Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jun 1928, p. 53

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June 1, 1928 VILLAGE OF WILMETTE Proposal For paving the first alley north of Linden Avenue ftom Fourth Street to Fifth StreeC (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 206) Wilmette, Ill., May 31, 1928. Sealed proposals for grading and paving with concrete and otherwise improving the central eighteen (18) feet of the first alley north of Linden Avenue from Fourth Street to Fifth Street in the VilJage of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, in accordance with the · ordinance and specifications for said improvement w111 be recei.ved by the Board of Local lmprovemeqts of said Village of Wilmette until 7 :30 o'clock P. M. on Tuesday,. the 12th day of June, A. D. 1928, at which time said proposals will be publicly opened, examined and declared by said Board of Local Improvements in the Councll Chamber in the Village Hall. The specifications for said improvements and blank proposals will b~ furnished at the office of said Board of Local Improvements in said Village Hall. Proposals must be made out 'o n blanks furnished by said Board of Local Improvements and must be addressed to the Board of Local Improvements of th e Village of Wilmette, Wilmette,· Illinoil"i, and endorsed "Proposals for Improvement of first alley north of Linden Avenue from Fourth Street to Fifth Street," an(} all proposals must be accompanied by cash, or a certified check payable to the order of the President of the Boat·d of I...ocal Improvements of the Village of Wilmette, for a sum of not less than (10) ten per centum of the aggregate of the proposal and no proposal will be con8idered unless accompanied by such check or cash. The contractor will be paid h1 bonds and vouchers payable · solely out of the assessment for said improvement, when collected in accordance with the proVi8ions of the ordinance therefor, and in the manner prescribed by. law, which bonds will bear interest at the rate of six (6) per centum per annum. The contractor to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to furnish a bond to the satisfaction and approval of said Board of Local Improvements, in a sum equal to fifty (50) per centum of the contract price, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract. Proposals will be received for the construction of said improvement ::ts a whole; and said Board of Local Improvements re~erves the right to reject any and all bids. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C'. MILES McDONALD HANS VON REINSPERG GORDON WILSON BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS OF THE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE L36-ltc \ ' IJ,J"\(;J; OF WIL~lETTE ~ WILMETTE assessment for said improvement, when collected in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance therefor, and ln the manner prescribed by law, · which bonds wi~l bear interest at the rate of six (6) per centum per annum. The contractor to whom the contract ma:y be awarded will be required to furnish a bond to the satisfaction and approval of said Board of Local Improvements, in a sum equal to fifty (50) pe~ centum of the contract price, conuitwned for the faithful perfOriJlance Of the contract. Proposals will be received for the construction of said improvement as a whole; and said Board of Local Improvements reserves the right to reject any and all bids. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD HANS VON REINSPERG GORDON WILSON BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS OF THE VILLAGE OF WILME'rTE L36-ltc Yll, l,.\GE Ol~ WILJ1E'J"J'E LIFE S3 Proposal ~ For grading and paving the first alley north of Washington Avenue fro~ Seventeenth Str'et to Sixteenth Street and the alley approach from the west line of Sixteenth Street to the west curb line of Sixteenth Street. (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 221) Wilmette, Ill., May 31, 1928. Sealed proposals for grading and paving with Portland cement concrete and otherwise improving the first alley no~th of Washington Avenue from the east hne of Seventeenth Street to the west line of Sixteenth Street and the alley approach from the west line of Sixteenth Street to the west curb line of Sixteenth Street in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County Illinois, in accordance with the ordina~ce and specifications for said improvement will be received by the Board of Local Improvements of said Village of Wilmette until 7 :30 o'clock P. M. on Tuesday, the 12th day of June, A. D. 1928, at which time said pr~mosals will be publlcly opened, examined and declared by said Board of Local Improvements in the Council Chamber in the Village Hall. The specifications for said improvements and blank proposals will be furnished at the office of said Board of Local Improvements in said Village Hall. Proposals must be made out on blanks furnished by said Board of Local Improvements and must be addressed to the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette, Wilmette, 1111nois, and endorsed "Proposals for Improve. ment of first alley north of Washington Avenue from Seventeenth Street to Sixteenth Street, etc.," and all proposals must be accompanied by cash, or a certified check payable to the order of the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the VIllage of Wilmette, for a sum of not less than ten (10) per centum of the aggregate of the proposal and no proposal will be considered unless accompanied by such check or cash. The contractor wlll be paid in bonds and vouchers payable solely out of the Fo1· th e construction and installMion of house drains in Sixteenth Street between Greenwood AYenue and Ashland A\·enue and in other streets. (Wilmette Special Asses:-;ment No. 224) Wilmett ... , Ill.. May 31. l!l28. Seal ed proposals for the construetion and installation of house drains in Sixteenth Street be tween r. ret>nwood Avenue and Ashland Avt>nue and in other streets in the Village of Wilmettt->, f'ook County, Illinois, in aecordan<.·t> with th e ordinance and RpedfiC'ations fOJ' said improvem ent will be reeeived bv the Board of Local Jmprovemt>nts o'f said Village of Wilmette until 7 :30 o'<'lock P. l\f. on Tuesday, the 12th day of June, A . D. 1928, at which tim e said nroposals will be publicly opened. examined and declared by said Board of Local Improvements in the Council C'hamher in the Village Hall. .. Tht> siJt>eifkation:-; for sai<l imnrm·enwnts and blank l>!'OJ)f,:-;:tls will be furnishe d at th~:> nffi<·" (,f s:lill flqard of Lof'al lmpnn·e ments in !"~ti<'l Villag-E> H;.tll. Proposals must be madt> out on blanks furnished by said Board of Local Improvements and must be addressed to th' Board of Loeal Imnrm·E>nwrits of thP Village of Wilmette, Wilm f't tt>, JJlinoiR. and endorsed "PropoRals for construction and installation of housP drain!': in Sixteenth Street betwPen f:r' Pnwood A venue and Ashland A \'Pnue and in other streets." and all proposals must be accompanied b:v cash. or a cert,ifi'd check payable to the ordE>r of the President of the Board of Lof'::tl Imnrov'ments of the Village of \Vilmette. for a sum of not less than ten (10) per centum of the aggregate of · thP prooosal and no proposal will bP considered unless accompanied hy such chE>ck or cash Tht> contractor will h naid in hondf' 1nd vouchE>rs pav::thl.:. !'olely out of the qssE>ssment for said impJ'O\'~>nwnt. · when collected in arcrwd::uwe with the nro·; isi0ns of thE> ordinance therefor, :-tnrl in the manner prescribed b:v IH w. which honds will bear intere:-;t at tht· rate of ~ix (6) p9r centum PH annum. The contrnctor to whom th e contract 'llay be awardt><'l will bf' r·equired to ~"umi~h a hrmc'l to the l'4atisfaction and 1.pproval of sai<'l Board of Local Im'1r0vements, in a sum f'Ollal to fifty (50) per centum of the contra('t price, conI .'Jitioned for th e faithful p E- rformance of ~h.. contract. Pronosals will h .., J'P('PiYE>d . for thf' con~truction of Rnirt imnrovPmPnt a!': :l whole· anrl said Bo::~rd of Local ImoroveJ..;H,nt!-: r<~>s~>rvps the right to rejPct nny atHl all bids. F. A RL F:. ORNER RRN'F.~T C. f'AZRT. .A. LRERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN f'. MILER 1\l<'DONA LD HAN~ VON' RETNSPERG GORDON WILSON BOARD OF LOf'AL lMPROVEMENT~ OF THE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE 1..36-ltc YILLAOF. OF WIL1\U:TTF. Proposal For grading, paving and othf'rwise imoroving Sixteenth Street from Lake Avenue to the south line of Ashland A venue ; also Greenwood Avenue from Ma,in Street to the west limits of the Vfllage of Wil'llette: also Glendening Road from Greenwood A venue to the north limits of the Vfllage of Wilmette and Ashland A venue from Glendening Road to the southwest line of Main Street. (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 226) Wilmette, Ill., May 31. 1928. Sealed proposals for grading,. adjustIng manholes and catch basin covers, constructing catch basin inlets and constructing. one new catch basin, paving with reinforced concrete pavement and otherwise improving Sixteenth Street from the north line of Lake Avenue to assessment for said improvement, when the south llne of Ashland A venue ; also collected in accordance with the proGreenwood Avenue from the southwest visions of the ordinance therefor, and In line of Main Street to · the west limits the manner prescribed by law, which of the Village of Wilmette ; also Glen- bonds will bear interest at the rate of dening Road from the pavement pro- :=;ix . (6) per centum per annum. vided , to be laid in Greenwood A venue The contractor to whom the contract to th_e north limits of the VIllage of may he awarded will be re,quired to Wilmette, and Ashland A venue from the furnish a bond to the satisfaction and pavement provided to be laid in 'Glen- approval of said Board of Local Imdening Road to the southwest line of llrovements, in a sum equal to fifty (50) Main Street In the Village of Wilmette, per centum of the contract price, conCook County, Illinois, in accordance ditiol'!ed for th~ faithful performance of with the ordinance and specifications the contract. for said improvement will be received Proposals will be received for the conby the Board of Local Improvements of struction of :-;aid improvement as a said Village of Wilmette until 7 :30 · whole; and Hatd Board of · Local Imo'clock P. M. on Tuesday, the 12th day provements reserves the right to reject of June, A. D. 1928, at which time said any and all bids. proposals will be publicly opened, exF.ARL E. ORNER amined and declared by said Board of ERNEST C. CAZEL Local Improvements in the Council ALBERT L. GRINNELL Chamber in the Village Hall. PAUL A. HOFFMAN The specifications for ::;aid improveC. MILES McDONALD men~s and blank proposals will be HANS VON REINSPERG furmshed at the office of ::;aid Board of GORDON WILSON Local Improvements in said Village Hall. BOARD OF LOCAL IMProposals must be made out on blanks PROVEMENTS OF THE furnished by said Board of Local ImVILLAGE OF WILMETTE provements and must be addressed to L36-ltc the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette, Wilmette, Illinois \'ILLAGE OF WILMETTE and endorsed "Proposals for Improve~ ment of Sixteenth Street and other Proposal streets," and all proposals must be accompanied by cash, or a certified check For grading and paving the first alley payable to the order of the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the west of Sixth Street and the second alley Village of Wilmette, for a sum of not west of Sixth Street from Gregory Aveless than ten (10) per centum of the ag- nue to Isabella Street and the first alley g~egate of the proposal and no proposal south of Gregory Avenue, connecting the w11l be considered unless accompanied by aforesaid alleys, (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 218) such check or cash. Wilmette, Ill., May 31, 1928. The contractor will be paid in bonds Sealed proposals for grading and pavand vouchers payable ::;olely out of the Ing with Portland cement concrete and assessment for said improvement when otherwise improving the first alley west c?l!ected in accordance with th~ pro- of Sixth Street and the second alley west VJ:-iWns of the ordinance therefor, and in of Sixth Street from the south curb line the manner prescribed by law which of Gregory A venue to the north line of b?nds will bear interest at the 'rate of Isabella Street and the first alley south ~ax (6) per centum per annum. of Gregory A venue, connecting the aforeTh e contractor to whom the contract said alleys in the Village of Wilmette, t~lUY. be awarded will be required to Cook County, Illinois, in accordance with turmsh a bond to the satisfaction and the ordinance and specifications for said approval of said Board of Local Im- improvement will be received by the Provements, in a sum equal to fifty (50) Board of Local Improvements of said P~~ centum of the contract price, con- Village of Wilmette until 7 :30 o'clock dJtwned for the faithful performance of P. M. on Tuesday, the 12th day of June, the contract. . A. D. 1928, at which time said proposals Proposals will be received for the con- will be publicly opened, examined and structi(Jn of said improvement as a declared by said Board of Local Imwhole; and said Board of Local Im- provements In the Council Chamber in provements reserves the right to reject the Vfllage Hall. any and all bids. The specifications for said improvement and blank proposals will be EARL E. ORNER furnished at the office of said Board of ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL Local Improvements in said Village Hall. Proposals must be made out on blanks PAUL A. HOFFMAN furnished by said Board of Local ImC. MILES McDONALD provements and must be addressed to HANS VON REINSPERG the Board of Local Improvements of the GORDON WILSON of Wilmette, Wilmette, Illinois, BOARD OF LOCAL IM- Village endorsed "Proposals for ImprovePROVEMENTS OF THE and ment of the first alley west of Sixth VILLAGE OF WILMETTE Street and the second alley west of L36-1tc Sixth Street from Gregory A venue to Isabella Street and the first alley south of Gregory A venue, connecting the aforesaid ~Ueys," and all proposals must be Proposal accompanied by cash, or a certified check payable to the order of the President of Fo1· paYing Fifteenth Rtreet from the Board of Local Improvements of the Snencer Avenue to seven (7) feet north VIllage of Wilmette, for a sum of not of the=> south line of thE' first allev north less than ten (10) per centum of the o~ Elmwood Avenue, to the w'est of aggregate of the proposal and no proF1ftt>t>nth StrE>et. posal will be considered unless accom('Wilmett e Special Assessment. No. 227\ panied by such check or cash. , Wilmf'tt~->, Ill . May ~1 . Hl2R The contractor will be paid in bonds ~t>aiPd proposals for paving with shPet and vouchers payable solely out of the nsnh:::tlt and otherwise imorovlng thP al'lsessment for said improvement, when roqdw::t_v betWPt>n the gutter flags of collected in accordance with the proFlftePnth Street and of intPrsectinP' visions of the ordinance therefor, and In ~tre~->ts to thE> outer line of FiftP~>ntJ. the manner prescribed by law, which ~tl'f'f' t eXI'PT>ting- thE> intersection of LakP bonds ·will bear interest at the rate of ., \'enuf' from the south line of Spenrer ~ix (6) per centum per annum. Avenue to sPven (7) feet north of thP The contractor to whom the contract c;;~,uth llnp of the first alley north o'" may be awarded will be required to ~<..lmwoof'l A venue. to the west of Fif- furnish a bond to the Batisfactlon and ~>enth Str'et in thE> Village of Wilmette 1.pproval of said Board of Local Im~ook f":'unt~·. Illinois, in accordancp with provements, in a sum equal to fifty (50) . h~' orrlmanf'e and soeciflc::~tions for s:;~i(l per centum of the contract price, con'l'l'lnrovem('nt will he received bv thP ditioned for the faithful performance of ~'"~"rd of Loc~l TmorovE>ments of sairl the contract. '\ lll::.g-e of Wilmette until 7 ::lO o'dock Proposals will be received for the conP. J\T. on Tuesdav. the 12th d::~y of June. struction of said improvement as a 9 A.. D. 19-8. at which time said nronosals whole ; and said Board of Local ImWJII hP publicly onened. examined and provement~ reserves the right to reject d'f'lared hy said Board of Local Jm. any and all bids. nrovPm~>nts in the Council Chamber j..EARL E. ORNER th p Village Hall. ERNEST C. CAZ~L 'rhr> Stl~'PifiP::.tion~ for said lmnroveALBERT L. GRINNELL men~~ ::tnd blank proposals will be PAUL A. HOFFMAN ~m·rw.:h~->d at the offi<'e of !':::~irl Bnar<'l of C. MILES McDONALD Lnf'al JmnrovPmPnts in !"~id Vlllag-~> H:~IJ. HANS VON RETNSPERG Pronosals must be mad~-> out on blanks GORDON WILSON furnished by said Board of LoP-a] ImBOARD OF LOCAL IM....,rovPments and must be addressed to thE>' PROVEMENTS OF THE Board of Local Improvements of the VILLAGE OF WILMETTE Village of Wilmette, Wilmette lllinoi~ L36-ltc and endorsed "Proposals for 'Improv~ ment of Fifteenth Street from Spencer Avenue to seven (7) feet north of th' south line of the first alley north of Mrs. Joseph B. Marshall and her Elmwood Avenue, to the west of Fif- daughter, Miss Betty, returned to their teenth Street." and all proposals must be accompanied by cash. or a certified home at 1040 Elmwood avenue Tuescheck nayable to the order of the Presi- day after an absence of about three dent of the Board of Local Improvements months. Mr. Marshall joined his of the Villa2'e of Wilmette, for a sum about two weeks ago in Wash· family of not less than ten (10) , per centum of the aggregate of the proposal and no ington for a visit there and in Baltiproposal will be considered unless ac- more, but he remained in Maryland companied by such check or cash. The contractor will be paid in bondR because of the serious illness of hi:; and vouchers payable solely out of the aunt.

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