Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jun 1928, p. 10

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If Mis~ WILMETTE ON WAY TO CALIFORNIA Teresa Backus, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Trumbull Backus of Cumnor road, is well on her . way to the west coast for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Hamilton Howe. She h motoring with friend~ from Kansas City and will remain in California at Long Beach until September. There is a possibility that the Howes will be ordered to China in the fall and in that event Miss Teresa hopes to join them on the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Backus are moving to Hamilton, Ohio, in the near future where Mr. Backu:; is already in business. LIFE June 8, 1928 Kenilworth Woman in WEDDING SUGGESTIONS FOR BRIDE or GROOM SILVERWARE RINGS WATCHES DIAMONDS FINE JEWELRY NOVELTIES GIFTS THAT LAST LEE NELSON Jeweler New Location 1626 ORRINGTON AVE. (NftfJ Ht~bn Building} Uaivrnity .f6J B. & G. CANDY The· Ideal Gift for Travelers and Graduates Sunday evening with. a .candlelight The drive for fun~s for Kenilworth:s musicale. Those contnbuhng to the 'new $60,000 gymnasmm must go over .Jackson, and will go over. ~hat was the n?te program were Mrs. E. reader· Worth Jackson, ptantst; Mrs. sounded at a meetmg of the dnve Frank~ P. Whitmore of Kenilworth: committee held at the Joseph Sears' soprano, and Mr. C~rver. Mrs. Whit- school Monday night. more, formerly a restdent of. Evanston, Thirty of the most influential and recently has come to Kentlworth to active citizens of Kenilworth, incluc.llive and is residing at 644 Abbottsford ing members of the school board and road. of the board of trustees of the village The selections Mrs. Whitmore sang, are assisting Walter Botthof, chair ~ follow: . . man of the drive committee, in putting TO GIVE SORORITY LUNCl ' ..:oN My Lovely Celt a .. . .. . .. .. Old Enghsh the drive across. Mrs. W. M. Branch (formerly Jean- Bergere Legere . ... . .. . ... Old Fre~ch · A thorough canvass will · be mad e nette Cherry) of Evanston will enter- A Pastoral .. . . ... .. ... ... Old Engl_tsh and e\'ery resident of the village will tain_ _the Alumni chapter of the Kappa In Luxemburg Gardens ...... Manmng have an opportunity to contribute to Alpha Theta next Wednesday after- The Song of the Palanquin Bearers the new gymnasium fund, according . ... .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . .... . Shaw to Mr. Botthof. Thus far, more than noon for luncheon at the home of Mrs. Frank Cherry on Abbottsford road in May Magic . . . . . . .. .. . . Anne Stratton $15,000 has been pledged, and those Kenilworth. ·This is the final party of who are directing the campaign are . the year and is usually held in some Mr. and Mrs. Percy Eckhart and enthusiastic in their efforts to bring hotel, but this year Mrs. · Cherry is their daughters, Miss Marion and Miss it to a successful conclusion. opening her home for the event. The Charlotte, of Kenilworth, entertained gue-5ts of honor are the members of at tea on Wednesday of this week from the senior class at Korthwestern uni- 4 to 7 o'clo.ck. The especial occasion Travels to England for versity who are also members of the wa·.5 the twenty-fifth anniversary of English Speaking Union Theta sorority. Mr. and Mrs. Eckhart's wedding. Mrs . Gilbert H. Osgood, 423 Essex road, . Donald McLaughlin of Boston, the Kenilworth, has been selected as one The Mission Hills Country club has latter formerly Miss Eleanor Eckhart, of the English-Speaking Union travelits ope_ning dinner-dance pn Saturday is a guest of her parents. ing scholars and will sail for England of this v:eek with Alfred McDougal of -aFriday, ]'me 22. Each year six underKenilworth, chairman of the enterMiss Elizabeth and Miss Mary Hari- graduate students of various unver$i tainment committee, in charge of the nah returned to Kenilworth after a ties are selected to go abroad under arrangement3. This is a new golf and winter spent in Pasadena, where Mr. the auspices of the English-Speaking country club and has a large member- and Mrs. Alexander Hannah have a Union and Gilbert' Osgood \vas one oi ship of the younger group along the wintu home. They are the guests of the two selected by Princeton for thi5 north shore. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ross (formerly purpose. He is a junior at Princeton -oConnie Hannah ) in Winnetka. Mi·.ss and for three years has been one of the There was a preliminary meeting of Elizabeth is leaving on a short trip to ~ditors of the Daily Princetonian. the Kenilworth Study clas s on Tuesday New York this weekend to visit Mrs. morning ·of this week at the home of Dorothy Bennett Arnoff, who formerly Mrs. Bentley McCloud, Mrs. Alfred Mrs. Edwin Hedrick, during which lived in Kenilworth. McDo_ugal, Mrs. Sanford Holden and plans for the coming year were dis+-OMrs. Edwin Hedrick motored to Milcussed and formulated. Mrs. \Villiam waukee on Monday of this week. M iss Patty Foresman of Kenilworth, McClintock i·$ to return as leader of who has . spent eight month~ in Europe, They had luncheon with Mrs. Robert the class. . returned home on Tuesday of this Olmsted, Jr., and h-er mother, Mrs. --oTyler, of Omaha, who had just arriv~d .Mis·3 Berenice Bulle\· of Sheridan week. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Foresman in Milwaukee on Monday morning, and went to Kew York last Thursday to road, Kenilworth. who h-ad been abroad later visited some interesting Antique for the winter, ·is arriving early next meet her at the boat, and Mr. and Mrs. -o(formerly Emily Richmond Kenyon, \veek. Her brother, Allan Bulley, is Foresman ) . motored east last week-end The Skokie Valley chapter of the leaving for New York this week-end to be at the dock when the steamer Daughters of the American Revolution to meet her. arrived. placed wreaths on the graves of the -osoldiers of Wilmette, Kenilworth a1 d The committee in charge of the work Winnetka. on Memorial day. ).f rs. at Arden Shore met and made plans Fannie Cope, regent of the chapter. for the coming year at the home of was in charge of this expression of B·J aow, start parments Sept. 1, 1t!8, ~Irs. A. \V. Wakeley who is chairman sympathy. and enJoy .A atomatle heat eool en· - owtt· no dJsadTantage to }'oar of the drive, on Monday of this week. bank aeeoant. M r. and Mrs. Albert Webster of The Kenilworth Garden club is meet1110 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 710 Oxford road, Kenilworth entertained ing this afternoon at the home of ~1r s. at dinner o·n Thursday of this week. Leon Allen . There i-.; to be a flower -oarrangement competition of several ").frs. Charles \Vare and Mrs. Alfred different classes, as well as arrange McDougal entertained a few friends ment of breakfast trays. at tea in their garden last week. A -alight sprinkling of . rain forced the Mrs. John P. Oleson of Woodstock guests t~ the. porch but did not pre-~ avenue. Kenilworth entertained her vent thetr enjoyment of the view of luncheon and sewing club on Monday the charming garden. . last. "We Must Succeed," CancDelight Musicale Slogan of Leaders , Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair. Carver of in New Gym Drive Evanston · entertained at their home vy. SIII~2~~S nJ··· I Beautiful gift boxes match the quality of the confectionshand-etched brass, hand-painted silk, Chinese lacquer, Tony Sarg creations, importations from France-After the candy has been enjoyed, they find permanent use as jewel caskets, cigarette cases or dresser boxes. Out m~~iling urvict will diaptltch your gift to graduatea in diattlnt citit1 tmd to trtiVtlen ~t ahipbo4rd. 1V~ dtliuu twi" ddfl mvwh«~ in E&Mn.ton Cutting Your Lawn Regularly IS OUR JOB '!'fe ~mploy .a staff m domg thetr work the appearance of skilled methods. of trained lawn cutters who take great pridl! well. You'll be surprised ·how we can improve vour lawn with our modern equipment and · For &tttt Homt M,d, ~ 1633 Orrington Ave. Evanston Library Plaza 567 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka Cm~in,, ~e·· L. J. THALMANN Atchitectuttll Landscaping Lawn Rtjuvtntlting-T ttt Sutgtry-M tlintenanct--Gt~rdtning 2 3 I I LAKE AVE. WILMETTE PHONE WILMEITE 56 1 REASONABLE RATES

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