Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1928, p. 1

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. . .. . W. . ILMETTE VOL. XVII. NO. 38 Publiahed weekl21 b~ Llo21d Hollister Inc., 1131-1!36 ·Central Aye., Wilmette, Imnoia. March 13, 19!4, at the poBt ol/lce at W.Zmette, IUinoia, tmder the Aot of March 3, 1819. Subaoript""' price 11.00 a 21ear. Bntered at eecond oJaaa matter LIFE PRICE FIVE CENTS WILMETTE, II;.LINOIS, JUNE 15, 1928 Sunday Movie Adherents Lose in First Skirmish LUCAN-HOWARD P. T. A. Award $150,000 Contracts for FETES SCHOOL PUPILS Paving Projects All children of the Logan and Howard schools will be feted at a big picnk to be given for them by the· Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher association tomorrow afternoon at Vattman park. If the weather is unfavo~able the picnic will be held in the Howard school gymnasium. For ten years the Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher association has been giving similar picnics, and each year the children of the two schools look forward to the event. Every child wilt be given a ticket for an ice cream cone. The school band will play at 2 o'clock and the athletic program · will begin at 2 :30 under the direction of Daniel M . Davis. The following races will be run in the order given : Plan Picnic Contests 1. Dashes- pre-school children, kindergarten, first grade girls, second grade girls, first grade boys, second gr~de boys. third grade girls, third grade boys, fourth grade girls, fourth grade boys, fifth grade girls, fifth grade boys, sixth grade girls, sixth grade boys, seventh and eighth grade girls, and seventh and eighth grade boys. 2. · Wh eelbarrow race- fifth and sixth grade boys. 3. Candy kiss scramble--pre-school and kindergarten children. 4. Hoppin~ race-third, fourth and fifth grade gtrls. . 5. Potato race- first grade gtrls, first grade boys. sec~nd grade girls, seconct grade boys. kmdergarten and pre-school chilctren. awarded Tuesday of this week at an and swimming for those who wish to Prospects for Sunday movies in Wiladjourned meeting of the Wilmette p.articip~te in these sports and a spemette-which loomed brightly enough Village board of local improvements. Outstanding among the improve- cial program is being arranged for the but a few weeks ago, went glimmering-at least for the present-wh~n ments which will get under way in afternoon. the Village board voted not to amend Post No. 46, · American LeWilmette the immediate future are the resurfacing of For~st avenue by the ]. ]. gion Drum and Bugle Corps, and a the existing ordinance which prohibits McCarthy company at a cost of $42,- specially picked band will lead the way the operation of motion picture theaters i~ Wilmette on Sunday. 334.40; resurfacing of Prairie avenue In its action the board concurred at a cost of $26,769.47, and the pav- to the Village Green to the west of ing of 15th street at a cost of $15,- the Howard school, where both young in a minority report of the Public 208:80 by the same contracting firm, and old persons will have · an oppor- Service committee; Hans vonReinsperg, whtch was lowest among several bid- tunity to take part in the games and chairman, dissenting from a majority races. report by the committee recommend.:ders. A baseball game between Wilmette ing that the ordinance in question be C<;mtracts for various alley paving proJects were awarded to Paul and Winnetka and a Punch and Judy altered to permit operatiop of motion Reschke of Winnetka. These, with the show for the childr~n will be special picture the~ters in the village on contract figures noted, include: first features of the afternoon program. S. seven days of the week. Hear Minority Report alley north of \Vashington avenue be- Van Inwagen, Wilmette Legion Post Chairman V<?nRein~perg introduced tween 16th and 17th streets, $2,715; commander; Daniel M. Davis, recreafirst alley north of Central · avenue tion board director ; Dudley C. Stone, the Sunday movie quetttion before the between 15th and 16th streets, and D. C. Leach are in charge of ar- board by presenting a minority report rangement3 for the races and games. and following it with a motion that $2,857.50; first alley ·north of Linden no chaf!ge be made in the present avenue between Fourth and Fifth Golfing and June Brides ordinance. Trustee Cazel next offered streets, $2,751; first alley north of Lake to Be Sermon Discussion a majority report bearing his signature avenue between 15th and 16th streets and that of Trustee Gordon Wilson, $3,186; first alley north of Forest ave~ "Golf Players, June Brides and Col- the third member of the Public Service nue between Main and 15th streets, $2,580.50; the "H" alley in the block lege Graduates" will be the theme of committee, coupled with an amendbounded by Gregory avenue, Broad- the sermon to be given at the Wil- ment to the motion recommending way, Isabella and Sixth streets, mette Parish Methodist church Sunday that the ordinance be altered to permorning, June 17, by the pastor, Dr. mit operation of mption picture thea$7,34}.80. Horace G. Smith. An announcement ters throughout the week, but stip~lat Paul Reschke also received the conof the service explains that Dr. Smith ing that theaters shall not be opened tract for the improvement of 16th and wilt "pay his respects to each of these to the public before 1 :30 P. M. on other stteets at a total cost of $32,001. groups in turn." The service will be Sundays. Contract for installation of water on · summer schedule, beginning at 11 A roll call vote on the amendmeift service and house drains in 16th and o'clock and continuing through one showed Trustees Grinnell, Hoffm~n, other streets, totaling a cost of $1,McDonald, and vonReinsperg voting '885.90, was awarded to the Kreske hour.. against the proposed change in the company. ordinance, ·while Trustees Cazel and Tl J F F 0 1 · Wilson favored the amendment. Ie · · ey comp~ny recet_ved the contract for the laymg of stdeVote "'aainat Change Pie Eaters There walks on the south side of Wilmette Balloting on the chairman's motion, 6. Pie eating contest-fifth and avt;nue from 16th street west to Ridge Trustees Grinnell, Hoffman, McDonald sixth grade boys and girls. road, and the laying of sidewalks on and vonReinsperg voted aye, and 7. Three-legged race- fourth grade Thornwood avenue, the combined cost trustees Cazel and Wilson, in the girls, fifth grade girls. of the projects being approximately ·ne~tiv~ ' 8. Cracker relay (six· to a team)- $9,120. Chairman vonReinsperg's minority Wonder what's going on third grarle boys and girls, fourth In each instance the contract was report stressed the point that recent grade boys and girls. awarded to the lowest ·among several back in post ca~9 expression on Sunday movi~s, 9. Chariot race-fifth, sixth, seventh, bidders. ' solicited from the residents of the WILMETTE and eighth grade girls. lage and which indicated an ·over10. Pick-a-back relay-fifth, sixth, whelming majority favoring the .opera:Elect Josephine Farley seventh, and eighth grade boys. tion of motion picture theaters on Sun11. Siamese twins race-fourth and to Head Athletic Group day, was not the proper procedure · fifth grade boys. Let Josephine Farley was elected presiin determining the sentiment of the The free game period will begin at public on. a question of public policy, WILMETTE LIFE 4 o'clock. Ball games and horseshoe dent of the Girls' Athletic ' association and suggested a special referendum on of New Trier High school at the ancontests will be the features. follow · you on your the question as the only definite and At 5 o'clock 'the dinner hour will nual beach party and initiation held binding solution to · the problem. · He vacation--and you'll begin. Parents have been requested last Friday. She succeeds Georgia further stated that, in most instances, was also president Leffingwell, who to bring their lunch baskets and to Know! communications from sources opposing remain for the evening program which of the senior class at New Trier this change in the movie ordinance, had starts at 6 o'colck. This will be in year and who was chosen by the Girls' suggested a legal refer.endum as the the form of a community sing led by Athletic association as the best girl logical procedure in a matter of such athlete in the class. R. D. Burtner. importa_ nce. Other new officers · .ele.c.t ed by the J.ust call our Circula·t · · Calla "Expreaaioa" Adequate tton Department-say ON VACATION association were Gloria · Harrington Tru~tee Cazel' s majority report em· { w h e n and w h e r e. · Miss Anne Whitmack librarian of who succeeds Margaret Gordon as They'll do the rest. . phasizcd . the absolute · fairness .aqfj the Wilmette Public ljbr~ry, is~ Jeavi~t ·vice-president, Sally Krieble who suethoroughly representative· scope of thi Sunday for Cleveland where she will ceeds Jean forrest as secretary, and recent post card expression which wa spend her vacation. S~e will b~ away Katherine ~aft who succeeds Flor. ence lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii _ . _ ii . ii .. ~~~~~u..~.:;-pt: P~~:-~1)£_:-:--.' · ·.~· uniil..Au~ust 1. ~r ·. . .. Taylor ~s. -J,W~}lrer. . . . . . Annual Picnic to Be Staged at Contracts for various street, alley Plans are already under way for Majority Recommendation of Public Service Committee and sidewalk paving proj ects totaling Wilmette's Fourth of July celebr~tion. Vattman Park This SaturRejected by Board ·cost approximately $150,000, were a The morning will be given over to golf day; Plan Many Events Begin Plans for Wilmette's Big July 4th Frolic TRUSTEES SPLIT ON SUNDAYOPENING HERE a Vl·- iii.. .. .

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