- May 25, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE e d 2 r I · h f I'} I, c CaraNcme Face Powder THE SAFE Decoration Day \ \' e ha ,.c a nun1 her of holidays, but there is none like Decoration Day. /\s we stand on the ~ide lines, or tnarch in the parade, and see the fe\\· old n1en dressed in Blue a lt1n1p rises in our throats and otir breasts S\Yell out for thetn , God Hlcss Thetn. H O\\' proud " e are of thetn. 'they helped Scl\·e this glorious country for us. 'l'hen follO\\'ing after then1 con1e the boys in Kahki. \Ve 111ay be too tnoclest to shout a big "hooray," but \\'e feel like they did plenty for us and aga1n we say God Bless 'I'hen1. There is only one J)ecoration J)ay. so let us do our part. FOUN·TAIN FOR YOUR CHILDREN One of thr several tint s of Cara Xome Face Powder will blend with your comp lexion perfectly! And the pO\nl<:r \vill stav on until you want it off. · Fragrant with th r ent ran cing Cara Xomc pniumc. Introductory Box 25c \\"c han' a :-- mall size box oi Cara ~onH· powder worth douBle the price at which we are sell ing it. Trv one; if vo u like the powder ·b ring the s ~all box back to us and we v;ill allow you 25c for the purcha~ e of the regular box size. Everything that goes into the manufacture of our Fountain supplies must be wholesome, pure. and clean. Every glass or spoon must be hygienically clean. - ------ln?UG 5 TO~l Renneckar~s Phonn 28-29---../'Wilmette, Ulinoia n.,._,,,.. Renneckar's Wilmette, Illinois Only One Store-Central and Wilmette Aves. Gr~duattion Day . The First Thrill ina Girl's Life It is on1y fitting. th erefor e, that the occasion he commemorated by a gift that will be lasting in its sentimental appeal in years to come. SERVICE Our service cars are ready to take care of you in any emergency. We have a small car to deliver gas. oil. batteries and change tires. Our trouble truck. pictured above. will get your car out of trouble at any hour of the day or nighr. Call us to care for your car ailments. We have just received for this occasion some very depend~ble wrist watches 15 jewel movement, in 18 kt. white gold cases . . . . special for $22.50. Our famous Gruen watches from $35 up. ELC I~ \\.atches for Roys as lo\\' as $12.75 Flat Rates qn All Work Day and Night Service MILLER & MILLER 732 Twelfth St. Georg~ Wedding Gifts DOMINIC PAGLIARULO J ewe let f1 Optician 1166 Wilmeue Ave. 1 Phone Wil. 50 Leo Miller · , · · · c. Phone Wilmene ro6r Miller 6 years in the same location ;;·....,...·;·. :;>·. :; ·.... ·· :;;. :;·. :;·. :i·· ...,.. . ·;.:. ..~.·. ,·(;·........... ··i·· :t,·. :.:. :i·· .'('. :;·. ..... ········· ·.· ·.· ··················· · ·················· ··· ······