Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jun 1928, p. 32

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WILMETTE · ( _,l fE June 1, 1928 June Brings Its Usual Quota of North Shore _ Weddings Early June Weddings Holding Interest ·of North Shore Society .. BY JEAN TEN BROECK Prom · Chairman Jacoby-·Drake Wedding Is Prominent Social .Event The calendar is now torn off to June and its quo til of brides. We have been announcing the dates and plans for some of these weddings for the past week or two, but now as the day9 riraw ncar for the ceremonies we repeat the time and the place in resume. Saturda\' eYening, June 2, at St. Augustine\ Epi3copal church, at 8:30 o'clock-the marriage of Miss Winifred Fairchild Metzel, daughter of Mr. and ~~ r:;. Emil Beck Metze} of 307 Cumberland road, Kenilworth, to Ballard Van Horn Higbee, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. H. Higbee of 810 Lake avenue, will take place. The service will be read by Dr. Hubert Carleton, assisted hy the Rc~·. Frank Fitt of Highland Park. A reception at the Kenilworth club ,,·ill follow the ceremony. On Tuesday two \Yeddings will take place and in both instances the brideg room . are \Vilmettc 'men . Miss Euge nia ~f oore of Glencoe will become the brid e of Karl D. King, Jr., at the homr of her mother, Mrs . John ]. ~f oore. 440 Sheridan road, at 8 :30 o'Clock in the e,·ening. At 8 in the c,·cning- St. Chr\'sostom'3 church will he the. scene of· the wedding of Miss Da·le Klapproth. daughter of Frederick Klapproth of Chirago. and Curtis Rircl, son of Mr. and 'M rs. George H. Bird. The wedding reception will he held at the Blackstone. ~r iss Hazel Strand. daug-hter of Mr. and Mrs. ~els A. Strand of £yanston ha s chosen Saturday, June 9, as the day of her marriage to Edward Weher Tubh,;, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jefferson Tubhs of -1350 Greenwood a,·e nu~ . The . service, to ,he read at 4 o'clock, at the Georgian hotel. will he followed br a reception and dintH';.. The attendants will be Char 1ott e Loomis of Evanston maid of honor and Lois Martin of .Evanston, brides~ maio. Edson Sessions of Chicago will serve as best man and Frank Sherritt of Kenilworth will usher. ~[ r. and M n. E. A. Chri!;tiansen 0f the Linden Crest have issued invitations 'for the marriage of their daugh ter. Fae Lorine. to Leslie Harn- Huett man of \Vilmette. which will ta'ke place June 16. at 4 o'clock in the afternoon at Christ church. Winnetka. Miss Christiansen has chosen for her attendants, Miss Gladys White of Deere Park. who will he her maid of honor and Miss Charlotte Parks of Chicag0:· as bridesmaid . Royal Gunni son of Seattle will serve the f,!room as hest man and the ushers will include \\ ard Gret:n of Norwalk. \Conn., Arthur Haven · of Highland Park. Walter Stoffel of St. Louis, and Kendall Fisher of Park Ridge. Invitations have been issued for the coming marriage of Miss Phyllis Rnf and Claude Kel sey Saunders, on Saturday. June 16. in the Kenilworth Union church. Phyllis is the daughter of Mr . and ~f rs. Arthur \Villiam Ruf. A rece~tion will follow the wedding .·e n't('P at the home of Mr. and Mrs . Ruf. 236 Cumnor road . Entertains for Sister Mr . Arthur ~fc~fillan. 617 Linden avenue, entertained a group of friends at luncheon and bridge Thursday of last week at the Edgewater Beach hotel in honor of her 3ister, Mrs. E. \V. Meyer of Tyler, 'rexas. After a ten day visit here Mrs. Meyer left Monday for her home. . · One 9f th e charming weddings of the season and one frought with interest to Chicago and north hore society took place ' la st Saturday afternoon in the city, when Mi;s Mary Jacoby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Lawall J acohy of Chicago, ·became the bride of Lyman Manley Drake, Jr .. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman M. l)rakc of 933 Lake avenue, Wilmette. Dr,. Duncan Browne read the service at 4:30 o'clock in St. Jame s church, a.nd a reception was held immediately afterwards at the Ambassador Ea:-t. Roses and spring flowers were u ~c<l in tkcoration of the church and the rt.'Cl'ption room. Two unu s ual touche s were gi ,·en to the bride'.; costume. Old point lace worn by her grandmother on the occasion of her own wedding formed the cap to which the tulle veil was attach ed, and a band oi similar lace worn by Mrs. Jacoby at the time of hn marri age bordered th'c tulle. .r\atural ora nge blossoms which had been sent hY airplane from California by an aunt who was unable to attend the \n:dding, were \vorn at the shou ldl!r of the bridal gown of cream satin and ttillt:, and in the iolcls o f the sk irt. Bride's roses, lilie s of the valley and orchid::-. Miss Mildred 1Ielone of Wilmette in shower arrangement. iorml'd thl' i.i chairman of the freshman committee for the Commencement prom bouquet. Miss Laura- Jacoby, the maid of which the students of ~ational Kinho nor, and the bridesmaids, ~Ii s \\'in dergarten and Elementary college are ifred Smith, 11 iss Suzanne Kohl saat. holding at the SoHreign hotel SaturMiss Cynthia Kohlsaat, Miss Jean day evening, June 2. The affair is Logan. Miss Anna Katherine Hurd, given by the freshman, sophomore, and and }vl iss Edv~,o·ina Litsinger, wore robe junior classes in honor of the seniors ; de style gowns fashioned alike. That who are their guests on that evening. oi Miss J acohy was of pale blue chiffon, with small tulle ruffle s edged Garden. Club Invites with silver covering the skirt. A huge · F ho"· of blue moire ribbon wa s fastened U bltC to lower Show in front at the wai;t, with its st reamer·s Today, tomorrow, and Sunday, thL· . reaching the floor. The maid of honor Wilmette Garden club i.; giving thr wore a matching hat of horsehair and village public an opportunity to see, blue satin slippers. The frocks of the in part, what it is doing. Today from bridesmaids were of orchid pink, with 5 in the afternoon until 8 in the eve - hats and slippers to match. All of the ning the club is sharing with all·lovers bridal attendant carried pink roses and of flowers the displays of its spring larkspur. flower show to be held in 1[rs. Charles The bride's mother wore a gown of N. Hurlbut's garden at 715 Greenleaf blue and white chiffon and Mrs. Drake avenue. was in aquarmarine blue chiffon. On June 2 and 3. the gardens of the Keith Drake served his brother as club's members will be on view. A best man and Robert T. Drake, Nasmall white flag in front of the home thaniel H. Whitside, Jr., Horatio H. will indicate the gardens which are Chandler, Chartes M_ . French, Edward open. H. Yonk~rs, Jr. and Tom Kindel were ushers. Mr. Dra-ke and his bride are on a six weeks' wedding trip in the west, E nter:tain Bride-Elect are including Banff~. Lake Louise, During Next Few Weeks and Seattle, Vancouver, Victoria, and then Miss Helena Crews Bradford of California in their stops. Upon their \Vinnetka. who will he married on return they will reside in the Sheridan June 16. at the Union League club, Square apartment~, Sheridan square, to Garold Clairmont Jeni so n. is be- Evanston, while they are building a ing entertained bY several friends dur- hou. e in Glencoe. ing the next week or so. On ~lay 28 ~[iss Maurine Tatham is to lta\·e a bridge partv and shower Has Small Wedding Miss Ruthlea Harlan of 430 Sheridan for Miss Bradford at her ·home in Winnetka. ~r rs. C. F. Pearce, Jr., of road, Kenilworth, became the bride of Glencoe. will give a miscellaneous James E. Weber last Saturday evening shower for her on June 5. and on June at the home of her parents, Mr. and 9. ~1iss Estelle Farley of Kenilworth ~f rs . Edgar S. Harlan with just a fe"· will entt:rtain in her honor. relatives and intimat~ friends attendi~g. The service was read by candle ltght and was very impressive. Mr. On Westmoreland Calendar and Mrs. Weber will reside at 1125 Three events compose the social Davis street, Evanston. calendar at Westmoreland Countn· club for the month of June. Saturda~ Dr. 11nd Mrs. Amuel B. Spach of 228 evening, June 2, members and thei.r Leicester road, Kenilworth announce friends will have a dinner dance. The the engagement of their daughter dinner hour is 7 and dancing to the ~arian! to Paul deLargy. The wed~ strains of Bill Hay's orchestra will dmg wtll probably take place in Octocommence at 9. A buffet supper and her. Miss Spach is director of the pivQt bridge has been arranged for Winnetka Nursery school and M r Wednesday evening, June 13 and for deLa;gf is ~ member of the facultY \Vednesday evening, June 27.' the L.mvers1ty of Illinois. · Buccaneers, Club Opens Sea~on With Reception June " The Buccaneers m·e hm·dy m eHJ . They wem· thick leath e1· b1·ccc lr cs ... 2 Tomorrow ·afternoon the wives of these hardy men engage in the peaceful duty of pouring tea on board the "Port of Missing Men," the club ship of the Buccaneers' club in Wilmette harbor; the flags go up to the mastheads, and the club is officially declared open for its eighth season. The board of governors are the hosts of the occasion. They are: Godfrey H . Atkin, president; Lificoln K. Hall, vice-president; Warren Crawford, treasurer; Charles Donaldson, secretary; Richard Bull, fleet captain, and Langdon Pearse, Arthur Sullivan, ~ and Eugene Rummier, directors. The Caravel sa_ nk a few years ago, hut she was raised and the club appears to have overcome that misfortune and to be prospering by reasol'. of its unique design and the opportunity it affords to the members and their friends for indulge11ce in vario us aquatic sports and the use of it5 unu sually attractive cafe facilities on its cool decks during the hot summer weather. The ship is a great favorite with the amateur photographer and it is said she is the most "snap- shotted" vessel in :\merica. \.. Catholic League Luncheon Will Be Given on June 19 The annual luncheon o i the Xortll Shor.e Catholic Woman's league will'lll' held at the new Columbian Country club at Wheeling on Tuesday, Jun e 1~. at 12:30 o'clock. This luncheon had predously been announced as taking place oq June 5, but the country club is just opening. in fact the league luncheon is to be the first entertain ment of jts kind to be held at th·; club. and it .Proved impossible to get thin~s in readiness to permit the luncheon to be held as early as June 5. Following the luncheon there will be cards, bridge. five hundred and bunco, with unusually attracti\'e prizes. Reservations should be sei1t immediately to Mrs. L. J. Hillman, 353 Park avenue, Glencoe, it is announced. The Columbian Country club is located. on Milwaukc;e avenue, one mile north of Dundee road on the west side of the road. It is expected that the majority of the guests will drive their own cars but the Columbian motor bus will be able to meet thoie taking the North Shore Electric. This bus service will, of necessity, be limited, so any one wishing to avail herself of this means of transportation is asked to communicate with Mrs. Hillman as soon as possible. Mrs. William Schildgen of Evanston is president of the organization and Mrs. R. D . .Hessey of Highland Park is program chairman. Mrs. L. ]. Hillman is luncheon eh~irman. P Issue Cards for Tea Mr. and Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart have issued invitations for a tea on Wednesday, June 6, from 4 to 7 o'clock, at their residence, 206 Cumberland road, Kenilworth. Receiving with them will be their daughters, Miss Charlotte Capen Eckhart and Miss Marion West Eckhart. Miss Eleanor Stevens is to be hostess at her home, "The Meadows" in Highland Park, Saturday, June 2, at a 1 o'clock picnic for the Chicago Smith C o!lege club. at

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