Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jun 1928, p. 4

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WILMETTE LIFE June 1;. 1928 Joseph E. Shantz Elected I"Bab" Makes -Her P. M. Association Officer · First Appearance Postmaster Joseph E. Shantz of Wilmette was elected vice-president of the lllinoi Postma tcr's a ociation lt its annual meeting held .in Rockford. 111., la st week. Other officer elected were James E. Harley of Aurora. pre idcnt: Renjam in Lundberg of Elgin. secretary; and Ann Tenny .;;t:n of ~[an hattan. treasurer. The meeting, which wa:' attended h y more than 300 postmasters from all sections of the . tate. was declared to have been th mo . t succe~sf ul ever held hy the a . .ociation. ~fany speak'-\ er.; of national prominence were present an~l addre . -;erl the group, among them being representative of the· Tran contincmal Air Line .· Inc .. who outlined th e plans f<?r the new system of pa .. rnger tran . portation which will utilize hnth the railroads and the air in linkin g I\ew York with the we . t c o·a st. Col. Charle. H. Lindbergh, sc herlulecl to spca k. wa .;; unahlr to attend. ~1 r. Shantz and Postmaster \V. S. Blanchard of Kenilworth represented the north sho re . I·' 11 at N. T. Tonight By M. B. '------:-------___,j· Recitalist . NORTH SHORE SCOUTS TO SUMMER CAMP SOON HOLD SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC Th e Sundav sc h ool of St. J o hn' s L11theran chtt~ch will hold its annual picnic ~atmday, June 9. in the Forest Pre se nr at Cl nvi e w. Tran spQrtation is to he prm·idcd fnr those not having cars. Albert S. Spalding, internationally famous violinist, who calls Chicago his home, will present the third program of the Winnetk.a Music club's ArtistRecital series at New Trier auditorium next season. Mr. Spalding appeared in the Mus ic club series a few years ago. He is not only pre -eminent as a violinist, but also exemplifies the .finest type of American citizenship. He needs no further introduction to music Mr. and Mrs. Harrv S. Klein of 7JO patrons of the north shore. Linden avenue entertai~1ed, over the Lyman M. Drake, 933 Lake avenue, last week -en d. Mr and Mrs. P. }. Shea and Mrs . R . F. Farrer of Milwaukee. left Monday on a trip to New York. \\'hen Bah's school closed two weeks earlier than usual because of an epidemic of measles, it was very likely with a \yild whoop that she celebrated the occasion, and dashed· home to her familv. She arrived there in the uniform- of a select girls' fini shing school, in curls, and with a number of schemes vaguely shaping them se lves in the back of her head. One scheme was that curl and uniform s be permanently abandoned in favor of adult attire. And there were otiH·rs of even more importance. Barbara Archibald. or, Bah, was at that di.,concerting age, seve nteen, when o ne co nsid e r s one . elf esoteric enough to sec the sad lack o f sav'o ir faire in friend s. and yet when one is regarded as a . mall. if delightful, child by wellmeaning m embers of the family. Hence it '"as partly to win re spec t for herself anrl partly to show the t o wn, that Bah se t about finding a romanc e for her self. It is with her method of finding one. and what she did with it when she had it. that the play, "Bab" deals. Thi s is the annual Senior production. to he g-iven tonight and Saturday in the New Trier auditorium. There arc t\\·o ca~ts fo r thi -. h eaded r espec tively b y Alta Dec B elahc and D ea n Vail. and ~fad c ion Beall and Steve Harwood. Headin g a rather large cast. the fir s t couple win be see n tonight. the second o n Saturday. Gordon Van Kirk, as faculty spo n o r, is directing. Camp Cbecaugau and ·Cabin-inthe-Woods to Qe Scenes of Busy Summer Activity North shore troops, Boy Scouts of America, will again this year . take part in Camp Checaugau, one of the uni b of the Owasippe camps· , located nca r Whitehall, Mich. As many of th e troops as possible will attend accompanied by Scoutmast~r, assistan t Scoutmaster or troop committeem en. A large number of north sh ore . troops plan to go to camp for the fir ~t period which begins June 25 and in cludes the big fireworks display 011 July 4. The dates are as follows: Fir. t period. June 25 to July 7; second per iod, July 9 to July 21; third peri od, July 25 to August 4; fourth period, Au gust 6 to August 18; and fifth period , August 20 to September 1. Plan Advanced Camp For many years Chicago has hoped to have an advanced camp for first class Scouts, 15 years of age or over. This dream will ~orne true thi s sum·mer at the advanced camp at Hiawatha Beach. A special program featurin g merit badge advancement, water - fr ont activities, pioneering and nature pro jects, Sea-scouting, and Indian lore 1 s bein~ prepared for this specialty 0r advanced camp. A ~tronger emphasis up r a Scout work will be made during the spring and summer months than during the rest of the year. Many Scouts will go to Camp Checaugau in Michigan fo r two weeks . or more and many wilt attend the camp at the Cabin-in-the Woods , west of Glencoe, at various times during the summer. Man~· troops will hold "fun" meet 'in g ~ throughout the summer months. Jn case any troop finds it impossible to hold meetings throughout the summer. the boys from that troop who are at home. will be invited to join the summer Scout club which will be a gettogether of Scouts from various troop s ' to take part in Scouting fun. Thr ·meetings of the summer Scout cluh wilt be held out of doors. Special for Saturday Now A Super Model Super, HeterodyneRCA Radiola JO ..A, Custom Built, operated from the electric light outlet without batteries or liquid ..contain.. ing devices Because of its extreme sensitivity, selecdvitv and tone fidelity, Radiola 30..A is conceded to be the finest achievement in modem radio design. Let us demon.. ttrate it ,t o you and explain our euy terms. Wilson's tender white caket filled and iced .with luscious chocolate butter cream and fresh pecan nut meats. When you buy Wilson's Cakes you are sure to be pleasedt as theirs are made from the best fresh creamery butter, eggs, fresh milk flour such as you yourand Swansdown ca·ke _ self would use at home. Firat Camp Roll Filled Word.. has been received from th e Chicago council that the first period and second period at Camp Checauga 11 are already filled to capac.ity. Regis trations of local troops are accordinglv being made for the third period whi ch opens July 23. Most of the local troops are plannin(T on a series of trips during the summrr month to the Cabin-in-the-Woods. A program of camp activities wilt he ,carried on from June 11 to August 11. under the leadership of Field Executive -W. Ted Grant. To own and operate a camp of its own, is the ambition of every Scont :council in the· country. With this aim in mind, a group of north shore men left last week to spend a few days in ,and around Rhinelander, Wis.. ex'a.mining available lakes which might he purchased for use as a north shore . Scout camp. CONVENIENT TERMS North Shore Talking Machine Co. 712 Three Sizes 35c-50c~60c I Church Strut EVANSTON ~ The Wilson. Bakery 1 162 Hold New Trier Senior Hop Saturd~y, June 9 Saturday. ..Tune 9, is the date set ~or the annual Senior Hop at New Tner High school. Juniors, Seniors. and alumni are eligible to attend this affair. and . any senior may ask an outsider with the · a,pproval of his advisor · chairman. This is one of the biggest .social .even~s of the year at the high school, and promises to be bigger and better than ever. Opm ~ ECJminfl · Wilmeth' Ave. Phone 414 ~ I 1

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