June 22. 1928 ·wiLM .ETTE LIFE IJ Young-But Up and Coming · 1 . Here we have pictured that stalwart group of youngsters who constitute Troop 5, Wilmette Boy Scouts of America. DirectJ.ng this unit in the North Shore Area council is Fra,-.k B. Reynolds (extreme right), Scoutmaster, who, though his troop is one of the youngest in the village,. has made a great showing during the Scout year just closed. His annual report (appended) affords an insight mto the varied activities of the Troop since Jast October. In preparing a report of Boy Scouts Troop 5 activities for the past year, expect of the · troop for the next yc:ar. · we feel that there has been something Troop $-personnel-Frank B. Reydefinitely accomplished towards real nolds; Scoutmaster; Alvin BartholoScouting. In this report are brieflly. me~, Junior assistant Scoutmast~r; outlined these activities, the members I Semor Patrol Leader, Ralph Morns; taking part in them, and what we I (Continued on Page 14) SUMMER Select your clothes for the warm days, where the importance of color, pattern and line is understood. Beautiful plain and printed chiffons, that cannot be purchased over any counter, are used in these distinctive frocks, thereby assuring you of an exclusive appearance. t + , OpeniDI Our Seeond Shop in Evanston E HAVE just acquired possession of the newly opened shop of Mme. Linda, located in the new Hahn Building, 1609 Sherman Avenue, Second Floor, Suite 200, where we will be pleased to serve all branches of beauty culture. We are equipped to give Permanent Waves in all the acknowledged, proved methods. EuROPEAN REALISTic EuGENE WEHNER AMERICAN The well dressed woman does not want a gown of material easily procured at any department store. These beautifully designed daytime and evening gowns are specially priced-$29.50, $39.50 and upwards. Tennis dresses of silk and pique $I 6. 50 and $25.00. Golf dresses of silk jersey, machine and hand knitted, $I 6. so to $1 I o.oo. Special showing of travel coats. We can supply appropriate hats to match all of the above mentioned outfits. W Mr. DeGraff will conduct the ·G eorgian Hotel Beauty Shop in connection with his new Shop. Lorraine Wilcox will have per· sonal supervision of the new shop. GUARANTEED PERMANENT WAV~ We guarantee each Wave six months, re· gardless of texture of hair, also that you can finger wave your hair yourself. American and Europe~n Haircutting. N. A. HANNA and CO. WILMETTE, ILLINOIS The DeGraff Hair Shops 1609 SHERMAN AvE. Greenleaf 173 GEORGIAN HoTEL 1168 Wilmette . Av~. · Greenleaf 4100 . Wilmette 4 67 I " 912 Spanish Court 'Kenilworth 4085 ......... .....,......., '! .... . .