Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jun 1928, p. 1

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WILMETT 'E ·l VOL.XVII.N0.36 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, JUNE 1, 1928 Published weekly by Llot~d Hollister Inc., .UU-1!!6 Central Ave., Wilmette, Illinois. Bnterea as second class matter March 13, 19U, at the post of/ice at Wilmette, IIUncris, ·nder the Act of March !, 1819. SubscripUon price U.OO a 11ear. LI F E PRICE FIVE CENTS 1600 WILMEnE PUP[S Kenilworth Voters Ballot on Land APPEAR IN FIELD DAY to Purchases Monda}' Public School Physical Education Deparbnent in Big Demonstration Tuesday Beginning with a huge parade, in which the 1600 children of the public schools will participate, the ann u 1 1 Public school Held day will get under way at 9 :30 o'clock Tuesday, June 5, at Vattman park. There will be no classes that day and the en tire day will be given over to the program, the Physical Education · dem ons tration being 111 the morning and the annual track and field meet in the afternoon. The field meet will be held at the Village Green and is to begin at 1 o'clock. En.t ries were due ·in the office of Daniel M. Davis, director of Recreation, last Tuesday noon. Teachers and children are requested to asse mble at Vattman park at 9 o'clock at that morning to be ready for th e program at 9 :30 o'clock. Folk dances, danced in the native peasant costumes of five European countries, marching drills, wand drills, pyramid s.! organized games and other important phases of the physical training_ progra111 employed in the schools; will be demon strated. The complete program foiiO\vs: The Program Grand March · Flr~t grades: Thorne Ro~a . '.' Hkkory, Dickory, Dock . .. Shoemaker's (l:lnce . . . . . ... Rou·nd and Round the Village Second grades: Lads and Las~i t>s, Deedle Deedle Dumpling, Looby Loo Third grades: Jolly Is th e Miller, Pop Goe~ the Weasel, Dani~-:h Danee of Greeting Fourth gradel'1: Captain .Jinks Fifth gratles: Wand drill Sixth grac'l e girls: Tarantella Sixth grade hoys: Marching drill Reventh grade boyA: Military rna rch ing· a nc1 forma 1 lt~sso n Seventh grade girls: Dumb bell drill Eighth grade boy~-:: Games (Stolp) Pyramids (Howard) Eighth grade girls: Tra('k F.nnt.s To be f'ligible to participate in the track meet in the aftt>rnoon each puptl must conform to on e of tlw following age division~: F'irst gr::tde- und er 7 year~ old on F ebruary 1, 1928. ~econd graclf'- under S yt->a rs ol<l on February 1, 1928. Third grade-under !) years old on February J, 1928. Fourth grade-under 10 YE'ars old or1 February t, 1928. Fifth grade- under 11 yea rs old on February 1, 1928. . , Sixth grade- under 12 years old on February 1. 1928. ~eventh grnde- undt>r 13 years oM on February 1, 1928. Eighth gradf'--Open. Note-If any boy or girl is over age he must compete with the grade above him. The program of event~ wi1.1 be: 1 Standing Broad Jump- G1rls and Boy~ -3rd 4th. 5th grades. 1 Runn'ing Broad Jump-Gir1R and Boys -6th. 7th. 8th grades. 1 :30 8-lb. Shot Put-Boys-7th and 8th grades. 1 :30 Running High Jump-GirlA and Boys-7th and 8th grades. 2 40 Yard Dash-BoyR and Girls-l::~t, 2nd 3rd, 4h. 5th grades. 2 :15 5o Yard Dash-BoyR nnd Girls- 6th, 7th, 8th grades. · 2 :30 Team Race. Irish Lilt HOLD SCOUT PARLEY Wilmette Boy Scout Leaders Hold Dinner and Conference at Congregational Church Next Monday APPROVE BIG SCHOOL EXPANSION PROGRAM Civic Luncheon Club Adopts Resolutions Favoring Enlargement of Facilities A re solut.ion enthusiastically endorsing the plans of the Wilmette School board for the erection of an addition to the Howard school; recommending a similar enlargement of the facilities of the Central school and the issuing of school bonds to ~over the cost of the building program, was unanimously adopted by the members of the Wilmette Civic Luncheon club at a meeting Friday~ May 25, at the University club in Chicago. The resolution, which was passed following brief talk.s by Supt. ]. R. Harper and Ralph H. Durham, member of the school board. on the increasing enrollment and the present and future needs of the school system, added greatly to the widespread interest ;n the project and gave material impetus to the circulation of petitions for a special election to be held sometime in Jtine, at which the voters in the sch<;>ol district would be given an opportumty to formally approve · the issuing of the bonds. The Resolution The resolution follows: "Resolved: by the Civic Luncheon club of Wilmette that it approves the plan of the Board of Education of W i 1m e t t e (school district number 39) to issue one hundred and ten thousand dollars ($110,000) of school bonds for constructing four additional schoolrooms and an auditorium at the Howard school to care for . present needs and estimated growth during the next four to five years, and recommend to the Board of Education the issue of such additional sum in bonds as will enable . the Board of Education to erect an auditorium at Central school." Plan Howard Expansion The new addition to the Howard school would consist of an auditorium unit with two class rooms on each side and would balance on the north the gymnasium unit recently .erect~d. on the south side of the mam bUJldm~. It would form an integral part of the school structure, being built as a wing of the main building. Two factors indicating the need for the Howard . structure were outlined by Mr. Harper and Mr. Durham. Charts based on a careful and authentic s'chooi census, figures compiled hv the Illinois Bell Telephone company a~d other data. were presented by Mr. Durham, showing the general need for additional class rooms and the probable specific needs during the coming three or four vears. The charts demonstrated that -the enrollment in the Howard school is increasing at the rate of about one room each year, the school census of children ·under six years of age clearly indicating that the new oupils ·will increase the registration at tnat rate. Within the next three or four years. Mr. Durham explained, the schoQ.1 wilt require facilities to take care of three rooms to each grade, or twenty-seven room~ in all. An auditorium. Mr. Harper pointed (Continued on Page 9) Kenilworth voters will go to the polls next Monday to vote on the Wilmette Boy Scout leaders are to proposed issuing of four percent bonds to cover the cost of purchasing two meet at their annual dinner and con tracts of land between West Railroad ference Monday evening, June 4, in avenue and Kenilwort.h Community the dining parlors of the First ConDevelopment subdivision, one to the gregational church at 6:45 o'clock. south and the other to the north of The meeting will be attended by all Cove -ntry road extended and both Scoutmasters, assistant Scoutmasters, created by the ordinance passed re- Junior assisSant Scoutmasters, and ently carrying Coventry road through troop committ~emen. The committee from the west to the railroad. The in charge of arrangements is comprised election will be held in conjunction of Frank A. Wilson, chairman; Dr. W. with the County election in which w. Hawkins, Rev. William E. Mejudges for the Superior court will be Cormack, Lester F. Ball, D. X. Leach, elected. The polling place will be the Frank Reynolds, J. G. Seyfried, Harry Village hall. W . L oc h ner, C. E Pa1 ~. mer, F ran k J . Condemnation proceedings for the Kreusch, Francis Ryan, L. E. Simmel, taking of the two tracts for Village and L. F. Todd. purposes, th~ south tract for a village Discussion subjects at the conferhall site and north tract as a site for a ences have been announced as follow s: fire station, have been instituted by A compar·ative report of \Vilmette the board. The cost of the properties troops, number of Scouts, patrol s, will be determined by the court in the ranks, etc., by D. C. Leach, Wilmette condemnation proceedings and in order Scout commissioner. to provide ample funds for their What tlie Court of Honor is trying purchase the board has passed ordin- to accomplish-by ]. R. Harper, chairances for issuing a total of $111,000 in man, Wilmette Court of Honor. bonds. The work of an effective troop comA letter, signed by a group of thirty mittee (4-minute statements by repreprominent residents and outlining the : sentatives of various troops) advantages of purch< si ng th~ sites and (a) The job of the general chairman, urging the voters to approve the project, by representative of Troop 8. is being mailed to all voters this week. (b) The job of the Educational MeulIt is urged that the two sites are her, ~Y representative of Troop 10. centrally located and are considered (c) The JOb of th.e Outdoor Member, the most suitable of any available in by representative of Troop 6. the Village for the purposes for which (d) The Job. of the secretary, treasurer, they would be purcha~ed. It is also a.nd thnft member, by representapoi!":)ted out that the Kenilworth Realty tive ~f Troop 9. . . association is the owner of a consider- (e) The JOb of the Commumty Serv~ce able portion of each tract, worth over advisor member, by representative $22,000, which they have agreed to of Troop 2. , donate, thus materially reducing the A forward look to our ~ext years cost. program-by Scout Executive Walter McPeek. The evening's program will be conHoyt King to Speak at ·eluded with stunts put on by variot1S "Riley· Evening" June 2 Wilm.e tte Scout troops. Hoyt King, 711 Forest avenue, Wilmette1 is to be the principal speaker at "An Evening of James Whitcomb Riley," to be held in connection with the Fellowship Club dinner at the Central Y. M. C. A., Chicag9, Saturday evening, June 2, at 7 o'clock. Miss Callie Jeanne Stillson will have charge . of the program. Miss Warford · will give several vocal selections. Dr. H. G. Smith Returns From Methodist Sessions Dr. Horace G. Smith, pastor of the Wilmette Parish Methodist church, has returned from the sessions of the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal denomination held in K~nsas City during May. He will resume his pulpit Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock service. Dr. Smith was a delegate to the conference from the Chicago area and served on several important committees. Next Week! THE REAL ESTATE SECTION of WILMETTE LIFE Watch for it! P. T.A. MEETS TODAY The Parent-Teacher association of St. Francis Xavier school will meet this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Brother Elzear is the invited speaker. A large attendance is urged. Mothers of seventh grade _pupils will be hostesses.

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