Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jun 1928, p. 50

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50 NOTICE WlLMETTE LIFE 1une 1, 1928 er's petition, or object to the · report and feet to the north line of said Lot Eight the pavement at · the southeast corner assessment roll of the Commissioners (8) : thence east along the north line of of Glendening Road and Coventry Road aforesaid, the same and the matters said Lot Eight (8), twenty and ninety- and along the south line of the pavement VILLAGE OF KENfLWOBTH to the in said Coventry Road as opened, where and things therein charged and stated four hundredths (20.94) feet, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK will be taken as confessed, and a judg- northeast corner of said Lot Eight (8); said pavement widens to form a double ment entered in accordance with the thence southeasterly along the north- roadway connection ~o the present paveCOUNTY, ILLINOIS. said report and assessment roll, and the easterly lines of said Lots Eight (8.) and ment in West Railroad A venue ; the Nine (9), one hundred forty-eight and radii of the back of sald curb shall be prayer of said petition: GENERAL NUMBER f'i'HOt. The following is a description of said eighty-five hundredths (148.85) feet to the one hundred (100) feet at the northwest NOTICE OF PROCEEDINGS· FOR A improvement, and includes a descrip- southeast corner of said Lot Nine (9); corner of Coventry Road and GlendenLOCAL 1!\1 PROVEl\fEl\T"T for the widen- tion of the lots, blocks, tracts and par- thence west along the south line of said ing Road, and at the intersection on the ing, opening and extending of Coventry cels of land sought to be taken or dam- Lot Nine ·(9), three hundred eighty-three west ·line of the pavement in West Railand eight-tenths (383.8) feet to the south- road Avenue and the pavement in the Road and the approaches thereto, con- aged for the said improvement: sist ing of the opening of Coventry Road That a lo~l improvement consisting west corner of said Lot Nine (9); thence said proposed 16th Street ; the radius whit-h shall be opened from Glendening of the widening, opening and ex tending north along the west ·unes of said Lots of the back of said curb shall be sixteen Road and Coventry Road in a north- of Coventry Road and the approaches Nine (9) and Eight (8}, one hundred (16) feet at the said island in Coventry easterly dil'ection to West Railroad Ave- thereto shall be made consisting of the twenty-five (125) feet, to the northwest Road as opened west of West Railroad nue, including also a thoroughfare to opening of Coventry Road which shall corner of said Lot Eight (8) ; thence A venue ; the radius at the back of said be known as Ashland Avenue, which be opened from Glendening Road and east along the north line of said Lot curb shall be twelve (12) feet at the ninety-nine north end, and the radius of the back shall be opened from Glendening Road Coventry Road in a northeasterly di- Eight (8), sixty-one and east along the south boundary of the r ection to W est Railroad Avenue, in- hundredths (61.99) feet to the point of of said curb shall be twenty-three (23) buildings feet at the south end of the said island Village of Kenilworth to West Railroad cl uding also a thoroughfare to be known beginning, together with all Avt>nue, Including also a thoroughfare as Ashland Avenue, which shall be and other structures 'located thereon; all north of the intersection of Ashland to be known as Sixteenth Street, wJlich opened from Glendening Road East of the above described lots, tracts and Avenue and West Railroad Avenue; the !'hall be opened from the above de- along the south boundary line of the parcels of land being in Block Thirty- radii of the back of said curb shall be scribed Ashland A venue, as herei n pro- Village of Kenilworth to West Railroad six (36), Kenilworth, being a subdivision thirty ( 30) feet at the northeast corner \"lded to be opened, at its connection with A venue, including also a thoroughfare of that part of the North Fifteen (15) of Ashland Avenue and Glendening· Sixteenth Street in Wilmette north to to be known as Sixteenth Street, which Acres of the Northeast Quarter of the Road, at the northwest corner of Ash- · West Railroad Avenue, by condemning shall be opened from the above de- Southeast Quarter of Section Twenty- land A venue and the said proposed 16th therefor tht> nec>e~!'<ary land, and that scribed Ashland Avenue, as herein pro- eight (28) in Township Forty-two (42) Street, at the southwest and northwest when so widened, opened and extended vided to be opened, at its co nnection North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the .corners of Coventry Road and West by impro,·ing the same togeth er with Sixteenth Street in ' Vilmette north Third Principal Meridian, that lies Railroad Avenue, all within the Village · with Glendeni ng Road from Southdean to West Railroad avenue; and that, for southwesterly of a line drawn parallel of Kenilworth, County of Cook and State Road north to Coventry Road, by con- the purposes thereof, the following de- with and fifty (50) feet southwesterly of Illinois. All of the hereinabove d estructing therein a concrete . pavement, sc ribed tracts, pieces and parcels of from the southwesterly line of the right scribed improvement is more fullv and curbing and otherwise improving land be acquired by cond emnation of way of the Chicago and Northwestern shown and set forth upon certain plates the sa r~. a ll within the Village of thereof: Railway, and south of a line drawn ~r drawings showing plans, elevations Kenilworfh, County of Cook and State TRACT NUMBER 1. parallel with and thirty-three (33) feet and details, which are made a p~rt hereof Illinois. That part of Lot Three (3) lying east- south of the north line of said Fifteen of and marked "Plate I", "Plate II" erly of a s 1 raight line drawn from the (15) Acres, according to the plat of said and "Plate III", which plates are on Block Thirty-six (36) recorded in the file in the office of the Village Clerk at I~ TJIE srPEUIOH COURT Ol' COOK northeast corner of said lot, southwesterly to a paint in the south line of said office of the R ecorder of C'ook County, the Village · Office of the Village ' of COUNTY, ILLINOIS. lot, one hundred twe lve and forty-four Illinois, on the twenty-ni nth d ay of Oc- Kenilworth, Cook County, Illinois. The hundredths ( 112.44) feet east of the tober, A. D. 1918, in Book 155 of Plats said plates are hereby made a part GE~ERAL NUl'lBER 4?7106. southwest corner of said lot, together at Page 20, as Document Number 6413152. hereof with the same force and effect as with all buildings a nd other structures That said tracts of land, when so ac- if the same were set out in words and STATE OF ILJ...INn iS, J ss located thereon ; quired, and said streets above d escribed figures herein. COUNTY OF' COOK, l ' 1'RACT NUMBER 2. The elevations of the finished grade as so widened, opened and extended, VILLAGE OF KENILWORTH. That part of Lot Four ( 4) lying east- and also Glendening Road from South- as shown on the plates attached a r e A munic ipal corporation, erly of a straight line draw n from a \'S. d ean Road north to Coventry Road, in- given in feet and decimal parts of a CHARLES ALFRED THORSEN, CH I- point in the north line of sa id lot, one cluding all street r eturns, shal1 be im- foot above the established datum of the hundred twelve and fourty-four hundCAGO TITLE AND TRUST rO:\£PAXY proved by the construction of a one Village of Kenilworth. AS TRl.STEE UXDER TRUST X U:\J~ redths (112.44) feet east of the northwest course r ei nforced co ncr ete 11avement and The word "Parkway," wherever used BER 11 :l5 1, AXEL OLSON JULIA E. corner of said lot, southwesterly to a curbing, by grading, grubbing, excavat- herein, shall mean the space on each :\f<'KEXXA, J. E. CLARK' AND ALL point in the south line of said lot, ninety- ing and preparing the s ubgrade, grad- side of the proposed pavement, herein one and fifty-one hundredths (91.51) feet ing and hand raking the parkways, re- provided to be constructed, extending 'VHO:\l IT :\[A Y CONCERN. THE Sl: PERIOR COURT OF COOK east of the southwest corner of said movmg . ex isting sidewalks, old curbing, from the back of the curb to the propCOUNTY, ILJ...INOIS, by order duly en- lot, together with all buildings and obstructiOns, and old materials in the erty line. tered in the above entitled proceedings other structures located thereon ; way of the proposed improvement, con\Vher evt- r the term "s ub-grade" is having directed that as to ·such de fend~ TRAC't NUMBER 3. structing concr ete catchbasins con- here in u sed, it shall mean the foundation That ' part of Lot Five (5) lying eastants as are shown by· the affidavit filed stru cting concr ete manhole catchbasins which is to be prepared as her ein aftt'r in sai d proceedings to be non- residents erly of a straight line drawn from a <·onnecting . catch basins and manhol ~ :~ p ec ifie d, upon which the pavement and '>f the State oC Illinois, or whose r esi- point in the north line of .said lot, ninety- catchbasins to sewers, constru cting tile the integral curb are to be eonstrueted. one and fifty-one hundredths (91.51) fe et d~nces are shown thereby to be unpipe drains, constructing and a djusting Wherever the term "roadway" is u~t:"d known , and the defendants designated east of the northwest corner of said lot, CO f! <.: r ete s idewalk approa h es, adjusting her ein, it shall m ean that portion of tlw southwesterly to a point in the south as "All whom It may concern," the brick pavement connectio ns, adjusting street where th e pavement is to be conClerk of said Court cause publi cat ion line of said lot, forty-one and eighty- n~anhol e and c.atchbas in covers, gruband shall extend from back to to bf' made in the Wilmette Life, a secu- s ix hundredths (41.86) feet east of the bm.g and r.emovmg trees, relocating and structed, of curbs. lar nE> wspap<' r published we klv in the southwest corn er of Mid lot, together adJusting electric light standaras and back Whereve r the word "grade" a lone b Village of Wilmette, Cook Cou-nty Illi- with all buildings and other st ructures cab l ~s. a djus ting manhol es, constructing herein used, it shall m ean slope of nois, containing notice of the foll~wlng located thereon ; curbmg, r emoving existing buildings and gradient. matters : TRACT NUMBER 4. other structures, r epairi ng ex isting imWherever the word "elevation" is h ert·NoticE> is hereby glYen of the pendThat part of Lot Six (6) lying easter- prov. m e nts. where damaged, filling and ency of the above entitled proceedings ly c f a straight line drawn from a point flushmg fil1111g, r emoving all rubbish and in u sed, it ~;hall mean di stance in a instituted by the petition of the Village in the north line of said lot, forty-one s urplus excavated materials, cleaning, vertical line above the established datum Kenilworth as h ereinafter described. of Kenilworth, heretofore filed in the and eighty-six hundredths ( 41.86) feet curmg and protecting said proposed ofWherever the word "engineer" is hereSuperior Court of Cook County, Illinois, east of the northwest corner of said pa Yement, and protect ing ex isting imin used, it shall mean the per·son, firm dt>signated General Number 477106 in lot, southwesterly to the southwest cor- provements and trees. said rourt, praying for · the ascertain- ner of said lot, and westerly of a The ~oncrete pavement for said pro· or corporation employed by the Board of ment of the just compensation to be straight line drawn from a point in the posed Im.tJroYement shall be seven (7) Local !mprovements to perform engineermadP for the private property to be tak- north line of said lot, one hundred forty- ~nches thick throughout its entire width ing services in connection with said improvement. ~n or damaged for the making of the fiv e and seventy-two hundredths (145.72) 111 Glendening Road, Ashland Avenue The said Board of Local Improvements Jmpro,·ement hereinafter described, and feet east of the northwest corner of said ?-nd 16th . Street, and shall be ten (10) for the ascertainment of what property lot, southwesterly to a point in the south mches thick at the intersection of shall cause the Engineer to set proper will be benefited by the making of said line of said lot, one hundred three and Coventry Road, Ashland A venue and stakes, make measurements, and mark improYement, and the amount of such eighty-six hundreds (103.86) feet east of Glendening Road, and shall be te~ (10) grades herein provided and perform th e benefit. the southwest corner of said lot, to- inches thick In Coventry Road, as ex· engineering services required for the conThe Commissioners duly appointed by gether with all buildings and other struc- tended to West Railroad Avenue. struction of the improveme_ nt herein prothe said Superior Court of Cook County tures located thereon; The overall width of said pavement vided to be constructed. Illinois, to investigate and report th~ TRACT NUMBER 5. Wherever the words "finished grade" and curb in Glendening Road and Ashjust compensation to be made for the That part of Lot Seven (7) lying west- !and A venue shall be eleven feet six or "established grade" are herein u sed, private property to be taken or damaged erly of a straight line drawn from a mches (11'-6") ; the width of said pave- they shall mean the elevation above for said improvement, and also what point in the north line of said lot, onE> ment in 16th Street shall be twenty- datum as hereinbefore described, of that real estate will be benefited by said im- hundred three and eighty-six hundredth3 three ~23) feet; the width of said pave- portion of the improvement specifically provement, and the amount of such (103.86) feet east of the northwest cor- men.t m .Glendening Road at its inter- referred to. benefit to each parcel of land assessed, ner of said lot, southwesterly to a point sectiOn With Coventry Road and Ashland Wherever the word "diameter" of a duly made a special assessment to raise in the south line of said lot, sixty-one Avenue, exclusive of the curb, shall be drain tile or catchbasin is herein used, it the cost of said improvement, and filed and ninety-nine hundredths (61.99) feE:t fifty-three (53) feet; and the width of shall mean internal diameter, and whertheir said report and assessment roll In east of the southwest corner of said lot, said pavement in Coventry Road as ex- ever a pipe is referred to as an etght (8) the office of the Clerk of the Superior together with all buildings and oth0r tended, shall be forty ( 40) feet between inch pipe, the dimensions in inches shall Court of Cook County, Illinois, on the structures located thereon ; faces of the curb, except at curb cor- mean diameter. thirty-first day of May, A. D. 1928. TRACT NUMBER 6. The term "tile pipe drain" and "storm ners and Island hereinafter provided for Thereupon a summons issued out of That part of Lot Seven (7) lying east w!tere said proposed pavement shall be sewer·· are herein used interchangeably. said Court against the defendants above of a line drawn parallel with and two ~Idened along curved line to form con· All elevations given are referred to the named, and the defendants described as hundred eighty-three (283) feet east of tmuous pavement connections datum of the Village of Kenilworth as "All whom it may conc·ern," returnable the west line of said lot, together with Along the westerly edgt> ~f the pro- established by the Village Code of 1919. in said Court at the County Court House all buildings and other structures lo- posed pavement in Glendening Road The grading of the roadways and parkIn the City of Chicago, County of Cook cated thereon : alo~g the . north edge of the proposed ways herein provided to be constructed, and State of Illinois, on the second day TRACT NUMBER 7. PM ement m Ashland A venue, and along ~hall consist of the excavation, forming of July, A. D. 1928, as Is by law reThose portions of Lots Eight (8) and quired, which proceeding is now pend- Xine (9) described as follows: Beginning the east ar;td west edges of the proposed of fills, shaping, sloping, cleaning, grubpavement m 16th Street, there shall be bing and removal of all shrubs and trees Ing. at a point in the north line of said Lot co!1structed on top of and integral with less than seven (7) inches in diameter, Tht> total cost of said improvement, as Eight · (8) sixty-one and ninety-nine l ines of the proposed paveshown by the estimate of the President hundredths (61.99) feet east of the north- satd prop.osed pa":ement, a concrete curb within the _ five {5) mches high and six (6) inches ment and within three (3) feet outside of of the Board of Local Improvements of west corner of said lot; thence south- thick. l'laid lines, rolling and compacting necesthe Vtllage of Kenilworth, and the re- westerly in a straight line, forty-five and Alone the easterly edge of said pro- sary to bring the roadways and parkways port and assessment roll of said Com- twenty-six hundredth~ ( 45.26) ft>et. to posed fl.fty-three (53) foot pavement in to the proper elevation and lines promissioners, Is the sum of One Hundred a point thirty-three (33) feet east of the Forty-two Thousand, Five Hundred west line of said lot, as measured on a Glendemng Road, and along both edges vided herein as shown on said plates Eighty Dollars and no cents ($142,580.00), llne parallel with the south line of said ?f the propo!:;ed forty ( 40) foot pavement numbered 2 and 3. The roadway to be paved, as herein and the total amount assessed to the lot, and fifteen and fourteen hundredths 111 Coventry Road, as extended, and public as benefits therein is no dollars (15.14) feet north of the south line of said around the island thirty-two (32) feet in provided, shall be so graded that after diameter, which shall be constructed at being . rolled with a self-propelling roller and no cents ($0.00), lot, as measured on a line parallel with Now, unless you, such defendants as the west llne of said lot ; thence south, the ea~terly end of said vroposed pave- weighing not less than four (4) tons nor are shown by the af'tldavit filed in said parallel with and thirty.three (33) feet ment m Coventry Road at West Rail· more than eight (8) tons, until thoroughly proceedings to be non-residents of the east of the west line of said Lots Eight (8) road A venue, there shall be constructed compacted, . the · subgrade shall present a State of Illinois, or whose residences and Nine (9), sixty and fourteen hun· a separate concrete curb thirty ( 30) hard and even surface at the proper are shown thereby to be unknown and dredths (60.14) feet, to a point thirty inches wide, eight (8) inches thick at the elevation to receive the pavement at the the defendants designated as "All whom (30) .feet north of the south line of said base, and seven (7) inches thick at the grade established, as shown on said It may concern," shall be and appear Lot Nine (9) : thence east, parallel with top. numbered 2 and 3. The radii of the back of the proposed plates before the said Superior Court of Cook and thirty (30) feet north of the south The .!)arkways within the lines of the County, Illinois, at the County Court line of safd Lot Nine (9), two hundred curb and Integral curb shall be tift _ proposed improvement shall be so graded House In the City of Chicago, County fifty (t50) feet; thence north, parallel one feet six inches (51'-6") at the north. that the finished surface of the ground of Cook and State of Illinois, on the wfth and two hundred eJghty.three (283) west corner of Glendening Road and of said par~ways shall be at the lin~R eeoond day of July. A. D. 19!8, and feet east of the west line of said Lots Southdean Road, and at the southwest and finished grades as shown on Ratd plead, answer or demur to the petition- Eight (8) and Nine (9), nfnety-flve (95) corner of Glendening Road and Coven- plates numbered 2 and 3. All surplus try Road, and along the south line of excavated material shall be removed from

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