,I June 22, 1928 WILMETTE drowning child, or .t~ dash into the street . in a wild attempt to stop a runaway horse. That courage is spontaneous and there is little or no time for calm deliberation. Something has to be done and so a man does it. This other, however, was different. There was yet a chance to leave the village when this quarantine was proposed. There was yet a chance to leave unscathed-but there was a posaibilit' of transporting the germs of the dis· ease also, .and so these heroic people, as the result of cool and deliberate thought, turned their backs on a freedom which might be harmful to others! LifE Boy Scouts COURAGE Iheroic Is not that sort of action the most and courageous there is? Today there is no possibility of such a misfortune stabbing at the heart of a community. However, at some point in the life of each of us there will come a time when we will have much .the ·same sort of decision to make. A dej:ision calling for ·deliberation and clear thinking. A decision which, if taken one way, may lead to great personal gains and public .acclamation. If taken the other way, we may never be rich, epithets and harsh words may be our lot, but regardless of all this, we shall by our actions The afternoon sun bathed the church yard in a flood of golden light. However, to the people crowded into its small enclosure, the beauties of nature held little appeal. For nature had just dealt out to this little band a staggering blow. A terrible death- · dealing plague was ravaging the inhabitants of the village, a plague from which there was no salvation save death, once a person was caught in its tenacle-like clutch. The purpose of this assemblage was to decide what course should be taken in an attempt to curb this frightful pestilence. The decision of these people has . gone down in history. To a man, they resolved to remain within the confines of their town until the plague had spent itself! Imagine, if you can, a whole town voluntarily placing itself in quarantine in order that the ravages of the dread disease might not spread throughout the neighboring countryside! Imagine, if you can, every man, woman and child in a village the size of Kenilworth, virtually signing their own death warrant because by so doing there was a chance of confining the disease to the limits of their own small village! This town of Eyan, Derlyshine county, England, entered its self-eniorcc~ quarantine in June, 1666. When the fury of the plague was expended, the foll owing October, there were only 41 people left alive! Not a single living creature however had departed from jt in its five months of confinement! That '"·as courage. No, not the kind of courage that prompts a man to P,lunge into an icy river to save a render to the rest of our fellow-citizens some great service. How many of us will have the moral courage to make the latter decision? The man who has the courage to say · NO to a political bribe, a shady business deal, or even a putup card game is far, far more courageous than the man who dives into the river or the man who stops the horse! Benedict Arnold was a man of more than usual physical courage, but he lacked the moral courage to refuse a paltry sum of gold for the betrayal of his leader. -Scout John Betak in "Talk o' the Troops." ' 00 · You cou'Idn 't buy better towels than these at 3 sc each! They are assorted sizes, none smaller than I 8x3 6 inches, are made of a firm and abs0rbent terry, with colored borders or fancy centers in blue, pink, gold, orchid or green. You may assort five of your own choice for $I. Another Special at lOe each In spite of their low price, these towels are a surprisingly good quality. They are plain white and are about 1 5x3o inches in size. Ideal for camps, scouting, etc. Priced at I oc each. 111111111111111 111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111 111 1111 11 11 111111111111111 111111111111 11 1111 1111111 1111111111111111111111111 : Refresh Yourself The Sheridan Restau~ rants, located at l44 Linden Ave. and 60 1 Main St., offer you an excellent opportunity to partake of a satisfying meal amid pleasant sur~ roundings. Our restaurants are located so as to be easily accessible to all parts of town. Our delicatessen store situated at 1208 Wilmette Ave. is ·for the convenience of those that are forced to pick up that forgotten necessity. Fine Quality Hosiery at $1.29 pair Do not confuse these pure silk hose with seconds, being offered at about this price. They are full-fashioned, a service-chiffon weight, and are offered in a var'ety of popular colors. Every pair is fully guaranteed by the maker and by us. _ Sizes from 8 0 to 1 o. · W orthen~Carrico Company 1 J 1146 Wilmette Ave. We deliver ··.