Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1928, p. 41

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June 15, 1928 WILMETT-E tuning is done before there is any amplification at all. No impulse from adjoining channels is admitted into the amplifiet:, or detector units with the · idea of filtering it out at a later stage of the process. . ~he amplifi.er unit is ~s revolutio,n ary m tts operation as the selector units. With G tubes.1 one of them operating as a .detector tube, it amplifies the impulse received 15,000 times-instead of the usual 5,000 times. Even the most sensitive of present-day sets rarely go above 8,000. This amplifier is unique in that it automatically tunes itself to the incoming frequency no matter what the wave le11gth. ~· The Equasonne circuh exhibits absolut,ely no tendency to oscillate. The , ne~essity for balancing or neutralizing condensors is therefore eliminated. Mrs. Ethel Polzin of Wilmette was hostess at a handerchief shower at her home last Saturday afternoon given in honor of Mrs. Lydia Dorsey of Evanston who is soon to become the bride of Dr. W. H. Bethune of Grand Rapids, Mich. LIFE E quasonne Seen as Revolution in Radio Circuit Details of the revolutionary new Equasonne radio circuit, the first public announcement of which was made on ] une 9, were explained locally for the _ first time this week by Marcus \V. Hinson of Radio Service Installation, Wilmette, who attended the convention of radio men at Jackson, Mich., where the new circuit was presented. According to Mr. Hinson, the new Equasonne cirCilit is a radical advance in radio :;cience-as radical a change as that which marked the introduction of AC seJs two years ago. The discoveries which made this circuit possible repr~sent a triumph for the research acti" ities of the independent radio industry. It was de veloped by The Sparks -Withington company, the largest independent radio manu facturcrs in the United States, in co-operation with Lester Jones, wellknown radio expert of New York. The circuit promises a revolution in radio broadcast transmission for it makes the lower wave lengths of the broadcast band equally valuable with 1he higher channels-a fact that may induce the Federal Radio Commission to scatter the "cleared channels" over the en tin· dial instead of limiting them to the upper half and using the lower half as a "dumping ground." At present there arc only 250 broadcasting stations between 550 and 1,000 kilocycles and there are 500 stations bet \\'ern 1.010 and 1,500 kilocycles. In addition to the r e m~rkable uniformity in its sc lcctirity throughout the broadcasting \\'ave band, there is a com :plete elimination in this set of all balancing or neutralizing elements. The usual intermediate stage of audio amptl~..cation is also eliminated. A 25watt power tuhe may be operated direct from the detector. This is possible because a maximum undistorted · alllplification of 15,000 is obtained in th e radio amplifier. All the selecting is done direct from tilt' antl'nna. The impulse passes through a single dial detector unit which allo\\'s a hancl of 10 kil()cvcles to pass. No t11hes an' l'mployed- in this nt'w "band pass filter" selector. As radio listrnl'rs arl' a ware. existing- types of sets suffn llllh.'h . rariation in selectivity tuning more broadly at short wan· lengths than in the long wave lengths of the upper portion of the dial. As a rt· sult. in such sets, it becomes almost impossible to receive distance stations below 250 meters without much inttrf erence and hackg-round of noise. . The 11{' \V device sdects so accurately th-at this noise and interference is eliminated as completely in the short wave lengths as in the long. It makes the set a pre-selective one for aU the SUMMER SCHOOL Morning Sessions July 1 to September 1 I During the Summer, In addition to our regular Stenegraplde and Commercial Jines, we give short, Intensive courses In Gregg 8lOrtJli\D4 for high school and college students; also review and speed work ·or exper.lenced stenographers. · Students enter anv time; individual instruction 'fhe record of our school justlfie's us In soliciting tile patron~ge of those who are !leeldn~ the yery best In business training. Watson Business Sebool: 528 Davia St. Telephone University 3806 Evaaatoa, Ill. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL ~~oood (~rupt· Taste" ::Sut Custard ttnd Banana Ice Cream -oM iss Phebe Hedrick left Kenilworth on Tuesday for a two· days' houseparty at the Phi Psi house at Ann Arbor, Mich. Otdetl Taken for Fancy let Cream Moulds SNIDER-CAZEL DRUG CO. WILMETTE "For the Frienc?s of Man" 1 Vacation Luggage Announcing the opening of the new North . Shore Animal Hospital in its new location on Church Street. in the first block east of the Evanston Township High School. Wardrobe Trualu $25.08-$35.80-$50.00 up Women'· Suit Cues $6.00-$12.00 aad up Wardrobe Hat Boxes $11.08--$15.00 and up NORTH SHORE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 1817 Church Street, Evanston Phones University 9416-17-18 N£W YORK · E$T. 1850 CHICAGO .,

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