO BE REPAIRED GIRL-WHITE FOR HOUSEWORK, NO AND REFINISHED BY OUR EXlaundry, small .family. Ph. Wilmette !his Office will accept classified advertising to be run PERTS. CAJ... L US AT UNIVER3993. 56L34-ltc l~ ~HE EVANSTON REVIEW, reachipg 1 6,ooo famiSITY 6300. 43J. . TN28-tfc _ EXPERIEN:CED MAID FOR GENERAL Winnetka 165 4LTN32-tfc Winnetka-Perennial Garden Baa ~ou Waat Ad Ia Bvaa·toa, too ~ " lies tn Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. on Tue~days. ---------------- ~ Telephone Wilmette 4 300 or Winn~tka 2000 WATCH REPAIRING DONE BY EXpert. Watches clea-ned and . adjusted. Paul Pavey, ,Jeweler. 1165 .Wilmette A vt>nue. Phone :W ilmette 6. · 43L34-3tc housework. Must have good ref. Ph. Kenilworth 4111. . . . 56L34-ltc WANT:mD-EXP. NURSE FOR INFANT , 9 mos. and . girl 5 yrs. Ref. req. Tel \Vinn. 384. · 56LTN34-ltc

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