Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jun 1928, p. 41

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lune .1, 1~ WILMETTE L·IFE GUESTS IN VILLAGE 41 Mich., where they will visit until the firs~ of next. week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. Young of 218 Dupee place have as guests Mr-,. Young's um;le and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Lund of Omaha, Neb. The Youngs Results of the Women's Playground Plans for the festival to be held on ~all games for the second week of play and Lunds left Wilmette on 'Wednesthe grounds of the St. Francis hospital m the Playground and Recreation board day morning for Benton Harbor, June 16 under .the direction of the St. league are: (!).) 8 Diamonds (7) Francis Hospital Foundation are as- Horsefeathers Peggy Betrs Leona Hoffman suming very definite shape during Vernette Lewis Dorothy Schinler these last few weeks before the event. Elizabeth Nelson Blanche KeU Alma Muehlberg Bernie ~ Ludlow The chairmen of the committees with EHzabeth Thorsen Helen Deinlein their various members and every mem- Rosaline Mills Martha Peters ··· see many of Europe's most ber of the executive board of the Gladys Fehlen M:argueri~e Bleser Elinor Hardt famoua events ··· acape heat 1\-hry Koza Foundation are working steadily for ~fercedes \.Vatt and crowded travel ··· by the success of this big affair. Hel en J ans, umpire booking now for an after~ Cliquots (1) The personnel of all the committees Hoodlums (6) mer Empreu or CabiiHbip Kathleen Kalmes Margaret Hicks or groups has not as yet been made Elsie Path·rson Lorrain·~ Jannes sailinl· Fares almoet ~ lower, public but it is announced that Mrs. Florence Clifford Ann;t Fiegan first claae; Cabin and Tourist Elinor Clifford Gertrude Meyer George Ludwig of Evanston is workEthel Rosberg Angela Meier Third Cabin in propordon. ing with a group of Wilmette women Eleanor Ke enor Eleanor Phillips Sailings by the short, beautiful who are making twenty quilts to be Helen Braun Jane Krier St. Lawrence "water-bouleLois Miller so1d. Mrs. Ludwig also is in charg~ Clara Udell Elizabe\h Bleser vard," to all important porta. of all the merchandise booths and has Ruby Jannes And early boeken take the · given assurance that everything sold Eleanor Phillips Blanchard, umpire best cabins! will be worthwhile and priced within Skinners Ray (14) O'Kays (26) · reason. Mrs. S. C. ·warden Emma Hicks Mrs. L. F. Todd Dorothy Smith Mrs. F. W. Lenfestey is to have Mrs. C. B. De Vinny ~fargaret De 1\farco charge of the arrangements for the .Toe Skidmore Gretchen Miller Mary Hoffman continuous cafeteria luncheon to be ~rrs. D. M. Davis Mrs. Louis Stein ClementiP.e Antonio served on the grounds. Elizabeth Hoffman Marcella Kummer Various groups from other. organiza- Anna Brownlee Betty Barry D. P. Skaer, umpire tions along the north shore, aside from the Foundation. will also hcln NEW BUYER with the Festival. The Kni g ht s of Miss C. E. Herman has come from Columbus are to take charge of a State street, Chicago, to take a pos ihooth and groups of ' Boy ScouH will manage games of · Quoit' and horse- tion with Ro se nberg's, Davi 3 street, shoes on the grounds . There \\'ill he E\·anston a s buyer oi women's apparel. a kindergarten for the ven· voung Miss Herman succeeds :M rs. Faye children and also for tho se of ree-t1b r Barkley, · and promises a complete kin<ierP'arten ae-r. conducted hv rrirls se lection o i th e newe st fashions at all from National Kindergart e n and El - times. Hospital Festival ·s et for June J-6 to Have Many Features Women's Athletics -oMr. and Mrs. Samuel Moore of 704 ' Laurel avenue have as their house guests, Mrs. Samuel Horner and Cathe~ine Ann, of Nebraska. Pay less lor the same1 accommodatioas in the golden · · autumn mentarv collrge, so that m ot her" mav he> fre·; to pl<t~· hridP'P in th" 1\ urses' Home. shop at th<' different hooths or witne'" somr of th<' nlaYirts whirh "·ill be lli;en h~· vario11' Drama J!rouns. Proreed " from the affair arr to lw tlSe(l for th ,.. <".:nc>n ~ of outfittin!! ~nrl orcratinrr th" f'merrvrnn· rooms whirh "·ere recently opcnc1l. Frank A. Meter of 114 Fourth street left Wilmette last Sunday .for New York where he is attending the annual music convention . He expects to return in two weeks. R. S. F.L WORTHY Steamship General Agent, 71 .E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111., Telt'phone Wnbnsh 190J or any lo<'nl F'lteamshfp Agent. For frf.'ight 8J)ply to W. A. Klttermaster, G. W. F. A., The Rookery, Chicago. · World'· Greateat Travel SyateiD Carry Canadian Pacific Express Travellers Cheques - Good the World Over Frances Kerns to Speak at Young Mother's Club The Younrr ~!other s ' club expects to have· an exe;tiona.tly interesting meeting next ~f on day e\·ening at the ho~n c of ~f rs. Arthur C. Youngberg_. bO.i Lake avenue. l\fiss Frances Kern s. who is at the head of the ~nr ~e:y . chool at ~ational Kindergarten and Elementarv collegr, is to he the speakrr and he~ subject will he "The Nurserv School Child." The topic is an ideal one for the cl11h :- ince it is organized to stnd~· the proble-ms of children of just this age and '\[iss Krrns talks with authority on her .;;uhiect. Th. e Young ~f others' club was organized ahout two years ago and ha s an ever-changing and increasingly acth·c memhership. Any mother of a child of pre-school age is eligible an~l may remain a member of the club tm1tl her child enters school. New memhe.·-; voted nnon and taken in la<;t month were ~·frs. Earl Lvon and ~{rs. Pa:1l Drehes of Wilmette. ~'f r". F. L. L;uson, 731 Tenth ~treet. and \frs. T. J . \Valwprth. 1531 Stwncer avenue. '".ill assist Mrs. Younghrrg as hostess_c s next ~if'onday evening. FUEL MONEY goes furthest NOW Ourr.uarantee· Wedem~nstrat~to ';/ · your sattsfacuon that it is to your advantage to heat your home with this fuel or it 'is removed at our expense and your money refunded. Order Today at Reduced Summer Prices ~ EDINGER & SONS . 1301 Lake St., Wilmette, Ill. Phone Wilmette 642 KUITEN BROTHERS 711 Main St., Wilmette, Ill. Phone Wilmette 1 Genuine ENJOY N. T. BANQUET The Public Sl)eaking- han(Juet held at New Trier la~t Tuesdav evening h~,r the members of the Public Speakinf! classes was much enjo~·erl by ·all who attended. After dinner speeches anrl danrin!J afforded the evening's entr~ tainmeJlt. Members of the G. S. bridge clnh were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Curran, .41.1 Gregory avenue', last Sunday evemn ,..., After hridge luncheon was ser\red.

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