10 WILMETTE PLAY TENNIS MATCHES Boys and girls of the Skokie Country club and Indian Hill Golf club will clash in league tenflis matches 3Jt the Indian Hill club Sunday afternoon, June 24, at 2 :30 o'dock. Seats will be reserved for members and their guests without charge, it is announced. Mr. and Mrs. 0. N. Bercaw, 741 Eighth street, announce the birth of a son, James Sexton Bercaw, June 5, at the Evanston hospital. livered by Mary Florence Koenig. The morning celebration closed with an am using class prophecy in pictures, drawn by Paul Rusting, a member of the class. LIFE June 22, 1928 St. Francia ·xaVier School Gnduates Are Feted Graduates of St. Francis Xavier 'School, Wilm~tte, took part in special exercises in their honor on Friday, June 15. ' · The day's program opened with a High Mass celebrated by the Rev. Bernard Brady, during which solos were sung by Mrs. C. .Brood and Mrs. W. Bermingham. After the ceremonies the graduates were guests at a farewell breakfast served by the mothers of the eighth grade students. Following the breakfast class prophecies were read by Catherine Pearson and Patsy Krafthefer, after which the "last will and testament" was de- Wins Honor Medal Townsend Pupils Give Recital at New Trier \Vinifred Townsend presented her pupils in the second of two closing recitals of the season, Thursday night, in the music room of New Trier High school. She was assisted by Marie Flentye, pupil of Mme. Eda Goedecke, Rose Fieman, 'cello, L. R. Cree, flute. Mrs. Ernau Akely assisted in the ensemble of accompaniment for t·h ose who received medals. Among the north shore stude.nts were Rose Den tv Marian Suits, Helen Gerlach, Robe~t Brown, William Moore, Ralph Kline, Amera Edinger, Mary Alice Dieg, Robert Strube, and Edward Ardin. Wilmette Girl Attends Conference of Y. W. C. A. Miss Katherine Bickham, 429 Ninth street, Wilmette, is one of twenty-two Ohio Wesleyan university women who will attend the annual Y. Vv. C. A. conference, August 17 to 27, at Lake Geneva, Wis. The- conference at Geneva will be attended by representati,·es from all of the mid-western states. Miss Blanche M. Keil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mathias ]. Keil, 1618 Spencer avenue, Wilmette, was awarded the honor medal for scholarship at Mallinckrodt High school at the commencement· exercises of the school. The medal was presented by the Rt. Rev·. Bernard ]. Shiel, D. D. auxiliary Bis·hop of Chicago. THE ROAD OF UNUSUAL SERVICE " vacation we ever had" So wrote one of last summer's Rocky Mountain vaca~ionists who joined a Rock Island all-expense tour. Many have written similarly-enthusiastic over the trip and the unusual individual service enjoyed. est John May, Former Local Resident, Visitor Here John May, former resident of Wilmette, arrived Wednesday from California, ·to spend about two months visiting his son, Raymond, at 212-16th street. After leaving Wilmette, Mr. May will drive through by automobile to New York, then to Florida, and bak to California. Miss Elizabeth Eberhart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Eberhart of 307 Davis street, Evanston, formerly of Kenilworth, is spending two weeks visiting fri_ends at her old home in · Austin, Minn. ' ·~ ;~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ne . All expense ColoradoTours Lowest Cost '* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Highest Class Combination rail-auto -personally conducted or independent-"Go as you please." Finest hotels and luxury features to please the most fastidious. All the best scenery-best of . everything everywhere -leisurely, restful, yet not a dull moment. The only road operating separate direct lines and through service to both Denver and Colorado Springs-a great advantage in time and convenience to Colorado tourists. · ORIENTAL SCATTER RUGS What ts more practical and beautiful as a gift to the Bride than one or ~nore of our exquisite scatter rugs? Their gay colors of rose, mulberry and blue brighten the home as nothing else can .. We have a multitude of them in a range of small sizes with beautifully blended colors and deep silky nap. = BRIDE~ = = '?II/ ~ /or theJ 1 f7) ~ ~ ~ + ~- ::t ·...,:,y ~ lovely gifts of . ~ Jewelry and Silver ~ that measure up to ~ ~ the happiness of ~ ~ the occasion ~ Here you mma-y choose ~ ~ c::Jtare and ·~ ~ Prices range from ~ ~ from an array of exelusive designs executed t vr:- in our ~workshops. ~ ~~ $9.75 to $75.00 ROCK ISLAND For /uU jHirtieulor·· plto,.. or rnoU claM eouJHJ" Rock ..land Vaeadon TraYel Sent.,.. Bureau 723 La Salle Stnet Station Mestjian Bros. Inc. Floor Covering Contractor~ and Jobbers ..... Phooe 1Vabaah 3200 Pl-.e MDd me fne bookleta dN«lrlptiYe of Colorado aad ..tau. all-e&peaee Rocky Mountaln to..,.. Oriental Rugs-Carpets-Linoleum Expert Cleaning-RepairingLaying 511 MAIN ST., WILMETTE Wil. 1949 Univ. 5050 Nam~~---------------------------------- ~------------------------------- 148 = ~@ELLINIE = -(h 0 p . = ~ ~NGTON HOTEL EVANSTON ~ 'Lhe · ~ t ~ ~~~~~~'t~~~~~~