14' WILMETTE LIFE scarcely saw the sky .or looked at the trees. Then a morning came ,that wa'S like a ·day in June and they went to look at their garden. They saw to their surprise that spring had been there all week, caring for their garden and making it a thing of glorious beauty. The:: last leaves on the · trees had unfolded, and every bush was laden with blossoms, and every plant. Their garden had become so very beautiful and the change was so miraculous that they suddenly felt very close to nature. It seemed as if she had arranged the wonder just for them, in sympathy. May 2s. t92s I "'"---------------J G ard en T·alkS (CoJt.tt·ibuted. by Wilmette Gat·den. Club) Women Voters Elect GiYe Garden Party for Teacher'a College Grads Mrs. S. M. Singleton as League President About one ·hundred women attended the spring luncheon given by the Wilmette League of Women Voters Wednesday at the North Shore hotel. Preceding the luncheon, a business meeting was held and immediately follow ing it the officers were elected for the coming year. Those chosen to conduct the league affairs are: Mrs. Selby M. Singleton, who continues as president; Mrs. Ira L. Reynolds, first vice-pre·sident; Mrs. J. H. Stackhouse, second vice -pre sident; Mrs. P. L. Roche, third vicepresident; Mrs. John M. Weedon. r ecording secretary; Mrs. I. R. Adkin s, corresponding secretary; Mrs. E. D. Lyon, treasurer; Mrs. C. P. Evans, organization chairman; Mn. T. ]. Miss Hekn C. M~rph~ Miss Skene, Mi'3s Frances Terry, MissHelen Eve- Moreau, social chairman; Mrs. E. H. lyn Schultze, Miss Helen. Vickery, Miss Freeman, citizenship; Mrs . . S. H . Gertrude Wolfe, Miss Esther Willets, Moore, local affairs; Mn. T. E. Aim Miss Irene Utley, Miss Tophelia Ur- dale, county affairs; Mrs. W. A. Dur bon, Miss Cora May Marsh, ~ ·iss gin, education; Mrs. G. T. Hellmuth. Helen A. Lind, Mi·ss Marjorie Hall sanitarv district; Mrs. W. ]. Weldon. and Miss Zelta Oller. efficien~y in government ; Mrs. Ira L. Reynolds, living costs; Mrs. Arthur Johnson, child welfare; Mrs. Ray GIRLS IN TRACK MEET Warren, social hygiene; Mrs. Fred E. Girls of the Mallinckrodt high school Parry, international co-operation to engaged in a track meet on the school prevent war; members at large, M r;o;. grounds yesterday afternoon to win the F. M. Bowes. Mrs . C. \V. Cozzens. school letter. The events were run- Mrs. ]. C. Baker and Mrs. Frank ning broad jump, standing broad jump, running high jump, basketball thrO\v France. The program of the afternoon was for distance, three baskets out of five from the free throw line. push-up six given by Miss Eleanor Luce, of th e consecutive times, and all-up Indian school of speech at Northwestern , \\·ho club race. The meet wa s under the read parts of "Dear Brutus"· by Barrie. direction of Mi .;s France s B. Pearson . and The Pied Piper" by Josephin e The letter winners will be announced Pre ston Peabodv. and other short selections. and by. Mrs. Lazora Laxman next week. who sang a group of songs and their encores charmingly. Rhea Shelters Kathryn Jane Van Inwagen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Van ln- wa s her accompanist. 41 I When sprjng actually came,· they had forgotten spring was near. They had seen the early flowers come and go ~ut the ·later flowers of May were only colorless buds and the weather cold, when the thought of spring passed out of their consciousness, because of sorrow. A week followed when they ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ y~e~ar~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ B·7 now, ttart paJmenta Sept. 1, 1118, and ··Joy Aatomatle heat eool ne· aln~r· . wl&b ao disadvantage to yo·r bank aeeo·nt. lUI 811ermaa An. Greealeat 7M A spring event of particular interest was the garden party given at the home of Mrs. Leo Perron, 848 Tower road, Winnetka, on WednesdaY, afternp9n, May 23, in honor of the graduating class at the Chicago Teachers' college. North shore alumnae members of the noted Training school were hostesses. They included Miss Belle Pardee, president of the Alumnae association._ and a representative group of prominent north shore residents. Among the guest's of honor at the affair were Miss Florence E. Hansen, Miss Aina Brounander, Mrs. Floramay Dr. and Mn. Frank Cheeseman are W. Bonsfield, Miss Helen ·Marie motoring East early in June to witnes s. Cu_rrier, Miss Frances Fogarty, Miss the commencement at Brown universi- Anna Mills, Miss Carol Mills, Miss ty. Eugene Cheeseman graduates this , Evelyn Theune, Miss Ellen Oakes, -·-----Plastering Contractor Plain and Ornamental Plastering - Exterior Stucco Work a Specialty 1 115 · Fifteenth St. Phone Wll. 2151 wagen of 308 Seventeenth street. en~rs. Charles Harrison Smith of tht" tertained fifteen little friends last Saturday at a party in honor of her Orrington hotel, formerly of \Vitmettc. fourth birthday. is ill in the Evanston hospital. Travelers Checks and 2nd MORTGAGE LOANS We make loans for repairs, improvements, construction, refinancing or purchase of improved residential property. These loans can bt repaid in convenient monthly installmen.ts in r. %, or 3 years. Our represen~ative ~ill be pleased to give complete information. Office open unttl 8 o dock Saturday evenings. Letters of Credit are issued ·by us for your WILSHOR£ BOND &: MORTGAGE CO. 1150 Wilmette Ave., Village Theatre Bldg. Phone Wil. %1 81 ~flllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111llllllllllllllllllt111111111111111111111111111111111111111111UIIIIIIKK!! I Vacation Needs First Church of Christ, Scientist Tenth Street and Central Avenue Wilmette, Ill. . SUNDAY SERVICES 11 A. M. SERVICES Wednesday Testimonial Mttting-8 P. Sunday School Exercise g:45 A.M. i:==== M. I= ~= May 27, 1928 Subject: Ancient and Modern Necromancy, alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced · THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Wilmette Reading Room-1 1 6 J Wilmette Avenut HOURS: Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.; Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45 P.M.: Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Tht Biblt and Worka of Mary Baker Eddy and all oth« authoriztd Chri&tian &citnce Literature may bt read, borrowed or purchtJUd. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATI'I!ND THB CHUICH SERVICI!I AND VISrr THB RBADING llOOII I ······~~--·······lllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllll·-·~